The Conservative Cave

Current Events => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chris_ on March 31, 2008, 05:28:35 PM

Title: Google steps up eco-activism, will help flood Capitol switchboard
Post by: Chris_ on March 31, 2008, 05:28:35 PM
Google steps up eco-activism, will help flood Capitol switchboard

A group of environmental activists has enlisted Google to help flood the congressional switchboard with one million phone calls on Earth Day urging lawmakers to enact eco-friendly measures.

"We're really excited about this because Congress keeps saying they don't hear from the American public on climate change," said Kathleen Rogers, president of Earth Day Network, which bills itself as an eco-activism group connecting some 17,000 organizations in 174 countries. "The [presidential] candidates are not being asked about climate change. Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity that we've ever faced."

Rogers said her group is finalizing talks with Internet giant Google to coordinate online advertisements and other publicity measures in support of the calls. Details of the arrangement are still being worked out and are scheduled to be released on April 14.

Google has consistently shown support for environmental causes, most recently on Saturday night when its homepage went dark in support of Earth Hour, an hour when cities around the globe went dark to draw  attention to the issue of climate change. On Earth Day in the past, Google has decorated its homepage to highlight the event as well. Google did not respond to requests for comment.

Heh, never happened except in DUmmies dreams.


Some of the comments are humoruous:

Lets see if I read this article correctly. Earth day is going to advocate we build no more coal fired plants in this country.
If we build no more coal fired plants, this will occur at the sametime we build no more nuclear power plants because they too are dangerous.
If we try to generate more electricity with windmills and solar power we will not catch up to demand for electricity. That means more and more people will not be able to afford electricity for their homes.
It will be this same group of people who now find it almost impossible to pay for fuel oil to heat their homes.
Summation: No politician who wants to continue his or her political career will vote to prohibit building new coal fired power plants.
Another liberal leftwing stunt goes down in flames.

Posted by John | March 31, 2008 3:24 PM

"Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity that we've ever faced" ?? What a piece of garbage. This mass hysteria about global warming is the biggest farce being foisted on the American people since the '70s mantra of the coming ice age! These are apparently Al Gore "groupees" who don't have anything to do with their time. More and more legitimate climatologists (not political hacks, and tree huggers)are presenting data and facts that show that CO2 is not affecting global warming. Many of these global warming advocates have financial self interests in promoting this global warming hysteria - Al Gore included. I wonder what ended the last ice age? It certainly wasn't man made CO2. Let's get real! Shame on Google!!

Posted by Jim | March 31, 2008 3:27 PM

1 million phone calls .. how much exectricity and non productivity will that use... I still think those million phone callers should hold their collective breaths for an hour

Posted by jackfish | March 31, 2008 3:39 PM
