The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Terrorism In the US and Around the World => Topic started by: Wineslob on May 13, 2010, 02:58:48 PM

Title: Religion of peace................
Post by: Wineslob on May 13, 2010, 02:58:48 PM
my ass.
Title: Re: Religion of peace................
Post by: thundley4 on May 13, 2010, 03:25:30 PM

What you actually see here is the immediate aftermath of the attack: the cameraman missed the headbutt by a second or two, and by the time the camera pans down from the screen, Vilks is already crumpling to the floor and the attacker is trying to dodge his way out of the police’s grasp.

But the video is remarkable in a different way: It shows dozens of Muslims repeatedly screaming “Allahu Ackbar” in what looks like religious ecstasy over violence committed in their name, and joy over witnessing an attempted murder as punishment for blasphemy.

This happened today in Sweden, mind you, not during the Middle Ages nor even in 2001 in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Right now, in what is supposed to be the most liberal and progressive nation in the world.

I think Europe is going to be seeing a race war with Muslims, while we will see one with Hispanics.
Title: Re: Religion of peace................
Post by: cavegal on May 13, 2010, 03:46:52 PM
a CULT not a Religion. Cult.
Title: Re: Religion of peace................
Post by: IassaFTots on May 13, 2010, 04:05:33 PM
Title: Re: Religion of peace................
Post by: vesta111 on May 14, 2010, 07:31:04 AM
Pavlov's dogs kind of.

Very strict training from birth to death 5 times a day a bell is rung, the call to prayer is blasted from their Mosque and all males prostrate themselves and say a common prayer.

All their lives everything they do has to be done working around the call to prayer.  Free will is unheard of, the Imam or whoever, is in charge of everything they do in life.  What they eat, who they marry, where they work, how they dress, the penalty for woman who break any law, be it life or death.

Think of the consequences of this life on the people.  Talk about brain washing, the loss of self.   Kind of mental slavery of millions. When a human lives and is raised around this mind set the children cannot wait to emulate the adults.  5 times a day they have to pray that just before prayer time they will not be prevented from by some reason being able to pray.  Battle is an excuse as is defending the Faith but some Colleges place prayer areas near sporting events so the students can say their prayers close to the event so they will not miss one minute of the action.

All these rules and regulations, if they break a rule they cannot say evening prayers and if they die in their sleep they will not go to heaven and get their sex slaves.  12 or how many virgins that come from the the huge pool of young girls that died at a young age.  [  This may be why if a girl is raped she is no longer eligible to serve as a sex slave in heaven and is put to death, by a family member
 as she no longer has any value in Heaven or Earth.]

Not so strange how a male Muslim will have a nervous breakdown when faced with a Dog, Pig or Snake.  They have been well trained to believe that if one of these critters come near them they will be banned from Heaven if they die that day or night.

These men have been so well trained in reaction and belief, so terrified of not obeying their given orders, they would be considered mentally ill in some cultures.

This is the ultimate in mind controll, there is no such thing as radical Islam, all of Islam is anti human, free will.  All of Islam is radical to a point as the people who have no choice in the matter follow for self preservation.