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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: franksolich on July 21, 2009, 07:18:19 AM

Title: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: franksolich on July 21, 2009, 07:18:19 AM

Oh my.

The maudlin waif primitive, attempting a literary effort on something about which he knows not.,,,,and garnering a primitive audience of only two.

Mythsaje  (1000+ posts)        Tue Jul-21-09 04:54 AM
Original message
Is it just me? 

Now that we've thrown billions of dollars at the very people who've helped get us into this economic mess, without once turning our attention to the cause of many of our economic woes, how is that some people see a "recovery" ahead? How do you recover when your infrastructure is crumbling, your manufacturing base has been shipped overseas, and all but your best educated people are lucky to land a job that puts them even on the fringe of what we used to know as the Middle Class?

Now maybe we should call it the "Muddle Class," because the best they can do is muddle through.

How has this money created anywhere near the number of decent paying jobs we need to revive the economy, or at least begin the process? It may bail out some people, here and there, but that's not going to do it. We need not just a couple of shots of fiscal adrenaline to get Uncle Sam's heart pumping again, we need to outfit the old man with a pacemaker. We need to figure out a way to get people out there buying things, and that's not going to happen by giving away money to people more likely to horde it than spend it.

That is, after all, how the rich get richer. They horde. Those on the bottom of the rung, well, they spend. They have no choice, because they haven't been able to take care of their needs with a phone call or two. The money really needs to go to people who will spend it, who will get the country's juices flowing again.

Of course, we still have the problem of most of that money heading overseas, since that's where all the manufacturing is nowadays. It's a "global economy" don't you know? But it seems that most of those touting this new economy aren't the ones suffering from its abuse. We're not helping the people by purchasing cheap shit from overseas. We're helping the bigwigs. And we sure as hell aren't helping ourselves.

So where's this recovery going to come from? What does our investor class have to invest in now? Real Estate? Risky, especially now. Computer technology? Please--that's SO '90s. Maybe they should all buy apartment buildings and convert them into flop houses to give the poor someplace to sleep.

No, it seems that unless someone drives the process to invest in green energy or something similar, the only place for the investor class to go is...overseas. That is, after all, where everything is being made.

We've got an economic hole large enough to sink a battleship into, and nothing to use as a ladder. We can't even rely on one another to create a human ladder because the ground beneath our feet is shifting too rapidly.

I don't think we're being told anything resembling the truth regarding our economic prospects, and that scares the living shit out of me. There are millions of Americans out there who don't have the faintest idea how bad it could get, and how badly they're being screwed by the folks with the golden parachutes and multi-billion dollar government loans.

What's really bad about all of this is that I'm generally an optimist. But I look at all of this and I can't see a single thing to be optimistic about. Even assuming the health care crisis is solved (and I'm thinking that the end result is going to look like the Frankenstein Monster and be just about as friendly) we'd better be thinking about a massive drive to upgrade our infrastructure and energy generation capabilities. It might well be that those will be the only jobs that'll pay well enough to allow us to retain the middle class.

And while some people might think the middle class isn't worth saving, one has to consider--if there's no middle class, who's going to offer a hand up to those on the very bottom. They won't have anywhere at all to go.

I'd love some answers to some of these questions, but I have yet to hear any. Anyone else?

zeemike  (1000+ posts)      Tue Jul-21-09 07:44 AM
Response to Original message
1. Well I hear that retired CEOs are hiring upstairs maids 

And cabin boys for their yachts. That's got to help.

But your are right there is little interest in discussing this and we do that at our peril.

But the investor class is investing in real estate, and getting it at a bargain price. It is what you do in a down economy buy up the real wealth of the country...the land itself.

I'll give you an example of that with this true story...During the depression a rich man used his money to buy up 50,000 acres in the Ozarks...he got if for practically noting like $.50 an acre because the people there were desperate for cash and he had it.
Later he cut down the timber from the land and made a killing...then he just let it sit there and his daughter inherited it and probably still owns it, and is once again full of marketable timber.

The wealth of a nation is in it's land and resources and we have sold it to the rich and famous just to survive.

People are poor because they have no land.

KharmaTrain  (1000+ posts)        Tue Jul-21-09 08:04 AM
Response to Original message
2. A Phony Recovery Vs. A Long Term One

I wish I could turn on the teevee tomorrow and hear that there was a gain in jobs not a loss. Not a week goes by where I don't hear of more people laid off...including family and friends. This economy is stagnant...especially the consumer sector as a depresion on the middle and lower classes bite deep. It's the end-result of nearly 30 years of "deregulation" and letting the foxes run the henhouse. This system didn't just crash, it self imploded...we still are just learning how bad things were and how deep this bite is gonna be.

I've always been critical and cynical of politicans talking politics cause they will always spin it to be better or worse than it is...hyperbole gets votes but doesn't always speak to the reality. McCain paid for it dearly when he was so blindsided by the collapse and even President Obama, IMO, underestimated how deep the credit mess is in this country. But at the time, the markets had to be stabilized or any future capital for investment would have totally vanished.

TARP and the bank bail-outs, while its portrayed as money going into bankers pockets, but that's disengenuous. Much of the money went into depleted portfolios of investors...including many elderly and retired, endowments and other parts of the economy that are vital in helping turn things around. It kept banks solvent...but it was a the damage is so deep and so systemic, waving a wand and expecting rapid change is asking for too much too soon.

The credit crunch still holds tight...and this must be addressed. Hopefully the clamping of the interest rates (and yes, that should have been immediate) is the first step in taming this wild tiger. Next needs to address the large number of defaults and bankruptcies...providing government loans and tax incentives to create businesses and get both credit and commerce flowing. It has to be bottom-up...main street over the big boxes. The days of the too big to fail are over.

Honestly, I can't give specific, nor do I trust anyone else who does. This situation continues to be fluid. Stimulus money went to plug gaps in budget defecits and to maintain programs...thus it went more to maintain existing jobs rather than creating new one. A second package will be needed that must help encourage new jobs. Again, easy to say, hard to specify, thus I'll be curious to see what proponents of a second stimulus, such as Paul Krugman promote.

President Obama is no fool...neither are the people around him. An upward movement in the economy next year will make many forget about the problems of the past...but still will remember who made the mess. The GOOP has no real alternative...just obstruction. They may think they've washed their hands of the mess they made...but those of us who have suffered aren't so easy to forget.

Just in case anyone's forgotten.

The current downturn and decay in the economy occurred right after November 2006.

One wonders what happened in November 2006, that caused that.
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: USA4ME on July 21, 2009, 07:53:52 AM
Quote from:

We need to figure out a way to get people out there buying things,...

When Bush told US citizens to not permit the events of 9/11 to alter their normal way of life, to go out and work and shop and do what they normally do, it was portrayed as bad by the primitives,  Now we need to get people out there buying things?  Look up "cognitive dissonance" and there's a picture of the primitives.

The KharmaTrain primitive is just repeating what he's been told to believe by his ideological leaders.  Whenever I read his junk, I keep hoping he'll say something that's not a C&P of the official talking points, but he has yet to stray from the path of doing what he's been told.

Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: Karin on July 21, 2009, 08:59:57 AM
Nope, once again Myth failed to pique my interest in reading his essay, and he lost me completely when he said "muddle class."   The world's most boring man. 
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 21, 2009, 09:05:25 AM
Nope, once again Myth failed to pique my interest in reading his essay, and he lost me completely when he said "muddle class."   The world's most boring man. 

The Nyquil of rants, from the Gary Burgdorf of angry young men.
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: Wineslob on July 21, 2009, 09:38:21 AM
He's the poster boy for completely and utterly not understanding how this mess was started, or like most DUmmies, ignoring the truth.
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: The Village Idiot on July 21, 2009, 12:27:53 PM
Nope, once again Myth failed to pique my interest in reading his essay, and he lost me completely when he said "muddle class."   The world's most boring man. 

Wait a sec..... Obama says the recession is over, the "fire is out"....
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: GOBUCKS on July 21, 2009, 01:47:37 PM
DUmmy Mythsaje won't give up. Still striving in the pre-dawn murk of the DUmp to make that Greatest Page. When that happens, thousands of wealthy DUmmies will read his essay and learn of his fantasy books. They will take out their gold credit cards and buy and buy, several volumes for each person on their Christmas lists.

And inevitablly, DUmmy Mythsaje will end up on that sofa, on TV, the same one Tom Cruise jumped on, and Oprah herself will ask him, "DUmmy Mythsaje, could you read us a thumbnail from your latest fantasy thriller?"

And he will open his book and read, "Morrigan likes her life, and her job.  She gets to knock down tyrants and bullies and dance on their graves.  It's like a dream come true for the immortal assassin and notorious party girl.  But she's not nearly as happy as she thinks she should be, mostly because her affection for her assistant Bryon--Raven's vampire apprentice--doesn't seem to be reciprocated." (Yes, he, his own self, did actually write that.)

And then Oprah will announce her latest book club selection.
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: Chris on July 21, 2009, 01:56:22 PM
Congratulations, GOBUCKS.  You're #3 on Google. :lmao:

He's Baaack. DUmmy Mythsaje Continues To Embarrass Himself (
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: Chris_ on July 21, 2009, 01:57:42 PM
And on the jacket of that book a picture will appear.  A picture you will look at and utter,

" I knew it !!!  He looks exactly how I pictured he'd look ! "

Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: Chris on July 21, 2009, 02:02:55 PM
I don't know how anyone can write with that horrible green paint on the walls.  And there's a hole in your ceiling!  Fix it, you lazy bastard.
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: franksolich on July 21, 2009, 02:07:38 PM
And on the jacket of that book a picture will appear.  A picture you will look at and utter,

" I knew it !!!  He looks exactly how I pictured he'd look ! "

Now, I am truly saddened.

I had always imagined the maudlin waif primitive as being younger and smaller; sort of wistful, even.

If those in fact are photographs of the maudlin waif primitive, isn't he, uh, a little too old to be whining the way he does?
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: Chris_ on July 21, 2009, 02:28:43 PM
Yes, WAY too old.

But you people don't understand the tortured beautiful mind !

I'm LMAO writing that !
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: GOBUCKS on July 21, 2009, 02:31:25 PM
They sure don't smile a lot.
One looks just like Meatloaf.
Another one is just plain scary.
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: franksolich on July 21, 2009, 02:32:19 PM
Yes, WAY too old.

But you people don't understand the tortured beautiful mind !

I'm LMAO writing that !

I dunno what to call the maudlin waif primitive any more.

I read somewhere that he was 27 years old, and as my experience with people who play around with druids-and-dragons stuff has been that they tend to be smaller, thinner, more emaciated, more frail, than most people their age.

So I had pictured him as a maudlin little waif.

I have no idea how to picture him any more, other than as a great big goof.
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: AllosaursRus on July 21, 2009, 02:42:35 PM
I dunno what to call the maudlin waif primitive any more.

I read somewhere that he was 27 years old, and as my experience with people who play around with druids-and-dragons stuff has been that they tend to be smaller, thinner, more emaciated, more frail, than most people their age.

So I had pictured him as a maudlin little waif.

I have no idea how to picture him any more, other than as a great big goof.

I think in the Myth's dungeon and dragon world, he would like to be called a Dwarf! Or maybe an Elf! I pretty much pictured him as looking like a miniature Shreck! Hahahahahahahaha! Nice to know he looks more like a miniature donkey's ass! Bwahahahahahahaha!

Sorry, I just can't help myself! Hahahahahahaha!
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: thundley4 on July 21, 2009, 04:06:35 PM
A little off topic. Is that thing named Bertha Venation a man/woman/what'sit?
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: Chris on July 21, 2009, 04:16:30 PM
A little off topic. Is that thing named Bertha Venation a man/woman/what'sit?
Good question.  That is one scary thread.
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: GOBUCKS on July 21, 2009, 04:27:23 PM

I read somewhere that he was 27 years old, and as my experience with people who play around with druids-and-dragons stuff has been that they tend to be smaller, thinner, more emaciated, more frail, than most people their age.

Sir! Please! Druids-and-dragons stuff? This is a serious author you are talking about, not just "druids-and-dragons stuff". DUmmy Mythsaje is on a quest to pen the Great American Paranormal Vampire Novel.

He has probably already done it, somewhere in the classic series of novels he's already knocked out. These are real classics, the Bobsey Twins of witchcraft, the Hardy Boys of paranormal sex crimes.

He is only waiting to make the Greatest Page, where thousands of rich DUmmies will discover his gift and catapult him into the mainstream of popular fiction, shouldering aside pretenders like Michener, Clancy, and Stephen King.

How about another little blurb, from the gifted pen of DUmmy Mythsaje:

"The Magitech Lounge may be just a bar, but the people who
regularly make it their hangout are anything but your typical
citizen of the 24th Century Confederation of
Human Worlds."

Grabbing for your wallet, aren't you?
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: The Village Idiot on July 21, 2009, 04:48:06 PM

Thats funny.
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: Chris_ on July 22, 2009, 12:03:37 AM
That is, after all, how the rich get richer. They horde

Wrong again dipshit...these DUmmies never fail to entertain....
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: franksolich on July 22, 2009, 04:15:17 AM
Wrong again dipshit...these DUmmies never fail to entertain....

Oh my.

I didn't notice that at first.

The NanceGreggs idiot wannabe used "horde" instead of "hoard."
Title: Re: it's just the maudlin waif primitive
Post by: The Village Idiot on July 22, 2009, 06:58:32 AM
Oh my.

I didn't notice that at first.

The NanceGreggs idiot wannabe used "horde" instead of "hoard."

A horde of DUmmies only hoard false hopes of change