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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: JakeStyle on February 05, 2012, 09:50:20 PM

Title: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: JakeStyle on February 05, 2012, 09:50:20 PM
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Stinky The Clown

Does this piss you off? I think it should. It is fast becoming a scene in every major US city
This one is in DC's McPhearson Square, where Occupy DC has seen their camps broken based on enforcing some bullshit "health" laws. The hazmat suits are a nice touch, huh? Great teevee clip, huh? Makes for great pictures, huh?

"Dirty ****ing hippies" is the obvious message being sent. I'm willing to bet anything that is the exact intent.


The way this is now being played is that "authorities" are feigning concern for the protester's health. This allows them to shut down the camps as "health hazards."

What boggles my mind is that most cities shutting down the protests are run by Democratic mayors. The scene above is in what is quite likely one of THE most Democratic cities, Washington, DC. In DC, they're adding a twist. They're simply saying the protesters can stay in the park. They can even have tents. They can even sleep there, in their tents - so long as they don't have "sleeping supplies."

How about we come up with a design for a "sleeping bag suit" that are clothes made for sleeping on the ground?

What always comes up with me is who is pulling the strings that make these camp bustings such a priority? Who is harmed by the camps? Who would want to have them gone?

I visited the occupy encampment here in San Diego and it smelled like an open septic tank, it reminded me of walking across the bridge over shit river in Olongapo. There was garbage and nasty blankets strewn about and the stairwell of the adjoining parking garage was being used as an open toilet.  The is no way in the world that I would actually handle anything or anyone there without some sort of protective gear.

Stinky and his crew are convinced it's not so and that the bums are quite neat and tidy.  All this talk of rats and infectious disease are examples of right-wing propaganda.

Sun Feb 5, 2012, 03:56 PM

Star Member Warpy
5. While this propaganda is likely effective in the heartland

it's likely countereffective on both coasts and in major cities throughout the country.

The whole thing makes me furious, especially since it's the quickest way to get GOP mayors into those cities, and the GOPs would be worse.

If those mayors are capable of catching a passing clue, this should be it: local PDs need to be reined in severely. No matter how loudly the wealthy scream about the "dirty ****ing hippies" camping downtown, the health department should be the ones overseeing health and making sanitation suggestions. Sending the PD in to clean them out is entirely reminiscent of burning Hoovervilles in the last Depression.

In the long term, it will also likely be just the way that worked out, with the public turning harshly away from the PTB because the PTB have proven themselves to be the public's enemy.

Sun Feb 5, 2012, 04:55 PM

Star Member snot
12. Don't buy into the "health hazard" lies.

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At least, not unless you visited the camp for yourself. Officials in our town claimed health hazard, too, but every time I went there, it was immaculate -- literally not a gum wrapper on the ground anywhere in the camp, and cleaner than the surrounding areas.

Sun Feb 5, 2012, 10:22 PM

Star Member hootinholler
30. Rats? In MacPherson square?

Gambling? In Casa Blanca?

DC has a huge rat problem which is not limited to occupy camps. For every complaint there were half a dozen saying WTF the rats were there way before occupy. But it was a rather convenient excuse to shut down the kitchen.

But nice try with that talking point.

Sun Feb 5, 2012, 10:10 PM

Star Member SammyWinstonJack
28. These ows encampments fed homeless people, gave them tents and provided a

safe environment for them. These encampments were good for so many reasons. Probably why the PTB wanted them removed.

And the homeless people pooped and pissed all over the place.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: franksolich on February 05, 2012, 09:55:00 PM
Well, if the squatters are so clean and sanitary, and pick up after themselves, perhaps the old dude who, besides living in the third-most affluent county in the United States, also has a quite nice acreage there with trees and deer and a river, could invite them to camp at his place.  After all, they're neat and clean and don't leave shit around.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: Mr Mannn on February 05, 2012, 10:16:54 PM
DeNile is not just a river in Egypt. For the left, it's a way of life.

Rape in the camp? Don't report it to the police.
Idiots throwing stones thru windows? It's agents of the po-lice trying to make OWS look bad.
Hippies cause problems and when they're called on it, they deny everything.

So what did we learn here today, folks?
Its not dirty filthy hippies.
Its dirty filthy LYING hippies.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: MoshMasterD on February 05, 2012, 10:17:30 PM
Is Frederic "Vinny The Dude" Sanford trying to be the next Billy Mayes?
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: jukin on February 05, 2012, 10:21:03 PM
Stinky the DUde can pucker his chapped lips up to my balloon knot and suck a nice shiny turd out.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on February 05, 2012, 10:42:47 PM
Wait. What?

Government regulations can be used to harrass the politically ill-favored?

And the DUmbasses can't figure out we were right all along.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: LC EFA on February 05, 2012, 11:00:57 PM
Stinky The Clown

Does this piss you off? I think it should. It is fast becoming a scene in every major US city
This one is in DC's McPhearson Square, where Occupy DC has seen their camps broken based on enforcing some bullshit "health" laws. The hazmat suits are a nice touch, huh? Great teevee clip, huh? Makes for great pictures, huh?

"Dirty ****ing hippies" is the obvious message being sent. I'm willing to bet anything that is the exact intent.

Of course that's the "message being sent", and of course it's intentional. You wanted "factual" reporting and you bitch when those facts don't gel with your tiny little make-believe world.

It's 100% accurate. I know you'd prefer the soft focus astro-glide coated lens stuff that conveniently ignores facts you  are uncomfortable with but too ****in' bad.

You don't want the truth because the truth hurts doesn't it fatskull ?
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: Skul on February 05, 2012, 11:56:01 PM
Why isn't StinkDUde there with them.
The stench must be overwhelming if even StinkDUde can't tolerate it.
Wait, maybe the DUde WAS there, and the sole reason for the hazmat suits. :rotf:

Hiya, StinkDUde. :loser:
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: Skul on February 06, 2012, 01:33:54 AM
Aw, crap, found some more.
On and on they went.
Then, they got into a pissng match. Honest, here it is.

The start bell.
Response to Stinky The Clown (Original post)
Sun Feb 5, 2012, 08:56 PM
pasto76 (846 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

21. if you had this job and didnt wear a tyvek suit ("hazmat" is a bit over the top), you'd be foolish

bedbugs would be my first concern.

wouldnt be the first time someone left a bag of feces as a dirty "got ya"

Or pissed on something

Response to pasto76 (Reply #21)
Sun Feb 5, 2012, 09:13 PM
 provis99 (12,079 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

23. piss is sterile. It is less likely to harm you than the local water.
Very good. Next.

Response to provis99 (Reply #23)
Sun Feb 5, 2012, 10:58 PM
jeff47 (2,739 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

36. Piss starts sterile

It doesn't stay sterile very long when it's out in the open.
Bottoms up, jeffnumbers. You first.

Nads wannabe. Drink milk.
Response to jeff47 (Reply #36)
Sun Feb 5, 2012, 11:14 PM
 provis99 (12,079 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

38. neither does water.

Response to provis99 (Reply #38)
Mon Feb 6, 2012, 01:16 AM
jeff47 (2,739 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

45. Difference is pure water won't help stuff grow as well

The minerals in piss are helpful to bacteria. Distilled water when left out isn't going to grow much until something else gets mixed into it.
I'm waiting for Nads to chime in. She's already a BS expert.

Response to Stinky The Clown (Original post)
Sun Feb 5, 2012, 09:57 PM
 nadinbrzezinski (101,526 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

27. Well they broke the law

And are sick puppies...

The MSM told me so, therefore it must be true...

And more than a few believe it.

I think I just found a lurker. :lmao:
Response to Stinky The Clown (Original post)
Sun Feb 5, 2012, 10:27 PM
 Bigmack (5,777 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

33. What about the mess after Superbowel? (Yes.. I know.. spelling) nt
Double :lmao:
Double :rotf:
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: catsmtrods on February 06, 2012, 04:42:33 AM
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: Traveshamockery on February 06, 2012, 06:00:22 AM

Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: BadCat on February 06, 2012, 06:47:27 AM
Hey, look at it this way, moonbats, those HAZMAT guys are some of the only ones 0bama has actually provided jobs for.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: franksolich on February 06, 2012, 08:05:36 AM
Who is harmed by the camps? Who would want to have them gone?

This is for the old dude, when he finally comes over here to lurk; everyone else can ignore this comment, as it's aimed only at the old dude.

The old dude filmed some flooding on his spread over there in Maryland, in the third-most affluent county in the whole United States, last summer.  I suppose most were just watching the water, but I was eyeballing the real-estate.  The old dude has some pretty nice property, including forests and of course the river on it.

I dunno how big the old dude's spread is, but probably it's larger than the one on which I live (but only rent, not own), which is circa 900 feet from the county road on the other side of the William Rivers Pitt to the banks of the river, and circa 1250 feet from the southern edge of the north meadow to the northern edge of the south meadow.  The old dude's place looks as if that's not even a side yard for him.  It looks pretty nice, with all the flora and fauna; an ideal rustic campsite for enjoying nature.

The old dude's trying to claim the occupiers are neat and orderly, clean as a pin.

If the old dude really believes that, I suggest he invite the occupiers to hang around his place.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: miskie on February 06, 2012, 08:16:05 AM
At least The Clown was brave enough to post that its the big blue mayors of the big blue cities in the big blue states that are taking action against the OWSies. Most (including the intrepid cub reporter girl Nadin) have glossed over that particular arc, dot connection, and trend.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: Tucker on February 06, 2012, 08:25:59 AM
Response to Stinky The Clown (Original post)

Sun Feb 5, 2012, 03:52 PM

Star Member Fumesucker (23,605 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore
3. Keep in mind that Chicago 68 was thanks to Bill Daley..

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That Democratic mayors would bust on OWS should come as no surprise at all.

Indeed I think Jean Quan should be a keynote speaker at the DNC.

This was the only reply that addressed stinky's point about the democrat party leadership in the slum section of states.

It was ignored.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: Splashdown on February 06, 2012, 10:01:23 AM
Somebody should tell the DUde about what happend on May 13, 1985 in Philadelphia. The mayor, a proud member of the Democrat party, dropped a bomb on a house on Osage Avenue, killing several memebers of MOVE, the original occupiers.

People STILL talk about that around here.

Firefighers couldn't get in to fight the blaze because MOVE members would shoot at them.
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: Traveshamockery on February 06, 2012, 10:25:58 AM
Somebody should tell the DUde about what happend on May 13, 1985 in Philadelphia. The mayor, a proud member of the Democrat party, dropped a bomb on a house on Osage Avenue, killing several memebers of MOVE, the original occupiers.

People STILL talk about that around here.

Firefighers couldn't get in to fight the blaze because MOVE members would shoot at them.

I had forgotten all about that.  I wasn't even into the news or politics at that age but I do remember that.  If it were a republican mayor, we'd hear about it on every May 13th. 
Title: Re: Stinky the Fat Ass is pissed
Post by: USA4ME on February 06, 2012, 10:29:19 AM
Quote from:
Stinky The Clown

Does this piss you off?

Seeing that it's a waste of taxpayer money having to be used to clean up after a bunch of dirty hippies whose political opinion is worthless, yes it does.
