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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: thundley4 on August 19, 2009, 12:47:11 PM

Title: 0Bama Masterbates, and DUmmies watch and applaud.
Post by: thundley4 on August 19, 2009, 12:47:11 PM
damonm   (1000+ posts)             Wed Aug-19-09 01:17 PM
Original message
Why "abandoning" the Public Option was a masterstroke   

Obama has, on many occasions, said "I cannot do this alone"; that he required our help. His seeming to abandon the public option held OUR feet to the fire, and we've responded as needed. We've reminded him AND the American public that there is indeed strong support for the public option - giving the lie to RW claims of "flagging support". We've given him the covering fire he needs to move forward when it seemed we were getting passive.

In addition, he ONCE AGAIN exposed the righties as simple obstructionists - they wouldn't even accept co-ops, fer Gossakes - who want NOTHING done, and want to keep the insurance companies ripping you off.
THIS is the genius of "bi-partisanship"; forcing the GOP further and further into the whackadoodle world of their crazy base, and even further from mainstream thinking. Once he's safely marginalized the righties, he can get down to some SERIOUS business.

You mean this would get his fawning followers to spend their money to hire more astroturf?

Riverman   (618 posts)           Wed Aug-19-09 01:26 PM
Response to Original message
2. Audacity of Hope! Let's Hope!, but just in case read Huffington Post
Article about David Axelrod's connections ($$$$) with Big Pharma and then go to Talking Points Memo and read Howard Fineman's Article on how Obama miscalculated on Health Care!

If he has played the chess game as suggested then maybe he is a genius. I voted and supported him enthusiastically. Yet, I wonder if his gambit of persistently pissing-off many of the people who helped get him elected and believed in his Audacity of Hope and Change We Can Believe In and The Fierce Urgency of Now speeches in favor of bipartisonship, and cutting closed-door deals with Big Pharma, pandering to the right and corporate lobbyists will be worth the price. I would sincerely like to believe that President Obama has not played all of his cards. I fear that he has
Silence riverrat, join the circle jerk or leave.

xultar   (1000+ posts)             Wed Aug-19-09 01:26 PM
Response to Original message
3. Seriously. The WH got pawned by Grassley and they just found out last week.
They thought he was playing ball and Grassley made a mistake and let it be known that he was just stringing the WH along.

And then WHOOPS. Now the WH has to put it right.

My gut tells me that the WH didn't have this planned in some masterstroke, they really thought that there was going to be bipartisan ship...but grassley lied to their faces and they just found out.
Seriesly? Grassley put the WH in hock?  How much did he get?

FrenchieCat   (1000+ posts)             Wed Aug-19-09 01:26 PM
Response to Original message
4. We have not yet responded as needed, nor given him needed cover as of yet,
but I hope that we soon will.

Yeah, give him cover, then when it fails, get thrown under the 0Bama bus.

Title: Re: 0Bama Masterbates, and DUmmies watch and applaud.
Post by: Karin on August 19, 2009, 01:13:36 PM
We've given him the covering fire he needs to move forward
  and other like nonsense.  That OPoster, damonm thinks he's being an incredibly brilliant political strategist.  Don't their comments also suggest that they think the DU is an extremely important and powerful group, able to influence the course of history and the actions of a president?

And they can ignore the unpleasant polls all they want.   
Title: Re: 0Bama Masterbates, and DUmmies watch and applaud.
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on August 19, 2009, 02:15:32 PM
Masterstroke my assterstroke.
Title: Re: 0Bama Masterbates, and DUmmies watch and applaud.
Post by: Texacon on August 19, 2009, 02:32:27 PM
They want so badly for their guy to be intelligent .... like they are but he is failing miserably at it .... like they are.


Title: Re: 0Bama Masterbates, and DUmmies watch and applaud.
Post by: Chris_ on August 19, 2009, 02:34:15 PM
Its because they all wanted us to be fu**ed in the end :tongue:
Title: Re: 0Bama Masterbates, and DUmmies watch and applaud.
Post by: JohnnyReb on August 19, 2009, 02:38:18 PM
All that masturbating and in the end all their gonna get is a puff of dust.
Title: Re: 0Bama Masterbates, and DUmmies watch and applaud.
Post by: jukin on August 19, 2009, 03:13:06 PM
Fantastic plan!!

When you have polls showing a slight bias toward reform and take them to show a considerable bias against reform.  That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPER genius.  Wyle E. Coyote is smiling.
Title: Re: 0Bama Masterbates, and DUmmies watch and applaud.
Post by: BlueStateSaint on August 19, 2009, 05:03:53 PM
Masterstroke my assterstroke.

It's a masturbaterstroke, DAT . . .