The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Breaking News => Topic started by: pissant on July 25, 2011, 12:53:13 AM

Title: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: pissant on July 25, 2011, 12:53:13 AM
WASHINGTON – A review of Anders Behring Breivik's 1,500-page manifesto shows the media's quick characterization of the Norwegian terrorist as a "Christian" may be as incorrect as it was to call Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh one.

Breivik was arrested over the weekend, charged with a pair of brutal attacks in and near Oslo, Norway, including a bombing in the capital city that killed 7 and a shooting spree at a youth political retreat on the island of Utoya that killed more than 80 victims.

Piecing together Breivik's various posts on the Internet, many media reports have characterized the terrorist – who says he was upset over the multiculturalist policies stemming from Norway's Labour Party – as a "right-wing, Christian fundamentalist."

Yet, while McVeigh rejected God altogether, Breivik writes in his manifesto that he is not religious, has doubts about God's existence, does not pray, but does assert the primacy of Europe's "Christian culture" as well as his own pagan Nordic culture.

Breivik instead hails Charles Darwin, whose evolutionary theories stand in contrast to the claims of the Bible, and affirms: "As for the Church and science, it is essential that science takes an undisputed precedence over biblical teachings. Europe has always been the cradle of science, and it must always continue to be that way. Regarding my personal relationship with God, I guess I'm not an excessively religious man. I am first and foremost a man of logic. However, I am a supporter of a monocultural Christian Europe."

Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: FreeBorn on July 25, 2011, 01:17:30 AM
I find it odd that the media keeps trumpeting his "blond hair and blue eyes", the whole Ubermensch stereotype but he has brown eyes.
Never mind the facts, LSM, just push the agenda. Trivial as it is, it has profoundly relevant and current racial implications in our present era of Soetoro fomented class warfare.
No, we didn't start it but we are in the midst of it.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: MrsSmith on July 25, 2011, 05:05:08 AM
Of course he isn't Christian.  Even if he loudly claimed to be, his actions are exactly the opposite of the commandments of Christ, or the Works of the Holy Spirit.  Remember, LOVE your enemy is a Christian commandment.  The weapon given to Christians is the "sword" of the Word, a "weapon" to use on heart and mind, not on body.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: Mr Mannn on July 25, 2011, 05:28:38 AM
Truth does not matter here.
Liberals and socialists in the media will use every opportunity to push their propaganda. They want Christians and Jews to be the enemy, not islam. the lies will continue.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: NHSparky on July 25, 2011, 07:49:52 AM
Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: thelaughingman on July 25, 2011, 05:04:33 PM
This is ironic:

Unfortunately, the right-wing story line may very well be thoroughly derailed. The Norwegian police have a suspect in custody: Anders Behring Breivik, a right-wing extremist, a Christian, a nationalist, and Islamophobe. Oops.

If it turned out to be an action by Al Qaeda or angry immigrants, we'd be in for many denunciations of Islam. If it turned out to be an action angry conservative Christians, do you think we'd get similar denunciations of right-wing extremism? I don't think so. Expect Fox News to lose interest very quickly if the culprit turns out to be a white guy.

Expect atheists to lose interest very quickly now that his true background has been exposed.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: Ptarmigan on July 25, 2011, 05:08:57 PM
I have read that he did rail against Christianity.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: Mr Mannn on July 25, 2011, 05:10:03 PM
This is ironic:

Expect atheists to lose interest very quickly now that his true background has been exposed.
I expect atheists to continue the lie that he is a model Christian.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: chitownchica on July 25, 2011, 05:26:26 PM
Many people seem to misunderstand a basic tenet of Christianity. People aren't automatically Christian just because they are born into a Christian family, or live in a country that has a state sponsored church.  A friend of mine from France claimed Catholicism from birth, just as her family had. It wasn't until she was an adult that she ever had an understanding of a relationship with Christ.  Before that, it was just another form of identity.

It's very different from being born into other religions.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: compaqxp on July 25, 2011, 07:21:09 PM
I expect atheists to continue the lie that he is a model Christian.

I don't plan to lie about any such thing. Then again I'm not the average atheist.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: Mr Mannn on July 25, 2011, 07:27:22 PM
I don't plan to lie about any such thing. Then again I'm not the average atheist.
Sorry. Should have been more specific.

There are atheists who are cool and embrace diversity (i.e, they don't care if others believe differently).

I refer to the intolerant type of atheist who frequents the internet to spew hate and rage at all who disagree. These guys deliberately seek to offend people of faith as frequently as possible. These are the ones who populate DU and various other "atheist specific" forums.

I'm pretty sure you know the type I mean.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: thelaughingman on July 25, 2011, 10:27:04 PM
I expect atheists to continue the lie that he is a model Christian.

It seems the MSM is.  Not one word about his true beliefs from the manifesto.

While Breivik claims to be a Protestant Christian, his 1500 page manifesto says that he is not religious, doesn't pray, doubts the very existence of God, and embraces Darwinism over the Biblical account of creation, stating "that science takes an undisputed precedence over Biblical teachings."
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: pissant on July 25, 2011, 11:38:44 PM
It seems the MSM is.  Not one word about his true beliefs from the manifesto.

He's a model Darwinist.  No worries about a just God to judge him in the afterlife.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: compaqxp on July 26, 2011, 06:35:07 AM
He's a model Darwinist.  No worries about a just God to judge him in the afterlife.

And yet people of various religions with a God to judge them have done things like this before. I doubt that him not believing in a God was a main motivator behind this, because crazy people tend to not care.
Title: Re: Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian'
Post by: MrsSmith on July 26, 2011, 07:29:52 PM
And yet people of various religions with a God to judge them have done things like this before. I doubt that him not believing in a God was a main motivator behind this, because crazy people tend to not care.
This is true, crazy people don't care.  They think they have it all figured out.  But people that truly believe in God and want to please Him will study His word...and not do crazy things like terrorist acts.