The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: franksolich on January 10, 2012, 08:27:24 AM

Title: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: franksolich on January 10, 2012, 08:27:24 AM
You know, the ten minutes each day I think about the primitives on Skins's island--purely as an academic exercise in anthropology, remember--have been of late increasingly consumed by wonderment about the real motives of my fellow Nebraskan.

I'm already up to thinking about it seven out of those ten minutes each day, which means franksolich isn't able to pay much attention to all the other primitives eager to be an object of interest.

Anyway, when Omaha's Ed Norton first announced on Skins's island that he was running for the city council in Bellevue, Nebraska, I took his words at face value, having no reason to not believe him.

There's been scandals about expense accounts of Bellevue city employees in the news lately (at least it's news around here, but probably small potatoes elsewhere, especially in blue cities and blue states), and remember, Omaha Steve is always looking for a free ride.

At the time, one could almost see him saying to Marta, "You know, dear, if I ran for one public office and you ran for a second one, we'd get expense accounts.....meaning we could get a free ride to Star Trek conventions and stuff on the taxpayers' dime, if we coincided 'city business' with Trekkie meetings.

"We could fly all over the country, first-class airfare, five-star hotels, top eateries, for free."

So yeah, sure, my fellow Nebraskan's pledge to run for public office sounded credible at first.

However, it did seem odd--and rather counterproductive, against his own best interests--that Omaha's Ed Norton made the vow to run to the primitives on Skins's island.  Being known for hanging around Skins's island is not conducive to winning elections, as history has demonstrated.

I never kept track, but can recall, vaguely, at least six primitives who ran for local or regional offices the past, oh, eight years maybe, and none of them ever won.  Not even the one running for something in a deep blue city in deep blue Massachusetts.  They were all done in by their reputations for being moonbats, and their association with Skins's island helped build those public reputations as moonbats.

I thought perhaps Omaha Steve isn't an especially bright bulb, if he overlooked this.  After all, his situation is analogous to that of a white guy posting hate-messages on a Ku Klux Klan message board, and then turning around and running for public office in a majority-black area.

Not the wisest course of action, for someone whose values are anathema to the decent and civilized people of Bellevue.

When my fellow Nebraskan decided to run, if he were serious, he would've immediately.....and very quietly, without a word.....left Skins's island, and hope that during the intervening year, all memory of his existence as a primitive on Skins's island would fade away, and no one would connect the internet primitive with the real-life political candidate.

Well, I did some flip-flops about Omaha's Ed Norton's intelligence and common sense, and flopped back to where I don't think he's, really, especially unintelligent; that he was probably aware of the albatross his association with Skins's island would bring.....but just that he really didn't care.

I'm wondering if Omaha Steve doesn't care because he was never serious about running for office.

What I'm thinking now is this: if I recall correctly, he first aired his plans on Skins's island on a Sunday afternoon (the memory may be faulty, so don't take that for granted).

My fellow Nebraskan was probably sitting at home, in a good mood and jolly and all that, but at the same time felt a "need" for some attention, for some ego-petting.

Omaha's Ed Norton is notorious for being an impulsive person, doing things simply because at the moment, they make him feel "good."

So he wanted some attention, some ego-stroking, and decided he'd get it with some sort of bombastic announcement; which he did, the primitives oohing-and-aahing all over him that particular lazy afternoon.

This would be the same as if franksolich, if franksolich were an impulsive person craving attention, announced here in the DUmpster that he was running for county surveyor of Knox County, Nebraska.

People here would ooh-and-aah, slap me on the back, wish me luck, tell me what a great guy I am, what an asset I'd be to the people of Knox County, and even hint of the courageous, the daring, the adventure, of it.

I would get a couple hours of applause and platitudes, even though, as one can already reasonably assume, franksolich has no intention of running for county surveyor anywhere, any time.

But at least I'd get a short-term "lift" or "high" from all the praise heaped upon me.

And that's all my fellow Nebraskan wanted; some attention, some ego-stroking.

I don't think Omaha Steve was serious, I don't think he is serious.  In fact, I suspect he's trying to find some way of weaseling out of his predicament.  He made a promise that he never really intended to keep.

I think he needs to feel some pressure to keep his promise, and run.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on January 10, 2012, 08:45:00 AM
I voted "not sure."  Here's why--we all know what a pitiful attention whore he is.  Yet, deep down in among all of the fat nodules he has on his corpulent body, he may actually feel as if he has a 'calling,' of sorts, to be a 'change-maker' in this fashion.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Carl on January 10, 2012, 08:53:08 AM
I vote yes he is serious but that is because he is seriously demented and like all true DUmbasses thinks every one believes just as he does.

He will no doubt finish 5th out of 4 and have every excuse in the book instead of the real reason of being a lunatic and on the cutting edge of the insane dimension that makes up the DUmp.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Skul on January 10, 2012, 08:57:34 AM
Not sure.
The little stinkbug runs back and forth more than a world-class cricket batsman.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Ballygrl on January 10, 2012, 08:58:12 AM
I voted yes.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: JohnnyReb on January 10, 2012, 09:00:18 AM
I vote yes he is serious but that is because he is seriously demented and like all true DUmbasses thinks every one believes just as he does.

He will no doubt finish 5th out of 4 and have every excuse in the book instead of the real reason of being a lunatic and on the cutting edge of the insane dimension that makes up the DUmp.

Serious?...series?...or more likely just a cereal killer.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Tucker on January 10, 2012, 09:09:16 AM
I'd say yes, for now. At least until an easier paycheck comes along.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: GOBUCKS on January 10, 2012, 09:12:12 AM
At the time, one could almost see him saying to Marta, "You know, dear, if I ran for one public office and you ran for a second one, we'd get expense accounts.....meaning we could get a free ride to Star Trek conventions and stuff on the taxpayers' dime, if we coincided 'city business' with Trekkie meetings.

"We could fly all over the country, first-class airfare, five-star hotels, top eateries, for free."
You have hit the nail squarely on the head. Steve Dawes is continually travelling the country, buying $5 autographs from increasingly desperate D-list actors from bad TV of the 60s and 70s. Every one of these "conventions" is held somewhere that Steve and Marta Dawes could visit to help promote the consumption of soy beans, or to help perpetuate the ethanol scam.

It's a calculated strategy! All this time, I've thought this ludicrous political tale was just a case of misfiring synapses, analogous to poor addled Judy Smith muttering about a pie shop. But no! It's a clever plan to get free room and board on a quest for an autograph from Jackie Coogan's nephew.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Karin on January 10, 2012, 09:33:06 AM
I said no.  Running for office, any office really, is hard work.  He has a "bad back" and so can't go door to door looking for the handful of Nebraskan moonbats willing to sign on the dotted line.  And that's just to get on the ballot (I'm assuming NY rules).  I've been involved with this, and it's a huge undertaking.  It takes undying energy and optimism.  Steve doesn't have that. 
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: GOBUCKS on January 10, 2012, 09:36:19 AM
Steve Dawes is an AFSCME member. Normal rules do not apply.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: formerlurker on January 10, 2012, 09:40:21 AM
I think the idea of campaign money would be enticing to him, however it is hard work.   I can envision OS claiming his disability prevented him from doing it. 

Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on January 10, 2012, 09:49:10 AM
Well now, it's tough to say. 

I can see him seriously applying, with stars in his eyes about the People's Revolutionary Movement of Omaha placing him in the first office on his march to First Consul or Chief Commissar, but I have a hard time visualizing him actually doing anything concrete to bring about success in the initial endeavor, since he is a fat, lazy, disorganized lack-wit who is simply looking for a gravy train he can drag his lard butt onto for an even bigger free ride than his lifestyle-induced 'Disability.'
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: dutch508 on January 10, 2012, 10:19:44 AM
Magic 8 Ball says:

Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Tucker on January 10, 2012, 10:46:20 AM
Magic 8 Ball says:


You shouldn't mention 8-ball when referring to DUmmies.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: NHSparky on January 10, 2012, 11:04:56 AM
No, because it would actually require EFFORT on his part.  Raising money is the easy part.  Complying with finance and election laws, whooboy.

Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Tucker on January 10, 2012, 11:26:21 AM
It just dawned on me. Omaha's Ed Norton wants the elected position just to get in on the graft. All of that money going under the table and he isn't getting any of it.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Aristotelian on January 10, 2012, 11:40:01 AM
I'm strongly inclined to say no.

I'm sure he'd love the kudos, not to mention the potential perks of the job...but it's a genuine undertaking, and if the DUmmies are into anything it's talking rather than doing.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Chris_ on January 10, 2012, 11:54:11 AM
It just dawned on me. Omaha's Ed Norton wants the elected position just to get in on the graft. All of that money going under the table and he isn't getting any of it.
Salary, benefits, freebies, perks, per diem, expense accounts, free lunches... it all means the same thing. 

I voted 'no'.  This is just another dumbass DU pipe dream, more pie-in-the-sky pretend time like Bush and Cheney being marched off to the Hauge and Al Gore getting to serve two terms in the White House just because.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Gary56 on January 10, 2012, 12:58:18 PM
I voted yes.  I think he is motivated by losing out on his union officer position.  He got a taste of running for an office and he cast his eyes on one that he actually thinks he can win.  The benefits that would come from such a position I think are secondary to his ego.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: miskie on January 10, 2012, 01:48:42 PM
I say 'yes' - only because the DU echo chamber has led him to believe he has a good chance to win, and that once he does, fellow primitives will shower him with love and admiration..
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: franksolich on January 10, 2012, 02:47:58 PM
.....if the DUmmies are into anything it's talking rather than doing.

That's a characteristic of the primitives; they talk first, and plan to do later.

Decent and civilized people of course do first, and then talk.

The problem with the primitives' way is that they talk.....and then forget about the "doing."
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: delilahmused on January 10, 2012, 03:23:55 PM
My fellow Nebraskan was probably sitting at home, in a good mood and jolly and all that, but at the same time felt a "need" for some attention, for some ego-petting.

I voted no, though I think he could have accomplished the same thing with Viagra, a penis pump (I'm thinking it takes both for him) and the Mrs.

Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Ogre on January 10, 2012, 04:53:43 PM
I voted no.  I predicted that despite his bluster, we will be reading a bouncy for his withdrawal from the election with either health or finances at the center of it. 

Oh, Stevie if your lurking, this is for you  :loser:

Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Mr Mannn on January 10, 2012, 05:39:31 PM
I'm voting no. Stevie Wonder was never going to follow through, and now he can blame CC for his failure to register. We''l do nasty things like write letters to the editor and destroy him.

Yep Steve will pull a martyr act on us and once again play the victim.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: BattleHymn on January 10, 2012, 06:29:45 PM
I'm voting no. Stevie Wonder was never going to follow through, and now he can blame CC for his failure to register. We''l do nasty things like write letters to the editor and destroy him.

Yep Steve will pull a martyr act on us and once again play the victim.

I voted no for the same reason.  No way would it be of any fault of his own. 

Besides, any time The Weeper gets a chance to play the victim it gives him an opportunity to cry, and we all know how he likes to cry.     
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: JakeStyle on January 10, 2012, 08:02:34 PM
I vote no as well.  I think OS is going to realize, if he hasn't already, that he doesn't stand a chance and that it would actually cost him a lot of time and effort to try.  He'll give up before he even starts.  All is not lost Big Steve, you still have "the most popular historical website in town".   :bs:
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: franksolich on January 11, 2012, 08:09:04 AM
Okay, just so everybody knows:

Omaha Steve has until March 1, 2012 to file for office.

A mere six weeks from now, either to file or to make up an excuse as to why he decided against running.

The filing fee is $110.

Omaha Steve could probably try to get the fee waived by claiming pauperhood, but it doesn't appear he meets the Nebraska standards for paupery.

I suspect he's probably going to try to get someone else to pay the fee for him.

He does not have to hand out petitions to be signed; he merely has to pay the fee.
Title: Re: poll: is Omaha Steve serious?
Post by: Airwolf on January 11, 2012, 04:45:59 PM
$110 dollars . That's at least the room payment at the hotel where the Trek convention is being held in most cities. One less con to go to in order for him to maybe get in office seems like a longshot. Especaily when that post of his about the ALF terrorist going around buring up 10 eighteen wheeler rigs gets out and that he doesn't seem to have any problem with them doing it. Or at least he doesn't say he does in that thread on DU.