The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: ballantine on December 25, 2009, 06:46:36 PM

Title: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: ballantine on December 25, 2009, 06:46:36 PM
Where do they find these clowns?  :banghead:

When Barry got into office, we were calling him a socialist.

Well, he's turned out to be something different - a full-on blue-blooded corporatist!

I don't know how anyone could have imagined he was going to reverse the excesses of the Bush years, but now he's truly going above and beyond. He's about to toss another trillion dollars of taxpayer money at big insurance - the very same companies that are responsible for the economic mess we're in today! These are the people that were using credt default swaps to underwrite Fannie and Freddie, and on Sept 28 2009 they suddenly realized all that paper was worthless, so they dumped 500 billion of it into the market in less than three hours -

And the result was that now our government owns the largest (FAILING) insurance company in the world! !!!

I don't call that socialism - I call it statist corporatism. It's the same thing that Mussolini brought to the table - only HE made the trains run on time, and Barry seem to be unable to do that.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: bkg on December 25, 2009, 07:30:43 PM
insurance companies are NOT responsible for the economic crisis... gov't regulations and mandates are.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: thundley4 on December 25, 2009, 07:38:36 PM
insurance companies are NOT responsible for the economic crisis... gov't regulations and mandates are.

And it's regulations that will drive the insurance companies out of business eventually.  0Bama's whole desire is to make health care single payer.  I hate using that term, "single payer", since it is not the governments money paying for it, but several millions of tax payers.

That's what it should be called. Tax payer funded health care.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: ColonialMarine0431 on December 25, 2009, 07:46:55 PM
I don't know how anyone could have imagined he was going to reverse the excesses of the Bush years

You mean like 4% unemployment, keeping us safe from terrorists as opposed to 10%+ unemployemt under Obammy? A GDP rate of roughly 3% through those bad Bush years as opposed to a GDP rate of -3.8% in The One's 1st 12 months?

Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: Carl on December 25, 2009, 07:52:21 PM
Another cute and for Christmas too. :whatever:
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on December 25, 2009, 11:25:15 PM
Obama's good side: he got my liberal relatives to shut-up.

During the 2008 campaign all my parents did was crow about how miserable a president Bush was. With Obama in office less than a year they won't even talk politics. They quickly change the subject whenever the economy, the war and shady politics become the topic.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: TheSarge on December 26, 2009, 08:24:44 AM
Corpratist?  Not hardly.

To call him that wold infer that he's at least on speaking terms with free market economies and the free enterprise system itself.

And so far he's got both of them on his no call list.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on December 26, 2009, 09:30:49 AM
Corpratist?  Not hardly.

To call him that wold infer that he's at least on speaking terms with free market economies and the free enterprise system itself.

And so far he's got both of them on his no call list.
I interpreted the "corporatist" remark in the OP along the lines of: Obama exploits the corporate structure to advance an personal/political agenda as opposed to actually caring whether or not a corporation shows a profit. In Obama's world profit is a tertiary concern behind the power controlling large US financial engines while maintaining a cover of deniability should things go awry because--on paper anyway--the corporation is still separate from him. Like Mussolini, also mentioned in the OP, the corporations were granted autonomy only as far as they were in accord with the government. Absurd and self-contradicting on its face but true nonetheless.

I could be wrong but that is the context I understood from the OP and if this is the case I would have to agree with it.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: TheSarge on December 26, 2009, 09:39:51 AM
I interpreted the "corporatist" remark in the OP along the lines of: Obama exploits the corporate structure to advance an personal/political agenda as opposed to actually caring whether or not a corporation shows a profit. In Obama's world profit is a tertiary concern behind the power controlling large US financial engines while maintaining a cover of deniability should things go awry because--on paper anyway--the corporation is still separate from him. Like Mussolini, also mentioned in the OP, the corporations were granted autonomy only as far as they were in accord with the government. Absurd and self-contradicting on its face but true nonetheless.

I could be wrong but that is the context I understood from the OP and if this is the case I would have to agree with it.

It struck me as him saying Obama is just another puppet of the EEEEEEEVIL Corporate Masters that control everything.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: SVPete on December 26, 2009, 11:40:10 AM
Ulyanov and Dzhugashvili killed off industry owners and took over industry. Adolph let industry owners live, took over industry and made them his slaves. One approach seems more similar to Obama's ... perhaps ballantine would prefer the other? Either way, the outcome is the same, a state-enslaved country.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: SVPete on December 26, 2009, 11:42:51 AM
 :tongue: :rotf: Still, there is some amusement to be derived from the P-&-M'ing of libs and progs who thought they had elected a prog-messiah.  :rotf: :tongue:
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: BadCat on December 26, 2009, 12:06:49 PM
I didn't think he was a socialist, I thought he was a communist.

These days I'm leaning towards fascist/communist though.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: Eupher on December 26, 2009, 12:13:04 PM
Fascism is definitely in the mix.

More than anything, Obama is all about power. And he intends to wield all the power he can hoodwink the Congress and the media into giving him.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: SVPete on December 26, 2009, 01:00:54 PM
Fascist, Communist, socialist ... different coat markings, same species of cat. Dzhugashvili and Adolph didn't go after each other because they were opposites, but because they were competing for the same political territory! Ditto Dzhugashvili vs. Trotsky and Dzhugashvili vs. Mussolini ... and Dzhugashvili vs. the Socialist revolutionaries, vs. the Mensheviks , etc.. Ulyanov would have done the same, but for the would-be assassin who basically succeeded.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: NHSparky on December 27, 2009, 07:03:04 AM
Fascist, Communist, socialist ... different coat markings, same species of cat. Dzhugashvili and Adolph didn't go after each other because they were opposites, but because they were competing for the same political territory! Ditto Dzhugashvili vs. Trotsky and Dzhugashvili vs. Mussolini ... and Dzhugashvili vs. the Socialist revolutionaries, vs. the Mensheviks , etc.. Ulyanov would have done the same, but for the would-be assassin who basically succeeded.

Well said, sir.  I see you've been reading Jonah Goldberg.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: SVPete on December 27, 2009, 08:15:56 AM
You are correct, sir, with Solzhenitsyn and various books about Hitler's Germany less recently. A book I read some 35 years ago pointed out that it wasn't Communists and Fascists/Nazis that were polar opposites, but command states and freedom. And the character in the WH thinks he can do some tweaks and succeed where Adolph, Ulyanov and Dzhugashvili failed.
Title: Re: Barry is a complete screw-up
Post by: miskie on December 27, 2009, 09:29:53 AM
Another cute and for Christmas too. :whatever:
