The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Political Ammunition => Topic started by: CactusCarlos on January 13, 2011, 12:52:41 PM

Title: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
Post by: CactusCarlos on January 13, 2011, 12:52:41 PM
A document released by WikiLeaks described efforts by high-ranking Afghan officials to quash reports of police officers and other Afghans arrested for "purchasing a service from a child."
The leaked diplomatic cable quoted former Minister of the Interior Hanif Atmar's concern that publicity about the arrests, which involved the hiring of "dancing boys," would "endanger lives."

The author of the diplomatic cable fretted that the case would be "blown out of proportion, an outcome that would not be good for either the U.S. or Afghanistan."

The vast gulf between U.S. and Afghan attitudes about homosexuality and pedophilia has generated concern among U.S. advisers in Afghanistan since the American presence there began to expand.

Title: Re: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
Post by: cavegal on January 13, 2011, 01:01:45 PM
I saw a special last year about "dancing boys" sick.
Title: Re: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
Post by: Varokhâr on January 13, 2011, 01:43:53 PM
This is why the only reason I think we should be over there is to find and kill bin Laden and maybe bring down Al Qaeda to boot. Black ops capacity, not even a full-on military presence.

As long as Afghans subscribe to this kind of barbaric "culture" (up to and including Islam), they will never be amenable to Western standards of civility, decency, and right government. We're wasting time and efforts that are better spent on our own borders and our own country (where an illegal alien sits in the White House and the Constitution is ignored on a daily basis).
Title: Re: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
Post by: CactusCarlos on January 13, 2011, 02:07:23 PM
We're wasting time and efforts that are better spent on our own borders and our own country (where an illegal alien sits in the White House and the Constitution is ignored on a daily basis).

Amen and H5.
Title: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Paedophilia 'culturally accepted in south Afghanistan'
Post by: CactusCarlos on January 13, 2011, 02:57:11 PM
Older, powerful men boosted their social status by keeping boys as sexual playthings and the practice was celebrated in song and dance, a military study claimed.

British officers in Helmand requested the study to help them understand the sexual behaviour of locals and Afghan comrades after young soldiers became uneasy they were being propositioned.

American social scientists employed to help troops understand the local culture reported that homosexual sex was widespread among the Pashtun ethnic group in southern Afghanistan.

Strict separation of men and women, coupled with poverty and the significant expense of getting married, contributed to young men turning to each other for sexual companionship.

"To dismiss the existence of this dynamic out of desire to avoid western discomfort is to risk failing to comprehend an essential social force underlying Pashtun culture," the report said.

Title: Re: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
Post by: Attero Dominatus on January 13, 2011, 03:09:38 PM
This is why the only reason I think we should be over there is to find and kill bin Laden and maybe bring down Al Qaeda to boot. Black ops capacity, not even a full-on military presence.

As long as Afghans subscribe to this kind of barbaric "culture" (up to and including Islam), they will never be amenable to Western standards of civility, decency, and right government. We're wasting time and efforts that are better spent on our own borders and our own country (where an illegal alien sits in the White House and the Constitution is ignored on a daily basis).

I agree 100%.
Title: Re: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
Post by: true_blood on January 13, 2011, 08:02:01 PM
The author of the diplomatic cable fretted that the case would be "blown out of proportion, an outcome that would not be good for either the U.S. or Afghanistan."
The vast gulf between U.S. and Afghan attitudes about homosexuality and pedophilia has generated concern among U.S. advisers in Afghanistan since the American presence there began to expand.
:wtf2: :???:
Title: Re: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
Post by: md11hydmec on January 13, 2011, 09:26:36 PM
Title: Re: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
Post by: littlelamb on January 13, 2011, 11:06:04 PM
That makes me sick to harm a child like that is just  :argh: :argh: sorry I just get so pissed when I see or read about it
Title: Re: ISLAMIC PEDOPHILIA: Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on January 17, 2011, 06:15:44 AM
Interestingly, I once posted at a mixed political forum that pederasty and homosexuality were common in the ME and Islamic countries because soldiers returning from deployment are bewildered by the locals.

So how did my reportage fair?

The LIBERALS were furious.

Yes, the liberals.

The same liberals who howled for the repeal of DADT.

The last thing they want to hear is that US troops are fighting on behalf of pederasts.

It is much easier for a liberal to believe the US is occupying a foreign land and stealing its resources. If Americans learned what filthy apes most of these people are brought-up to be the war support would evaporate and then--like the Tucson shootings--liberals would be without a prism to focus the so-called moral outrage.

These idiots can't stay on script for 5 minutes. Don't believe me? Go ahead and tell a liberal no number of Arabs or Muslims are worth 1 American life and watch them morph into the biggest "war of liberation" crusaders in the snap of your fingers.