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Current Events => Archives => Politics => Election 2012 => Topic started by: Janice on May 07, 2011, 05:51:41 AM

Title: 10 Reasons Why the Death of Bin Laden Won't Help Obama In the Long Run
Post by: Janice on May 07, 2011, 05:51:41 AM

10 Reasons Why the Death of Bin Laden Won't Help Obama In the Long Run (

The question already being widely asked by political junkies after the killing of Usama bin Laden: will the immediate bump in the polls for President Obama last? Should we, as "The View" co-host Joy Behar suggested Monday, “just skip the next election?”

The answer in a word: no. In fact, it’s easy to come up with ten reasons why:

1. Who Gets Credit? Within a couple news cycles, the airwaves were already buzzing with controversy over whether President Obama had taken too much credit for the success of the operation. >>>
2. It’s the Economy, Stupid. Past election cycles have demonstrated that, short of world war, short-term foreign-policy successes won’t overcome a prolonged economic downturn. Today’s headlines can’t obscure the prospect of $5 per gallon gas, rising food prices, continued high unemployment, a potential double-dip recession and trillions of dollars in deficit spending that will produce an extended budget battle.
3. Déjà Vu 1991: >>>
4. Attacks from the Left: The very success of the Usama bin Laden initiative is already raising questions from the set. The White House is already on the defensive on how and why Bin Laden was killed, especially with its delayed admission that the terrorist was unarmed when he was assassinated. Plus the mission has already revived attention to his stepped-up use of drones and reversal on closing Guantanamo and led to calls from the left to expedite America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.
5. Biting the Hand that Feeds Him: President Obama is exulting over an operation carried out by elite troops with expensive technology. Yet the president has called for severe defense cuts >>>
6. The Real Foreign Policy Story of Coming Months? Libya: >>>
7. UBL Doesn’t Undo ObamaCare: >>>
8. Culture Wars: Tracking down Bin Laden doesn’t change the fact that President Obama represents values far out of step with mainstream America’s. >>>
9. BHO, Tax-Hiker: The compromise President Obama closed with Republicans last year to avoid the expiration of the Bush tax cuts runs out in 2012, and the president has pledged he will not extend the cuts. Explicitly running as a tax-hiker has not proved a winning strategy in the past –
10. Tea, Anyone? The Tea Party, conservative talk TV and radio and the blogosphere – >>>

So my advice to prospective GOP candidates: take a deep breath, and keep focused on November 2012. These days, a week in politics is a lifetime.


So, who's afraid of the Big Bad Mussie/ Commie/ Marxist? Judging by the 1st Republican debates ... not many.
Title: Re: 10 Reasons Why the Death of Bin Laden Won't Help Obama In the Long Run
Post by: Janice on May 11, 2011, 08:03:48 AM
Why the Hurry to Gloat About Bin Laden? (

For a week people have been asking, "Why won't the president release Osama bin Laden's photo?" That's the wrong question. We should be asking, "Why was Barack Obama in such a hurry to tell us bin Laden was dead?"

The White House says the information in bin Laden's compound is the equivalent of a "small college library," potentially containing incalculably valuable and unique data on al-Qaeda operations, personnel and methods. "It's going to be great even if only 10 percent of it is actionable," a government official told Politico's Mike Allen.

I'm no expert on such matters -- though I've talked to several about this -- but even a casual World War II buff can understand that the shelf life of actionable intelligence would be extended if we hadn't told the whole world, and al-Qaeda in particular, that we had it.

It's a bit like racing to the microphones to announce you've stolen the other team's playbook even before you've had a chance to use the information in the big game. But that's exactly what President Obama did. He raced to spill the beans. The man couldn't even wait until morning. >>>

And while reports are pouring out from a gloating White House that's leaking like the Titanic in its final hours, one can only assume our analysts have barely begun to exploit the data. Couldn't they have at least tried to give the CIA a week, a day, even a few more hours to look at it all before letting Ayman al-Zawahiri and the rest of al-Qaeda know about it? Why give him the slightest head start to go even further underground?

Operation Neptune Spear was the culmination of years of patient intelligence-gathering. The CIA identified bin Laden's compound nearly 10 months ago, in August 2010, and monitored it by satellite and from a secret safe house in Abbottabad at a cost of tens of millions of dollars. >>>


It has been amateur hour since Lord Stinky was immaculated Jan 21 2009.
Title: Re: 10 Reasons Why the Death of Bin Laden Won't Help Obama In the Long Run
Post by: Lacarnut on May 14, 2011, 01:59:21 PM
People have short memories. Look what happened to daddy Bush ratings after the Gulf war. From 90% into the toilet after the economy tanked. An economy stuck in the mud and high unemployment will doom the Magic Negro. When 80% of college grads are going to move in with their parents, you know things are bad. As much as the media and Wall Street is trying to spin it, the economy is stagnant and shows very little in the way of improvement.
Title: Re: 10 Reasons Why the Death of Bin Laden Won't Help Obama In the Long Run
Post by: DefiantSix on May 14, 2011, 02:17:48 PM
People have short memories. Look what happened to daddy Bush ratings after the Gulf war. From 90% into the toilet after the economy tanked. An economy stuck in the mud and high unemployment will doom the Magic Negro. When 80% of college grads are going to move in with their parents, you know things are bad. As much as the media and Wall Street is trying to spin it, the economy is stagnant and shows very little in the way of improvement.

The one difference between the George H.W. Bush case and His Holiness Lord ObeyWon, the bin Laden Slayer is that for pappy Bush's numbers to fall, he had a news media actively conniving at his destruction, magnifying what was otherwise an extraordinarily anemic economic dip entirely out of proportion, and covering over Comrade Clinton's complete lack of any redeeming character traits faster and harder than Underground Panther with the runs after some bad Meow Mix.

Caliph BarryPISS BE UPON HIM on the other hand...