The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: GOBUCKS on March 13, 2012, 01:10:58 PM

Title: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: GOBUCKS on March 13, 2012, 01:10:58 PM
DUmmy snoopernumber is slyly giving new life to a nutcase nadin embarrassment:
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 10:35 AM
snooper2 (12,107 posts)

Did we ever find a picture of the 3-4 feet of hail in Mexico City?
I went looking for that thread and can't find it... 

Wanted to show my wife

Response to snooper2 (Original post)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 10:50 AM
nadinbrzezinski (102,247 posts) 

2. Don't worry, next time will stick to not posting what CNN does not pick up

And if I do, will keep it in can do your conversion.

But Rhandhi rhodes is correct, if it's not on your tv, it never happened.
That's "Rhandhi", as in "Gandhi".
The only difference is Gandhi, as far as we know, never did a drunken faceplant on a New York sidewalk.

Response to nadinbrzezinski (Reply #2)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 11:19 AM
seaglass (4,069 posts)

5. If it was 3-4 ft of hail wouldn't a local newspaper or tv station have reported it?

This would be an amazing event I would think.

Response to seaglass (Reply #5)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 11:27 AM
nadinbrzezinski (102,247 posts) 
7. It was on teleformula

The block or so with that..they showed it, reported it at a meter...they also said polanco and palmas got concentrations of half a meter...and the rest in centimeters.

But since CNN did not pick on it, it never happened.

Oh and for some strange reason teleformula, which I quoted, does not do YouTube uploads that I coud find

Suffice I to say, after this I will post in metric when applicable, if. Even chose to post it. If it's not on your tv, it did no happen...never mind I was ten minutes from the worst affected area, and the taxi driver was forced to take an alterate route since the road to the airport was closed due to yes, ice.
We should do our own conversions, since nadin meters only have sixty centimeters.

Response to nadinbrzezinski (Reply #7)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 11:44 AM
seaglass (4,069 posts)
12. Are there no newspapers? Your line about CNN is silly. There are a lot of events

in my state and in my town that happen that are not on CNN - but if it is current info there are going to be newspaper links, TV links, amateur photo links etc.

No matter what CNN thinks, 3-4 ft of hail is A LOT. It makes absolutely no sense that there wouldn't be evidence that this occurred.
Ergo, it did not happen.

Response to seaglass (Reply #12)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 11:46 AM
nadinbrzezinski (102,247 posts) 

14. I posted those, but that's ok

I discovered just how right Rhandhi Rhodes is in that.

I went and found something else of interest in climactic change, but won't bother posting it here. It really does not matter. (Well it does, but not fit for here)

It sounds like the DUmp is perilously close to going back to those dark days of crunchy news.

Response to nadinbrzezinski (Reply #2)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 11:24 AM
tammywammy (17,297 posts) 
6. Since you also posted there are 60cm in a meter

Keeping it metric might not be a good idea either.

Response to nadinbrzezinski (Reply #8)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 11:30 AM
tammywammy (17,297 posts)

9. 3 or 4 feet of hail would get local coverage at least.

You'd think there would be at least one picture of such a meteorological sight.

DUmmy tammywammy, who is truly a DUmmy through and through, implies that nutcase nadin is a liar.

Response to Speck Tater (Reply #3)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 11:33 AM
nadinbrzezinski (102,247 posts)
10. Actually that is a blog

But that's ok. I deleted it because if CNN does not pick on a story it never happened, even when it affected tens of thousands, led to twelve injuries, and a market roof collapse, and a major road closure.

Don't worry, it isn't on CNN it never happened.

So won't bother with posting reports from reporters in the field demonstrating depth either.

If CNN did not pick on it, it really never happened.

Oh, no!! Is nadin a collaborator?
Response to nadinbrzezinski (Reply #10)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 11:45 AM
Speck Tater (8,378 posts) 

13. I'd be curoius to learn the facts.

Please don't hide facts from us just because,... well, frankly I don't understand what kind of point you're trying to make by hiding information. Do we at DU really need to be protected from reality? And is that your job? Shouldn't we be openly sharing information in an effort to combat the kind of censorship we so dislike at places like Fox and CNN instead of collaborating with them to keep it hidden?

Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: wasp69 on March 13, 2012, 01:27:30 PM
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Airwolf on March 13, 2012, 01:36:14 PM
Well CNN is such a reliable source don't you know. I mean with the excellent coverage of the use of nerve gas by American forces during Vietnam and all that. I tell you they should have gotten the Weekend Update Award for journalism for that one.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: GOBUCKS on March 13, 2012, 01:43:54 PM
In other meteorological news, hell just froze over:

Response to tammywammy (Reply #23)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 12:23 PM
nadinbrzezinski (102,252 posts)
28. ALI am not distorting a thing

Reporter said from the field UN metro de concentración de hielo.

I guess it is my fault they did not upload video to YouTube. Alas they did not.

By the way I made a mistake with the metric system. I was running a 38.8 centigrade temp at the time. We are all human. Right now it s down to 37.6... Yes, my thermometer is set to centigrade. So that is life...feel free to convert, or not. Suffice I to say IT IS HIGH. I am not perfect, but won't bother posting any weird weather event again. Especially one that happens in a foreign country.

Don't worry will post, offsite mind you, what I found of the frequency of these events, which matters...but not here. I really don't care.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: njpines on March 13, 2012, 01:47:08 PM
MineralMan       Response to nadinbrzezinski (Reply #10)Tue Mar 13, 2012, 02:03 PM
22. Oh, for pete's sake. You got it wrong. So what?

There was a hailstorm, and a pretty big one, apparently. But hail didn't fall a meter deep. It might have drifted up somewhere, carried by runoff, but that's not how much hail fell. It looks like maybe three or four inches.

If you make a mistake, there's nothing wrong with that. Deleting your post, rather than editing it, and then getting all passive-aggressive about this "if CNN..." stuff just doesn't work.

A hailstorm. They happen all over. We had a cool one here last summer, with golf ball sized hail. It was pretty dramatic. There were photos in the local paper, too. CNN did not cover it. Why would they? It's just a freaking hailstorm.

zappaman       Response to MineralMan (Reply #22)Tue Mar 13, 2012, 02:18 PM
24. Actually, everyone else got it wrong

Suffice it to say, there are 60cm in a meter.
Yup, there was 4-6 feet of hail in Mexico.

MineralMan       Response to zappaman (Reply #24)Tue Mar 13, 2012, 02:24 PM
29. Only if you measure with a clock.

It's easy to get all those measurements all mixed up, you know. 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. Naturally, you'd think that there were 60 centimeters in a meter. It's just a natural mistake. Damned metric system! I blame the French, you know, for that nonsense. Give me good old English measurements, dammit. If 16 inches don't make a dozen and 12 ounces don't make a crown, then I'll be a monkey's uncle.

I've had about enough of those confusing divide by ten metric measurements. If God had wanted us to count by tens, why the hell did he give us 12 fingers in the first place?


Keeps getting better and better . . .  :rotf:

Oh and suffice it to say  :cheersmate:
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: GOBUCKS on March 13, 2012, 01:57:11 PM
Suffice it to say, the i**y list is growing by the minute
Response to zappaman (Reply #30)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 12:41 PM
ProdigalJunkMail (8,770 posts) 

36. this is par for the course

1) post bullshit ... even if it is misinterpreted bullshit
2) get called on it
3) keep insisting that miraculous event occurred and that it was reported on (even though you could just say 'I ****ed up')
3a) never provide any factual evidence of the posted bullshit (in reality it doesn't exist)
4) attempt to belittle your detractors (in this case by suggesting they only watch CNN because that is sooo common here on DU)
5) keep getting called on it
6) repeat 2-5 as needed
7) claim martyr status and run away even deleting the OP

Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Traveshamockery on March 13, 2012, 01:57:26 PM
Suffice I to say, Nadin is insufferable. 
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Tucker on March 13, 2012, 02:01:36 PM
Nadin is yesterdays news.

Her reign and possible retention of the crown is hopeless.

The Queen is dead. Long live the King.

Maybe she's setting her sights on another crown. The title of the stupidest person on all of the intertubes.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Wineslob on March 13, 2012, 02:05:55 PM
And if I do, will keep it in can do your conversion.

Keeping it "real" for hubby too?  (guys like big numbers)
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: miskie on March 13, 2012, 02:06:19 PM
This is from Bogotá, Colombia in November of 2007.


This is what the amount of hail Nads is claiming to have witnessed actually looks like. Oh, and CNN would have certainly 'picked on it', as it would have broken this world record storm.

Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Chris_ on March 13, 2012, 02:09:04 PM
Teh iggy... you haz it.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on March 13, 2012, 02:13:37 PM
BNN: Human found to have head up ass twice the distance of her actual physical height
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: RWKindaGuy on March 13, 2012, 02:19:23 PM
Nadin is yesterdays news.

Her reign and possible retention of the crown is hopeless.

The Queen is dead. Long live the King.

Maybe she's setting her sights on another crown. The title of the stupidest person on all of the intertubes.

I thought that was Stinky .... er, uh, nevermind, that was for laughing stock.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: GOBUCKS on March 13, 2012, 02:28:01 PM
Nadin is yesterdays news.

Her reign and possible retention of the crown is hopeless.

The Queen is dead. Long live the King.

Maybe she's setting her sights on another crown. The title of the stupidest person on all of the intertubes.

Oh, ye of little faith.

Exactly twelve months ago, we saw posts here discounting nutcase nadin's endurance.

Many felt she had peaked in the first quarter, and had no chance of maintaining her blistering pace through the rest of the year.

The Bellevue Socialist is just too damn lazy to mount a credible threat to nadin's supremacy.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: dixierose on March 13, 2012, 02:34:38 PM
MineralMan       Response to zappaman (Reply #24)Tue Mar 13, 2012, 02:24 PM
29. Only if you measure with a clock.

It's easy to get all those measurements all mixed up, you know. 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. Naturally, you'd think that there were 60 centimeters in a meter. It's just a natural mistake. Damned metric system! I blame the French, you know, for that nonsense. Give me good old English measurements, dammit. If 16 inches don't make a dozen and 12 ounces don't make a crown, then I'll be a monkey's uncle.

I've had about enough of those confusing divide by ten metric measurements. If God had wanted us to count by tens, why the hell did he give us 12 fingers in the first place?


That's pretty funny stuff right there.  :lmao:
Title: Disregard this. It has already been posted. Did not read far enough down page.
Post by: dane on March 13, 2012, 02:34:39 PM
is very unhappy and gets defensive.  A lot.


snooper2 (12,108 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore
 Did we ever find a picture of the 3-4 feet of hail in Mexico City?
I went looking for that thread and can't find it...  

Wanted to show my wife

She is even reminded that 60 cm does not a meter make.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Tucker on March 13, 2012, 02:48:01 PM
Oh, ye of little faith.

Exactly twelve months ago, we saw posts here discounting nutcase nadin's endurance.

Many felt she had peaked in the first quarter, and had no chance of maintaining her blistering pace through the rest of the year.

The Bellevue Socialist is just too damn lazy to mount a credible threat to nadin's supremacy.

There's a good chance that Nadin will take her ball and go home.

Another factor, up until the two teachers from Kansas, who won back to back DOTY titles, most DOTY winners somehow manage to get TS'ed during their reign.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: dane on March 13, 2012, 02:50:37 PM
One wonders when there will be a swarm attacking these current Nad Detractors similar to the swarm on Obamanaut.

Obamanaut is not posting, and Nad's reporting still has not improved.  There is even the threat to 'withhold news'.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: thundley4 on March 13, 2012, 03:36:29 PM
nadin, the google queen should lose her crown.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=7b2d5c6f479cf85&biw=1360&bih=643&ix=seb
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Ballygrl on March 13, 2012, 04:07:59 PM
One wonders when there will be a swarm attacking these current Nad Detractors similar to the swarm on Obamanaut.

Obamanaut is not posting, and Nad's reporting still has not improved.  There is even the threat to 'withhold news'.

Obamanaut has her on ignore.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Ogre on March 13, 2012, 04:44:04 PM

Response to zappaman (Reply #30)

Tue Mar 13, 2012, 12:41 PM

36. this is par for the course

1) post bullshit ... even if it is misinterpreted bullshit
2) get called on it
3) keep insisting that miraculous event occurred and that it was reported on (even though you could just say 'I ****ed up')
 3a) never provide any factual evidence of the posted bullshit (in reality it doesn't exist)
 4) attempt to belittle your detractors (in this case by suggesting they only watch CNN because that is sooo common here on DU)
 5) keep getting called on it
6) repeat 2-5 as needed
7) claim martyr status and run away even deleting the OP

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's not the usual suspect, but damn funny none the less.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: JohnnyReb on March 13, 2012, 04:55:10 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's not the usual suspect, but damn funny none the less.

A new one for the leftist, "Funny but factual".
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Skul on March 13, 2012, 05:01:28 PM
Nads will go back to the copy/paste method of journalism.
In that way, she can blame to professional reporter for her own screw-ups. :rotf:
She has too many unwashed primatives available for her, to leave so soon.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: BEG on March 13, 2012, 05:09:34 PM
Nadin always seems to be sick...I think she has consumption or something.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: franksolich on March 13, 2012, 05:11:44 PM
Nadin always seems to be sick...I think she has consumption or something.

Well, she was born and raised in a third-world country.

And despite that she was one of Mexico's 1%, surely she was exposed to more hazards than either of us in Nebraska.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Tucker on March 13, 2012, 05:50:44 PM
Nadin always seems to be sick...I think she has consumption or something.

Her husband was a career Navy man. He may have contacted some exotic berry-berry disease in a South American port and gave it to Nads.

Prognosis: Terminal.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Skul on March 13, 2012, 05:53:04 PM
Nadin always seems to be sick...I think she has constiption or something.
El fixo.  :whistling:
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: JohnnyReb on March 13, 2012, 05:56:36 PM
El fixo.  :whistling:

Anything like El Elaxxeo?
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Revolution on March 13, 2012, 06:01:34 PM
I went and found something else of interest in climactic change,

If you do post it, I beg of you Nads, I BEG of you...don't get this one wrong too.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Ogre on March 13, 2012, 06:20:01 PM
sabrina 1

Response to ProdigalJunkMail (Reply #88)

Tue Mar 13, 2012, 05:08 PM

91. 'Someone was wrong on the internet' and a virtual small army of men took it upon themselves to conduct a several years-long campaign to let the whole world, or maybe just a couple of morons on a rightwing website, beat this super-important issue to death, over and over and over again, year after year. The boys weren't having much fun lately, so I guess it was necessary to help them out?
Watching this an outside observer might wonder about those men and what compels them to feel that a woman being wrong on the internet is such an important issue that they simply cannot, no matter what else is going on in the world, drag themselves away from this compelling story. So obsessed that none of them can even find the tools made available to them to prevent them from ever seeing someone being wrong on the internet.
And I should mention that a couple of women got involved also, just like schoolyard bullies, there is always a cheering section when someone is bullied.

Ahh, the Queen's newest champion Sabrina the braindead DUmmie rides to the defense.

Apparently correcting someone is now an official form of bullying.  You gotta love the stupidity of these people.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Duke Nukum on March 13, 2012, 07:14:33 PM
Ahh, the Queen's newest champion Sabrina the braindead DUmmie rides to the defense.

Apparently correcting someone is now an official form of bullying.  You gotta love the stupidity of these people.
On the left, everything is relative.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: franksolich on March 13, 2012, 08:10:27 PM
Oh my.

The sabrina primitive, who is not franksolich's mole on Skins's island (franksolich has a mole who's one of the biggest admirers of nadin, but it's not sabrina), has it all wrong.

It's not that nadin was wrong--one's hard-pressed to find any case where she's been right--but more so that even though she's been wrong s-o-o-o-o-o-o many times, she persists in believing she's an expert who's never wrong.

The attitude, not the phyical body or the comments, is a turn-off.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: dutch508 on March 13, 2012, 08:27:07 PM
Well, the Babylonians had a base number six, rather than ten. Suffice to say, I blame them for our clock/time issues.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: GOBUCKS on March 13, 2012, 08:46:43 PM
Right now it s down to 37.6... Yes, my thermometer is set to centigrade. So that is life...feel free to convert, or not.
Nutty nadin converted that 37.6 celsius to 123F, since the conversion factor is 3.24.

Holy cow! She has a fever! And there's only one prescription!
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Chris_ on March 13, 2012, 08:50:11 PM
She's busy pimping floods in Chile on the Facebook.

She's quite serios (sic).
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Tucker on March 13, 2012, 09:02:53 PM
She's busy pimping floods in Chile on the Facebook.

She's quite serios (sic).

She's busy talking shit from the chili she had for lunch.
Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: SarasotaRepub on March 13, 2012, 09:15:59 PM

Dear Lord... (

Title: Re: Doubters Nip At nadin's Enormous Heels - Hailstorm Resurrected
Post by: Chris_ on March 13, 2012, 09:18:01 PM
Knee deep at best.  Not even a meter... more like a foot at most.