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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: USA4ME on October 20, 2011, 09:59:50 AM

Title: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: USA4ME on October 20, 2011, 09:59:50 AM
Quote from:

I said it in '08, and I believe I was right, now I'll say it again about 2012...

The Republicans are deliberately trying to throw the race. In 2007-8 they saw the BushCo-created shitstorm coming and didn't want to be in the White House when the bottom fell out. They nominated an unelectable crazy man who in turn nominated an even crazier running mate, assuring that Barrack Obama -- or any of the other Dem front runners -- could easily skate to the Presidency, and when the effects of the previous 8 years of GOP policy hit full force, the short-memory Americans would take their bait and blame the new Democratic president.

Now, with more doom and gloom of a global financial meltdown of historic proportions on the horizon, what is the GOP doing? Blocking any hopes of doing anything to fix it, deliberately acting like petulant children while their approval ratings tank, and backing another loser candidate even crazier than McCain or Palin could ever be. Why not let Obama have it for another four years? They've done just fine under his presidency. Their wealth is skyrocketing, they've blocked any plans to roll back Bush deregulation, their wars are still raging while Obama gives them new ones from which to profit... why would they actually WANT to be in the White House when the global economy collapses? They're long-range thinkers, and they're hoping to pin it all on the feckless president and waltz back into the charred remains of America in 2016, where their much-sought-after plans of a New World serfdom, free of all regulations, can finally be realized.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I wasn't in '08, and I don't think I am now. How else can you explain the Bizzarro World field of candidates they are presenting to the American people?

(Edited for typos)

His original post on this topic 4 years ago brought unwanted attention to the primitives by being read and correctly mocked on the most popular radio program in the world.

I highly recommend you row over and read this one for yourself.

Pedro continues to live in his own little world.

Poor Pedro.

Title: Re: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 20, 2011, 10:07:44 AM
So if the GOP is trying to throw the race to make dems look bad the key to thwarting this plan is to get a GOP president and GOP super majorities elected.

Only you, Atman, can destroy our nefarious plot but you have to be bold enough to speak out.
Title: Re: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: JohnnyReb on October 20, 2011, 10:14:10 AM
DUmmie said, "They nominated an unelectable crazy man who in turn nominated an even crazier running mate, assuring that Barrack Obama -- or any of the other Dem front runners -- could easily skate to the Presidency,"

And Obama still didn't win by a very large margin. Sure says a lot for the super smart Obama doesn't it.
Title: Re: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: JakeStyle on October 20, 2011, 10:24:48 AM
Wasn't that the post that Rush Limbaugh read on the air back in '08?  What a tool.
Title: Re: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: Tucker on October 20, 2011, 10:48:08 AM
They nominated an unelectable crazy man who in turn nominated an even crazier running mate

To this day I believe that open primaries, same day registration and no voter ID law enabled the DUmmies to get McCain on the GOP ticket.
Title: Re: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: JohnnyReb on October 20, 2011, 10:53:05 AM
To this day I believe that open primaries, same day registration and no voter ID law enabled the DUmmies to get McCain on the GOP ticket.

....and it may be even worse this time around.

With Obama being a sitting democrat president he's almost assured the democrat nomination, right. So democrats are free, at least in S.C., to vote in republican primaries for the worst/weakest republican candidate.
Title: Re: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: GOBUCKS on October 20, 2011, 11:03:07 AM
The GOP didn't take a dive in 2008, there was simply no electable candidate available.

It was a carbon copy of the unfortunate situation we had with Dole/Kemp.
Title: Re: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: delilahmused on October 20, 2011, 11:21:11 AM
And yet if 0bama had done anything that would turn things around instead of making it worse his reelection would be shoe-in and Pedro wouldn't have to make excuses for electing an incompetent, petulant boy-king.

Title: Re: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: BlueStateSaint on October 20, 2011, 11:21:48 AM
I submit this merely to . . . cast aspersions on poor, stupid Pedro's assertions.

Intensive riot training preps officers for DNC

Posted: 12:28 pm EDT October 18, 2011Updated: 8:27 am EDT October 19, 2011

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Almost every day, police in Charlotte are getting ready for the Democratic National Convention.

Almost every one of Charlotte-Mecklenburg's 1,700 officers are going through three days of intensive riot training. Police allowed Channel 9 a behind-the-scenes look at how they're doing it.

“It's a very controlled, measured response with a lot of practice,” Deputy Chief Harold Medlock said.

Medlock is overseeing the training, which also includes hundreds of officers from nearby police and sheriff's departments.

It’s all very carefully choreographed. There's a reason, for example, why they would move half a step at a time toward a group of protesters.

The rest is here, courtesy of Drudge, where I first saw it . . .
Title: Re: Pedro does a re-do
Post by: franksolich on October 20, 2011, 04:00:41 PM
Pedro continues to live in his own little world.

Poor Pedro.

He is a stupid ass, isn't he?

I can't believe we were separated at birth, and turned out so differently.