The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Terrorism In the US and Around the World => Topic started by: The Hollywood NeoCon on October 06, 2010, 11:30:22 AM

Title: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: The Hollywood NeoCon on October 06, 2010, 11:30:22 AM
Isn't this just dandy...

Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani has confessed to his role in the bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed over 200 people. He had been held and interrogated at Gitmo and during the interrogations there identified a person who provided him with explosives. Now that person has been barred from testifying by a federal judge. (

"The court has not reached this conclusion lightly," Kaplan wrote. "It is acutely aware of the perilous nature of the world in which we live. But the Constitution is the rock upon which our nation rests. We must follow it not when it is convenient, but when fear and danger beckon in a different direction."

He was smiling and conversing with his lawyers at the defense table after the judge ruled.

The judge issued his written three-page ruling after a hearing three weeks ago in which the witness, Hussein Abebe, testified about his dealings with authorities.

"The government has failed to prove that Abebe's testimony is sufficiently attenuated from Ghailani's coerced statements to permit its receipt in evidence," Kaplan wrote.

The defense had asked the judge to exclude Abebe's testimony on the grounds that it would be the product of statements made by Ghailani to the CIA under duress.

On that point, Kaplan said, "Abebe was identified and located as a close and direct result of statements made by Ghailani while he was held by the CIA. The government has elected not to litigate the details of Ghailani's treatment while in CIA custody. It has sought to make this unnecessary by asking the court to assume in deciding this motion that everything Ghailani said while in CIA custody was coerced."

The trial is being delayed while the government considers an appeal.

Andy McCarthy wrote about the case this morning before the judge's decision was issued and he was spot on: (

The Obama administration has made Ghailani its test case to prove that the civilian criminal-justice system works perfectly well in wartime against enemy combatants — to show that we don’t need military commissions or other alternatives specially tailored to address the peculiarities of terrorism cases. The administration figured Ghailani was a safe bet. After all, the embassy-bombing case had already been successfully prosecuted once: In 2001, prior to 9/11, four jihadists were tried, convicted, and sentenced to life imprisonment (although the jury voted to spare the two death-penalty defendants).
Yet, to prove its political point that there is no downside in vesting Ghailani — a Tanzanian national whose only connection to the United States is his decision to make war on it — with all the constitutional rights of an American citizen, the Justice Department has had to slash its case. DOJ is also finding that even more critical evidence may be suppressed by the trial judge. In short, the slam dunk has become a horse race, one the government could actually lose.

So now what will the administration do? If they can't try Ghailani in civilian court or worse yet, he is ordered freed, will the government simply say too bad and ship him back to Gitmo? Or will they let a confessed mass murdering terrorist go free simply because they wanted to make some point about how smart they are and how stupid those Bush fools were?

Of course, the left will say if Bush hadn't 'tortured' this guy none of this would be a problem. They will simply ignore the fact that Ghaliani and his ilk aren't criminals but terrorist scum waging war against America. Car thieves and murderers get due process, not terrorists. Not until now anyway. Thanks Obama!

I think Eric Holder can forget about his dream of trying Khalid Ssheikh Mohammed in civilian court.

From Drew @ AoSHQ (
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: true_blood on October 06, 2010, 01:54:05 PM
Looks like the red diaper doper baby, Holder and the imposter occupying the White House, are at it again!!
It makes my blood boil to read news like this!! :censored:
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: The Hollywood NeoCon on October 06, 2010, 01:56:16 PM
Looks like the red diaper doper baby, Holder and the imposter occupying the White House, are at it again!!
It makes my blood boil to read news like this!! :censored:

Dude, I'm with ya. I have no idea how these people are getting away with this, other than the idea that maybe they're breaking so many laws so fast, they're thinking we can't keep up.

Guess again, ****sticks...  :bird:
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: true_blood on October 06, 2010, 01:59:05 PM
That's just it Neo! Flood the system/people will some much chaos, they can't keep up.
Think again all you communist scum. We're on to you and your anti-American ideals.
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Tnafbrat on October 06, 2010, 02:14:59 PM
It makes me so mad it's depressing.  I find myself gritting my teeth until my jaws are sore everytime I hear "explainations" why it should be a civilian court.  I'm tired of having the government throw my country away, intentionally.  I'm not a bit surprised by this at all, it's exactly what Obama and Holder have been aiming for, set them all free so we, America, can have it's comeuppance. :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :banghead:
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on October 06, 2010, 05:22:59 PM
Gosh, that was so unpredictable!  Nobody could have possibly foreseen that!  Other than someone with even the most minimal familiarity with our court system and rules of evidence, of course...

Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: JohnnyReb on October 06, 2010, 05:41:02 PM
Gosh, that was so unpredictable!  Nobody could have possibly foreseen that!  Other than someone with even the most minimal familiarity with our court system and rules of evidence, of course...


And which room will he be staying in at the Whitehouse?
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: true_blood on October 06, 2010, 07:19:19 PM
And which room will he be staying in at the Whitehouse?
The Red Diaper Doper Baby room. :lmao: :rotf:
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: TheSarge on October 07, 2010, 03:56:31 AM
Or will they let a confessed mass murdering terrorist go free simply because they wanted to make some point about how smart they are and how stupid those Bush fools were?

Given past moves from this administration...he'll walk out the front door of the courthouse and get an apology from the WH to boot.
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Tnafbrat on October 07, 2010, 08:20:25 AM
The Red Diaper Doper Baby

 :rotf:  forgive my ignorance, but what's the story behind that .. :rotf: I love it
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: debk on October 07, 2010, 08:47:14 AM
Last night's (this morning actually) RedEye discussed this and one of the guests was the former CIA guy (Mike?Mark?) who is on the show frequently.

Nobody was pleased(super understatement!) and the CIA guy, though sneeringly smiling...I think was trying to not show just how angry he was.

These terrorists have absolutely no right to a civilian trial!!

I hope that this fiasco Ghailani is all over the media, and might make those who are on the fence whether to vote Republican or Democrat, vote for the Republicans. The more Dems that are allowed to stay, the more backing Obama will have for his agenda....
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: true_blood on October 07, 2010, 01:25:58 PM
:rotf:  forgive my ignorance, but what's the story behind that .. :rotf: I love it
All is forgiven. No problem at all. :cheersmate: :cheersmate: (My man, Michael Savage uses this term all the time! I got it from him. lol)
Here is a link to the definition;
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: cavegal on October 07, 2010, 01:30:43 PM
Looks like the red diaper doper baby, Holder and the imposter occupying the White House, are at it again!!
It makes my blood boil to read news like this!! :censored:
It makes me boiling upset also. How long are we supposed to take this as Americans?  DOJ/WH are not Americans. They hate this country.  :censored: :banghead:
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: true_blood on October 07, 2010, 08:10:11 PM
It makes me boiling upset also. How long are we supposed to take this as Americans?  DOJ/WH are not Americans. They hate this country.  :censored: :banghead:
I agree CG. I really don't know how they get away with these anti-American policies and bills.
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Tnafbrat on October 08, 2010, 08:49:03 AM
All is forgiven. No problem at all. :cheersmate: :cheersmate: (My man, Michael Savage uses this term all the time! I got it from him. lol)
Here is a link to the definition;

Thanks for the link ... I love it even more now  :hi5:
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: true_blood on October 08, 2010, 12:55:08 PM
Thanks for the link ... I love it even more now  :hi5:
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 11, 2010, 07:41:30 AM
holder is on record as saying that terrorists won't be released even if they aren't convicted, but I wouldn't put it past them.  but their confused stance regarding civilian trials for terrorists is telling;  they are going to have a trial with a predestined outcome?  that's the very definition of a show trial.  why bother? 

the obamites just aren't thinking this through. 
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Tnafbrat on October 11, 2010, 08:54:12 AM
Wretched, he was on either Face the Nation or Meet the Press months ago and they were confronting him about that very fact and stumbled all over himself.  I remember watching it and thinking that their entire plan is to free them all.
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 11, 2010, 09:06:52 AM
Wretched, he was on either Face the Nation or Meet the Press months ago and they were confronting him about that very fact and stumbled all over himself.  I remember watching it and thinking that their entire plan is to free them all.

I was recalling an answer before a senate committee last year.  an answer that he later had to "clarify".  but I do seem to recall the interview you mentioned.  there was also a lot of bizarre administration buzz in the air about guaranteed executions.  if you are going to guarantee a guilty verdict and an execution, why not do away with the expense of the trail in the first place and just shoot 'em this afternoon? 

personally, I think an awful lot, perhaps the majority, of the obamite policy (especially when it comes to the war on terror) is based on doing the opposite of whatever george bush did.  GWB is that badly in their heads.  they don't think it through, they just do the opposite, and invariably paint themselves into a corner when they do. 

you see it again and again;  civilian trials, closing gitmo, terrorist rendition, tax cuts, & etc., & etc.
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Tnafbrat on October 11, 2010, 09:10:56 AM
Amen !  :cheersmate:
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Ptarmigan on October 11, 2010, 11:20:48 AM
If this went to civilian court, that sets a very dangerous precedents because it would allow the military to operate and arrest people in America. Anyways, they should be tried in a military court in a speedy manner.
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: true_blood on October 11, 2010, 12:24:54 PM
holder is on record as saying that terrorists won't be released even if they aren't convicted, but I wouldn't put it past them. 
I wouldn't trust anything this administration does/says. They lie every time they open their mouths.
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Tnafbrat on October 11, 2010, 12:49:37 PM
I wouldn't trust anything this administration does/says. They lie every time they open their mouths.

.... if their lips are moving ....
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Wretched Excess on November 15, 2010, 12:25:26 PM
yep.  the jury is probably hung.

Note signals deadlocked jury in New York Gitmo terror case

NEW YORK — A holdout juror in the trial of the first Guantanamo Bay detainee has asked to be removed from the panel, signaling a deadlocked jury.

The juror said in a note Monday that she felt she was being attacked after reaching a conclusion that is not going to change. Twelve anonymous jurors are considering charges against Ahmed Ghailani.

Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan reminded all of the jurors of his instructions on the law and told them to continue deliberating.

Prosecutors say Ghailani was part of an al-Qaida cell that bombed two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998. Defense lawyers say Ghailani did not know about the plot and was duped into aiding it.

Deliberations began last Wednesday.

More (
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: Thor on November 16, 2010, 05:49:12 AM
Note signals deadlocked jury in New York Gitmo terror case

NEW YORK — A holdout juror in the trial of the first Guantanamo Bay detainee has asked to be removed from the panel, signaling a deadlocked jury.

The juror said in a note Monday that she felt she was being attacked after reaching a conclusion that is not going to change. Twelve anonymous jurors are considering charges against Ahmed Ghailani.

Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan reminded all of the jurors of his instructions on the law and told them to continue deliberating.

Prosecutors say Ghailani was part of an al-Qaida cell that bombed two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998. Defense lawyers say Ghailani did not know about the plot and was duped into aiding it.

Deliberations began last Wednesday.

yep.  the jury is probably hung.

Duped, my ass. These sly ****ers are playing the system which is WHY they should have been tried in a military tribunal.
Title: Re: Great news!!!! First Civilian Trial Of Gitmo Detainee Falling Apart...
Post by: true_blood on November 16, 2010, 11:51:34 AM
Duped, my ass. These sly ****ers are playing the system which is WHY they should have been tried in a military tribunal.
Exactly Thor. What a joke. :argh: