The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: ColonialMarine0431 on November 17, 2010, 02:10:14 PM

Title: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: ColonialMarine0431 on November 17, 2010, 02:10:14 PM
They never give up.

Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session

After meeting with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on Tuesday afternoon, the White House released a statement expressing Pres. Obama's desire for passage of the DREAM Act before the 111th Congress adjourns at the end of the year. The President also urged passage of a mass amnesty bill, but didn't provide a timeline.

Full story including list of congressional sponsors HERE (
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: thundley4 on November 17, 2010, 02:15:54 PM
He is trying to seal his fate regarding the 2012 elections.
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: ColonialMarine0431 on November 17, 2010, 02:36:34 PM
I'm inclined to believe that he knows he won't be re-elected, so he's trying to shove as much as his socialist dogma down our throats as possible. Maybe he doesn't realise that no act he passes is set in stone. If enough people protest it, loudly enough and with enough vigor, then it can be Constitutionally overturned.
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: JohnnyReb on November 17, 2010, 04:09:26 PM
IL Ducky is lame brained alright.

To stay in power the democrats have had to buy the black vote...with civil rights act and the war on poverty.

Then they gave the right to vote to 18 year olds who may be ready and able to fight but not mature enough to vote.

And they had to give the feminist their due (abortion etc.) to get some of there votes.

Then they turned the crazies out into the streets for a few votes.

And then the first batch of illegals.

And then they let the sex fiends into their group.

As the majority of sane Americans have wised up and turned right, the DUmmiecrats have had to turn over more and more rocks to find votes.

Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: true_blood on November 17, 2010, 05:19:30 PM
Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
After meeting with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on Tuesday afternoon, the White House released a statement expressing Pres. Obama's desire for passage of the DREAM Act before the 111th Congress adjourns at the end of the year. The President also urged passage of a mass amnesty bill, but didn't provide a timeline.
Does this surprise me? Not at all. Some in the media were saying that the imposter would go a little more to the center. I knew that wasn't going to happen.
He put his foot on the pedal and full speed ahead with his socialist/communist agenda.
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: littlelamb on November 17, 2010, 07:06:39 PM
I so can't wait till he is packing his shit and getting the hell out of the White House
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: JohnnyReb on November 18, 2010, 03:44:23 AM
I so can't wait till he is packing his shit and getting the hell out of the White House

The last democrats in there tried to steal everything and then vandalized what was left.....this bunch is from the ghetto......they have experience.
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: 5412 on November 18, 2010, 07:47:01 AM
I so can't wait till he is packing his shit and getting the hell out of the White House


I am not joking.  There is some talk that they will stage some sort of event, civil unrest, rioting etc. that will cause the president to declare martial law and suspend the constitution.

If that happens it gets really ugly.  I think they underestimate the push back from all the red on the national map, many who are well armed and prepared.

Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: true_blood on November 18, 2010, 11:49:24 AM
I am not joking.  There is some talk that they will stage some sort of event, civil unrest, rioting etc. that will cause the president to declare martial law and suspend the constitution. If that happens it gets really ugly.  I think they underestimate the push back from all the red on the national map, many who are well armed and prepared.
I agree 541. I would add pissed off to that list a well. :wink:
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: 5412 on November 18, 2010, 01:52:34 PM
I agree 541. I would add pissed off to that list a well. :wink:


He also knows that unless he can add a ton of illegals to the voting records his chances are a lot slimmer of reelection.

Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on November 18, 2010, 02:18:49 PM
The same lame duck session that looks like it isn't going to have time to vote on the Defense appropriation and authorization acts?  That one?

Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: true_blood on November 18, 2010, 05:37:28 PM
Nothing on extending the Bush tax cuts for all Americans neither. I heard we may get an answer mid December or maybe later??
Obama = FAIL! :loser:
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: 5412 on November 21, 2010, 06:45:48 PM
Nothing on extending the Bush tax cuts for all Americans neither. I heard we may get an answer mid December or maybe later??
Obama = FAIL! :loser:


I just posted some of the details of the dream act in a new thread.  We all better mobilize and start hounding our members of congress, it is absolutely awful, even worse than I imagined.

Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: true_blood on November 21, 2010, 08:16:29 PM

I just posted some of the details of the dream act in a new thread.  We all better mobilize and start hounding our members of congress, it is absolutely awful, even worse than I imagined.

Thank you for posting. It's sickening.
I urge all the other members to read it as well, as much as it will make your blood boil.
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: Tess Anderson on November 21, 2010, 09:46:11 PM
The same lame duck session that looks like it isn't going to have time to vote on the Defense appropriation and authorization acts?  That one?


yes, this doesn't seem to be likely to happen but Obama and this Congress should always be watched. He was probably just pandering again and he has a TSA public relations nightmare on his hands that he started anyways. I think the Dream Act would fail cloture but these people are liars and cheaters.
Title: Re: Pres. Obama Calls for DREAM Act Vote During Lame-Duck Session
Post by: NHSparky on November 22, 2010, 08:20:10 AM
Wonder how many of those sponsors are in "safe" districts?