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Current Events => Archives => Politics => Election 2012 => Topic started by: Ballygrl on November 26, 2011, 04:20:28 PM

Title: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: Ballygrl on November 26, 2011, 04:20:28 PM
Pat Caddell wrote a column last week about drafting Hillary, he has another article coming up next week hoping to get a write-in campaign going in New Hampshire. My question is this though, WTF has Hillary done that would not only warrant her being drafted but according to Pat she could win. She's part of this failed Administration and I think she stinks as Secretary of State. Are they just saying Hillary can win out of desperation? or can she actually win?
Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: formerlurker on November 26, 2011, 04:33:52 PM
If the ballot had Obama or Hillary, I would vote for Hillary (and I loathe the Clintons).   

I think she has a great shot of taking the nomination from him.    Would be the most delicious thing I have ever witnessed also.   

Presidential crisis indeed.   :popcorn:

Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: TVDOC on November 26, 2011, 05:43:52 PM
The short answer is NO.....the Dems would never allow that to happen, as it would split their party in two (their coalition is already crumbling, with the "progressives" in charge for the past five years), guaranteeing a Republican win in a walk.

As history is our teacher, there has never been a Democrat president running for reelection that has had a primary challenge, and went on to win the general election.  I don't think that's happened in nearly a century.  If an incumbent president is so unpopular that he earns a challenge from his own party, it's highly unlikely that he can prevail against the opposition party.

Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: cmypay on November 26, 2011, 05:47:16 PM
The only way I can see this happenning is if, somehow, Obama decided not to run
Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: Ballygrl on November 26, 2011, 05:50:57 PM
I think it would totally break the party apart and blacks would stay home and turn their backs on the Democrats, but also I wonder if Democrats and even some blacks would be glad she gave Obama a challenge? they can't be totally blind about how horrible Obama has been.
Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: TVDOC on November 26, 2011, 05:53:55 PM
I think it would totally break the party apart and blacks would stay home and turn their backs on the Democrats, but also I wonder if Democrats and even some blacks would be glad she gave Obama a challenge? they can't be totally blind about how horrible Obama has been.

Unfortunately, as a group, they really are that stupid......we see it in every election.....

The best-case scenario is to create the environment where their natural apathy keeps them home on election day.

Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: Chris_ on November 26, 2011, 05:56:15 PM
I think it would totally break the party apart and blacks would stay home and turn their backs on the Democrats, but also I wonder if Democrats and even some blacks would be glad she gave Obama a challenge? they can't be totally blind about how horrible Obama has been.
There would be no guarantee the Dems would not coordinate campaigns to stack any debates against her to prop up Obama to make him look better.  She was terrible during the campaign in '08... the crocodile tears about how hard it is to succeed as a woman, the phony accent during the Selma, Alabama speech.

I don't put anything past these manipulative shitheels.
Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: BlueStateSaint on November 27, 2011, 09:19:00 AM
There would be no guarantee the Dems would not coordinate campaigns to stack any debates against her to prop up Obama to make him look better.  She was terrible during the campaign in '08... the crocodile tears about how hard it is to succeed as a woman, the phony accent during the Selma, Alabama speech.

I don't put anything past these manipulative shitheels.

While I don't think it'll happen, I would say that Obama wouldn't be running against Hillary, so much--he'd be running against Bill Clinton, who still holds much sway in the Democrat Party.  Say what you want about the Dems, Bill still holds a big grudge against Obama, for thwarting Bill's dream of another eight years in the White House.  How else can you explain Bill's admiration for Newt's immigration stance?  Sure, having an endorsement from Bill Clinton isn't going to do much (if any) good for Newt in the Republican primaries, but it may sway some moderates in the general election.

And that may very well be what Bill Clinton is counting on.
Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: Eupher on November 28, 2011, 03:08:41 PM
Hillary has positioned herself as being a victim for so long she has forgotten what it's like to kick ass (except when it comes to Slick). She's kicked his ass all over the joint and all he can do is get into a fetal position and grab his balls while it's going on.

I had really expected her to resign as SecState after a couple of years, but she insists on hanging on till the bitter end of the Barry Regime.

I tend to think she's going to actually get out of public office, as she's said she's going to do.

Just don't hold your breath as to when that's going to be.
Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: Gina on November 28, 2011, 03:12:07 PM

Anyone but Obama   :loser:
Title: Re: Can someone explain this to me please
Post by: CG6468 on November 28, 2011, 04:35:12 PM
Actually, AABO. Almost anyone but oblammo.