The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 18, 2012, 01:01:25 PM

Title: Remember all the crap we took for supportings Contras & Pinochet?
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 18, 2012, 01:01:25 PM
That, supposedly, realpolitik was bad because it caused us to tolerate the world's worst despots. "At least he's our bastard," became a confession of sin.

Meet the left's bastards:


Barack Obama raises pressure for Syria regime change
US President Barack Obama vowed to redouble efforts to force a change of regime in Syria as the UN Security Council struggled to agree on a resolution on Damascus's crackdown on dissent.

The US president thanked King Abdullah for being the first Arab leader to call publicly for Assad to go and for taking part in Arab League efforts to mitigate the crisis.

This guy looks more like Bush every day. Seriously.

Bush is white...racist.


Seriously worse than bush. At least with bushco we expected more of the same. Obama has us in how many countries fighting covert wars with drones, etc? Seven? That outdoes bushco.


Yep, you make a good point. Personally, I think it's still the same bushco behind the scenes, because the PNAC push for Pax Americana has continued unabated by Obama; and, as you say, in fact escalated.

Just like Clinton continued, and escalated the WoD.

Let the True Believers rant all they like. There is ONE group of people calling the shots behind the scenes at this point.

PNAC is run by jews.


I don't think that there is one shadowy group calling the shots. Capitalism is nothing if not anarchic, the capitalist class is a mass of individuals, each seeking the best possible deal for themselves. To be sure there are big fish and little fish, there are groupings which change and flow as conditions change. Groupings may be national, industrial, imperialist or isolationist, it all depends upon the situation at the moment. The Bush family are certainly players, up to their assholes in petroleum and minerals, but I don't think that they can call the shots themselves. As front men for their grouping of the moment they might represent considerably more leverage. Capitalists compete, not only within their respective industries but between industries, the prize of that competition being government largess and favorable policy. The only thing that they can be sure to agree upon is eternal capitalism.


Ever since being bounced off the island he has gone full-on commie soapbox propagandist.

It's curious how they never seem to recall the USSR meddling in the ME for all those decades and how many despots and terrorists groups today were Soviet clients.
Title: Re: Remember all the crap we took for supportings Contras & Pinochet?
Post by: BEG on January 18, 2012, 01:19:22 PM
Capitalists compete


You are not a capitalist because you CAN'T compete.
Title: Re: Remember all the crap we took for supportings Contras & Pinochet?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on January 18, 2012, 01:24:35 PM
Considering how well the Bush/Powell/Rumsfeld view that "Everybody in the world wants to be a Western democracy" approach turned out, and how well the Obama/Clinton take on it is going so far, I don't have all that much of a problem with Realpolitik.
Title: Re: Remember all the crap we took for supportings Contras & Pinochet?
Post by: Wineslob on January 18, 2012, 01:58:55 PM

I don't think that there is one shadowy group calling the shots. Capitalism is nothing if not anarchic, the capitalist class is a mass of individuals, each seeking the best possible deal for themselves. To be sure there are big fish and little fish, there are groupings which change and flow as conditions change. Groupings may be national, industrial, imperialist or isolationist, it all depends upon the situation at the moment. The Bush family are certainly players, up to their assholes in petroleum and minerals, but I don't think that they can call the shots themselves. As front men for their grouping of the moment they might represent considerably more leverage. Capitalists compete, not only within their respective industries but between industries, the prize of that competition being government largess and favorable policy. The only thing that they can be sure to agree upon is eternal capitalism.

Go find a truffle, shit for brains.
Title: Re: Remember all the crap we took for supportings Contras & Pinochet?
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 18, 2012, 02:09:57 PM

You are not a capitalist because you CAN'T compete.

They like sharing.

You work, they share.
Title: Re: Remember all the crap we took for supportings Contras & Pinochet?
Post by: Maxiest on January 18, 2012, 02:36:50 PM
Capitalists compete, not only within their respective industries but between industries, the prize of that competition being government largess and favorable policy.

Actually, shit for brains, it would be much preferable if the government would stay the hell out of the way.  This is what they would prefer, but since they won't of course they have to lobby for the best and most favorable policies.
