The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => The DUmping Ground => Topic started by: franksolich on September 03, 2011, 07:03:59 PM

Title: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 03, 2011, 07:03:59 PM
3 September 2011.  Dear Diary: During breakfast, I had an argue ment with the hubby today; he just doesn’t know how to fold fitted sheets correctly.  He hangs them on coat hangers instead.  I tried to show him how to do it, but he wouldn’t listen, calling me a “know it all” and other names.

Hubby’s been short tempered lately.  I think he’s hot for Bianca in the office, and trying to find an excuse to get rid of me.  He’s been coming home late for supper, and some times not for supper at all.  And he’s always tired when I suggest we bounce around in the sack.

But this thing with folding fitted sheets so they lay flat in a stack in the closet—I just don’t get it.  Surely when he was a plebe at Annapolis, when they taught housekeeping, he learned it, and given how plebes are treated, he probably had to fold a lot of them, for upperclassmen cadets.

Oh well, dear diary; there’s another woman involved here.  I know it, I can feel it.

It has to be Bianca, that over mascara’d trollope in the office.

I’m not sure, dear diary, why he doesn’t seem to care for me like he used to. 

I mean, dear diary, it’s not like I don’t have any thing my self.  Yes, yes, yes, I’m a middle aged woman, but I still retain my Reubenesque stature, and I know a lot of stuff.

And there’s some men who like Hebraic features in a woman.

Ugh.  franksolich.  I just thought of him.  He likes women with Judaic features, finds them instantly attractive, would like to hop around in the sack even before being introduced.

But franksolich.  Ugh.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: md11hydmec on September 03, 2011, 10:05:52 PM
Bravo, sir, bravo..... :II: :cheers1: :clap:  Loved it.  Good job.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 03, 2011, 10:06:52 PM
Bravo, sir, bravo..... :II: :cheers1: :clap:  Loved it.  Good job.

Look for a new entry every day, sir.

Or rather, what I hope to be a new entry every day; sometimes real life interferes.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: FlippyDoo on September 03, 2011, 10:36:44 PM
Great work as always coach. Did you start this in the DUmping Ground rather than the DUmpster?

As nadin's unofficial CC advocate I'm always looking for ways to bring her to the forefront so this is appreciated.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 03, 2011, 10:46:16 PM
Great work as always coach. Did you start this in the DUmping Ground rather than the DUmpster?

As nadin's unofficial CC advocate I'm always looking for ways to bring her to the forefront so this is appreciated.

I did it here--the DUmping Ground's just as accessible as the DUmpster, just not as popular--because I'm hoping it's a daily series, and didn't want it to interfere with the DUmpster itself.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: md11hydmec on September 04, 2011, 04:02:49 AM
I'll definitely look for it.  It looks good!
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 04, 2011, 09:55:23 AM
4 September 2011.  Dear Diary: Last night when hubby came home—he’d missed supper and the late-night news, of course—and jumped into bed, he was reeking of perfume that wasn’t mine.  Didn’t even try to hide it, and claiming to have been spent, rolled over and went to sleep.  I didn’t even get a poke last night.

I’ll get even though; the next time I take apart his Naval uniform for cleaning, I’ll dump the gold braids into the washing machine with my pink under wear.  My pink under wear isn’t color fast.

Dearest Diary, I really need to find a man.

You know, I’ve heard that Nebraska is the most woman-starved state in the union, and the Sandhills there in particular.  Some thing to do with an extra ordinary unbalance of male infants being born, as com pared with female infants; out of whack with the rest of the world.  And that a high percentage of women born there, once they graduate high school, they migrate to other states.  A man’s state.

I’ll have to google Nebraska; I suppose it’s north of Illinois or south of Louisiana, wherever they are, or something.

The problem is, Dear Diary, franksolich lives in Nebraska, and no way do I want to meet him.

He's a creep, franksolich.

But at the same time, I’ve heard from hippywife, the unappellated eohippus, and warpy that franksolich is in fact quite well formed, and they have good reasons for knowing, having been up close with him, warpy especially.  Also, I’ve heard there’s a picture of a nude franksolich whirling around the internet, from 2007 or something—he didn’t want it taken, had no idea it was being taken, but it was took.

I suppose I’ll do some porn-digging today, I suppose just to confirm he's a low-life.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 05, 2011, 07:18:55 PM
September 5, 2011.  Dear Diary: I saw some thing really odd today, at a discount store in Poway, while I was standing in line waiting for my stuff to be rung up by a cashier.

Two lanes over, there was this man—and oh! Diary! what a man!—also waiting, a package of cigarettes in his hand.   He was jammed in between several in front of him, and several in back of him, with shopping carts loaded to the brim.

A big black woman right in front of him, her cart loaded, turned and said something to him.  He just smiled.  Then she started yelling at him.  He just smiled.  Then the big black woman started talking with the obese white woman behind the man, her self with a large cart filled to overflowing.  The two women exchanged comments, and then the woman behind the man started pummeling him with a super sized bag of potato chips.

He looked startled, but didn’t do or say anything.

Then other customers, waiting to be rung up in that same line, began staring at the man with the package of cigarettes, some of them screaming invectives at him.  Someone threw an apple at him, and somebody else a six-pack of macaroni-and-cheese.  Everybody was yelling and screaming at him, throwing things at him.

He looked startled, but kept his peace.

Then the cashier lifted the receiver by her register, requesting, “STORE SECURITY, PLEASE, CASHIER LANE 5, CUSTOMER MISBEHAVING.”

Then everybody in all the other cashier lanes paid attention, watching as two big burly guys came up to the man, tackling him.  He looked greatly surprised, and probably could have knocked both their heads together, but instead he just went limp and they hauled him away.

“What was that all about?” somebody in my own lane asked.

“The guy had one item,” someone in the next lane explained; “just one single item, and he was in between all these full carts.  Since he had just one item, the customers in front of him suggested it’d be okay if he went before them, but no…..he said he could wait his turn.

“He said he could wait his turn.

“Now, is that weird, or what?  It sounds like a terrorist to me, he could wait his turn.”

By the time I had gotten through my own line and was outside, walking towards the car, I saw him again—and oh! Diary! what a man!—walking towards his own car.  He was tall, thin, with a full head of dark brown hair (although the hair seemed too long), his face of the Welsh sort, the package of cigarettes in his hand.  He acted s-o-o-o-o totally laid back and mellow, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

His car had Nebraska license plates.

I’m going to have to google “Nebraska,” to see where it’s at; probably somewhere between Florida and Georgia, wherever they’re at.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: seahorse513 on September 05, 2011, 07:54:01 PM
Those are great Frank...keep them coming.
and by the way Nadine needs some extensive tutoring in geography... :-)
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 06, 2011, 08:10:20 AM
6 September 2011.  Dear Diary: Last night, hubby and I had an argue ment.  He said I ruined the epaulets for his uniform by washing them in hot water with his sweaters, and now he has to order some new sets of them from Annapolis, because these are shrunk.

I told him nothing I do pleases him, and I’m tired of it.  I wanted to ask about the other woman—I’m sure it’s Bianca in his office—but he stormed out before I could.  He hasn’t yet found out what happened with his white Naval dress uniform.  I’m not saying anything, but after I washed that, it’s not white any more.

Think light orange, because I washed it with my orange polyester slacks, which aren’t color fast.

This morning I went out with my girl friend, for break fast.

We ate at a restaurant near the beach.  We were seated at a booth next to the windows when that one man, the guy from Nebraska, came in—you know, Dear Diary, the one who caused a ruckup at the discount store yesterday.  He was seated in the booth across the aisle from us.

Oh, what a man, Dear Diary, what a man.

He ordered a hamburger—this was break fast—“well done, burnt is okay” and french fries “fried on the grill and not in the fryer”, besides coffee and two bowls of sour cream.

While he was waiting, he read a 1937 copy of Time magazine, probably something he’d picked up at a book store.

Oh, Dear, Dear Diary, what a man.  So lithe, so elegant, so hand some, so manly.

The waitress brought his order, but it wasn’t his order.  It was two eggs scrambled, hash browns, strips of bacon, and whole wheat toast.  She had gotten the two bowls of sour cream, though. 

He looked as if he was going to question it, it wasn’t what he’d ordered, but then shrugged his shoulders, and ate it.

When he was done and got the ticket for what he’d ordered, as he got out of his seat, he looked over at us and gently smiled at me.  We don’t know each other, but it was nice of him..

Oh, Dear, Dear, Dear Diary, what a man.  And he wasn’t wearing a wed ding ring.

And such a nice ass behind him.

I haven’t yet googled “Nebraska” to see where it’s at, but I suppose it’s one of those New England states on the Gulf Coast, or something.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Chris_ on September 06, 2011, 08:14:41 AM
:rofl: That was good.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 06, 2011, 08:16:58 AM
:rofl: That was good.

A new entry planned every day, sir.

The life of nadin.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: md11hydmec on September 06, 2011, 09:01:55 AM
Great job!  Love the story almost as if Nadin herself is writing it.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Revolution on September 06, 2011, 09:27:10 AM
 :lmao: :rotf: :lmao:
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: BlueStateSaint on September 06, 2011, 02:45:39 PM
:lmao: :rotf: :lmao:

I'll see your three and raise you one, Rev.

 :lmao: :rotf: :lmao: :rotf:

A fine job, Coach.  H5.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 07, 2011, 02:41:12 PM
7 September 2011.  Dear Diary: This morning, hubby yelled at me because he had to go to the office in his full dinner dress uniform, rather than his working uniform, as I hadn’t gotten around yet to washing his working garb.

Always thinking of himself, never me, the hubby.

You know, Dear Diary, this has been going on since even before we were married.  At our first meeting, at a party, after sizing me up, he glanced around to see if there was anyone else more interesting.

And unlike most other husbands in the Navy, he didn’t seem to mind the long tours of duty that took him half way across the world from me.  He always seemed happy to leave, sad to come back.

I still haven’t googled “Nebraska,” but my girl friend insists it’s right next to California, and has Hoover Dam.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: md11hydmec on September 08, 2011, 08:04:30 AM
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: BlueStateSaint on September 08, 2011, 10:20:41 AM

Pass that over here!  This is getting good.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: md11hydmec on September 09, 2011, 12:01:14 AM
I'm still waiting for the part where she finds out conservative men are real men and not sissies.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 12, 2011, 08:56:27 PM
12 September 2011.  Dear Diary: I’m sorry I’ve neglected you, Dearest Diary, but there’s been a lot going on the past few days.  There was the black out, and a whole lot of other things, and now hubby’s all upset and bent out of shape because I lost his medals.

He says he needs to wear the medals on his uniform at work, but I don’t believe him.  I think he just wants to wear the medals to im press Bianca in the office.

I was unable to hang around Skins’s island during the black out, and then the place was mobbed protesting the commemoration of 911, and one couldn’t get a word in edgewise.  I’m not used to being shoved out, and don’t like it at all.

I haven’t seen that man from Nebraska lately, although I dream about him all the time.

He seems so different from hubby; so modest, so patient, so gentle, so kind…..and so good-looking.

And remember, Dear Diary, I noticed he doesn’t wear a wedding-ring.

When the black out was over, and I got back to Skins’s island, I found out that the repulsive franksolich had shown his bare naked backside to Stinky and Anne, mooning them.  He also tried to get Redstone, but Redstone left before he could drop his pants.

Ugh.  A right-wing ass.

But I wish I'd seen it, though.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 13, 2011, 07:11:38 PM
13 September 2011.  Dear Diary: Another day, another argue ment.  I forgot to send hubby’s uniform to the dry-cleaners, and so he had to wear his old Commander’s uniform to work today, instead of his Captain’s uniform.

He was upset about it, but I can’t do everything around here, even though he thinks I should.

Dear Diary, I don’t know what to do.  Again last night he came home from work late, when I was already in bed, and he hadn’t even botthered to get rid of the scent of her perfume when he got in.

I’ve been being suppressed on Skins’s island, my campfires there doused by ignorant moderators, but I’m not yet silenced.  As long as a prophet has an audience of at least one, the prophet must speak.

I’ve been hearing rumors, passed to me by my girl friend, that the handsome guy I think is from Nebraska, is really either one of two guys the reprehensible franksolich hangs around with, most likely the banned one.  But that doesn’t explain the Nebraska license-plates.  I’ll have to figure this out.

I haven’t yet googled Nebraska, to find out where it’s at, but someone told me it’s between Maine and Vermont, wherever they're at.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 14, 2011, 08:39:20 PM
14 September 2011.  Dear Diary: Another big argue ment with hubby today.

He was trying to find his Annapolis yearbook, the year he graduated from there, probably to show Bianca.  He couldn’t find it, and I had to tell him I’d donated it to the Junior League book sale last spring, as it was just an old book and nobody wanted to see it any more.

He gets up set over the smal lest things, the hubby does.

I’ve been checking in at the cave, to watch that repugnant franksolich.

I’ve been told that there’s some amazing similaritys between a guy he hangs around with, BannedFromDU, and the tall good-looking stranger with the Pagini-Zonda with Nebraska license-plates.

In fact, Dearest Diary, I’ve been told that BannedFromDU and the gorgeous Nebraska guy are one and the same man.

That doesn’t explain why BannedFromDU would have Nebraska license-plates, but as he and franksolich do work for Karl Rove, there’s probably some mischief going on here.

The mystery deepens, Diary; I really have to google Nebraska, to see where it’s at.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Boudicca on September 14, 2011, 09:45:55 PM
Frank, which CC lady is the alluring Bianca? :-) :rotf:
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 15, 2011, 04:36:31 AM
Frank, which CC lady is the alluring Bianca? :-) :rotf:

I never thought of that, but these diaries are still in their least-evolved state.

Is there any female member here, who lives in or around San Diego?  I could use her, if there is one.

If not, I suppose I can have hubby having an affair with the kaput primitive, the "kpete" primitive, the copy-and-paste queen of Skins's island who lives in a gated community in the most-affluent neighborhood of that city.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: JohnnyReb on September 15, 2011, 05:00:49 AM
I never thought of that, but these diaries are still in their least-evolved state.

Is there any female member here, who lives in or around San Diego?  I could use her, if there is one.

If not, I suppose I can have hubby having an affair with the kaput primitive, the "kpete" primitive, the copy-and-paste queen of Skins's island who lives in a gated community in the most-affluent neighborhood of that city.

the copy-and-paste queen of Skins's island  ...yeah, that's the can make it easy on yourself, just copy and paste a few lines from a romance novel....with a few corrections of course.

"She He went limp in his her arms as he she  ........"
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 15, 2011, 08:06:31 PM
15 September 2011.  Dear Diary:  Hubby came in again late last night, finding a stone-cold dinner still waiting for him on the table.  I don’t think he likes cold oat meal, but that’s what he had to have.

I kissed him, despite that he was still reeking of her perfume, and suggested we have some nice-nice in bed, but since he was tired out from the naughty-naughty in bed with her, he said he was too tired to poke me.

Dear Diary, I’m getting desperate.  I haven’t been poked in nearly a year.

I think I found out who Bianca is; she’s “kpete” on Skins’s island, the copy-and-paste queen, the one who’s loaded with both cash and real-estate, living in one of the most exclusive neighbor hoods of San Diego.

That repulsive franksolich mooned eight more members of Skins’s island last night.  He thinks he’s insulting them, but five of them—five so far—have admitted they’d hit on him, even if they knew he was franksolich.

Some day he's going to get his come uppance, because three of them are guys.

Right-wing ass.  Ugh.  But I’d like to see it, Dear Diary, to judge for myself.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: md11hydmec on September 15, 2011, 08:54:03 PM
....Three of them guys....  :rotf:
These are good. Great job!
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Boudicca on September 15, 2011, 09:03:46 PM
the copy-and-paste queen of Skins's island  ...yeah, that's the can make it easy on yourself, just copy and paste a few lines from a romance novel....with a few corrections of course.

"She He went limp in his her arms as he she  ........"

OR, he went limp when he saw her. :-)
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: RWKindaGuy on September 16, 2011, 11:26:52 AM
Oh, crap.  Now I'm hooked on The Secret Diaries of Nadin.  Great writing, Frank.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 16, 2011, 05:39:20 PM
16 September 2011.  Dear Diary:  A lousy night last night.

Hubby came home and gave me a large bouquet of roses.

But then he said he was “too tired” to hop around in the sack.

Diary, Diary, Dear Diary, I want to be poked; I haven’t been poked for almost a year now.

What does he think I am?  Dirty or something?

After he left to go back to the office—he said he has to work late, but I know what’s going on—I checked the flowers again.  He’d swiped them from a funeral procession or something, because there was a ribbon he’d for gotten to take off, WITH DEEPEST SYMPATHY.

Oh, Diary.  I’m going nuts.  I need to be poked.

I want to be poked so bad I can scream.

That creep franksolich mooned Stinky again last night.

I haven’t seen the picture, but I can imagine what a right-wing ass looks like; it’s not a pretty sight.

I saw the man from Nebraska today, while downtown.  Oh, Diary, there’s a man who can poke me any time he wants to, and I bet he’s a non-stop poker.  He was walking along the sidewalk, dispensing alms to the poor.  Being a charitable guy’s nice, but it’s even nicer that he’s so nice-looking.

My girl friend insists that he’s actually BannedFromDU, a close friend of the creep franksolich, but still, that doesn’t explain the Nebraska license-plates on his car.  The mys tery deepens.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 16, 2011, 05:40:36 PM
Oh, crap.  Now I'm hooked on The Secret Diaries of Nadin.  Great writing, Frank.

I haven't decided where I'm taking this yet, hence the uncertainty in the writing.

I'm trying to let it evolve naturally, to whatever it's supposed to evolve into.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 18, 2011, 09:53:46 AM
18 September 2011.  Dear Diary:  Ugh.  Another fight with hubby.

He didn’t like the rice and lentils I served him for supper tonight; never mind that I’m far too busy with my higher calling of illuminating the common little people, and don’t have the time to cook other than a few minutes standing over a couple of boiling pots.

And from him, well, I haven’t been poked in almost a year.

I tell you, Dear Diary, I’m a normal hot-blooded woman, and this is driving me nuts.  Every time I pass a fire hydrant on the sidewalk, I feel the need to straddle it, I’m so desperate.

I banned some guy from the despicable franksolich’s hangout from my site yesterday; these right-wing jerks are really a nuisance, and I wish they’d go away, leave me alone.  I will be listened to, I shall carry on, despite them.  It’s my destiny in life.

And then also last night, the despicable franksolich mooned half the population of Illinois.  He was trying to get the notice of Don from Skins’s island.  I dunno if he did, but he got a lot from Illinois looking.

He’s a slippery character, franksolich.  He mentions something, a harmless comment, and then waits until the regular audience has come and gone, leaving only lurkers to read what he’s written.  And then he modifies the comment, showing his bare ass to the lurkers.  Since he modifies rather than adds a comment, the regular audience isn’t aware of the change, thus keeping his reputation among them as a nice guy, and he catches lurkers by surprise.

It’s rather crude and juvenile, although I’ve heard from those who’ve seen it, that it’s a nice ass, and that it’s too bad it belongs to a Karl Rove operative than to one of us.  I haven’t seen it.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: seahorse513 on September 18, 2011, 11:12:08 PM
well, dang Nadine!!! I haven't seen Frank's derriere either!! :-)
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 19, 2011, 08:26:21 AM
well, dang Nadine!!! I haven't seen Frank's derriere either!! :-)

I'm sneaky about it, for good reason; I don't want to hurt the reputation of conservativecave, even though it's only a PG picture.

Is franksolich ever going to moon nadin?

No, no way, not at all.

And for the same reason that, when the greenbriar primitive was lurking towards the picture (I had put it up to moon the Die alte Sau), I immediately deleted it; some primitive women are so fragile, so mentally unstable, so emotionally distraught, that such a sight would discombobulate them even more.

This moon's in total eclipse for nadin.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 19, 2011, 05:45:01 PM
19 September 2011.  Dear Diary:  I am s-o-o-o-o mad at hubby.

Last night, for his supper, I dumped some raw macaroni straight from the bag and cold beans from the can into a bowl, and told him I was too busy to cook for him, that he’d have to do it himself.

Hubby got all bent out of shape about it, but doesn’t see I have higher obligations, more important responsibilities, than just making him a warm meal.  Humanity begs, cries, pleas, for my Wisdom and Insight, and the whole of humanity seeking answers is more than just hubby, one man.

Illumination of humanity is a 24/7/365 sort of job, more important than mundane domestic chores.

Diary, I don’t know why he doesn’t understand that.

And then earlier today, the two of us were walking down the sidewalk when a man with a television camera approached us.  He asked hubby what he thought about the grocery store strike, and hubby said he was against it.

Then the man with the camera turned to me, asking the same question.

Hubby butted in front, and said, “She’s my wife, and she’s against it too.”
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 20, 2011, 07:17:52 PM
20 September 2011.  Dear Diary:  Another fight with hubby tonight, when he wanted supper.

I gave him a box of corn starch and a package of saltine crackers, and told him to make it him self.

He stormed out of the house, probably to go over to kpete’s luxury mansion with its triple supersized waterbed, to romp with her.

Oh, Diary, it’s very frustrating.  He doesn’t under stand that while I love him, loving him is only my second priority in life, illuminating the great unwashed masses is my first.

I’ve got no time to cook for one man, to do the laundry and vacuuming and errand-running, when there’s so much more of the ignorant ‘mericans begging, pleading, crying, for my superior wisdom and insight.

That creep franksolich hasn’t been at his favorite hang out very much the past few days—he made a swipe at grouchy Don’s memory, but that’s about it—and so I’m getting nervous.  When the creep’s out where everybody can see him, hanging out there, we all know what he’s up to.  But when he’s not around, some mischief’s afoot, and I wonder what it is.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 20, 2011, 09:59:35 PM
21 September 2011.  Dear Diary: Yet another argue ment with hubby.

He says the clothes haven’t been washed, the floors swept, the dishes cleaned, the bed made, the trash taken out, for a few months now, and that this place is becoming a pig-sty because I won’t do anything other than sit at the computer all day.

He’s a stupid man, Diary; he doesn’t under stand.

I, Nadina, was made for bigger things than just being his wife.

Destiny chose me, Nadina, to be an Oracle, a Prophetess, a Seeress, a Divine.

I’ve got no time for the chores of ordinary people.

When he wanted supper last night, I told him to look in the cup boards, and make something out of that.  He complained there was nothing in there but a box of table-salt and a box of powdered pan cake mix, and what was he to do with that? 

I told him to “be creative,” and he stormed out of the place.

Oh little man, of such little imagination!

The creep franksolich continues to be away from his hang out, other than for a few minutes here and there.  Something’s up.  It’s best that he’s there all the time, so one can keep one’s eyes on him.  When he’s not there, he’s up to no good.

I decided to start a dossier on franksolich, Diary, but to be honest, there’s not much about him on the internets; no criminal record, no credit record, no drug-and-alcohol record, no driving record.  He’s a blank sheet, just his name and nothing else.  And he doesn’t belong to any social networks, although it appears he’s a frequent topic of dis cussion in some of them.

What I know at the moment—and it’s a good start, Diary—is from what hippywife, warpy, and horsey told me about him.  They after all met him in real life, as told in “Mrs. Alfred Packer does Labor Day”—and they met him up close and real personal, especially warpy, who actually seduced him.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 21, 2011, 02:47:35 PM
22 September 2011.  Dear Diary:  Hubby continues to vex me, Dear Diary, by his constant demands that I be his slave rather than his wife.  This morning, he yelled at me because he couldn’t find a pair of clean socks, and the last time I’d cleaned anything was in February.  He said he was tired of going to work in dirty socks that were stiffer than boards.

He just doesn’t under stand, Diary; Nadina was made for the world, not for hubby.

Doing laundry is for little people; only a few can speak from the mountaintop.

And last night, when he yelled for supper, I told him to take something out of the fridge.  He said there wasn’t anything in there but an old carrot and a bottle of vinegar.  I yelled back at him that cooking’s only for little people to do, that I, Nadina, would be depriving the planet of my greater gifts if I wasted my time cooking for him.

Dear Diary, if it wasn’t for his income, I’d leave him in a second.

And he hasn’t poked me for almost a year; instead, he’s always going over to the rich bitch kpete’s mansion to poke her, on that acre-sized waterbed in the bedroom with mirrors on the ceiling.

That creep franksolich continues to be absent from his hang out, other than a few minutes here and there to check up on things.  Diary, I know, I just know, he’s up to something.

I deep-googled franksolich to find things for his dossier I’m keeping, and I think I hit pay dirt.  It took a long time, as the creep has no criminal record, not even for jay walking or a parking ticket, in all his life.  Never been in front of a judge any more than he’s had tea with the queen.  Never been sued, never sued, a regular Immaculate Mary he is.

I checked his driving record.  He’s had drivers licenses since he was 15 years old, Diary, in Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.  Nothing, not a thing, on any of his records, not even a warning for going too fast.  Not even a fender bender or parking lot scratch.

Now, Dear Diary, nobody, but nobody, can possibly drive that many years without something happening, some random negli gence or care less ness at least, and so I googled his car insurance, thinking maybe he doesn’t drive much.  But according to google, his policy’s for a “100,000+ miles per year” driver—and get this, Diary, he pays only $84.36 in insurance every six months!


But I did find some dirt on him, Dear Diary, and I’ll tell you about it tomorrow.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: seahorse513 on September 21, 2011, 07:15:56 PM
Dang Frank, you should be cannonized!!!!
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 21, 2011, 07:44:47 PM
Dang Frank, you should be cannonized!!!!

Well, not quite, madam.

I do have a blemish on my record.

Check back for tomorrow's entry.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 22, 2011, 12:22:15 AM
23 September 2011.  Dear Diary:  Yet another argue ment with hubby.  Argue ments with him are becoming a daily event now.  I wish he would under stand.  He’s married to a special woman, a woman whose destiny in life is to Enlighten the Masses, not to just be his wife.

When he came home today, he noticed I had taken our wedding picture out of its frame, and put in one of myself, Nadina, looking longingly into the distance.  He was upset, even after I told him that was the best frame here, and I deserved the best.  He also noticed I had taken out pictures from other frames, and put in ones of myself, in various poses as a Seeress, an Oracle, a Prophetess.

Nadina with a halo, an aura.

I, Nadina, deserve a shrine, and I hope to get a better one than this crummy place; with tall looming columns and atria and all that.

Anyway, Dearest Diary, while that’s something, as I already told you, there’s some good dirt on franksolich.

I deep-googled the creep’s income tax records, from the IRS archives.

He didn’t file his income taxes for 1993, 1994, and 1995 until 1997.

I pulled up the facsimiles of his returns, and found an electronic image of the letter he’d sent, which went

… apologies for being so late with this, but during the years covered here, I was out on the steppes of Russia, out in the middle of nowhere, all by myself, as the attached photocopies of pages from my passport show. 

I had not anticipated income for those years—and it was a pleasant surprise to find I had gotten it—and had not the means to take advantage of this income, and to file tax returns on it.

There are no H&R Blocks in lower Siberia, and for reasons I am sure you would understand, I was rather more preoccupied with other things while wandering around the socialist paradises of the workers and peasants, including that of simply keeping my wits.

I was not aware of this income until I returned to this country, hence my delay in filing.  I hope this is not too large of an inconvenience, and with my good wishes…..

franksolich, income tax evader—now, that’s something to tell everyone on Skins’s island.

Much to my dis appointment, however, he got refunds totalling $224 for those three years, and no penalties.

franksolich, income tax evader—ha!  I have him now, by the balls, Diary!
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 23, 2011, 12:02:37 AM
24 September 2011.  Dear Diary: Yes, another argue ment with hubby today, when he got the bill from the portrait studio for all those poses taken of I, Nadina.

But never mind, Diary; he stomped out of here and went to see the rich kpete slut, who probably cleans his clothes in her washing machine while he’s poking her in the play ground sized bed in her mansion.

As I wrote you yesterday, Dear Diary, I’ve been deep-googling the creep franksolich, in pre emptive snooping.  Best I snoop first, before he does.

He says he doesn’t do social sites, but I’ve found him registered as a member on four of them, although he’s never posted on them.  He reads them, and replies privately, because others then quote him.

There’s lots of reading on them, but the pictures are more interesting.

There’s one, a small one, with nine members, all guys, who apparently went to college together and lived together, about thirty years ago.  Middle-aged men, professionals, married with families.  Mostly the smug self-satisfied bland happy fundie red-state faces.  Most of the pictures are of them and their wives and children, but there’s some old ones too, from when they were in college.

A ribald group they must have been, Dear Diary, expressing themselves as if they’re still ex uberant frat boys in college.  Probably their wives don’t know the face book page exists.  Most of the pictures seem to be groups of people at parties they held, boys and girls all getting drunk.  I would be ashamed of how I was back then, if I had been one of them.  Lots of male chauvinist locker-room talk. 

There’s one, dated “1980,” of the creep, and oh! Dearest Diary.


He’s walking into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes, and doesn’t know some one has a camera.  He’s got nothing on excepting a pair of skimpy under pants.

Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 23, 2011, 07:06:48 AM
25 September 2011.  Dear Diary: Hubby seems to have disappeared.  It’s now a day and a half since he was last here, and I can’t find any edible food in the place.  I need him to go grocerie shop ping because I’m too busy illuminating the ignorant masses, the little people.

And I’ve been busy, hanging all those framed photo graphs of myself all over the place.  So far I’ve put 116 of them on the walls, and still have 87 more to hang.  The problem is, Dear Diary, I’m running out of wall.  Hubby isn’t going to like it when I demand a bigger place with more walls, but I, Nadina, deserve a bigger shrine than this.

I’m still deep-googling the jerk franksolich, Dear Diary, so as to keep ahead of him googling me.

Last night, I checked the State Department, to see what they had on him.

He’s had four passports, Diary, and there were electronic images of all them.

His second and fourth passports are the most interesting.  The second passport, on the amendments page, has one of those lazy passers signed by a captain in the Royal Marines at Stranraer, Scotland, but it seems angrily crossed out a few days later by a “Deputy Chief Constable” of the “RUC,” with the notation that the lazy passer is null and void.

I wonder what was up with that, Diary.

And there’s his fourth passport—he apparently now has a fifth—from the midd 1990s, with pages and pages of stamped visas in Russian and Ukrainian.  The first visa was issued by the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, and all the others in Ukraine and Russia.

It’s curious, Dear Diary, those other visas.  There’s a couple signed and stamped by OVIR, the Ukrainian foreign ministry, but there’s many more signed and stamped by the MVS, colonels usually.  Six of them, with differing dates.  And the Russian visas, stamped and signed by the FSB and GRU, including one lieutenant general. 


It’s very odd, that these are police permits, and not foreign ministry visas.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Traveshamockery on September 23, 2011, 04:38:47 PM
This is the first time I have read Nadin's diary. Quite fascinating!

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 23, 2011, 04:50:32 PM
This is the first time I have read Nadin's diary. Quite fascinating!

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I had to somewhat alter the main story-line, though, some days ago.

I'd always thought nadin's husband was a Navy officer, because one time she referred to him as "the submarine commander."

Apparently that was just a term of endearment, and her husband's a retired Navy enlisted man.

And so I had to abruptly without notice change his character.

A nice, undemanding, modest guy now, he seems; the salt of the earth.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: seahorse513 on September 23, 2011, 06:12:11 PM
I had to somewhat alter the main story-line, though, some days ago.

I'd always thought nadin's husband was a Navy officer, because one time she referred to him as "the submarine commander."

Apparently that was just a term of endearment, and her husband's a retired Navy enlisted man.

And so I had to abruptly without notice change his character.

A nice, undemanding, modest guy now, he seems; the salt of the earth.
I vote we put up a shrine to him!! what a narcisstic bitch she is!!
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 23, 2011, 06:30:27 PM
26 September 2011.  Dear Diary: Hubby’s been gone now for two and a half days.  I got desperate for groceries, but I can’t let up on my destiny of enlightening the little people, so I payed the lady who lives next door to get some for me, forty dollars plus the cost of the groceries.

Distractions, distractions, distractions.

Keeping I, Nadina, away from my important work.

I got a bundle of new photographs of I, Nadina, from the studio today, and had to go to Hobby Lobby to buy some more picture frames.  There’s one of I, Nadina, gazing at the stars, another of I, Nadina, addressing the unwashed multitudes, I, Nadina, laying my hands, I, Nadina, surrounded by a halo, I, Nadina, counseling the Wise Ones, I, Nadina, glowing with light, I, Nadina, walking on water.

And many more; the one I don’t like is that of I, Nadina, riding an ass through a filthy crowd of poor people waving palm trees at me.  The one I like best is of I, Nadina, holding a swan.

After my last visit, Hobby Lobby’s going to have to re plenish their inventory of picture frames.

Diary, I tried last night to google the ass hole franksolich’s record with the federal OPM, but this time I hit a brick wall.  It won’t let me go there, and says the information’s not covered by the FOIA, so tough luck.

I do know that OPM carried a long in vestigation into franksolich in 1997, the up shot being that in the end, he was granted a very high level of national security clearance.  Out of the 512 people he worked with at the time, only he and two other guys, very senior in the bureau crazy, had this high of a level.

It’s very strange, though, Dear Diary; he never seems to stick around long, wherever he goes.  The place he lives now, he’s lived there only since September 2005, and that’s the longest time he’s ever been at one place since he was a child.  All the other places he’s been, he’s been there only one, two, or three years, and then moved on.

His jobs, the same thing.  It looks as if some day he just decides he doesn’t care for the job any more, gives his 30 days’ notice, and then quietly leaves.  I’m getting this idea that he’s the sort who’s here today, gone tomorrow.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Chris_ on September 23, 2011, 06:32:25 PM
Needs more typos. :-)
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 23, 2011, 08:16:12 PM
I only just discovered the diaries, hidden away in this dark corner. I'm only about a quarter of the way through, but so far, outstanding.

I have only one quibble. Mr. nadin is working now on his undergraduate degree. His wife is unemployable, and a high school diploma doesn't go far in the land of fruits and nuts.

No one with the character and intelligence to attend the Naval Academy would look twice at nutcase nadin, unless it was the first day ashore after six months submerged at sea. Even in that case, a gag and a bag would be in order.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Traveshamockery on September 23, 2011, 08:30:56 PM
I only just discovered the diaries, hidden away in this dark corner. I'm only about a quarter of the way through, but so far, outstanding.

I have only one quibble. Mr. nadin is working now on his undergraduate degree. His wife is unemployable, and a high school diploma doesn't go far in the land of fruits and nuts.

No one with the character and intelligence to attend the Naval Academy would look twice at nutcase nadin, unless it was the first day ashore after six months submerged at sea. Even in that case, a gag and a bag would be in order.

What?  Nadin only has a high school education?  The way she speaks about herself, one would think she's been a professional student.  Otherwise, her use of grammar and poor spelling indicates she barely made it out of the 6th grade. 
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Traveshamockery on September 23, 2011, 08:31:59 PM
I had to somewhat alter the main story-line, though, some days ago.

I'd always thought nadin's husband was a Navy officer, because one time she referred to him as "the submarine commander."

Apparently that was just a term of endearment, and her husband's a retired Navy enlisted man.

And so I had to abruptly without notice change his character.

A nice, undemanding, modest guy now, he seems; the salt of the earth.

I was beginning to wonder why there were so many typos and such because franksolich never makes those types of mistakes.  Then I realized, it's nadin-speak. 
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Chris_ on September 23, 2011, 08:33:10 PM

What?  Nadin only has a high school education?  The way she speaks about herself, one would think she's been a professional student.  Otherwise, her use of grammar and poor spelling indicates she barely made it out of the 6th grade. 
There's a photograph someone linked to of a person taking a picture of some toy dragon or some other fantasy-game crap.  The person behind the camera looked like Meatloaf on a bad day.

I think I'd volunteer for sub duty if I had to come home to that every day.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: JakeStyle on September 23, 2011, 10:50:33 PM

What?  Nadin only has a high school education?  The way she speaks about herself, one would think she's been a professional student.  Otherwise, her use of grammar and poor spelling indicates she barely made it out of the 6th grade.  

She claims to have an MA in history from SDSU, he is a retired QMC.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 23, 2011, 10:55:36 PM
She claims to have an MA in history from SDSU, he is a retired QMC.

I've seen that too.

It sounds plausible, but one wonders when nadin had the time to go to college.

Also, a question for the furtherance of the diaries.

There's lots I know who were in the U.S. Navy who married women from south of the border, women from the Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego.

Of course, part of this is because Nebraska has a shortage of women.

Is this common elsewhere, sailors bringing home southern brides?
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: JakeStyle on September 23, 2011, 11:19:07 PM
I've seen that too.

It sounds plausible, but one wonders when nadin had the time to go to college.

Also, a question for the furtherance of the diaries.

There's lots I know who were in the U.S. Navy who married women from south of the border, women from the Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego.

Of course, part of this is because Nebraska has a shortage of women.

Is this common elsewhere, sailors bringing home southern brides?

 There were a lot of stories about Marines and sailors getting "convenience" marriages in order to collect housing allowances that would allow them to move off base/ship, and it seems like most of them involved women from south of the border or local Filipinos, but that was back in the '80s and '90s, and I never encountered it firsthand.  The rules have tightened up considerably in the last 10 years and TJ is no longer a popular liberty destination for service members, in fact I think it is officially off limits.  

Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 24, 2011, 03:25:23 AM
27 September 2011.  Dear Diary:  Hubby’s been gone for three and a half days now, but at least his paycheck still gets put into our joint account.  I’ve heard a rumor he’s been poking the rich slut kpete over on the other side of San Diego, and that she’s feeding him and keeping his clothes clean.

Oh, well.

With gifts such that I, Nadina, possess, one has to sacrifice.

But it gets lonely, not being poked for almost a year now.

I’ve hired a locally famous sculptor, to make a bust of I, Nadina.

Life sized, and it’s going out in front.  Bronze, and then gold-plated.

I haven’t yet decided if just the head, or the head and shoulders, or from the top to mid riff, or a full body statue.  The sculptor suggested a crown of thorns, but I said no, a tiara, with a string of multi colored Xmas tree lights at the points, to be plugged in at night.

Stymied in my efforts to deep-google that jerk franksolich, I went back to those face book pages where he’s a member but he never says any thing.  Other members quote him and talk about him, but he’s always behind the curtain, talking with them through private messages.

I wonder if he’s like that in real life, Diary—behind a curtain, but such a “presence” he might as well be on center stage.

One of the face book pages has 27 members, and they’re all cousins and children of cousins.  They use avatars of their colleges.  There’s 26 using Penn State blue, and 1 using Nebraska red. Nebraska red doesn’t say any thing, but he’s cat-called and booed by all the Penn State blues, and apparently he gives as good as he gets.

I’ll have to look that up some time, Diary, to find out what this Penn State-Nebraska thingy is.

There’s a lot of politics in it; the Pennsylvania cousins being reich-wing conservatives first, Republicans second, and the ass hole franksolich being Republican first, and reich-wing conservative second.

There’s a cousin-in-law, a colonel in the army at the Pentagon, and the two of them don’t get along.  He’s the father of nine kids, seven boys and two girls at the end, and the two of them get along on stupid Dan Quayle “family values” and super stitious catholicism, but there’s something else there; they just don’t like each other’s politics, which is nearly all they talk with each other.

His wife, the creep’s cousin, must have been busy; nine kids in eleven years.  But she still has her Nancy Reagan figure.  And at 50, looks twenty years younger than she is.  Sigh.

(It’s a very blond family, this face book family; out of the 27 members, she and franksolich are the only ones with brown hair.)

The colonel thinks franksolich is a retard, while franksolich thinks the colonel is ethnically inferior, being Polish.  They get really mean to each other.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: vesta111 on September 24, 2011, 10:21:32 AM
Frank, I am waiting to see what Na din has to say when she going through You Tube finds her husband has come out as gay, could anyone blame him ??????
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 24, 2011, 10:23:21 AM
28 September 2011.  Dear Diary:  Oh, Dear Diary, I’m so excited!

I’m so very excited, Dear Diary!

The girl friend, when she was here, saw the studio portrait of I, Nadina, holding two stone tablets, and told me my life would make a Hollywood epic.

“I, Nadina.”

After she left, I called the fab movie director, Michael Moore, to see if I could get him in on it.

I couldn’t find Michael Moore’s telephone number, but I did reach his idea man, and explained the details—or rather, Dear Diary, I reached the idea man’s secretary, and she jotted down my ideas, and promised she’d pass them on to her boss, and said it sounded good enough her boss would probably pass them on to the studly Michael Moore.

I asked her to get them to Michael Moore tonight if possible; it’s a hot idea, Diary.

Imagine, Dear Diary!—Barbra Streisand in the lead role of “I, Nadina”!

And a cast of thousands!

I’ll bet no body’s made a movie of that rich bitch kpete’s life.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 24, 2011, 04:22:17 PM
"I, nadina" sounds like one of the characters in "The Help".
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 24, 2011, 04:50:01 PM
"I, nadina" sounds like one of the characters in "The Help".

I'm thinking of a phenomenon I used to see on the television screen when I was in college.

I have no idea who she was, or is.

It was a blonde woman preacher of some sect, with the "I AM" motto.

She was based in Hawaii.

She wasn't too bad-looking, but it was eerie, watching her eyes.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 25, 2011, 08:08:00 AM
Okay, so I remembered who it is, or was, that nadin reminds me.

Take yourself back to the very late 1970s, very early 1980s.  One's in college, and as usual out drinking or at home getting stoned. 

This was before the proliferation of cable television and 24/7/365 television; when many regional stations near the wee hours of the morning carried "infomercials" and other paid programs.

Oftentimes I'd come home late at night, finding all the other roommates passed out or dead stoned, sitting in the living room, the television still on.  I'd decide to have a beer or two or three myself, or the last remains of a roach.  But as everybody else was out of it, I'd sit there.  As the effects of the alcohol or dope filtered in, I'd look at the television screen.

About this time, there'd be a half-hour show emanating from Hawaii (wikipedia says California, but I'm damned sure it was Hawaii), with some woman standing behind a lectern, talking.  I had no idea what she was saying, but her eyes were very gripping.....and eerie.  One couldn't get away from looking at her eyes.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

I couldn't find an exact image of her as I remember her, but perhaps the three photographs below might jog some other memories.

This is exactly who nadin reminds me of.




Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 27, 2011, 08:08:51 AM
Well, nadin seems to have petered out, and with that, the inspiration for "the secret diaries of nadin."

But if she starts haranguing the primitives on Skins's island again, time to re-open the diary for new entries.

I'm hoping her silence--she's been around Skins's island here and there, now and then, but not much--means she's finally doing something important with her life, giving hubby home-cooked warm meals, keeping the place clean, washing his clothes, making him happy in the sack.

You know, each individual is born with a Destiny, and the talents to fulfill that Destiny.

We of course all know nadin's Destiny and talents don't lie in history and prophecy; she's an abysmal flop at those sorts of things.  She's more than a flop in those things; she's a laughingstock.

nadin's destiny is, obviously, to be an affectionate and loving hausfrau, to serve her husband, and one sincerely hopes nadin's accepted that.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: vesta111 on September 27, 2011, 11:37:02 AM
YES<YES< YES Frank, I just had a problem thinking of her now.

She had a sect in the midwest I believe that lived in under ground bunkers.   The group allowed someone to come in and photograph these bunker homes.    No bad, actually better homes then some Apartment I have lived in.   Kind of reminded me of the Opal miners in Australia that live below, some very fancy homes.

I do remember a photo of her on a lectern with paintings and photos of all the big time Prophets, most from Moses to Mary Baker Eddy, old Joe Smith and Baha'ullah.   Amazing, I do wonder what she taught.

Now I was mesmerized by the Pastor IKE-------Get your pie NOW, why wait to get it in the sky???

Life is odd who was the so called Prophet in the 1930's that disappeared into the desert, caused a uproar until she came walking out of the sand with her corset and petty coats clean and white to tell her story of being kidnapped ????????

I Your Prophet need a new car, please send me money to buy it.     

I watched the Evangelical problems for comedy relief,  then watched as the biggest Evangelicals were outted as Sex Hounds, the Bakers, Swagget, and the one big time dude that claimed Jesus came to him on a horse or some thing really bazaar.

The way things are going, if a Honest to God Prophet came to us, we would ignore them as we get burned so often.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 27, 2011, 01:33:44 PM
Speaking of nadin's difficulty in locating Nebraska, it seems the jug-eared Kenyan's inner circle has similar problems. I'm sure in their muslim world they can identify Tunisia, and Algeria, and Bahrain, and Qatar on a map, but all them pesky USA flyover states run together:
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on September 27, 2011, 05:55:20 PM
YES<YES< YES Frank, I just had a problem thinking of her now.

I do remember a photo of her on a lectern with paintings and photos of all the big time Prophets, most from Moses to Mary Baker Eddy, old Joe Smith and Baha'ullah.

Uh huh.  That was her; at least that's the way I remember seeing her on television.

But despite what wikipedia alleges, I definitely remember she was based in Hawaii, not California, at least at the time.

Life is odd who was the so called Prophet in the 1930's that disappeared into the desert, caused a uproar until she came walking out of the sand with her corset and petty coats clean and white to tell her story of being kidnapped ????????

Amy Semple McPherson, and during the 1920s.

I was originally thinking of nadin as Amy, but photographic samples of Amy show she was absent that zombie-like stare in her eyes.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 03, 2011, 04:42:27 PM
2 October 2011.  Dear Diary:  Hubby is being no help at all.

He came back the other day from that rich bitch kpete’s Streisandian manor on the other side of San Diego, to pick up some more of his clothes.  He got all bended out of shape when he found I’d jammed them into big boxes and was getting ready to donate them to Goodwill.

Dear Diary, I have no time to bother with that man any more; I’ve got more important things to do.

He didn’t like the gold-plated full-sized bronze statue of I, Nadin, outside near the front door, and liked even less the stacks of framed photographs of I, Nadin, piled up in the living room because there’s no more space on the walls to hang them.

He said those should go to Goodwill, at least the frames are good.

And then hubby suggested we go out to eat, to “have a talk.”  I told him I couldn’t; I had to stay here because the famous hunk Michael Moore, the movie director, might call at any time, and I needed to be around when the telephone rang.  He’s going to do a Holly wood epic on the life of I, Nadin, I reminded him.

Hubby laughed, and I didn’t like it, Dear Diary.

I haven’t told him yet, Diary, that I’ve asked for contracts to lease out the San Diego Chargers foot ball stadium in November, so as to inau gurate the new church, the Everlasting Triumphant Church of I, Nadin, the Mentor of God.

But no point in telling him that, because I still have access to our joint bank accounts.

The silly foot ball team is put out that I need their stadium for the same day there’s a game here, but never mind.  They’ll just have to find some where else to play that weekend.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 05, 2011, 07:50:07 PM
3 October 2011.  Dear Diary: Damn the San Diego Chargers…..or hubby…...or Michael Moore, who still hasn’t returned my telephone calls about doing a Holly wood epic on the life of I, Nadin..

The foot ball team doesn’t want to rent out their stadium in November for the start up of the Everlasting Triumphant Church of I, Nadin, the Mentor of God.

Well, they will, Diary, but at a cost of more than what hubby has in the bank.

Hubby never loved me, Diary; if he had, there’d be far more money in the bank.

I asked the General Man ager of the foot ball team if I could at least rent out half time, for a show, but he didn’t seem too enthusiastic about it.  I thought my request for a half hour of speaking time, and having the band and cheer leaders march in formation forming “I, Nadin” on the field, was reason able.

I’ve been reading that face book page of the despicable franksolich, the one with his Pennsyl vania cousins.

It’s pretty boring, Diary, all these middle aged fundie folk with their plastic children, and these silly argue ments about Penn State and Nebraska foot ball, but every so often there’s a good photo graph.

There’s one of the creep and his younger brother, from about 1978, taken at a funeral.  They both look like preppie boys from a New England academy.  His younger brother looks like a handsome Polish lad, with that smile, that face, that straw blond hair, that friendly demeanor.

But franksolich looks like a villain out of Dickens, with that dark hair, sharp features, too white skin, and his contemptuous glare.

Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 08, 2011, 07:58:56 AM
9 October 2011.  Dear Diary: I was mad the other day, but now I’m even mad der.

I called Michael Moore’s secretary today, and she says she’s never heard of me, I, Nadin.

And then I called the San Diego Chargers, to see if I could rent an advertise ment on their electronic bill board, and they said they’re “full up,” no more space avail able.

And the San Diego padres base ball team tells me they have no open places for advertise ments until one of their games in February. 

I don’t know what I’m going to do, Dear Diary, to get word out about the Church Everlasting and Triumphant of I, Nadin, the Mentor of God.

If a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, it doesn’t make any sound, and no body notices it.

Hubby was pleasant when he came over last night; he looks very healthy and whole some and says that kpete rubs him just right.

But oh, Diary, I haven’t had any my self since last December…..

It’s unfair, Diary; even franksolich is always getting it.  I wonder what he has that I, Nadin, don’t have.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Traveshamockery on October 08, 2011, 02:14:38 PM
Title: Re: the secret diaries of Nadin
Post by: md11hydmec on October 09, 2011, 08:15:12 AM
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 09, 2011, 08:41:38 AM
10 October 2011.  Dear Diary: I am truly vexed.  There seems to be nothing avail able for the opening of the Church Triumphant and Everlasting of I, Nadin, the Mentor of God.

Well, there is; I checked into the Queen Mary on the docks here in San Diego, but it’s not big enough.

To add insult to injury, Dear Diary, a man came to me and offered to rent a place he has on a strip mall in Poway.

Poway’s got nothing but a Target store; who goes to Poway?

And be sides, I didn’t like the neighbor hood.  It’s run down and there’s a tattoo parlor on one side, and a naughty book store on the other side.

I also checked out the San Diego zoo, and was ready to rent it when I learned the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska is actually the largest and best zoo in the world—so the zoologists say—and I, Nadin, must have the largest and the best.  But I don’t know where Omaha is.

One good thing happened today, Diary.  The engraver came here and we agreed on the design for a 22-carrot gold medallion of I, Nadin.  It’s to be the size of a half dollar and a required purchase for members of the Church Everlasting and Triumphant of I, Nadin, the Mentor of God.

There was an argue ment, however.  On the front, we agreed there would be a profile of I, Nadin.

It was the back that caused the problem.  I wanted another profile of I, Nadin, on the back, but the engraver says I should have something different there, on the back.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

In between times, Diary, I keep checking up on that creep franksolich.  It’s very strange, Diary, that he seems to know more about fine china and silver than men usually do.  I haven’t got any where yet on this, but I’m checking to see if he’s queer.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 10, 2011, 08:15:00 PM
11 October 2011.  Dear Diary:  This is getting to be too much work.  I decided I’m going to hire an agent, to promote I, Nadin.

Agents charge 10 per cent of what one reaps, but maybe I can persuade one to become a member of the Church Everlasting and Triumphant of I, Nadin, the Mentor of God, and do publicity as part of his tithe.

But it’ll have to be an agent who has an in side with Michael Moore, who hasn’t returned any of my telephone calls; an agent who has Michael Moore’s ear.

I’ve scourred google, hoping to find franksolich is queer, so as to destroy the creep who’s trying to destroy the reputation of I, Nadin.  Think of what a coop that would be, Dear Diary, if I could announce that to every one on democraticunderground.

But Dear Diary, I’m vexed to tears.  His knowledge of fine china and silver, a feminine pre occupation, seems to be an anomalie, nothing more.  Based on what’s said about him on face book pages, franksolich is Arrow shirt straight, even studly although modest, and even embarased when it’s pointed out.

The only thing I ever found was that Atman from democraticunderground’s expressed the desire, several times, to insert his member into franksolich, but that describes Atman, not franksolich.

I wish I could find some dirt on franksolich, Diary.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 13, 2011, 07:25:58 AM
13 October 2011.  Dear Diary: I am faced with nothing but obstacles, nothing but barriers, nothing but non-cooperation, in fulfilling my Destiney, Dear Diary.

Yes terday I interviewed an agent from Hollywood, a descendant of the Selznicks.  He has a cirrucla viter miles long, represented many names.  He was adamant how ever about demanding 15% of the take, and to add insult to injury, he said he could spend only ten hours a week publicizing and promoting I, Nadin.

I reminded him that I, Nadin, the Mentor of God, deserved nothing less than 100% of his time and talents, 24/7/365, and because of the importance of my Destiney, he could reap more than 15% in Redemption and Salvation, than in mere money.

Money, a bag a tail, a mere trite little thing, money.

Selznick isn’t buying it.  I’ll have to work on him some more.

I’m getting frustrated with the Great Satan, too, Dear Diary, the creep franksolich who’s doing all he can to stand in my way of Imortality.  I’ve looked and looked and looked, and can’t find any dirt on him.

It’s true, Diary, he’s not perfect, and has a few quirks, a few peckadildos, in his past, but nothing, really, that even if exagerated is black mail-worthy.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: seahorse513 on October 13, 2011, 07:12:17 PM
Of all the nerve she has, trying to find something to blackmail the Franksolitch..

Has she no pride?????
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: Chris_ on October 13, 2011, 07:15:04 PM
"The Great Satan"
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 13, 2011, 08:15:50 PM
"The Great Satan"

Well now, I rather enjoyed inventing "bag of tail" and "peckadildo" for nadin to use.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 13, 2011, 08:19:18 PM
bag·a·telle/ˌbægəˈtɛl/ Show Spelled[bag-uh-tel]

something of little value or importance; a trifle.

pec·ca·dil·lo/ˌpɛkəˈdɪloʊ/ Show Spelled[pek-uh-dil-oh]
noun, plural -loes, -los.

a very minor or slight sin or offense; a trifling fault.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 14, 2011, 04:35:29 AM
14 October 2011.  Dear Diary:  More exasperation today.  I talked with a second Holly wood agent, a Maurer, from the family that had the three Stooges a long time ago.  He didn’t want 15%, only 12.5%, but with expenses.  And he was willing to put only twenty hours a week into promoting I, Nadin, the Mentor of God.

I’m not going to get my due, Diary, unless I fight for it.  I, Nadin, and the Church Triumphant and Everlasting of I, Nadin, the Mentor of God, deserve nothing but the best, and the most vigor ous, of some one’s time and energy.

And this quibble about money.  What is money, Dear Diary, when compared with fame and glory?

Why do they always want money, when I, Nadin, can give them some thing better than money?

I have to con fess, Dear Diary, that I hacked the Great Satan franksolich’s e-mail, to find some dirt on him so as to destroy him and his reputation.

Only stupid people don’t cheat, and besides, the creep franksolich has said many times that while he obeys the rules, the boundaries, he fully expects “the other side” to cheat, observing no rules, no boundaries.

I dunno how he expects to win without cheating, but since cheating’s okay with him, Diary, I’m cheating.

I went to his most important e-mail account, which he shares with his best friend—he calls him “the senior business partner,” although I’m not sure why—who lives out in the Sand hills.  franksolich him self apparently lives on the eastern edge of the Sand hills, but plans to move there late next year.

Most of the messages are about people and their problems with money.  Not the problems of those two with money, but the problems of other people, in which those two get involved.  It looks as if they’re accountants of some sort, charged with finding the ways people cheat with money.

There isn’t anything interesting in those messages, Diary; accounting’s a bore any way.

There’s personal messages too, and once in a while the two get into argue ments.  The other one went through a nasty divorce and is still bitter about it; the creep franksolich keeps telling him to “let it go, move on.”  franksolich is in health not so good, and the other one’s always harping on him about that.

Oh my.  franksolich's health is a "hot button" issue with him, and asking about it's asking for trouble, as his nephews and Penn sylvania cousins know from face book.  But Diary, health isn't a black mailable handle.

The other one became involved in the senatorial campaign of a woman from the Sand hills, and she’s expected to win the republithug primary next year.  He wants franksolich to get involved, but while the creep is willing, he has no idea what he can “possibly contribute,” other than stuffing envelopes.

There’s thousands of e-mails between the two, Diary, and they’re all pretty boring.

Dear Diary, I’m des perate to find some dirt on franksolich.
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: md11hydmec on October 14, 2011, 12:02:43 PM
How many is a "peck o dildoes" ? :-)
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 14, 2011, 12:40:03 PM
How many is a "peck o dildoes" ? :-)

That's a nadism, for "peccadillos."
Title: Re: the secret diaries of nadin
Post by: franksolich on October 15, 2011, 07:11:17 AM
15 October 2011.  Dear Diary:  Decisions, decisions, decisions, again.

I spoke with a car dealer about suitable modes of trans portation for I, Nadin, once the Church Everlasting and Triumphant of I, Nadin, the Mentor of God, gets underway.  It’s not like I, Nadin, should be expected to dirtey the bottoms of my shoes by walking.

I wanted something like the Popemobile, but the dealer says there’s only one of those in the whole world, and it’s not for sale.  He suggested a Cadillac stretch limousine, white, 64 feet long, but that wasn’t the way I wanted to go. 

I wanted height, not length, and so he’s looking into Cadillac convertibles about twenty feet high, in which I can sit out in the open above the crowds, smiling and waving down upon them.

And with slots on the side to receive monetary donations from the faithful as I pass.

He doesn’t sale them, but I asked him to find a source for a sedan chair, to be borne aloft on the shoulders of sixteen men, with appropriate décor inside and out, and an emergency W.C. inside.  That, I, Nadin will need for my entry into the church.

I’m still reading the e-mails of the creep franksolich, this time ones between him and his girl friend.

Diary, I thought I would find some dirt there, but they’re just common place e-mails, usually arranging for the two of them to meet some where for lunch or supper.  No terms of endearment, no seductive talk.

It’s very odd, though, Diary; the creep won’t go to a fish place or a steak house or an Asian restaurant or an all you can eat buffet or any where that serves beans.

After going back and forth the two of them always meet at Valentino’s or the country club.

The creep has arrangements with both places, to use a private dining room, just the two of them.  I wonder why he does that, Diary.