The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Blogs => Topic started by: seabelle on January 23, 2010, 07:55:57 PM

Title: HillBuzz under attack by DU goons
Post by: seabelle on January 23, 2010, 07:55:57 PM
Almost put this in the Dumpster, but it's still a cool blog on it's own right.  Chicago based Hillary supporters during the primaries, then to McCain/Palin, then PUMA and gently evolving to tea party partriots (raised a ton of money for Scott Brown!)  Many conservative independents post here.  I thought ya'll would enjoy the current events, thugs from DU outted the hillbuzz owners and posted pictures on their nasty blogs then proceded to lie and defame them in the vilest ways.  One lost a job over this, not just based on the lies, but political activism is pooh-pooh'd in some industries, especially for freelancers.  The drama unfolds here:

No surprise, here's the main villian, and  his DU Journal:

Speak about "terror cells" , this one has tenacles.  I'm surprised any community board would let this stand ?

Title: Re: HillBuzz under attack by DU goons
Post by: Chris on January 24, 2010, 10:28:46 AM
Scott Brown - are you happy to accept money from people calling for armed assault against elected Representatives and the President of the United States of America? An assault based on nothing more than a lie? You after all repeated their lies to score cheap political points. You lied about this and the tea parties. What else have you lied about?

TBB is one of the loudest bigots at the DUmp... the self-annointed thought police usually are the worst of what they accuse others of being.  **** 'em.

Please tell me he was the one that lost his job.  Sweet, sweet revenge.
Title: Re: HillBuzz under attack by DU goons
Post by: seabelle on January 25, 2010, 07:43:44 PM
TBB is one of the loudest bigots at the DUmp... the self-annointed thought police usually are the worst of what they accuse others of being.  **** 'em.

Please tell me he was the one that lost his job.  Sweet, sweet revenge.

That was one of the HillBuzz who lost their job.  Nice to know TBB is a goon, but aren't they all on DU?  LOL.  The Buzz folks are going after them now.  Interesting reads over there, someone thinks they have a RICO case ?