The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Freeper on August 04, 2009, 07:26:23 AM

Title: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Freeper on August 04, 2009, 07:26:23 AM
DainBramaged  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Journal  Click to send private message to this author  Click to view this author's profile  Click to add this author to your buddy list  Click to add this author to your Ignore list      Mon Aug-03-09 09:32 PM
Original message
FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?   Updated at 10:59 PM
It amazes me how you have tried so hard to distract the public with this 'birther' bullshit while the one issue that should have united us, health care reform, is being pushed aside in the media by your bullshit. And this Oily Titz rag speaks for you, give me a break, a lawyer and a dentist? Does that mean that if she screws up your dental work, you can hire her to sue herself? How much longer are you all going to be smitten with these carnival barkers? Don't answer that, you're ALL like kittens, you see something shiny and moving and you jump at it. And your elected Representatives in the House and Senate are bought and paid for by the health care industry and you stupid assholes want to block reform while they get rich. Dumb dumb and dumber. Remember one thing (if you can from reading this)Medicare/Medicade, the VA and health care for our elected officials works really well, why don't you want the same for yourselves???

See that picture? It is what remains of your base, FOUR states, and that's IT, WE are taking over the rest, and there is NOTHING you can do about it. We should have done health care reform 15 years ago, but you ****ers interfered with the attempts by the Clinton government, and this is where we're at. And I bet my last nickle, you stupid ****ers KNOW friends who have DIED since then because they DID NOT have health care, but you stupid idiots think it's OK to buck this ELECTED President and just say no to everything he tries to accomplish for this Country while you selfish assholes wallow in your own stink and ignorance.

See that picture, that represents what has happened to this Country in the last 29 years while it was under the control of ONE Democratic administration and three Rethuglican administrations, and you morans had control of the House and Senate for most of the last 15 years and what did you accomplish?

And now your representatives' true colors show, while we fight to get the Cash For Clunkers program extended to benefit the ECONOMY, you assholes want to stop it, but it was OK for Booshe to give $730 BILLION to the banks and Wall Street last year without ANY benefit to America of you all.

See that picture? That's ceiling cat watching you post your ignorant bullshit on Free Republic, the place where the stupidest people on Earth meet to discuss fake Kenyan birth certificates as real and where most of you can't even put a simple coherent sentence together. CODE BROWN CODE BROWN I'm hoping that those of you reading this are so mad you've shit yourselves, but thankfully I'll never know since I refuse to visit your ****ing site.

See that picture? I just wanted to remind you how HATED you and your kind is around the World. And that PRESIDENT Barack Obama, the duly elected Born in the USA Citizen to a WHITE mother (that must piss you bigots off more than anything him being half white and all) who will be President till 2012 and probably till 2016 since you ****ers have NO ONE who can run against him (don't even think Sarah the Quitter Failing is a worthy opponent) is LOVED Worldwide because he is HONEST and offers HOPE something you people ran out of years ago.

So get used to seeing my little essays here for a long time to come.

Have a shitty day tomorrow.

Not your friend,

I just love it when they call out us freepers from the safety of the DUmp  :rotf:
And I so look forward to all your forthcoming essays I am sure they will be as stunning as has become.  :rotf:

The best part was one of the pics was showing how the repuke presidents all had deficits yet no mention of the deficits that the anointed one has racked up in not quite 9 months.

babylonsister  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Journal  Click to send private message to this author  Click to view this author's profile  Click to add this author to your buddy list  Click to add this author to your Ignore list      Mon Aug-03-09 10:51 PM
Response to Original message
7. As usual, they're still dumb enough to vote against their own best interests.
There's no logic being introduced by anyone, yet all these angry people get to vent w/o a thought in their pea brains.

Great post, Rec'd.

Oh yeah Obama's plan to make me either buy health insurance that he approves of our have to pay Uncle Sam even more money was in my best interest.  :whatever:

Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Carl on August 04, 2009, 07:42:29 AM
Ahhh yes an impotent and idiotic screed to get attention,typical of the maturity level of the DUmp.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: JohnnyReb on August 04, 2009, 07:43:28 AM
Let's see here....Mom is dead....she didn't have a basement....and I have healthcare....had it for years.....and she wouldn't have let me saty in her basement and be a deadbeat, free loader if she had had a basement.....she loved me that much.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Karin on August 04, 2009, 08:08:39 AM
Where in the world did that guy get the idea that Freepers live in mothers' basements?  Surely he knows better than that, that conservatives do not do such things.  They leave home at the appropriate time and make their way in the world.  Oh for dumb.  Their stupid essays, they think they're so brilliant. 
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Flame on August 04, 2009, 08:12:49 AM
First of all, I've been supporting myself since I was 18...and I've had insurance ever since then. And no, I haven't had anyone clsoe to me die because they haven't had insurance.

Guess that kind of blows huge holes into your whole screed.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: TheSarge on August 04, 2009, 08:43:59 AM
Been on my own since I was 19.  I have health insurance for myself and six insurance in the amount of $450K...two cars and a 4 bdr 3 ba two story house.

Next time some Libtard at the DUmp wants to talk about ME living in a friggin basement...they better make sure they've moved out of the one THEY are living in first.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: TheSarge on August 04, 2009, 08:46:58 AM
If any of the lurking DUmmies would like to come here and talk freely about this issue.  Come on over.  You won't get banned here for talking to someone of a different political stripe.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Texacon on August 04, 2009, 09:16:08 AM
babylonsister  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Journal  Click to send private message to this author  Click to view this author's profile  Click to add this author to your buddy list  Click to add this author to your Ignore list      Mon Aug-03-09 10:51 PM
Response to Original message
7. As usual, they're still dumb enough to vote against their own best interests.   
There's no logic being introduced by anyone, yet all these angry people get to vent w/o a thought in their pea brains.

Great post, Rec'd.

I always love this little statement.

How to shut a DUmmy up fast in one sentence;

"My own best interest is keeping my money in my own pocket."

What part of "We can not afford this" do they not understand?

DUmmies.  If Free Medical Care for all was actually FREE I think you would see a whole lot more people interested in it.  Think we can talk someone else into paying for it?

Idiots.  All of them are idiots.

Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: djones520 on August 04, 2009, 09:20:37 AM
First of all, I've been supporting myself since I was 18...and I've had insurance ever since then. And no, I haven't had anyone clsoe to me die because they haven't had insurance.

Guess that kind of blows huge holes into your whole screed.

Been on my own since 17.  Insurance since day one, and like you I've had no one go without the coverage they needed due to lack of insurance.

Damn, who are these Freepers their talking about?   :whatever:
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: franksolich on August 04, 2009, 10:36:43 AM
If any of the lurking DUmmies would like to come here and talk freely about this issue.  Come on over.  You won't get banned here for talking to someone of a different political stripe.

It looks to me as if the brain-damaged primitive is "auditioning" for appearances here, or on P-J Comix's most-excellent DUmmie FUnnies, or at our old home.

That's why I ignore the brain-damaged primitive; it's better to watch the primitives who don't want to show up in respectable places, such as the brain damaged primitive's pal, the maudlin waif primitive.

The ones who don't want to be shown here, are the ones I like to show.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: TheSarge on August 04, 2009, 11:02:32 AM
I always love this little statement.

How to shut a DUmmy up fast in one sentence;

"My own best interest is keeping my money in my own pocket."

What part of "We can not afford this" do they not understand?

DUmmies.  If Free Medical Care for all was actually FREE I think you would see a whole lot more people interested in it.  Think we can talk someone else into paying for it?

Idiots.  All of them are idiots.


I had a buddy of mine when I was active duty the first time back in the 90's tell me I didn't make enough money to be a Republican.  That with the amount I was making (I was a PFC then) I should be voting Democrat.

Slightly different version of the "voting against their self interest meme".  But stupid none the less.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Texacon on August 04, 2009, 11:06:33 AM
I had a buddy of mine when I was active duty the first time back in the 90's tell me I didn't make enough money to be a Republican.  That with the amount I was making (I was a PFC then) I should be voting Democrat.

Slightly different version of the "voting against their self interest meme".  But stupid none the less.

They want their government to spend like they do in their personal lives.  On credit all the time then claim BK and get someone else to pick up the tab.  It blows me away.

When they say "Voting against their own interest" They are saying "Why don't you want to pay for my stuff".  They have just found a nicer way of saying it.

Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Chris on August 04, 2009, 11:10:13 AM
See that picture? It is what remains of your base, FOUR states, and that's IT, WE are taking over the rest, and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

Yes, we see what happens when THEY take over.  Michigan and California is what happens.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: jtyangel on August 04, 2009, 11:14:30 AM
I'll one better you 'dain'. My mother lives in my home and she, even unemployed, carries health insurance. You see with her unemployment, she made sure to pay for it privately on her own, rather then using her unemployment like she was on some extended vacation. Life is many times about choices and more often then not people do have options. Whether they choose to employ them or not is the real question.

As for knowing someone who 'died' since this started. I'll better that, but you guys don't ever want to hear this, I am related tos omeone who died in a nationalized system and died as a direct result of having to wait for her ration of healtcare. I also know people who have had people close to them cross the northern border so as not to have to wait in Canada for care. I can't say I know of anyone here in the states who has died from not recieving healthcare in this country unless they purposely put off see a doctor or going to the ER, but that was their choice, not a gov. number cruncher who told them they had to wait it out. See, difference between one's own choice and someone else making it for them. Anyone can go and get care, but there might be a bill at the end of it. Let's be honest, that's the part you really object to in reality.

As far as reform goes, the gov. already deals with healthcare via medicare and medicaid and that system is running dry. You really think it is wise to allow the gov. to be at the helm of this? Are you really that stupid? I bet you won't even acknowledge how the gov. run system already has put pressures on the private sector that has caused the rates you claim to now want the gov to correct for you. Oh, it's maddening. Really, maddening, but more gov. is not the answer. I know you think it is since this has nothing to do with reforms for a lot of people and more to do with getting consistent FREE healthcare. Problem is that in the end it is neither free nor consistent and you give up your choice to move to anything better once it's got a good foothold in as the usual plan.Then your hated upper middle and upper class are the only ones with decent insurance since their jobs will offer it to them as an added benefit to have private medical insurance. Good going, dummies.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: delilahmused on August 04, 2009, 12:02:25 PM
Dear BrainDamaged,

I see you're trying to wax all poetic and profound, pretending you're penning some screed that will matter to someone whose "best interests" are paying less taxes and making their own choices about their health care. The dirty little secret (well, one of the many) is that even people WITHOUT insurance have more choices than they'll have when the government is running things. They can't even run a car rebate program, what the hell makes you think they should be in charge of something as complex and personal as your health and that of your family.

You know, if you were really interested convincing people on the other side of the rightness of government run health care, instead of raging impotently to like-minded Obamacare zombies, you'd be here starting a conversation. Your best arguments and our best arguments...a dialogue. But you won't, whether you don't have the guts or know your arguments are bullshit, you'll just stay at the DUmp repeating the same old tired arguments you've used over and over and over again.

By the way, elected officials don't have Medicaid/Medicare. That is a really, really STUPID and uniformed argument. They have a variety of choices and every single one is run by a PRIVATE insurance company. None resemble Medicaid/Medicare or anything remotely close to the crappy government option they're trying to convince us we "need". People who use Medicaid have to have a SUPPLEMENT run by PRIVATE insurance because the government program doesn't meet their needs. When Mr. Obama and the members of congress decide the health care they want to pawn off on us is good enough for them and their families, we can talk. Until then, screw you.

I know no one who died from lack of health care. There have even been times when my family didn't have insurance. I went to the doctor, my children went to the doctor. We even visited the emergency room on occasion. Some things cost more than others but in every case the doctor or hospital was willing to take payments from us. There were times when all I could afford to send was $10 a week. As long as I made my payments as promised they were wonderful about it and never refused to see me or any member of my family.

But please, try something new. If we only have 4 states, if we're that insignificant, why bother? You've got the upper hand. Surely you can muster enough people to counter us evil "wingers" since you're in the majority. Though I would like to know, if you're in control of SO much, why can't you get the portion of that 90% who are happy with their coverage, but who support your leftist platform, to side with you on this health care thing? We're living in our mother's basements...blah, blah, blah (my mother is dead and I've been on my own since I was 17) companies and big pHarma...blah, blah, blah (yeah, I'm really put out by those $10 copays, it's probably a conspiracy)...birther stuff...blah, blah, blah (since most of us can walk and chew gum at the same time those interested in that issue can get involved with that AND show up at health care town meetings and tea parties.

But if you want a real conversation. Come on over. I dare you.

Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: AllosaursRus on August 04, 2009, 01:13:32 PM
See that picture, that represents what has happened to this Country in the last 29 years while it was under the control of ONE Democratic administration and three Rethuglican administrations, and you morans had control of the House and Senate for most of the last 15 years and what did you accomplish?


What a good ****IN' idea!!!!! That's actually what I want! The less the idiots in DC do the better, IMHO! Means I get to keep more of my money! Every time the Asshats YOU sent to Washington, pass another touchy, feely, bill, IT COSTS ME MORE OF MY HARD EARNED MONEY!

So ESAD, and go smoke a pole, since that is the only thing DUmmies like you appear to be good at!

edited to add profanity
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: The Village Idiot on August 04, 2009, 03:26:38 PM
Somehow 'our own best interests' mean becoming a government slave and standing in months-long lines to see a nurse about seeing a doctor who will put us on a months-long waiting list to see a specialist who will put us on a months-long waiting list to get tests which will put us on a months-long waiting list for surgery, if the government thinks we might "benefit society" should we be allowed to live.

And the DUers cannot see how this might be opposed?
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: miskie on August 04, 2009, 05:42:19 PM
Quote from: DainBramaged
It amazes me how you have tried so hard to distract the public with this 'birther' bullshit while the one issue that should have united us, health care reform, is being pushed aside in the media by your bullshit.

Thats where you're wrong, primitive. The health care issue has united most of us, Democrat and 'rethugglikkkan' alike. Against it. It seems only Primitives, Communists, and other leftist nutbars support it.

Once you show me verifiable statistics where more Americans flood to Canada, Europe, and Mexico for medical treatment then other nation's people come here, Ill consider it. Until that happens, it seems our system works better than theirs.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: AllosaursRus on August 04, 2009, 06:13:26 PM
This has nothing to do with healthcare as much as it has to do with controlling our lives! That's what the American Peoples are pissed about, DUmmies. Until they include tort reform, these asshats are never going to be serious about reform in the eye of the public. We all know they can't do that, as the lawyers donate enough cash to keep these worthless pukes in office!

For instance: page 58 in their miraculous healthcare reform bill, gives the feds the ability to debit our checking accounts in order to withdraw monies for services rendered! Not my idea of America! Sounds more like Venezuela
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: AprilRazz on August 04, 2009, 07:06:57 PM
Hey DUmmies I work in taxpayer funded health care! Tricare is what you pay for. Long lines and it takes forever to get an appointment. It is usually a 2 hour wait to pick up medications and a referral takes forever. But it is still better than the VA and that is not saying much.
True I don't pay for my health care as that is provided for me for free because my DH is still active duty. But I would be able to afford a decent plan if it wasn't.

Oh and I am typing this in my living room with my husband sitting a few feet away. My mom is in another state.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: franksolich on August 04, 2009, 10:15:44 PM
This is going to sound macabre, but I've been temporarily macabre lately.

Has anyone ever noticed that when a primitive expires live on the internet, and on Skins's island specifically, it's in a basement?  And mom is the one who discovers it?

I thought this was worth pointing out; it's happened.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: GOBUCKS on August 04, 2009, 10:20:11 PM
This is going to sound macabre, but I've been temporarily macabre lately.

Has anyone ever noticed that when a primitive expires live on the internet, and on Skins's island specifically, it's in a basement?  And mom is the one who discovers it?

I thought this was worth pointing out; it's happened.
That was exactly the fate of the departed DUmmy kephra. Found dead at his keyboard in the basement, ankle deep in Pizza Hut boxes, the DUmp's "Latest Breaking News" page beaming at him, his cold, dead index finger poised over the "Paste" button.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Chris on August 04, 2009, 10:20:51 PM
I was only aware of one... there are others?

I have noticed that when the DUmmies complain about "the way something/somebody used to be", it's always from twenty and thirty years ago.  How old are these people?
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Chris on August 04, 2009, 10:21:49 PM
That was exactly the fate of the departed DUmmy kephra. Found dead at his keyboard in the basement, ankle deep in Pizza Hut boxes, the DUmp's "Latest Breaking News" page beaming at him, his cold, dead index finger poised over the "Paste" button.
:lmao: Awful.  Funny, but awful.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: RobJohnson on August 05, 2009, 01:27:19 AM
Yes, I have healthcare. Zero deductable with no exclusion of pre-exisiting conditons. We don't have basements in Nevada, nor do I live with my parents.  :rotf:

I did have a garden level apartment once, it was sorta like a basement with windows. It was a nice place & guess what, I had to pay rent.  :tongue:

Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: LC EFA on August 05, 2009, 03:24:37 AM
:lmao: Awful.  Funny, but awful.

Ah yes.  Full story here. (

Wee Willie Washout did a great  eulogy  ( for the departed.   :-)
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: AprilRazz on August 05, 2009, 05:10:08 AM
This is going to sound macabre, but I've been temporarily macabre lately.

Has anyone ever noticed that when a primitive expires live on the internet, and on Skins's island specifically, it's in a basement?  And mom is the one who discovers it?

I thought this was worth pointing out; it's happened.
From his cold, dead hands. :rotf:
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: franksolich on August 05, 2009, 06:13:08 AM
I was only aware of one... there are others?

There were at least two others, that I'm vaguely aware of, as the primitives mention them from time to time, in their "I miss....." bonfires.

Apparently prehistoric primitives, from the first two or three years of Skins's island.

At the keyboard.  In the basement.  Mom found.

The next time the primitives light one of those "I miss....." bonfires, I'll be more careful about getting the primitive names.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: bcsco on August 05, 2009, 10:11:20 AM
Dear DainBramaged: I'm almost 66 years old and retired. I have severe health issues, but am still able to carry excellent health insurance with no preconditions and NO premium for the level coverage I have. The only condition is that I've qualified for Medicare for two years. Period.

Oh, I forgot to mention. My co-pays are minimal. Even a hospital visit is $100/day for up to 5 days, then the plan covers all through the YEAR.

47 million without insurance? Why? Health insurance is available to most everyone. Oh, and my mom had health insurance up until the day she died. And I never lived in her basement. In fact she lived with me and my wife the last decade + of her life, and I helped support her. I think you're projecting...
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: GOBUCKS on August 05, 2009, 10:27:40 AM
Please excuse a question I've had for some time:

Renew Deal  (1000+ posts)        Sat Jan-08-05 08:49 PM
Response to Original message
3. Are you saying Khephra the DUer has passed?

When did it become the norm to refer to a death by saying someone has "passed"?

For decades, probably centuries, the euphemism has been to say a person has "passed away".

Now, whenever I'm informed of a death, I hear that someone has "passed".

So in a situation that calls for compassion and sympathy, I can ony think of kidney stones and gas.

People do not "pass" unless the broken line is in their lane, or they scored above 70% on a test.

Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: TheSarge on August 05, 2009, 10:35:00 AM
Hey DUmmies I work in taxpayer funded health care! Tricare is what you pay for. Long lines and it takes forever to get an appointment. It is usually a 2 hour wait to pick up medications and a referral takes forever. But it is still better than the VA and that is not saying much.
True I don't pay for my health care as that is provided for me for free because my DH is still active duty. But I would be able to afford a decent plan if it wasn't.

Oh and I am typing this in my living room with my husband sitting a few feet away. My mom is in another state.

Tri-Care was one of the worst things that Clinton did to the Military.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: franksolich on August 05, 2009, 10:37:39 AM
Please excuse a question I've had for some time:

When did it become the norm to refer to a death by saying someone has "passed"?

Good question, GOBUCKS, but I'm leaving a little 3"x3" room for the possibility that it's a regional colloquialism somewhere.

But this is not to minimize that the primitives create their own jargon, meant to exclude, as if members of a "secret club" in high school or something.

That is another predominant characteristic of the primitives, their using primitivese when they can really use honest English.  They imagine they're putting one over decent and civilized people, when in fact their "code" is easy to break, and it makes the primitives look both stupid and ugly doing it.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Airwolf on August 05, 2009, 01:05:01 PM
I got out of the active duty Army back in 89. Before I joined in 1981 I had a family doctor to go to and he has always worked the same thn as he does now. weather you have insurance or not it doesn't matter, just pay the bill when you can. I know that alot of Doctors don't do this but I 'm lucky that mine does. When I was in the Army the way they treated us then is excatly whats going to happen to people on Obamacare. Long waits and maybe if your lucky you might get motrin for your trouble.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: AllosaursRus on August 05, 2009, 02:05:01 PM
Please excuse a question I've had for some time:

When did it become the norm to refer to a death by saying someone has "passed"?

For decades, probably centuries, the euphemism has been to say a person has "passed away".

Now, whenever I'm informed of a death, I hear that someone has "passed".

So in a situation that calls for compassion and sympathy, I can ony think of kidney stones and gas.

People do not "pass" unless the broken line is in their lane, or they scored above 70% on a test.


Americans are lazy when it comes to language, hence the shortening of "passed away" to "passed".
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: BadCat on August 05, 2009, 02:52:41 PM
Why yes, I do have health insurance DUmmy.
I and my wife are covered by my policy.
My wife and I are covered by her policy.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on August 06, 2009, 05:40:50 AM
Please excuse a question I've had for some time:

When did it become the norm to refer to a death by saying someone has "passed"?

For decades, probably centuries, the euphemism has been to say a person has "passed away".

Now, whenever I'm informed of a death, I hear that someone has "passed".

So in a situation that calls for compassion and sympathy, I can ony think of kidney stones and gas.

People do not "pass" unless the broken line is in their lane, or they scored above 70% on a test.


It's the whole methane to cadaverone (yes, it's actually called that) conversion.
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: RobJohnson on August 06, 2009, 03:01:15 PM
Hey DUmmies I work in taxpayer funded health care! Tricare is what you pay for. Long lines and it takes forever to get an appointment. It is usually a 2 hour wait to pick up medications and a referral takes forever. But it is still better than the VA and that is not saying much.
True I don't pay for my health care as that is provided for me for free because my DH is still active duty. But I would be able to afford a decent plan if it wasn't.

Oh and I am typing this in my living room with my husband sitting a few feet away. My mom is in another state.

Medicare advantage plans (that combine part B & D and are managed by a private insurer) are the same way. In fact, my HMO is starting to get that way also.

Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: MrsSmith on August 06, 2009, 09:34:26 PM
FREEPERS, do YOU have health care?

Yep, we've always had health CARE.  Amazingly enough, we had health CARE even without insurance.  It was really, really tough...NOT.  We just made monthly payments to the hospital until the bill was covered.   :o :o :o

I know it's terrible to think that you "people" might have to skip your legal-or-otherwise drugs occasionally in order to make like an adult and pay a bill or two.   ::) ::)  I suppose you'll end up getting your way eventually, and all us "FREEpers" will wind up paying for your healthcare, just like we pay for your groceries and rent.   ::)
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: BEG on August 06, 2009, 10:08:20 PM
Yep, we've always had health CARE.  Amazingly enough, we had health CARE even without insurance.  It was really, really tough...NOT.  We just made monthly payments to the hospital until the bill was covered.   :o :o :o

I know it's terrible to think that you "people" might have to skip your legal-or-otherwise drugs occasionally in order to make like an adult and pay a bill or two.   ::) ::)  I suppose you'll end up getting your way eventually, and all us "FREEpers" will wind up paying for your healthcare, just like we pay for your groceries and rent.   ::)

I received health care when I had a stroke and had no insurance. I even was in ICU for five days with having no insurance.  The hospital wrote off all but $1000 of my bill.. We made payments every month for several years on the doctor bills (they wouldn't write off any if their charges) until we paid all of them off. I babysat to make extra money to help pay off the bills.  I would load up all the kids I babysat and took them all with me to my monthly doctor visits.  My doctor saw me for FREE until I got on my husbands insurance.  Which I was able to do even with a pre exhisting condition.   
Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Texacon on August 07, 2009, 09:25:42 AM
I received health care when I had a stroke and had no insurance. I even was in ICU for five days with having no insurance.  The hospital wrote off all but $1000 of my bill.. We made payments every month for several years on the doctor bills (they wouldn't write off any if their charges) until we paid all of them off. I babysat to make extra money to help pay off the bills.  I would load up all the kids I babysat and took them all with me to my monthly doctor visits.  My doctor saw me for FREE until I got on my husbands insurance.  Which I was able to do even with a pre exhisting condition.   

But NO ONE should be forced to do that.  We are the wealthiest nation on the planet!!!!111!!!  We should NOT have to subject ourselves to that!

[/DUmmie mode]

Title: Re: FREEPERS, do YOU have health care? Even living in your moms' basements?
Post by: Ree on August 07, 2009, 09:39:00 AM
Yes I have health care...No I don't have insurance at this time...
I also don't run to the Dr for any little thing