The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: seabelle on July 23, 2009, 11:56:38 AM

Title: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: seabelle on July 23, 2009, 11:56:38 AM
Finally, someone who understands Obamacare.  Thank you Ann.

All the problems with the American health care system come from government intervention, so naturally the Democrats' idea for fixing it is more government intervention. This is like trying to sober up by having another drink.

The reason seeing a doctor is already more like going to the DMV, and less like going to the Apple "Genius Bar," is that the government decided health care was too important to be left to the free market. Yes -- the same free market that has produced such a cornucopia of inexpensive goods and services that, today, even poor people have cell phones and flat-screen TVs.

As a result, it's easier to get your computer fixed than your health. Thanks, government!


The whole idea of insurance is to insure against catastrophes: You buy insurance in case your house burns down -- not so you can force other people in your plan to pay for your maid. You buy car insurance in case you're in a major accident, not so everyone in the plan shares the cost of gas.

I wonder how the DUmp would respond to her?   :naughty:
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: thundley4 on July 23, 2009, 12:00:49 PM
With their usual calm, peacefully reserved tolerance for differing opinions is my guess. Or not. :)
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: buddy jack on July 23, 2009, 02:09:31 PM
Finally, someone who understands Obamacare.  Thank you Ann.

In all fairness to Ann, the problem isn't w/'s w/ the lack of healthcare for millions of Americans.
insurance is definately part of that problem, but it's not solely to blame.  It seems she's trying to confuse folks and I can't understand why. 
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: Thor on July 23, 2009, 02:25:23 PM
buddy jack, apparently you've never served in the military or had to deal with the VA. Had you done so, you would fully understand what the problem is.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: djones520 on July 23, 2009, 02:28:13 PM
buddy jack, apparently you've never served in the military or had to deal with the VA. Had you done so, you would fully understand what the problem is.

Actually Thor, I've got nothing but great things to say about the Military Health Care system.  I know the VA system sucks two ways from sunday, but active duty care has been simply extraordinary in all my experience.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: Thor on July 23, 2009, 02:40:10 PM
Jonesy, I've had good care and bad care while serving my twenty years USN. Most of it was marginal, at best. The bigger problem with the Navy is that the Corpsmen did most of the  patient care. It got to the point that I just avoided going to medical unless it was an emergency. I just sucked it up and drove on. I probably should have gone more often than I did, but hindsight is 20/20. During Desert Shield/ Storm, much of what I did see medical about was omitted from my medical record. I will say that the military medical system is far better than the VA, at least what I've experienced.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: buddy jack on July 23, 2009, 02:43:30 PM
buddy jack, apparently you've never served in the military or had to deal with the VA. Had you done so, you would fully understand what the problem is.
we had a really nice medical dept. on my ship..everybody got served, nobody was refused care.  I wish we could all have that kind of care right now!
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: Eupher on July 23, 2009, 02:56:58 PM
we had a really nice medical dept. on my ship..everybody got served, nobody was refused care.  I wish we could all have that kind of care right now!

I think it's reasonable to conclude that there are fundamental differences between medical care for active duty military versus medical care for veterans as offered by the VA.

First of all, if you're active, you get care. Period. We can argue about how good that care is, but active duty gets medical care.

If you're a veteran, and you make over a certain amount (not too much different from the poverty level, as I understand it), you don't get squat.

Knowing that up front and also knowing that I personally wanted nothing whatever to do with the VA healthcare system, I refused to register when I was eligible. And now that I'm ineligible because I earn too much, I can't register even if I wanted to.

There are many, many deserving veterans who are entitled to adequate, competent medical care and either do not get it or can't get it.

What I've seen those few times when I've gone to a VA medical center are the down-and-outers, those who don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, as they trundle from one window to another. Some of those guys look like they've been there for days. The level of care they get seems to be spotty, if my stepdad (one of those down-and-outers) is any measuring stick. Let me just say that with him, he was screwed from the get-go.

Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: Chump on July 23, 2009, 03:01:44 PM
In all fairness to Ann, the problem isn't w/'s w/ the lack of healthcare for millions of Americans.
insurance is definately part of that problem, but it's not solely to blame.  It seems she's trying to confuse folks and I can't understand why. 

Separating a discussion of health insurance from a discussion of health care is impossible.  The greatest reform of health care we could possibly institute would be a direct result from reforming how health insurance is handled in this country.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: buddy jack on July 23, 2009, 03:16:45 PM
Separating a discussion of health insurance from a discussion of health care is impossible.  The greatest reform of health care we could possibly institute would be a direct result from reforming how health insurance is handled in this country.

It's not impossible to separate them, we've got a few posts here from some fellow vets that received healthcare and had no health insurance deductibles, or co-pays.  It's about coverage.  In this SARS & swine flu age, healthcare isn't a perk or a's a national security issue.  It should be mandatory, IMHO

how we get there (i.e insurance, or not) is another argument altogether...but confusing the two does neither justice.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: DixieBelle on July 23, 2009, 03:21:01 PM
Ann knocked it out of the park. The fact that the healthcare system needs fixing isn't in dispute. It's making Obamacare the answer that should keep decent people up at night.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: thundley4 on July 23, 2009, 04:09:37 PM
Any health care/insurance reform that does not include tort reform as regards to malpractice claims, and reform of malpractice insurance is worthless.

If the DimRats really wanted to accomplish anything, they would form a single payer for malpractice insurance.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: Eupher on July 23, 2009, 04:24:18 PM
Any health care/insurance reform that does not include tort reform as regards to malpractice claims, and reform of malpractice insurance is worthless.


Absolutely correct. +5, thundley.

I'd also go along with an end to frivolous lawsuits. You bring a case to court and you lose, you pay everybody's court costs, lawyer fees, AND you pony up just for being stupid and greedy.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: USA4ME on July 23, 2009, 04:43:43 PM
... the problem isn't w/'s w/ the lack of healthcare for millions of Americans.

Lack of using the available healthcare is a choice many American make for any number of reasons.  Otherwise, I'm not aware of anyone who can't receive healthcare, so to claim there's a lack of it doesn't really add up.

Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 23, 2009, 07:18:00 PM
Actually Thor, I've got nothing but great things to say about the Military Health Care system.  I know the VA system sucks two ways from sunday, but active duty care has been simply extraordinary in all my experience.
But you're not in the're in the Air Force.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: Eupher on July 24, 2009, 07:29:42 AM
But you're not in the're in the Air Force.


I'd go along with that somewhat.

After all, any military service that refers to its barracks as dormitories just might be a touch on the side of warm 'n fuzzy.  :lmao:

Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: NHSparky on July 24, 2009, 01:14:56 PM
Actually Thor, I've got nothing but great things to say about the Military Health Care system.  I know the VA system sucks two ways from sunday, but active duty care has been simply extraordinary in all my experience.

Never dealt with Army or Navy medical, have ya?  In Hawaii, there was a reason the people called Tripler AMC, "Crippler".
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: djones520 on July 24, 2009, 06:26:03 PM
Ahhh...  I see the jealousy coming outta the wordworks now.  Everyone pokin fun at the AF guy cause he's the one who made the right choice.   :tongue:
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: Rebel on July 24, 2009, 10:52:47 PM
In all fairness to Ann, the problem isn't w/'s w/ the lack of healthcare for millions of Americans.
insurance is definately part of that problem, but it's not solely to blame.  It seems she's trying to confuse folks and I can't understand why. 

First off, those "50 Million" people? Not all of'em are people who can't get insurance. Many are people who pay for their own service or young people who think they're invincible. I'm supposed to give a f'n rat's ass about them? Screw that. For the ones that can't get insurance due to a pre-existing condition? Fine. Address THAT problem. Don't f'n throw the entire damn healthcare system out. I LIKE my insurance. I don't want it f'n changed...which it will if this bullshit is implemented. Did they scuttle the Cole after it was bombed? Sell it for scrap? NO! They repaired the Damn hole.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: The Village Idiot on July 24, 2009, 10:58:34 PM
In all fairness to Ann, the problem isn't w/'s w/ the lack of healthcare for millions of Americans.
insurance is definately part of that problem, but it's not solely to blame.  It seems she's trying to confuse folks and I can't understand why. 

access to waiting lists is not care. What she is saying is that insurance should not be for every hangnail and toe fungus its supposed to be for really bad things. Many people have too much insurance in other words.
Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: delilahmused on July 25, 2009, 02:00:20 AM
In all fairness to Ann, the problem isn't w/'s w/ the lack of healthcare for millions of Americans.
insurance is definately part of that problem, but it's not solely to blame.  It seems she's trying to confuse folks and I can't understand why. 

If we can't even start with a realistic premise we won't ever be able to figure out what needs reforming. Some of those people don't want insurance, but can afford it. Some are illegal aliens. Frankly, I don't think I have a duty to provide healthcare to them. One of the perks of coming here through legal channels is the ability to have access to resources illegal immigrants don't. Whether the problem is with care itself or insurance (I think it's more the latter, along with needed tort reforms), an honest assessment is 90% of the American public are happy with their current situation. It's irresponsible to change things for that huge of a majority to accommodate such a small minority.

I'm not so sure the answer is the government. My son had to have his wisdom teeth pulled and was sent out into the public (i.e. private practice) because the base dentist couldn't do it. While he was waiting for his orders to come through between finishing at the DLI and his fleet assignment he worked in the medical office. They were so backed up with records it was appalling. I simply don't trust the government (whose model of efficiency is the DMV) to control my healthcare. It's not their business.

I think we're having the wrong discussion in this country. ANYONE can get care. All one has to do is walk into an emergency room. By law they have to treat you. If our system of healthcare was SO bad we'd have our citizens running off to Canada, Britain, or France to seek medical attention. With the exception of those traveling to Sweden to become a different gender (or species in some cases), people from those countries come here for care they can't get in their own countries. Where would those poor Canadians and Brits go if our healthcare became as piss-poor and theirs?

Title: Re: Coulter: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is at Stage 4
Post by: The Village Idiot on July 25, 2009, 02:10:21 AM

Under this Dem proposal I would be forced to pay $2500 I don'r have for the same coverage the illegals will get for free.... how does that sound "fair" to anyone?