The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Political Ammunition => Topic started by: CG6468 on September 30, 2011, 09:02:04 AM

Title: Supreme Court Might Kill ObamaCare Before Election -- If Obama's Lucky
Post by: CG6468 on September 30, 2011, 09:02:04 AM
Larry Elder

Supreme Court Might Kill ObamaCare Before Election -- If Obama's Lucky

Why did the Obama administration, after dragging out the various court challenges to ObamaCare, suddenly step on the gas?

The administration surprised court watchers by passing up a chance to slow down ObamaCare's long march to an eventual Supreme Court ruling. In failing to request a hearing by all the appeals court judges of the 11th Circuit -- to overturn an anti-ObamaCare decision by three of its members -- the administration now puts the matter on a faster track to the Supreme Court.

The court will likely agree to hear the case because two appellate circuit courts, the 11th and 6th, have issued contradictory rulings -- one striking down the individual mandate as unconstitutional, and the other upholding it. This confusion practically guarantees a hearing by the top court, probably months before next year's election.

What provoked the administration's change of heart?


True, the American Medical Association supports ObamaCare. But only 17 percent of doctors belong to the organization, and many dropped their membership because of AMA's support of ObamaCare. Americans consistently rank physicians among the most respected of professionals. Yet the President, a man with virtually no private-sector experience, arrogantly ignores doctors' objections.

Obama, as with his fight to end Bush-era tax rates for the "rich," will also lose this battle -- if he is lucky. A Supreme Court rejection of the ObamaCare mandate would immediately boost the economy and, by extension, Obama's prospect for re-election. 

Larry Elder's Article (
Title: Re: Supreme Court Might Kill ObamaCare Before Election -- If Obama's Lucky
Post by: thundley4 on September 30, 2011, 06:41:07 PM
Obama's handlers realized that a decision right before the election is beneficial to Duh Wun.  If ObamaCare is shitcanned, then he will say that his reelection is the only hope for passing a government ran health care plan for decades.  If the court upholds it, then he can campaign on it. Win-win for him, and that is why they kept fighting the accelerated hearing by the supremes until now.