The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: ScubaGuy on November 20, 2009, 06:57:48 AM

Title: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: ScubaGuy on November 20, 2009, 06:57:48 AM
Is there anyone at the DUmp that isn't sucking on the government teat or suffering from some mental disorder?

At least Greenbriar has the excuse of being born with downs syndrome (


Nineteen hours until the rest of my life (or not)

At about 9:45 AM tomorrow I'm having my appeal hearing for SSI/Disability. If I win, on the grounds I'm unable to work because of some mental health issues, I can finally get further testing that I need to start to properly heal. Both mentally and a considerable amount of physically.

"The worst that can happen" my lawyer informed me in a less than enthusiastic pep talk today, was that we could appeal again if we lose. Which basically means it would be another two years until my next hearing. Essentially a death sentence in all probability for a number of reasons. At the very least the probable death of my marriage.

Long story short any and all prayers, vibes, magick and general well wishes directed my way about 10-ish tomorrow would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Undercurrent  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)

18. The very best of luck to you!

Do they usually drag it out like this?

I have been on SSDI for 15 years, and I was wondering if your difficulty getting approved is a normal thing.

Mine was approved in a matter of about 2 months by filling out an application, and enclosing my medical records. I wasn't able to actually fill out the application myself, as I was heavily medicated, and had been in the state mental hospital for months. I was a total basket case at the time, but I could sign my name.

Based on your experience, I must have been fortunate to have a good hospital case worker to do the paperwork.

Anyway, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow


19. The rule of thumb now is to refuse anyone and hope they don't appeal

SSA's own evaluation stated I should have qualified and I still got refused. 16-24 months is average time for an appeal hearing and they have that much time every time you have to appeal. I have one friend who has been fighting it for over 8 years and finally won, and she got hurt at a job. It's ****ing criminal.

Undercurrent  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)

29. Sounds like a private insurance company!

Deny coverage even though the person qualifies. That's just plain wrong.

Like I said, I don't even know what is really required on the application forms, or what the whole process involves. I was notified that I would be receiving SSDI by my case worker shortly after I was discharged from the state hospital into a residential living facility where I stayed until a workable medication regimen could be worked out, and I was functional again.

Wait till obama care kicks in.  You ain't seen nothing yet.

Prophet 451  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  

55. Ours is getting that way

The system now assumes your own doctor is a liar and sends you for a medical with a private company called ATOS. They're supposed to decide if you're fit for work, have "limited" capacity for work or are completely unable and get put in the "Support" category. Sounds fine except ATOS are notorious for ignoring evidence, lying their collective asses (assi?) off and treating the "Support" category like it doesn't exist.

My own doctor and shrink say there is no ****ing way I should be doing any sort of work, I showed up in clothes I'd been wearing for two months, with caked blood covering my arms (my depression causes me to self-harm, completely unconnected to the self-harm I use for magicks), hair that hadn't been washed in about four months and my beard was so unkept, I looked like I was trying to swallow a badger; they assigned me to the "Limited" category. I'm actually lucky. ATOS have classified a severely delusional schizophrenic and a girl with four suicide attempts in as many months and stitches still in both wrists as fully fit for work. One guy who lost both hands in a warehouse accident was classified as 75% fit.

Oh, and our tabloids have been running an outright hate campaign (think Fox and Obama) against us for about 18 months now.

The rest is all good vibes and healing white light.
Title: Re: Shadwoknows in his final hours
Post by: whiffleball on November 20, 2009, 07:40:38 AM
Prophet 451  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Journal
My own doctor and shrink say there is no ******* way I should be doing any sort of work, I showed up in clothes I'd been wearing for two months, with caked blood covering my arms (my depression causes me to self-harm, completely unconnected to the self-harm I use for magicks), hair that hadn't been washed in about four months and my beard was so unkept, I looked like I was trying to swallow a badger; they assigned me to the "Limited" category.

Whoa!  The Taxi driving Primitive's tale of woe is bad enough, but this Prophet person.  So, he goes around cutting himself to perform his majicks, but they haven't healed him of his mental problems yet and he needs government help?  I don't know what to say except ask if there's word for the world's biggest LOSER .
Title: Re: Shadwoknows in his final hours
Post by: Karin on November 20, 2009, 07:43:12 AM
Whiffleball beat me to the quote quote, but does it sound to you like he did all that on purpose?  I'm also curious about his tabloid remark.  Wonder what's going on there?  What is Magicks and the self harm?  WTF all around? 
Title: Re: Shadwoknows in his final hours
Post by: JohnnyReb on November 20, 2009, 07:46:29 AM
I vote republican againist my own best interest. By DUmmie standards that means I'm crazy. How soon can I expect to recieve my SSDI? :-)

Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: whiffleball on November 20, 2009, 07:51:31 AM
Whiffleball beat me to the quote quote, but does it sound to you like he did all that on purpose?  I'm also curious about his tabloid remark.  Wonder what's going on there?  What is Magicks and the self harm?  WTF all around? 

His blog intro here  explains a lot.

"Ebon Bear's Cave

AKA: Prophet451. I am, in no particular order: bisexual, Luciferian Satanist, a British follower of American politics, opinionated, hairy and mostly liberal. I'm 33 and live with my partner and our two much adored cats in the British Midlands."
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: IassaFTots on November 20, 2009, 07:56:27 AM
Luciferian Satanist,

Isn't that redundant?
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: franksolich on November 20, 2009, 08:04:47 AM
His blog intro here  explains a lot.

"Ebon Bear's Cave

AKA: Prophet451. I am, in no particular order: bisexual, Luciferian Satanist, a British follower of American politics, opinionated, hairy and mostly liberal. I'm 33 and live with my partner and our two much adored cats in the British Midlands."

Sounds like a British variation of our own subway cat.
Title: Re: Shadwoknows in his final hours
Post by: NHSparky on November 20, 2009, 08:11:36 AM
Prophet 451  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Journal
My own doctor and shrink say there is no ******* way I should be doing any sort of work, I showed up in clothes I'd been wearing for two months, with caked blood covering my arms (my depression causes me to self-harm, completely unconnected to the self-harm I use for magicks), hair that hadn't been washed in about four months and my beard was so unkept, I looked like I was trying to swallow a badger; they assigned me to the "Limited" category.

Whoa!  The Taxi driving Primitive's tale of woe is bad enough, but this Prophet person.  So, he goes around cutting himself to perform his majicks, but they haven't healed him of his mental problems yet and he needs government help?  I don't know what to say except ask if there's word for the world's biggest LOSER .

Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: Carl on November 20, 2009, 08:14:58 AM
It would be funny if it wasn`t so disturbing that these folks,who by their own admission are lunatics (although all geniuses),are part of the driving force behind what is in control of the federal government right now.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: kenth on November 20, 2009, 09:23:49 AM
Is there anyone at the DUmp that isn't sucking on the government teat or suffering from some mental disorder?

Geez Louise... government teats, mental disorders; add in substance abuse and that's pushing 160% of them.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: Lord Undies on November 20, 2009, 10:40:04 AM
At about 9:45 AM tomorrow I'm having my appeal hearing for SSI/Disability. If I win, on the grounds I'm unable to work because of some mental health issues, I can finally get further testing that I need to start to properly heal. Both mentally and a considerable amount of physically.

And when this "proper heal" is achieved, I assume you will be petitioning to have yourself removed from the disability/SSI rolls?

Right?  Right?  Right?  :littlegoonsilence: 
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: Karin on November 20, 2009, 10:52:06 AM
Oh Frank, you changed your avatar again.  How long do we have to look at that?  My favorite was the cat, who looked like the perfect moderator:  calm, collected, wise, and serene in knowing he/she is exactly right at all times. 
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 20, 2009, 11:03:18 AM
I showed up in clothes I'd been wearing for two months, with caked blood covering my arms (my depression causes me to self-harm, completely unconnected to the self-harm I use for magicks), hair that hadn't been washed in about four months and my beard was so unkept, I looked like I was trying to swallow a badger
Sounds like the Eurotrash bureaucrat who denied his claim watches syndicated reruns of MASH. The guy had seen Klinger.

And don't complain about coach's Helen avatar. At least he didn't use one of his nude shots of her. They're Not Safe For Humanity.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: delilahmused on November 20, 2009, 11:13:43 AM
Why am I not surprised they can't make the connection between these problems with SSDI and government run health care? But does anyone really think being able to live off the public dole will make this person any different/happier/healthier? SSDI won't be enough, he won't be able to find a good shrink with what Medicare pays, the doctor won't give him the prescription drugs of his choice that everyone on the Internet is talking about, he wrote to his congressman about his plight and all he got back was a form letter, and if he really did get his free pony it would be the wrong color. If they don't have depression and angst they don't have anything. They wallow in self pity with the same relish as a 6 year old who scored the winning goal in pee wee soccer.

Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: Celtic Rose on November 20, 2009, 11:30:19 AM
It is people like this that have made the SSDI program so overrun and inept.  There are people who truly cannot work because of a disability, and I have no problem with them getting government assistance, private charitable donations, or any other assistance to improve their lives.  But, if somebody is coherent and well enough to make thousands of posts on an internet forum, they can do some sort of desk work.  It is because so many people apply for the system who could actually work that they have to become so suspicious of every application.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: Carl on November 20, 2009, 11:50:54 AM
It is people like this that have made the SSDI program so overrun and inept.  There are people who truly cannot work because of a disability, and I have no problem with them getting government assistance, private charitable donations, or any other assistance to improve their lives.  But, if somebody is coherent and well enough to make thousands of posts on an internet forum, they can do some sort of desk work.  It is because so many people apply for the system who could actually work that they have to become so suspicious of every application.

Imagine the unpredicted costs these leeches will add to the bottom line of "free" health care as well.
I still say it is there goal and why they are obsessed with get themselves medically removed from contributing to a productive society in any way.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: GOBUCKS on November 20, 2009, 11:56:35 AM
But, if somebody is coherent and well enough to make thousands of posts on an internet forum, they can do some sort of desk work. 

Would you hire someone with 20,000 posts at democratunderground?
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: mamacags on November 20, 2009, 12:23:32 PM

Would you hire someone with 20,000 posts at democratunderground?

Not even to pick up dog crap in my yard.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: happy1ga on November 20, 2009, 12:33:12 PM
All I could think about while reading this, was can you imagine how badly he must smell? 4 mos without washing the hair? 2 mos in same clothes? URGH.  I feel sorry for the person having to represent him. I would quit my job first. Also, most people who are seriously disturbed are so self aware they can write this cogent a post. Yes, it is somewhat insane, but not to the degree that he needs to be on the g'mnt teat. Just a bath and a life.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: Chris_ on November 20, 2009, 01:03:03 PM
I'm not surprised.  There is one there that gets a check, free medical, free prescriptions, uses the ER like it's her personal Dr., stays drunk, does drugs and steady gets tattooed.  What is her illness ?  Bi polar/depression/agoraphobic.  The only agoraphobic I've ever seen that can go out at night and on dates but too afraid to do anything else.

Imagine the good life.  Getting paid to get high and posting on the DUmp 24/7.

A DUmmy dream come true.

Get ready.  With this new government healthcare it'll be easier for them to document their crazy life and be a shoe in for disability all at your expense.

I sometimes think that's the real reason they want that bill to pass.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: Thor on November 20, 2009, 01:09:22 PM
It is people like this that have made the SSDI program so overrun and inept.  There are people who truly cannot work because of a disability, and I have no problem with them getting government assistance, private charitable donations, or any other assistance to improve their lives.  But, if somebody is coherent and well enough to make thousands of posts on an internet forum, they can do some sort of desk work.  It is because so many people apply for the system who could actually work that they have to become so suspicious of every application.

Which is the reason that I didn't give up and go on SSDI. I can operate a computer, work on them, etc.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: kenth on November 20, 2009, 01:38:37 PM
(my depression causes me to self-harm, completely unconnected to the self-harm I use for magicks)

Holy cow. One would think his depression would make him a natural at "magicks" then, and therefore a good thing.

There's so many threads like this, where the dummies proudly list their insanities yet think we have the crazy ideology. Too, it doesn't occur to them for a second as to why they are declined with so many others. Because they think government makes all the money, it doesn't cost anything to provide their care, benefits, etc. so it must be "other" people abusing the system.
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: The Village Idiot on November 20, 2009, 01:54:25 PM
Wait a minute under the "complete lives system"  would this guy be considered a "useless eater" and a "non-contributing" member of society?
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: ScubaGuy on November 20, 2009, 02:01:12 PM
It is people like this that have made the SSDI program so overrun and inept.  There are people who truly cannot work because of a disability, and I have no problem with them getting government assistance, private charitable donations, or any other assistance to improve their lives.  But, if somebody is coherent and well enough to make thousands of posts on an internet forum, they can do some sort of desk work.  It is because so many people apply for the system who could actually work that they have to become so suspicious of every application.

In my opinion that's a major part of the problem.  I know 3 people who are on SSI and all of them are capable of working but managed to find the right doctors so that they don't have to.  Meanwhile the guy next door was really injured on the job and is fighting to get anything besides his 50% employer disability. 
Title: Re: Shadowknows in his final hours
Post by: Chris_ on November 20, 2009, 04:36:43 PM
We had a neighbor whose son became a quadriplegic after a diving accident in a swimming pool. She told me she had to fight for 5 years to get some help.  During that time she took care of him while holding down a full time job.

He now works processing welfare claims and is disgusted by what he sees.