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Current Events => Archives => Politics => Election 2010 => Topic started by: formerlurker on January 17, 2010, 03:44:27 PM

Title: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: formerlurker on January 17, 2010, 03:44:27 PM

My babysitter is with her family in Worcester at this rally -- she just texted it is insane how many people are there for Brown! 
Title: Re: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: formerlurker on January 17, 2010, 03:50:12 PM

Obama can't fill the hall.  BAHAHAHA.
Title: Re: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: formerlurker on January 17, 2010, 03:53:54 PM

wrong link -- the corner is covering both 
Title: Re: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: formerlurker on January 17, 2010, 04:01:07 PM

Congressman Jim McGovern's office is right around the corner from here.   When he was walking past the Brown supporters (about 200) at WPI on Friday on his way in to join hands with Billy-Jeff, the crowd started chanting to him "you're next... you're next..."  :)
Title: Re: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: formerlurker on January 17, 2010, 04:12:03 PM


Title: Re: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: formerlurker on January 17, 2010, 04:14:33 PM
From the corner:

If you watched the Obama rally (which was easily accessible on national television), you saw people who showed up at a political rally excited about the president of the United States and yawning at the candidate they're being offered by the Democrats on Tuesday. If you watched the Brown rally (available via livestream on his site), you saw people revved up about an actual candidate on the ballot Tuesday.

If you watched Obama, you got dismissive attacks on Scott Brown. If you watched Scott Brown, you got positive reasons to vote for him. And Brown is a guy who could be pretty bitter, considering the lies being spewed about him. Instead, he appeared grateful for the opportunity to represent some positions that could use some boosting in Washington right about now.
Title: Re: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: ColonialMarine0431 on January 17, 2010, 04:21:25 PM


Outstanding. The second Revolution is starting, and it isn't even 2012 yet. The conservative majority is rising up, and we'll retake the Republic. Obama, Frank, Reid, Pelosi, Dodd and the rest of those bastages in D.C. are about to be shown the door.
Title: Re: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: miskie on January 17, 2010, 04:40:42 PM
So, I took the time to read Obama's Speech today...  -- The short version is they are losing.. BAD.

Why do I say this ?

His speech was about attempting to make Brown's message their message.

Quote from: Barack Obama
“There’s been a lot said in this race about how it’s not Ted Kennedy’s seat, it’s the people’s seat. Let me tell you the first person who would agree with that is Ted Kennedy.”

“I’ve heard about some of the ads that Martha’s opponent’s running. He’s driving his truck around the Commonwealth. He said he gets you. That he’ll fight for you. That he’ll be an independent voice. I don’t know him. I don’t know his record. I don’t know whether he’s been fighting for you up until now. But here’s what I do know. I want a senator who’s independent too ... and here’s what I know: Martha will do so. She’s got a track record of doing so. I know there are things in which she and I disagree. She doesn’t just call herself independent. She has the character to be independent. I hear her opponent is calling himself independent. But you have to look under the hood.”

At this time, team Coakley should have defined Brown and accentuated his negatives. At this time they should be sealing the deal, and showing with a positive message exactly why she is the best choice. Instead they have gone negative to the point of extreme on Brown, and are now claiming that they are Brown by attempting to cash in on the message they have been trying to derail far to late in the game for it to be successful.

Look what they did to Palin -- THATS how you ruin a candidate - start in about a millisecond after he/she is announced and keep them on the defense such that the candidate can never get their message across cleanly. Do not wait until after the opposing candidate has established their message, attack it in such an amateurish way that it appears to be sour grapes, then come in and lay claim to the established message that you have been trying to destroy as your own.

All this speech is going to do is inflame the already intense Brown supporters, and probably cause Coakley to hemorrhage more points. Frankly, I think Obama's speech may have been the equivalent of a professional execution. He blindfolded her, knelt her down, and placed one through the back of her head.

Title: Re: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: bijou on January 17, 2010, 05:13:27 PM
Fail. Coakley & Obama Hold Rally In Boston– Can’t Fill It Up (Video)
Sunday, January 17, 2010, 2:51 PM
Title: Re: 5,000 show for Brown in Worcester today
Post by: NHSparky on January 18, 2010, 12:42:33 AM
Congressman Jim McGovern's office is right around the corner from here.   When he was walking past the Brown supporters (about 200) at WPI on Friday on his way in to join hands with Billy-Jeff, the crowd started chanting to him "you're next... you're next..."  :)

Pretty telling in a district where half the time he runs unopposed.