The Conservative Cave

Current Events => General Discussion => Topic started by: megimoo on April 13, 2008, 09:33:57 PM

Title: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: megimoo on April 13, 2008, 09:33:57 PM
On his Fox News radio show, Tom Sullivan predicted that African-Americans would be rioting in the streets similar to what happened after the (O.J. trial in the 1990s.)
"He must mean after the Rodney King beatings  !"

" Sounds like blackmail,If he doesn't get the nomination or if he doesn't get elected they will riot !"
Let me put it to you a different way. What if Barack Obama is not -- does not win the Democratic nomination, or he does win it, and loses in the presidential race against John McCain? Is black America going to throw their hands up and say, 'Man, you know, I thought we were getting somewhere in this country, but this is just a bunch of racial bigots in this country and they still hate blacks and, I mean, if Barack Obama can't get elected, then we're never gonna have anybody that's a black that's gonna be elected president.' And will there be riots in the streets? I think the answer to that is yes and yes.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: djones520 on April 14, 2008, 01:48:51 AM
Well, I think this guy is an idiot then.  I highly doubt we'll see rioting if Barack doesn't get the nomination.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: TheSarge on April 14, 2008, 07:31:02 AM
Well, I think this guy is an idiot then.  I highly doubt we'll see rioting if Barack doesn't get the nomination.

You're more of an optimist than I am.

The Democrat Party is in a real dilemma here.  Obama can't get enough delegates out of what's left to seal the nomination before the convention and Hillary can't get enough to take the lead.

If she ends up screwing Obama out of the nominaiton like some are will happen in some back room "Superdelegate" screwjob.  Otherwise known as the Clinton SOP.

If that scenario plays out there's a 60-40 chace we'll see some kind of riots.

And honestly I can't say that I'd blame them for being pissed.

Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Chris_ on April 14, 2008, 07:40:17 AM
Well, I think this guy is an idiot then.  I highly doubt we'll see rioting if Barack doesn't get the nomination.
I would not be so sure.  I have heard grumblings that if mrs. clinton gets the nod that it is Whitey holding the Black Man down again. 

"No Justice No Peace" is not a political position -- it is a threat.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: CG6468 on April 15, 2008, 09:16:28 AM
I foresee serious racial problems if Obama does not win the Dimbo nomination, and if he does, if he does not win the general election.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Flame on April 15, 2008, 10:12:31 AM
We already see that reaction in miniature from Obama supporters.  Say anything negative about him and the first thing they do is call you a racist.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: megimoo on April 15, 2008, 10:15:20 AM
I foresee serious racial problems if Obama does not win the Dimbo nomination, and if he does, if he does not win the general election.
Good, hopefully they will take it out on the Liberal/Socialists !
Why are they even backing him if he is only half black and no friend of the poor but even half black he is better than Clinton.
The way this is crumbling with Clinton and Obana beating each other into bloody pulps they could end up handing the win to Mc Cain !!
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Rebel Yell on April 15, 2008, 10:22:41 AM
Well, I think this guy is an idiot then.  I highly doubt we'll see rioting if Barack doesn't get the nomination.

What planet do live on?  I've been saying this since the beginning.  That is the power the black community has.  Remember Reginald Denny?  Three (I think it was three) black rioters nearly beat him to death in the street, on camera, and walked because of the threat of riots if they were found guilty.  If I had to bet, I would bet on them rioting.  I would also bet they would skip my house, since I'd be on the front porch with a shotgun.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Chris_ on April 15, 2008, 11:37:02 AM
^I'll be there with considerably more than a shotgun.....and I agree that there will likely be riots somewhere....I'd say at the convention in Denver, except that I doubt that Denver has a very large black population.

Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Rebel Yell on April 15, 2008, 11:51:52 AM
We had a riot here in the mid to late 80's.  A black man was shot in the back while running from the police.  The deputy actually fired a warnong shot at the ground and it ricocheted and hit him in the back.  The blakcs went downtown busting out windows and damaging businesses, except for one.  Ralph Mcleod, owner of R&M Drugs, was an avid gun collector.  It was amazing that his store wasn't touched.  It may have been because Ralph was sitting out front with an old WWII machine gun on a tripod with a belt of ammo pointed toward the crowd as they marched by.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Chris_ on April 15, 2008, 12:06:59 PM
It may have been because Ralph was sitting out front with an old WWII machine gun on a tripod with a belt of ammo pointed toward the crowd as they marched by.

That'll do it every time....

When my wife bitched and complained about the price of my one and only "Class III" toy, I told her if the SHTF, they might get us, but they will have to crawl over a mountain of empty brass to do it......

Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Rebel Yell on April 15, 2008, 12:20:38 PM
It may have been because Ralph was sitting out front with an old WWII machine gun on a tripod with a belt of ammo pointed toward the crowd as they marched by.

That'll do it every time....

When my wife bitched and complained about the price of my one and only "Class III" toy, I told her if the SHTF, they might get us, but they will have to crawl over a mountain of empty brass to do it......

And to be honest, down here, they are waiting on an excuse to "march".  They march every time a black person is murdered and the killer isn't caught immediately, even though the police get no cooperation from the black community when it happens.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Chris_ on April 15, 2008, 02:10:05 PM
It may have been because Ralph was sitting out front with an old WWII machine gun on a tripod with a belt of ammo pointed toward the crowd as they marched by.

That'll do it every time....

When my wife bitched and complained about the price of my one and only "Class III" toy, I told her if the SHTF, they might get us, but they will have to crawl over a mountain of empty brass to do it......

And to be honest, down here, they are waiting on an excuse to "march".  They march every time a black person is murdered and the killer isn't caught immediately, even though the police get no cooperation from the black community when it happens.

Same here, they walk around with "Don't Squeal" T-Shirts on, rhen run for the first TV camers when ever a black is the victim of a crime........

Some folks are simply a waste of oxygen.....

Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Airwolf on April 15, 2008, 05:03:10 PM
It may have been because Ralph was sitting out front with an old WWII machine gun on a tripod with a belt of ammo pointed toward the crowd as they marched by.

That'll do it every time....

When my wife bitched and complained about the price of my one and only "Class III" toy, I told her if the SHTF, they might get us, but they will have to crawl over a mountain of empty brass to do it......

And to be honest, down here, they are waiting on an excuse to "march".  They march every time a black person is murdered and the killer isn't caught immediately, even though the police get no cooperation from the black community when it happens.

A somewhat similar problem exist in Omaha as well. The local community won't lift a finger to help the cops but GOD help them if they shoot a Black guy in a Military uniform with a loaded handgun and driving a stolen SUV is asked to stop and then when the police see the gun ask him to not reach for it ,he does reach for it and gets his happy ass shot. They marched on City Hall for that one and a few others caused them to go on TV and practically threaten to march.

This problem isn't helped much when they have a state Senator and a City Council man representing them that are as racist as anyone in the Klan. f they want the shootings to start they need to clean up their acts and start giving up the shooters otherwise they can just get stuffed as far as I care.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Randy on April 15, 2008, 06:26:59 PM
Note to self:

More ammo, need more ammo.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Mr Mannn on April 15, 2008, 06:41:38 PM
I'm not convinced about this. Maybe in a few isolated hellholes like Detroit. But not nationwide.

No I rather see a great pouty face, followed by a lot of angry sermons. Oprah would start a lot of talk, and in the end...

Black America would leave the Democratic party. They would see a general lack of support from a party that demanded their strict obedience all these years. But when the time came for them to run...the democrats didn't support them.

This could be the end of the democrats as we know them. The disappointed one would start their own party. and the democrats would be split for a generation.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on April 15, 2008, 07:06:11 PM
I think the DNC will be interesting, especially with groups such as Recreat68 running around.

If the superdelegates start seeing B Hussein O tap-dancing on his dick as the supposedly eloquent messiah has been doing lately they may decide he's unelectable and throw to Hillary at which point "selected not elected" becomes the taunt of the GOP and the call to arms for the lefties who supported him.

It won't be blacks. In fact I think any black causing mischief/rioting/whatnot wouldn't be motivated by race so much as the frustration of their socialist messiah; their race being merely incidental.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Mr Mannn on April 15, 2008, 07:26:54 PM

If the superdelegates start seeing B Hussein O tap-dancing on his dick as the supposedly eloquent messiah has been doing lately they may decide he's unelectable and throw to Hillary at which point "selected not elected" becomes the taunt of the GOP and the call to arms for the lefties who supported him.
H5 for the best quote of the day!
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Crazy Horse on April 15, 2008, 07:47:42 PM
I remember my area being burned after the Rodney King thing in Long Beach....................It doesn't take much, yet I feel this will be just in areas expected of this.

I'll never understand why people burn the places they need to shop............that was a horrifying 3 days in Long Beach CA
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Ptarmigan on April 15, 2008, 10:06:48 PM
Well, I think this guy is an idiot then.  I highly doubt we'll see rioting if Barack doesn't get the nomination.

I would like to agree with you, but I have a bad feeling, there will be rioting.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Ptarmigan on April 15, 2008, 10:15:22 PM
I remember my area being burned after the Rodney King thing in Long Beach....................It doesn't take much, yet I feel this will be just in areas expected of this.

I'll never understand why people burn the places they need to shop............that was a horrifying 3 days in Long Beach CA

I remember the LA Riot well. Many Korean owned businesses were targeted. Rodney King beating broke the camel's hump. Latasha Harlins got shot in a store by a Korean storeowner after she was caught shoplifting juice in 1991.
Wikipedia-Latasha Harlins (
Slain Girl Was Not Stealing Juice, Police Say Shooting: The incident in which the 15-year-old was killed by a market owner was captured on a security system videotape. (
Merchant Charged in Girl's Fatal Shooting (
911, TV Tapes Tell Different Tales in Killing of Teen-Ager Murder trial: The Korean store owner told a police operator that the black girl had tried to take money. But the security recording conflicts with that version. (
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Bondai on April 15, 2008, 11:09:46 PM
There had better not be any rioting close to me or someone is in for a bad day.... :censored:
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: rich_t on April 15, 2008, 11:25:10 PM
I foresee serious racial problems if Obama does not win the Dimbo nomination, and if he does, if he does not win the general election.

Gut feeling?

I'm not sure one way or other on the issue yet.

As for me....  I care less about Obama's skin color.  I dislike his Socialist agenda.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: rich_t on April 15, 2008, 11:27:47 PM
We already see that reaction in miniature from Obama supporters.  Say anything negative about him and the first thing they do is call you a racist.

Just go on and call me a racist then.  I seriously dislike the man's political views and I ain't afraid to say so.

If that gets me labeled as a racist, I can live with it.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: rich_t on April 15, 2008, 11:31:09 PM
Note to self:

More ammo, need more ammo.

No such thing as too much ammo.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Chris_ on April 16, 2008, 12:14:39 AM
We already see that reaction in miniature from Obama supporters.  Say anything negative about him and the first thing they do is call you a racist.

Just go on and call me a racist then.  I seriously dislike the man's political views and I ain't afraid to say so.

If that gets me labeled as a racist, I can live with it.

Freaking racist.   I suppose you are going to say that hope isn't hopeful and the future isn't coming and that we really aren't who we were waiting for.

I know your type.

Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: rich_t on April 16, 2008, 12:33:51 AM
We already see that reaction in miniature from Obama supporters.  Say anything negative about him and the first thing they do is call you a racist.

Just go on and call me a racist then.  I seriously dislike the man's political views and I ain't afraid to say so.

If that gets me labeled as a racist, I can live with it.

Freaking racist.   I suppose you are going to say that hope isn't hopeful and the future isn't coming and that we really aren't who we were waiting for.

I know your type.

I can live with it.   :cheersmate:
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on April 16, 2008, 05:53:21 AM
I remember my area being burned after the Rodney King thing in Long Beach....................It doesn't take much, yet I feel this will be just in areas expected of this.

That's similar to how I see it...there is a certain thug culture that will seize on any excuse to plunder and run amok in certain areas, and they may very well avail themselves of the opportunity. 
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Airwolf on April 16, 2008, 07:30:29 PM
Note to self:

More ammo, need more ammo.

No such thing as too much ammo.

Good thing payday is this week and the stimulas check isn't to far from getting here too.
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: megimoo on April 21, 2008, 06:38:19 AM
^I'll be there with considerably more than a shotgun.....and I agree that there will likely be riots somewhere....I'd say at the convention in Denver, except that I doubt that Denver has a very large black population.

Watts,South LA,Detroit !
Title: Re: Fox Radio host wonders whether blacks will riot if Obama loses
Post by: Chris_ on April 21, 2008, 07:49:57 AM
^I'll be there with considerably more than a shotgun.....and I agree that there will likely be riots somewhere....I'd say at the convention in Denver, except that I doubt that Denver has a very large black population.

Watts,South LA,Detroit !

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