The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: zeitgeist on November 30, 2009, 07:41:56 PM

Title: Locked and Circling, email from a friend
Post by: zeitgeist on November 30, 2009, 07:41:56 PM
This thread is currently in lock-down, water is swirling in the bowl.

BeachBaby  (1000+ posts)      Mon Nov-30-09 10:46 AM
Original message
An email from a close friend of mine who belongs to no political party. IMPORTANT. READ THIS.
 Subject: I Just Spent the Last Three Hours on Democratic Underground

I went into a place called "General Discussion", and I also ventured into another place about guns, as well as "GLBT" and read through several different topics - and Michelle, I have to tell you, I can't, for the life of me, understand how you - and the site - can describe Democratic Underground as being a "liberal" or "progressive" message board.

You and I were both raised in fundamental Christian households, and so - from birth - we were handed the lion's share of irrationality, right? And we couldn't escape the constant dogma of saving the babies; nuking the Middle East to save Israel; executing each and every killer, no matter what the circumstances; and, the ultimate.....that we are to hate the homosexuals because they are in direct violation of God's Word.

Michelle, you know that I lean more left than right, but some of the things I came across tonight really left me thinking just how alike Democrats and Republicans really are. You could never say that to them, though - oh my God, if I EVER told my mother that she could just as easily be a Democrat as a Republican, she'd disown me. 

I'm sorry, Michelle. I know that this website means a lot to you - after all, you met **** there. And I know that there are many rights that you want protected for yourself and for others. But I have to say that if I didn't see - in big letters - "DEMOCRATIC UNDERGROUND", I never in a million years would have thought that I was in a liberal, or progressive, website. I hope you see that hatred is alive and well on both sides of the political spectrum. And I feel that I know you very well - and the Michelle I know is an open-minded critical thinker who embraces freedom of speech and expression. I'm not getting that vibe at Democratic Underground.

If you want to express my opinion to your friends there, I'm fine with that. They need to know that their words are open to the public - and if they want to be revered as being progressives, well.....they have a lot of work to do.

Love you. Let's talk soon. Steph.


Once upon a time, I tried to get Stephanie to join DU. She obviously decided to take a good look around last night. I really don't know what to write back to her, since I really can't argue with what she's said here. I can only hope that her email will make us all take a good look at ourselves - and try to remember why we're all here in the first place. After all, we're all on the same side, aren't we?

If we want people to listen and pay attention to the world around us, we have to lead by example.

I truncated the OP as it is quite long.


cali  (1000+ posts)        Mon Nov-30-09 10:51 AM
Response to Original message
2. I think your pal's screed is confused.
 and what's this nonsense about protecting the rights of dogs and honoring 9/11.

as for wanting to be revered, can't say I've ever encountered a DUer who voiced anything like that.

And she gives no examples about how we're anti-gay here. I know there are a few jackasses here who don't support civil rights for the GLBT community but the vast majority of DUers absolutely do.

There are a lot of primitives who bring fuel for the fire:


Warpy  (1000+ posts)        Mon Nov-30-09 10:58 AM
Response to Reply #6
12. Welcome to my world 
 Women, more than half the population, are constantly being told their issues aren't as important as the issues men favor.

Straight Christian white males feel entitled to set the agenda

Only because transgendered white males won't?


TZ  (1000+ posts)        Mon Nov-30-09 10:57 AM
Response to Reply #8
10. There's a difference between having differing opinions
 And narrow minded bigoted, PERSONAL attacks. For instance, anytime I post anything that a certain group disagrees with I get attacked as being a shill and a liar! That does not speak well for the progressive values of tolerance does it?
 Printer Friendly | Permalink | Reply | Top

dkf  (1000+ posts)        Mon Nov-30-09 11:05 AM
Response to Reply #10
18. I take it you are angry at people on one side of a particular argument?
 I think if you don't ever want to be criticized, basically you can't say anything. Every time you offer an opinion, you put yourself out there. Everyone thinks they are right after all. As to the personal attacks, heck calling someone a bigot is a personal attack too.

It looks like they attack you for being a shill and a liar and you attack them for being narrow minded and bigoted. All personal attacks right?
 Printer Friendly | Permalink | Reply | Top


TZ  (1000+ posts)        Mon Nov-30-09 11:15 AM
Response to Reply #18
24. No. And as a SCIENTIST
 I well know the difference between SCIENTIFIC FACT and opinion. Not all opinions are valid. ANd I've gotten attacked for posting VALID SCIENTIFIC FACT many times. There is a horrible double standard on science here on this site.
If you think posting "cancer is caused by YEAST" and then calling me a liar when I post the actual complex biology behind cancer is OKAY more power to you and the rest of the fundies here.
Or being accused of being a janitor in a lab when I posted ACTUAL facts about a vaccine. But hey thats okay, right?
Or being called a child killer because I advocate for the SOUND SCIENCE behind vaccines. Yep. I clearly deserved those attacks! 

DU is beginning to bang around like ma's old wringer washer.


Javaman  (1000+ posts)        Mon Nov-30-09 11:53 AM
Response to Reply #29
48. Just because one "leans" to the left doesn't mean they   
 aren't centrist or have right "leanings" as well.

There were some blanket statements in the OP, that if taken at face value, would give one the impression that the OP was picking and choosing her points.

Sadly, although the OP's friend my lean left, the friend still has some obvious blinders on when reading through the various threads.

There are nuts here on DU but they are far out numbered by the rational thinking members.

And to make the claim the Democratic Underground Members care more for dogs, than for the rights of women, is just plain ignorant.

there are nuts here who don't care for our military, but there are a great many vets and supporters here of our men and women in uniform and claiming, with the blanket statement, that we don't, is once again blatantly ignorant.

The belief that bringing up 9/11 trumps all, is well, is plain bizarre. Perhaps, she thinks ghouliani would have made a fine president? We here prefer to use critical thinking skills rather than knee jerk reactions to situations. Aka invading Iraq and somehow blaming them for 9/11.

I don't know which threads the OP's friend read, but the percentage of homophobes here on DU is rather small. In my experience, most of the members here are in support of the GLBT community. Most of the morons that post hateful remarks are usually trolls.

And finally, if the OP's friend is an open minded critical thinker, then nothing on DU should have shocked her. That is a fact. Or perhaps, the OP's friend needs to look up the definition of Liberal again.



This is a thread which just keeps on giving.


derby378  (1000+ posts)        Mon Nov-30-09 11:58 AM
Response to Reply #29
52. All I can say is...
 ...our community is made up of Democrats from across the spectrum who want to move the country as far away from the policies of the Bush administration as we possibly can. We're going to have a bunch of different ideas on how to do that, and that means we'll have our arguments.

But I for one would welcome Stephanie to give us a real shot

Minimus  (1000+ posts)      Mon Nov-30-09 11:04 AM
Response to Original message
17. I have a similar story
 Back in 2004, after I joined, I invited my nephew to join. He visited DU and then sent me an e-mail telling me many of the threads reminded him of a site where those on the other side of the spectrum voiced their opinions (he was referring to the site that shall not be named.) I was aghast that he could compare me and my beloved DU to right wing fanatics - but over the years I have witnessed some over the top posts and could see how someone more "moderate" could be offended.


177 posts later......


cbayer   (1000+ posts)      Mon Nov-30-09 06:33 PM
Response to Original message
177. Locking
 This has devolved into an all too familiar battle and has strayed completely off topic.

DU Moderator

The little man will be along with the broom to sweep this mess down the memory hole but a copy is on file.

Title: Re: Locked and Circling, email from a friend
Post by: USA4ME on November 30, 2009, 09:12:40 PM
Quote from:

There are nuts here on DU but they are far out numbered by the rational thinking members.

 :rotf: :lmao: :rotf: :lmao: :rotf:
