The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: seabelle on June 17, 2009, 08:35:09 PM

Title: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: seabelle on June 17, 2009, 08:35:09 PM
Fox is being mean to Oblahma  :evillaugh:  I like how Greta Van Susteren responded to his CNBC interview:

Many of you have asked me why we don't have President Obama on Fox News Channel.  Here is a partial transcript from an interview President Obama had on CNBC today explaining why and my response follows:

Subject: FW: Obama on CNBC

CNBC Interview with Obama (aired June 16 @ 4:43) - question about the favorable press he's been getting:

OBAMA: I've got one television station entirely devoted to attacking my administration

CNBC: I assume you're talking about FOX

OBAMA: That's a pretty big megaphone and you'd be hard-pressed if you watched the entire day to find a positive story about me on that front.

Fox continues to beat the other cable news channels' numbers combined !

This is why, as Greta begins:

My response:

As a preamble, the President has said, in essence, and on multiple occasions,  that he knows the job of the media is to challenge those who hold office and that he respects journalists who challenge office holders.  The President has said that challenging our government is am important part of our democracy.

The goal of the media should not be to do only positive stories - but rather to challenge and to get information. That does not mean that favorable stories should not be done but that paramount to the those stories should be the inquiry, the interviews seeking information (and yes, this can be done in a polite manner.)  We have seen the extreme situations  - what happens in other countries where the media is beholden to the government or is even owned by the government.

I have interviewed President Obama.  I interviewed him when he was a US Senator not running for President and I KNOW he enjoyed the interview and thought I was fair. I enjoyed the interview and I wanted to hear what he had to say.

Now the President won't appear on Fox.  I have been told that he does not like me or ON THE RECORD at 10pm  or my network mainly  because of our Reverend Wright coverage. I have two things to say about that: 1st, I bet I have as much if not more years working on the street with poor African Americans than the President does.  I earned my stripes to ask him about Reverend Wright.  Yes, the President has done much but guess what? So have I and I am just as committed to equality and opportunity (for all)  which is why Reverend Wright was so appalling to me and I thought the President needed to explain his association with him.  I don't think running for President gives you a pass and felt it a topic he should address........ conclusion, she writes:

Remember, the President is holding a grudge about our coverage for something that he ultimately agreed about -- Reverend Wright and his incendiary comments.  The President did not like that we held his feet to the fire but I suspect he might respect us for it since he, himself, as talked about the media and its role in democracy.

I don't think the President is afraid of Fox  - he is a very smart  and tough man - but  I do think he holds a grudge.  I wish he would not  hold grudges (although I confess to hold a few myself...) There is a huge Fox audience that he represents since he is the President of all Americans - he should not limit himself to only the news organizations that he thinks are friendly to him or cheerleaders for him.  He should speak to the Fox audience, too.  He is the President for ALL.

Oh, and don't forget to read the responses to her blog post, always fun to read through them  :popcorn:

Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 18, 2009, 09:11:05 AM
First of all, everybody who isn't far to the right knows Fox News has a righty bias. That's not to say there isn't a lefty bias elsewhere, but Fox has a righty bias. It's sensible for a lefty not to trust having an interview with them.

Second, I'd like to hear Obama's side of this story regarding the Greta interview. Maybe there's a piece of the pie we don't know about. I already find it suspicious that Greta didn't attempt to show any objectivity here.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Carl on June 18, 2009, 09:17:49 AM
First of all, everybody who isn't far to the right knows Fox News has a righty bias. That's not to say there isn't a lefty bias elsewhere, but Fox has a righty bias. It's sensible for a lefty not to trust having an interview with them.

Second, I'd like to hear Obama's side of this story regarding the Greta interview. Maybe there's a piece of the pie we don't know about. I already find it suspicious that Greta didn't attempt to show any objectivity here.

Did President Bush carry on about the negative press he received from various (98 %) of the media outlets?
Fine having your underlings do this but shows how thin skinned and arrogant O is.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Eupher on June 18, 2009, 09:30:43 AM
First of all, everybody who isn't far to the right knows Fox News has a righty bias. That's not to say there isn't a lefty bias elsewhere, but Fox has a righty bias. It's sensible for a lefty not to trust having an interview with them.

Second, I'd like to hear Obama's side of this story regarding the Greta interview. Maybe there's a piece of the pie we don't know about. I already find it suspicious that Greta didn't attempt to show any objectivity here.

News flash, Lanie. Bias exists EVERYWHERE. Fox has a righty bias, and MSNBC has a lefty bias. For a politician to refuse to be "challenged" (as Greta puts it) by a journalist working for a news organization that holds a bias opposite him/her smacks of elitism, fear, and cowardice. It tells me he can't articulate what his handlers are doing in his name.

And good luck getting Lord Zero to tell "his side of the story."

From where I'm sitting, Greta's article - as posted - wasn't meant to show "objectivity". It was meant simply to tell the story as she saw it.

Tell me, when was the last time you saw an objective news story in which the journalist actually said she holds grudges too?

Lanie, put down the Kool-Aid. It's gonna be a long day.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: docstew on June 18, 2009, 09:32:10 AM
So, basically, Bridget, you're defending his decision to deny interviews to a news organization that he doesn't agree with politically.  How far down that road is banning them entirely?
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Rebel on June 18, 2009, 09:36:58 AM
I find it hilarious that the jackass is bitching about one station when 95% of the rest are giving him a proverbial blowjob on a daily basis.

Fox "may" lean to the right on their commentaries, but they at least try to offer countering points of view.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Wineslob on June 18, 2009, 10:01:50 AM
First of all, everybody who isn't far to the right knows Fox News has a righty bias. That's not to say there isn't a lefty bias elsewhere, but Fox has a righty bias. It's sensible for a lefty not to trust having an interview with them.

Second, I'd like to hear Obama's side of this story regarding the Greta interview. Maybe there's a piece of the pie we don't know about. I already find it suspicious that Greta didn't attempt to show any objectivity here.

So tell me, all the other news media, are they centralist?

In what way, especially when it's the President?

And there is objectivity on CNN, MSNBC, CBS....................... :bs:
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: debk on June 18, 2009, 10:11:39 AM
I find it hilarious that the jackass is bitching about one station when 95% of the rest are giving him a proverbial blowjob on a daily basis.

Fox "may" lean to the right on their commentaries, but they at least try to offer countering points of view.

How typical of a man to not like the one who won't give him a BJ... :uhsure:  :fuelfire:  :lmao:

I can't remember where I read it, but it was in the last month, regarding Fox being all conservatives. Obviously Hannity is Republican, O'Reilly is neutral, but the article said Greta was a Democrat.

While Fox may lean more "right" in some people's opinion....I think the reality of Fox is that they are in the center...where they are all SUPPOSED to be! Everyone else is becoming so far left that people can't recognize what "center" looks like!!!

I watch Fox and have it on the TV most of the following times as I have a TV in my office and I can work to TV whereas I cannot to any type of music. I sometimes wathc early morning, almost always from 3-7pm if I am home, and often will watch the repeats of O'Reilly and Hannity that start here at 11pm, if I am up working and may watch Greta depending on if I'm still up. Therefore I think I'm capable of giving an opinion of Fox as opposed to those who voice their opinions and never even watch the channel.

Fox, almost always....when having an opinion session....will have a conservative and a liberal along with the commentator. The "discussions" can get quite heated. But, BOTH sides are represented.

They have guests which are both conservative AND liberal who donot have someone else on, at the same time, with opposing viewpoints.

And there are often guests on who are NOT giving a political opinion...imagine that?!?!?!  
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 18, 2009, 11:44:00 AM
First of all, everybody who isn't far to the right knows Fox News has a righty bias. That's not to say there isn't a lefty bias elsewhere, but Fox has a righty bias. It's sensible for a lefty not to trust having an interview with them.

Really?  I bet all of the Liberal commentators...analysts and reporters would be surprised by your uneducated take on their news channel.

What drives you Libs up the wall is that when Fox reports a story they report BOTH SIDES...not just the side YOU want to hear.

Its actual reporting versus propaganda.

Second, I'd like to hear Obama's side of this story regarding the Greta interview. Maybe there's a piece of the pie we don't know about. I already find it suspicious that Greta didn't attempt to show any objectivity here.

He's made his opinion on the subject very clear.  Or is your head jammed so far up your posterior you haven't heard any of the soundbites lately?
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Thor on June 18, 2009, 11:58:03 AM
Perhaps I'm too far right, but I think that Fox News is center left. However, they aren't afraid to hold ANYBODY's feet to the fire, as it should be. If a person is afraid or unable to answer the tough questions, the they're hiding something or simply ignorant. In either case, that doesn't make for a good leader. I DO like Fox news as they don't televise the pablum that the other "news" stations do. I don't like Fox news because they have too many advertisements. During their ads, I'll flip over to the other news channels and often catch other news items of interest. Finally, many people can't comprehend that the op-ed shows are just that. Those shows, like O'Reilly, Hannity, & Greta are simply "op-ed" shows vs actual news reports.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: thundley4 on June 18, 2009, 12:10:09 PM
Perhaps I'm too far right, but I think that Fox News is center left. However, they aren't afraid to hold ANYBODY's feet to the fire, as it should be. If a person is afraid or unable to answer the tough questions, the they're hiding something or simply ignorant. In either case, that doesn't make for a good leader. I DO like Fox news as they don't televise the pablum that the other "news" stations do. I don't like Fox news because they have too many advertisements. During their ads, I'll flip over to the other news channels and often catch other news items of interest. Finally, many people can't comprehend that the op-ed shows are just that. Those shows, like O'Reilly, Hannity, & Greta are simply "op-ed" shows vs actual news reports.

I dunno, during the morning shows they have their share of celebutard stories, but unfortunately in this country that elected an American Idol president that is to be expected.

They still have the hottest reporters, though.  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 18, 2009, 12:52:30 PM
So, basically, Bridget, you're defending his decision to deny interviews to a news organization that he doesn't agree with politically.  How far down that road is banning them entirely?

There is a difference between not wanting an interview with a place and wanting to ban them. Ann Coulter refuses to be interviewed by many people. Does that make her anti-freedom of the press? No. That's quite a leap there.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Rebel on June 18, 2009, 12:53:40 PM
There is a difference between not wanting an interview with a place and wanting to ban them. Ann Coulter refuses to be interviewed by many people. Does that make her anti-freedom of the press? No. That's quite a leap there.

One runs the country; the other is a commentator.

Tell me that's not the best you can do.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 18, 2009, 12:55:02 PM
Really?  I bet all of the Liberal commentators...analysts and reporters would be surprised by your uneducated take on their news channel.

What drives you Libs up the wall is that when Fox reports a story they report BOTH SIDES...not just the side YOU want to hear.

Its actual reporting versus propaganda.

He's made his opinion on the subject very clear.  Or is your head jammed so far up your posterior you haven't heard any of the soundbites lately?

I think most media reports countering povs. However, many of them might lean a certain way. I do very much think Fox leans right. It's too obvious.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Rebel on June 18, 2009, 12:59:27 PM
I think most media reports countering povs. However, many of them might lean a certain way. I do very much think Fox leans right. It's too obvious.

...and the fact that you don't see the others leaning rabid-assed far left proves you're crazy as a fruitbat.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: thundley4 on June 18, 2009, 01:00:37 PM
I think most media reports countering povs. However, many of them might lean a certain way. I do very much think Fox leans right. It's too obvious.

The Fox commentators lean to the right. The reporters on the other networks do not only lean to the left, they refuse to see any other viewpoints.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Rebel on June 18, 2009, 01:03:06 PM
I don't think she knows the difference between a reporter and a commentator. Then again, her flavor of reporting has blurred that line in such an indistinguishable manner, I guess it's understandable.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: 5412 on June 18, 2009, 01:15:41 PM
I don't think she knows the difference between a reporter and a commentator. Then again, her flavor of reporting has blurred that line in such an indistinguishable manner, I guess it's understandable.

Hi Rebel,

I have read this entire thread and have a much different take.  Who really cares if Fox leans right or not?  The one undisputed fact is all the rest do not report the news, they are nothing more than propaganda machines for the DNC.  No matter what Bush did it was wrong, no matter what BO does it is right.  As a senior citizen I shudder to think how many years we were fed this garbage without realizing it.  EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD THANK GOD FOR FOX NEWS! 

When I learned about the Constitution, I recall that freedom of the press was so the media could be watch dogs......not lap dogs like the mainstream media.

Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Thor on June 18, 2009, 02:06:51 PM
I guess this means so much for a transparent administration. 0bama has done nothing but hide what he's doing/ attempting to do and the majority of the main stream media are his accomplices.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 18, 2009, 02:16:09 PM
I don't think she knows the difference between a reporter and a commentator. Then again, her flavor of reporting has blurred that line in such an indistinguishable manner, I guess it's understandable.

I think I said there were others with a lefty slant. I sort of wondered if the whole left wing media conspiracy theory thing wasn't true after Sarah. I still wonder. But I have to say that people really far to the left think the mainstream media has a right wing bias.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 18, 2009, 02:22:43 PM
I think most media reports countering povs. However, many of them might lean a certain way. I do very much think Fox leans right. It's too obvious.

I'm sorry you studied jourmalism where?

Bridget this is one debate you do NOT want to get into with me.

You'd be bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 18, 2009, 02:24:38 PM
I don't think she knows the difference between a reporter and a commentator. Then again, her flavor of reporting has blurred that line in such an indistinguishable manner, I guess it's understandable.

Thanks to CNN and MSNBC the line between commentary and hard news reporting has been so blurred that people like Bridget can't and don't know the difference.

And it hurts their little pointy heads to the extent they say silly stuff like "Fox News is biased to the Conservatives!"
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: BEG on June 18, 2009, 03:30:24 PM
I think I said there were others with a lefty slant. I sort of wondered if the whole left wing media conspiracy theory thing wasn't true after Sarah. I still wonder. But I have to say that people really far to the left think the mainstream media has a right wing bias.

You "SORT OF WONDERED"?  The people far to the left don't think the mainstream media has a right wing bias they just say it does (they think the more they say it the more OTHER people will believe it).  They know that they are on their side 99% of the time.  If you are intellectually honest you would admit it too, it would earn you a hell of a lot more respect around here.   
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: RightCoast on June 18, 2009, 04:02:59 PM
Journalism is dead, ententertainment commentary tainted by liberal rage is all that remains. Fox is just more right leaning then any other "news" outlet.  The difference, as pointed out earlier, is the even the HATED Bill O'Reilly puts on BOTH SIDES of the argument - he may agree with the conservative view (and not always at that) but he lets both sides say their piece. 

Do keith olbermann, bill maher, wolf blitzer or any of the others on CBS, NBC, CNN ever showcase opposing views???
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: thundley4 on June 18, 2009, 04:36:18 PM
Journalism is dead, ententertainment commentary tainted by liberal rage is all that remains. Fox is just more right leaning then any other "news" outlet.  The difference, as pointed out earlier, is the even the HATED Bill O'Reilly puts on BOTH SIDES of the argument - he may agree with the conservative view (and not always at that) but he lets both sides say their piece. 

Do keith olbermann, bill maher, wolf blitzer or any of the others on CBS, NBC, CNN ever showcase opposing views???

There have been quite a few things that I disagree on with O'Reilly.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Eupher on June 18, 2009, 04:43:42 PM
I guess this means so much for a transparent administration. 0bama has done nothing but hide what he's doing/ attempting to do and the majority of the main stream media are his accomplices.

What Lord Zero quickly learned was that there are reasons to be less transparent than he preached he'd be.

He's just too much of a coward to come out and say that his campaign promise was null and void when it came out of his mouth.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Rebel on June 18, 2009, 04:50:04 PM
There have been quite a few things that I disagree on with O'Reilly.

Ditto. I personally can't stand the f'er.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: rich_t on June 18, 2009, 05:08:28 PM
While Fox may lean more "right" in some people's opinion....I think the reality of Fox is that they are in the center...where they are all SUPPOSED to be! Everyone else is becoming so far left that people can't recognize what "center" looks like!!!

Exactly what I was thinking.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: RightCoast on June 18, 2009, 05:42:18 PM
There have been quite a few things that I disagree on with O'Reilly.

Be that as it may the point still stands, he allows both sides an opportunity to air their opinion.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: rich_t on June 18, 2009, 05:47:19 PM

The ***** in the WH can't be bothered to answer questions by those that disagree with his agenda.

Wasn't Hugo like that before he declared himself president for life?

O has proven that he is a liar, lacks character, and is an overall scum sucking mouth breather.  IMO.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Duke Nukum on June 18, 2009, 07:02:45 PM
First of all, everybody who isn't far to the right knows Fox News has a righty bias. That's not to say there isn't a lefty bias elsewhere, but Fox has a righty bias. It's sensible for a lefty not to trust having an interview with them.

Second, I'd like to hear Obama's side of this story regarding the Greta interview. Maybe there's a piece of the pie we don't know about. I already find it suspicious that Greta didn't attempt to show any objectivity here.
I haven't watched anything on FNC except Red Eye and occasionally Fox News Watch in a long time but FNC always struck me as being more fair and balanced than righty.  The reason to you it might seem like they are to the right is because nearly every other major media outlet suppresses the Conservative point of view.  Or present a warped conservative point of view like that token "conservative" who praises the Messiah for the NY Times.

It's possible that Fox has moved more to the right in recent years and that recent poll that indicated a huge majority of Americans self-identify as conservatives explains FNC's high ratings but it could simply be that more people tune in because for the actual news Fox is less biased. 

Even my life-long Democrat mom and aunt would watch Brit Hume when he was on and they also preferred Fox News Sunday after Charles Kuralt  left the CBS Sunday Morning show.  Of course in the last election my mom voted Republican for the first time ever but that had more to do with not trusting Obama, which there is a lot there not to trust.  Or maybe it was the FNC brainwashing machine.  Who can say?

I believe the real reason Obama wont show up on FNC is because he might actually get asked a few tough but fair questions.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Carl on June 18, 2009, 07:27:28 PM
I think I said there were others with a lefty slant. I sort of wondered if the whole left wing media conspiracy theory thing wasn't true after Sarah. I still wonder. But I have to say that people really far to the left think the mainstream media has a right wing bias.

Isn`t that because people "really far to the left" are pretty much communist?
Not saying that as a strawman but as a description of their political views where anything short of Castro is rightwing to them.

That doesn`t really set up much of an argument against the fact that the entire media outside of Fox is liberally biased.

The reason that the left so hates Fox is because it has ventured into territory that they have staked out as sacred for their own propaganda/indoctrination use.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: debk on June 18, 2009, 07:42:15 PM
I haven't watched anything on FNC except Red Eye and occasionally Fox News Watch in a long time but FNC always struck me as being more fair and balanced than righty.  .

I don't see it as often as I would like....but I think Red Eye is a hoot! Obviously too irreverant to be on earlier.  :-)
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Duke Nukum on June 18, 2009, 07:55:04 PM
I don't see it as often as I would like....but I think Red Eye is a hoot! Obviously too irreverant to be on earlier.  :-)
I think it is back on hulu if you have the time to watch it over the 'nets.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 18, 2009, 11:47:16 PM
You "SORT OF WONDERED"?  The people far to the left don't think the mainstream media has a right wing bias they just say it does (they think the more they say it the more OTHER people will believe it).  They know that they are on their side 99% of the time.  If you are intellectually honest you would admit it too, it would earn you a hell of a lot more respect around here.   

As somebody who used to be far to the left, I can assure you that they tend to think that mainstream media has a right wing bias. Some people felt it was bull to only report the good news from the war (like dancing in the street or Hussein's statue falling), but not report the really bad stuff such as troops dying. That's one example. Now, they do focus more on the bad. I don't understand the reason for that since it all started BEFORE Obama came in office. Maybe it has to do with wanting to post stories that make the public happy.

Anyway, I do believe that the media had a bias in favor of Obama. The way they attacked Sarah and her family was disgusting. I do believe the media is now leaning left on the American war subject and the Israel subject. It would help to hear more stories of troops who are actually over there and not just stories of those who lost a loved one. Both are really important, but it's important to hear the good as well. I tend to look for pro-Israeli sources to get news about Israel because I know the media isn't being fair to them either.

So I acknowledge that there has been some serious lefty bias on some subjects as of the past year or two. I don't know about beforehand because I was looking at it through very far, leftist eyes.

And that's as much as you're going to get out of me right now.

FWIW, I think it would be cool if Obama would do the interview, but if I was him, I'd insist on doing it live. It leaves no room for editing. If Fox is that fair, then they should have no problem with setting that up.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 18, 2009, 11:54:22 PM
As somebody who used to be far to the left, I can assure you that they tend to think that mainstream media has a right wing bias. Some people felt it was bull to only report the good news from the war (like dancing in the street or Hussein's statue falling), but not report the really bad stuff such as troops dying. That's one example. Now, they do focus more on the bad. I don't understand the reason for that since it all started BEFORE Obama came in office. Maybe it has to do with wanting to post stories that make the public happy.

Anyway, I do believe that the media had a bias in favor of Obama. The way they attacked Sarah and her family was disgusting. I do believe the media is now leaning left on the American war subject and the Israel subject. It would help to hear more stories of troops who are actually over there and not just stories of those who lost a loved one. Both are really important, but it's important to hear the good as well. I tend to look for pro-Israeli sources to get news about Israel because I know the media isn't being fair to them either.

So I acknowledge that there has been some serious lefty bias on some subjects as of the past year or two. I don't know about beforehand because I was looking at it through very far, leftist eyes.

And that's as much as you're going to get out of me right now.

FWIW, I think it would be cool if Obama would do the interview, but if I was him, I'd insist on doing it live. It leaves no room for editing. If Fox is that fair, then they should have no problem with setting that up.

I should probably clarify something about people wanting the good and the bad reported in a war. Yes, some activists want the bad reported to prove a point. That's pretty disgusting since we're speaking of the troops. I do favor both good and bad being reported, but only because it's the news. And I don't believe in graphics. And I really believe in the good also being reported so people can better analyze the issue.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 19, 2009, 08:14:14 AM
I should probably clarify something about people wanting the good and the bad reported in a war. Yes, some activists want the bad reported to prove a point. That's pretty disgusting since we're speaking of the troops. I do favor both good and bad being reported, but only because it's the news. And I don't believe in graphics. And I really believe in the good also being reported so people can better analyze the issue.

Some activists along with the vast majority of the print and broadcast media in this country.

Lanie I covered...on my own...for one 3,500 soldier bridage 79 stories on the good stuff we were doing.

For each of those stories the correspondents from every network and paper that were there...U.S. and European were sent an e-mail telling them what was going on and when and were extended an invitation to come along.

You know how many times that invitation was taken up?

3.  Three times in a 13 month time span.

Once by Fox News....once by Dr. Bob Arnot when he was with MSNBC and once by Joe Galloway.

So for you to sit there and try to convince us that the "liberal bias" of the MSM is just a fantasy we cooked up is stupid.

I've LIVED it up close and personal more than once.

The hatchet job the media did on us in Somalia was jsut as shameful.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: jtyangel on June 19, 2009, 09:27:12 AM
How typical of a man to not like the one who won't give him a BJ... :uhsure:  :fuelfire:  :lmao:

I can't remember where I read it, but it was in the last month, regarding Fox being all conservatives. Obviously Hannity is Republican, O'Reilly is neutral, but the article said Greta was a Democrat.

While Fox may lean more "right" in some people's opinion....I think the reality of Fox is that they are in the center...where they are all SUPPOSED to be! Everyone else is becoming so far left that people can't recognize what "center" looks like!!!

I watch Fox and have it on the TV most of the following times as I have a TV in my office and I can work to TV whereas I cannot to any type of music. I sometimes wathc early morning, almost always from 3-7pm if I am home, and often will watch the repeats of O'Reilly and Hannity that start here at 11pm, if I am up working and may watch Greta depending on if I'm still up. Therefore I think I'm capable of giving an opinion of Fox as opposed to those who voice their opinions and never even watch the channel.

Fox, almost always....when having an opinion session....will have a conservative and a liberal along with the commentator. The "discussions" can get quite heated. But, BOTH sides are represented.

They have guests which are both conservative AND liberal who donot have someone else on, at the same time, with opposing viewpoints.

And there are often guests on who are NOT giving a political opinion...imagine that?!?!?!  

The bolded is very well said, Deb. The vast portion of the media is indeed so far left that people don't know anymore what the center is. I think that's exactly on target for what's happened. It also means the left has created a myth of the far right. It doesn't really exist in any serious political discourse and is no real threat to anything so it's a boogeyman they put up there to manipulate with.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Celtic Rose on June 19, 2009, 09:38:35 AM
The bolded is very well said, Deb. The vast portion of the media is indeed so far left that people don't know anymore what the center is. I think that's exactly on target for what's happened. It also means the left has created a myth of the far right. It doesn't really exist in any serious political discourse and is no real threat to anything so it's a boogeyman they put up there to manipulate with.

Bingo.  The "far right" in real life American politics would probably be the libertarians, and lets be honest, they just aren't that much of a boogy man.  They want the government to basically leave them alone.  So, the media has attached Nazi's and White Supremists to the far right (though if you actually look at their politics, they are definitely on the left side of the street) because then they can connect anybody on the right to racists. 
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 19, 2009, 10:19:06 AM
Some activists along with the vast majority of the print and broadcast media in this country.

Lanie I covered...on my own...for one 3,500 soldier bridage 79 stories on the good stuff we were doing.

For each of those stories the correspondents from every network and paper that were there...U.S. and European were sent an e-mail telling them what was going on and when and were extended an invitation to come along.

You know how many times that invitation was taken up?

3.  Three times in a 13 month time span.

Once by Fox News....once by Dr. Bob Arnot when he was with MSNBC and once by Joe Galloway.

So for you to sit there and try to convince us that the "liberal bias" of the MSM is just a fantasy we cooked up is stupid.

I've LIVED it up close and personal more than once.

The hatchet job the media did on us in Somalia was jsut as shameful.

Nearly anytime I was on a protest, the mainstream media reported that probably a fourth of what really showed up showed up. And I'm not taking the word of far lefty sources outside of the recruiters. Plus, I know the difference between a march that has 50,000 and a march that has 200,000.

And when the cops beat up a libertarian during the march right after the war officially ended? Why wasn't that all over the press? It was actually just as well since my mom would have begged me not to go to anymore, but still....  Actually, why wasn't that entire event covered? The cops had it in their head to get into a fight with us, and ****ing ANSWER had it in their head to make it happen so we could be victims of the cops, so they would try to block certain areas. We had to yell at both of them to knock it off. If the media only has a lefty bias, why wasn't any of this reported?

Why is it that until American public opinion officially shifted, the mainstream "leftist" media would not say shit about our side of things? 

Tx, I'm showing an open mind. Just because I'm not a complete convert doesn't mean I'm not showing an open mind. I just can't forget stuff *I* saw years ago just because people on a message board want me to.

on edit: FWIW, I would have tried to come if I had gotten your e-mail.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Eupher on June 19, 2009, 10:22:41 AM
Tx, I'm showing an open mind. Just because I'm not a complete convert doesn't mean I'm not showing an open mind. I just can't forget stuff *I* saw years ago just because people on a message board want me to.

Lanie, I think it's just a matter of time when you see the light and come in from the dark side.

Kudos to you for exhibiting some whacko, leftist thought processes, taking your lumps, but addressing the issues nonetheless.

Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 19, 2009, 10:40:22 AM
I haven't watched anything on FNC except Red Eye and occasionally Fox News Watch in a long time but FNC always struck me as being more fair and balanced than righty.  The reason to you it might seem like they are to the right is because nearly every other major media outlet suppresses the Conservative point of view.  Or present a warped conservative point of view like that token "conservative" who praises the Messiah for the NY Times.

It's possible that Fox has moved more to the right in recent years and that recent poll that indicated a huge majority of Americans self-identify as conservatives explains FNC's high ratings but it could simply be that more people tune in because for the actual news Fox is less biased. 

Even my life-long Democrat mom and aunt would watch Brit Hume when he was on and they also preferred Fox News Sunday after Charles Kuralt  left the CBS Sunday Morning show.  Of course in the last election my mom voted Republican for the first time ever but that had more to do with not trusting Obama, which there is a lot there not to trust.  Or maybe it was the FNC brainwashing machine.  Who can say?

I believe the real reason Obama wont show up on FNC is because he might actually get asked a few tough but fair questions.

FWIW, I also sometimes want to watch Fox news thinking they're probably reporting something that may not be seen elsewhere.

Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 19, 2009, 10:43:22 AM
Lanie, I think it's just a matter of time when you see the light and come in from the dark side.

Kudos to you for exhibiting some whacko, leftist thought processes, taking your lumps, but addressing the issues nonetheless.


I doubt I'll ever be a righty. While I do agree with conservatives on some stuff, I have trouble bringing myself to pull the R lever most of the time. lol.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Eupher on June 19, 2009, 10:47:08 AM
I doubt I'll ever be a righty. While I do agree with conservatives on some stuff, I have trouble bringing myself to pull the R lever most of the time. lol.

Just give it some time. Be patient. It will happen.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: jtyangel on June 19, 2009, 11:25:15 AM
I doubt I'll ever be a righty. While I do agree with conservatives on some stuff, I have trouble bringing myself to pull the R lever most of the time. lol.

And a lot of that has to do with the demonization and manipulation that has gone on regarding the right. If you are indeed open-minded, doesn't it bother you that you may have been so manipulated that you 'have trouble bringing yourself to pull the R lever' even if you think it is the right person for the job? just think on that for a bit. You don't need to reply, just food for thought.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Ree on June 19, 2009, 11:32:39 AM
I doubt I'll ever be a righty. While I do agree with conservatives on some stuff, I have trouble bringing myself to pull the R lever most of the time. lol.
Then you need to grow up and start voting for the person..not the frikkin party.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 19, 2009, 11:48:58 AM
Then you need to grow up and start voting for the person..not the frikkin party.

I've voted for Republicans before. But honestly, what if the Republican is proposing some ideas that scare the total hell out of you? I feel about some Republican ideas the way you all do some Democrat ideas. I'd like to vote Republican next Governor election because the Democrat in office is so anti-education it's disgusting.  But knowing NC Republican politicians, the opponent is probably going to come up with something scary as crap, and I'll have to decide if it's worth it.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: AllosaursRus on June 19, 2009, 12:01:21 PM
I've voted for Republicans before. But honestly, what if the Republican is proposing some ideas that scare the total hell out of you? I feel about some Republican ideas the way you all do some Democrat ideas. I'd like to vote Republican next Governor election because the Democrat in office is so anti-education it's disgusting.  But knowing NC Republican politicians, the opponent is probably going to come up with something scary as crap, and I'll have to decide if it's worth it.

If he's anti edu he's my kind of democRat! Education is f'ed up in this country, the only thing to do is throw it out the window and start over! Ever read what it took to graduate high school around 1900? Not one of our children would ever pass!
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 19, 2009, 12:24:23 PM
If he's anti edu he's my kind of democRat! Education is f'ed up in this country, the only thing to do is throw it out the window and start over! Ever read what it took to graduate high school around 1900? Not one of our children would ever pass!

It takes more than it takes now to pass. I don't think the class of 1990 had to pass an Algebra course.

The implementation of No Child Left Behind was supposed to hold students back who couldn't pass the test. Actually addressing the issues is another matter.

You can't become a teacher now unless you get the licensure. Your GPA needs to be so high in order to be allowed into a licensure program. You also need a four year degree. You can do lateral entry, but they have to be desperate.

I remember standards being lower when I was a kid.

Anyway, the Governor is a she and not a he. If you live in NC, then her name if Bev Perdue. They make a big deal out of her being the first female Governor and supposedly a real progressive (like hell she is). I can't stand her though because she's increasing taxes like crazy, attacking education, and not showing at all where the money is going. Ugh! Disgusting. Some of this was a problem before Perdue, but she's perfecting it. Rob us blind and won't tell us where the money is going. Ugh!
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: docstew on June 19, 2009, 12:30:06 PM
Anyway, the Governor is a she and not a he. If you live in NC, then her name if Bev Perdue. They make a big deal out of her being the first female Governor and supposedly a real progressive (like hell she is). I can't stand her though because she's increasing taxes like crazy, attacking education, and not showing at all where the money is going. Ugh! Disgusting. Some of this was a problem before Perdue, but she's perfecting it. Rob us blind and won't tell us where the money is going. Ugh!

That second bolded sentence is proof that Bev Perdue IS a progressive.  That's the "progressive" way: confiscate people's money, dumb them down so they can't think for themselves, and hiding their real intentions.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 19, 2009, 12:54:56 PM
That second bolded sentence is proof that Bev Perdue IS a progressive.  That's the "progressive" way: confiscate people's money, dumb them down so they can't think for themselves, and hiding their real intentions.

Yeah, well NCers are pretty pissed. That includes some who voted for her. She *supposedly* is about to put a state tax out on cigarettes to add yet another dollar. I've been hearing that for two months now though.

And we found out the majority of the money spent in the fairly new lottery system is not going toward education as promised. Okay, but where is it going? Roads? Social Services? Somebody's pocket? A lot of people are thinking the third. Where the heck is it going?
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 19, 2009, 01:14:38 PM
Nearly anytime I was on a protest, the mainstream media reported that probably a fourth of what really showed up showed up. And I'm not taking the word of far lefty sources outside of the recruiters. Plus, I know the difference between a march that has 50,000 and a march that has 200,000.

Really?  Then you are better than the park service...police departments and others that actually count the people that attend these rallies.

I think your problem is that you prefer to believe the propaganda handed out by the leftist pro terrorist folks you are "rallying" with than the actual numbers.

I haven't been to a protest around D.C. yet that had MORE than 20K.

And when the cops beat up a libertarian during the march right after the war officially ended? Why wasn't that all over the press?

Because the media is too stupid/lazy to know that Libertarians are NOT part of the Conservative Republican movement.  They just assume it's another CONservative getting what he deserved.

Now has that been some dope smoking slacker punk war protestor getting the business end of the baton it would have garnered a weeks worth of coverage.

If the media only has a lefty bias, why wasn't any of this reported?

If it makes the left look bad or the right look'll never hear a peep.

Why is it that until American public opinion officially shifted, the mainstream "leftist" media would not say shit about our side of things?

What the **** are you talking about you twit?  The ONLY "side of things" that the MSM reports...propagandizes...lip synchs IS THE LEFTIST POINT OF VIEW!!!!!

Jesus H. Christ...that statement right there PROVES to me that you are soo far to the left you can't SEE the center much less understand where it is.

Take a look folks...right here is THE shining example of what 12 years of Liberal Indoctrination via public school and watching nothing but the MSM produces.

Tx, I'm showing an open mind. Just because I'm not a complete convert doesn't mean I'm not showing an open mind. I just can't forget stuff *I* saw years ago just because people on a message board want me to.

If what you're shoving passes for an "open mind" someone needs to break out the jaws of life.

I don't give a rats ass if you're some kind of "convert".  What I'm trying to tell that you've been completely the point you don't even realize it.

on edit: FWIW, I would have tried to come if I had gotten your e-mail.

Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 19, 2009, 01:24:19 PM
Really?  Then you are better than the park service...police departments and others that actually count the people that attend these rallies.

I think your problem is that you prefer to believe the propaganda handed out by the leftist pro terrorist folks you are "rallying" with than the actual numbers.

I haven't been to a protest around D.C. yet that had MORE than 20K.

Because the media is too stupid/lazy to know that Libertarians are NOT part of the Conservative Republican movement.  They just assume it's another CONservative getting what he deserved.

Now has that been some dope smoking slacker punk war protestor getting the business end of the baton it would have garnered a weeks worth of coverage.

If it makes the left look bad or the right look'll never hear a peep.

What the **** are you talking about you twit?  The ONLY "side of things" that the MSM reports...propagandizes...lip synchs IS THE LEFTIST POINT OF VIEW!!!!!

Jesus H. Christ...that statement right there PROVES to me that you are soo far to the left you can't SEE the center much less understand where it is.

Take a look folks...right here is THE shining example of what 12 years of Liberal Indoctrination via public school and watching nothing but the MSM produces.

If what you're shoving passes for an "open mind" someone needs to break out the jaws of life.

I don't give a rats ass if you're some kind of "convert".  What I'm trying to tell that you've been completely the point you don't even realize it.


Okay Tx, you're right. The media is leftist. I'm totally far to the left despite my righty qualities in actual politics. You're just right about everything.

There, happy now? I think that's the only thing that does make you happy, so there.

on edit: Has it ever occured to you that maybe you're so far to the right that *You* are the one who can't see the center?  Seriously, do you have many if any centrist qualities at all? Is there anything you even disagree with your party about (outside of things that make it further to the left). There are things I disagree with my party on out in the open. I don't see the same with you, just far righty stuff. But I'm the one who can't see the center just because I won't agree with you? Don't worry. You won't be held responsible for that since this is your terf. You actually had some good points until the last few lines of crap.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 19, 2009, 01:56:49 PM
Okay Tx, you're right. The media is leftist. I'm totally far to the left despite my righty qualities in actual politics. You're just right about everything.

There, happy now? I think that's the only thing that does make you happy, so there.

on edit: Has it ever occured to you that maybe you're so far to the right that *You* are the one who can't see the center?  Seriously, do you have many if any centrist qualities at all? Is there anything you even disagree with your party about (outside of things that make it further to the left). There are things I disagree with my party on out in the open. I don't see the same with you, just far righty stuff. But I'm the one who can't see the center just because I won't agree with you? Don't worry. You won't be held responsible for that since this is your terf. You actually had some good points until the last few lines of crap.

Okay, I've had some time to chill.

You do have a point when saying that the Libertarians come off as another conservative to some of the far left. I remember far leftists empathizing with that Libertarian, but your explanation would make sense media wise.

It would also make sense to say that if it makes the left look bad, they won't report it. While I do think the cops were getting aggressive (for reasons I didn't even put in this thread), I do also remember the major Socialists (we called them anarchists at the time) trying to block us so the police would take it out on us or them. I remember telling other protesters that they weren't on our side at all. These aren't people that the mainstream media wants to associate with. They're total pricks.

A protest where you can't hardly walk is only 20,000?

And I'll gladly start doing the counting if giving the job to. I might want to get a righty to count behind me so I'm not accused of bias, but I'll take the job.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 19, 2009, 01:57:38 PM
Okay Tx, you're right. The media is leftist. I'm totally far to the left despite my righty qualities in actual politics. You're just right about everything.

And right on cue Bridget returns to her petchulant child mode.

 :whatever:  And you wonder why we don't treat you like one of the adults around here.

There, happy now? I think that's the only thing that does make you happy, so there.

GFYS you ignornant leftist tool.

on edit: Has it ever occured to you that maybe you're so far to the right that *You* are the one who can't see the center?  Seriously, do you have many if any centrist qualities at all? Is there anything you even disagree with your party about (outside of things that make it further to the left). There are things I disagree with my party on out in the open. I don't see the same with you, just far righty stuff. But I'm the one who can't see the center just because I won't agree with you? Don't worry. You won't be held responsible for that since this is your terf. You actually had some good points until the last few lines of crap.

What I babbling brook of an expert in the subject in which you have continually and constantly displayed a genuine lack of knowledge of for everyone to see.

I have spent the last 20 years of my life in some form or fashion of broadcasting and/or broadcast journalism.  I have worked it form the civilian AND the military side of the house.

In short I've seen and continue to see what goes on behind the scenes that you do not have...nor will EVERY have the ability to see.

So when I tell you that you do NOT know what the f*ck you are talking about...that is not coming from any kind of personal political is from a PROFESSIONAL perspective.

You're so steeped in your bias and base EVERYTHING in your small little life on those biased beliefs that you expect EVERYONE ELSE to be just like you in how they see things and act in the world.

You are in essence...accusing the rest of us of leading our lives in the exact fashion that you lead yours.

And it just doesn't work like that in reality.

Grow up little girl...most of the adults in this world don't go through life like that...the ones that do end up at plcaes like DU.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 19, 2009, 01:59:29 PM
Okay, I've had some time to chill.

You do have a point when saying that the Libertarians come off as another conservative to some of the far left. I remember far leftists empathizing with that Libertarian, but your explanation would make sense media wise.

It would also make sense to say that if it makes the left look bad, they won't report it. While I do think the cops were getting aggressive (for reasons I didn't even put in this thread), I do also remember the major Socialists (we called them anarchists at the time) trying to block us so the police would take it out on us or them. I remember telling other protesters that they weren't on our side at all. These aren't people that the mainstream media wants to associate with. They're total pricks.

A protest where you can't hardly walk is only 20,000?

And I'll gladly start doing the counting if giving the job to. I might want to get a righty to count behind me so I'm not accused of bias, but I'll take the job.

F-you.  I'm done with you and your silly little games.

And so help me GOD if you send me a 5 paragraph PM whining about how unfair and mean I'm being I will post it for everyone to see...I don't care about the repercussions.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 19, 2009, 03:42:09 PM
And right on cue Bridget returns to her petchulant child mode.

 :whatever:  And you wonder why we don't treat you like one of the adults around here.

GFYS you ignornant leftist tool.

What I babbling brook of an expert in the subject in which you have continually and constantly displayed a genuine lack of knowledge of for everyone to see.

I have spent the last 20 years of my life in some form or fashion of broadcasting and/or broadcast journalism.  I have worked it form the civilian AND the military side of the house.

In short I've seen and continue to see what goes on behind the scenes that you do not have...nor will EVERY have the ability to see.

So when I tell you that you do NOT know what the f*ck you are talking about...that is not coming from any kind of personal political is from a PROFESSIONAL perspective.

You're so steeped in your bias and base EVERYTHING in your small little life on those biased beliefs that you expect EVERYONE ELSE to be just like you in how they see things and act in the world.

You are in essence...accusing the rest of us of leading our lives in the exact fashion that you lead yours.

And it just doesn't work like that in reality.

Grow up little girl...most of the adults in this world don't go through life like that...the ones that do end up at plcaes like DU.

Uh, what if I said that I've met lefties who are professionals in different things? Who do I listen to?
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: AllosaursRus on June 19, 2009, 06:07:35 PM
Uh, what if I said that I've met lefties who are professionals in different things? Who do I listen to?

Looks to me like if you just pay attention to the MSM and have a logical mind, it's impossible not to see how biased the alphabet networks have become. Did you not pay attention as to the way they treated our previous pres? Now they can't see or do anything but hoist the Bam Bam as the savior of the world. You don't notice the diff?

I have an idea, listen to Rush, Hannity, and Levin for a week and tell me they're just propogandists like your beloved MSM. Levin is on right now her's the link! They play them all every day mon-fri.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Duke Nukum on June 19, 2009, 06:17:17 PM
FWIW, I also sometimes want to watch Fox news thinking they're probably reporting something that may not be seen elsewhere.

Watch Red Eye, they definitely report on things covered up by the rest of the media.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Duke Nukum on June 19, 2009, 06:19:00 PM
I doubt I'll ever be a righty. While I do agree with conservatives on some stuff, I have trouble bringing myself to pull the R lever most of the time. lol.
There's no such thing as "righties" except on the left.  Pretty much there are American conservatives and everyone else is some form of socialist.  You probably already are a righty as you are at the end of the socialism spectrum that could rightly be called "righty."
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: rich_t on June 19, 2009, 07:02:10 PM
I don't think the class of 1990 had to pass an Algebra course.

Of course they did.  Back then it was considered basic math, not advanced math.

They merely didn't label it as algrebra.  They still had to solve problems with variables.

If X * Y = Z all you need is two known variables to determine the unknown one.

They call that algrebra these days.  I learned that crap in 6th grade.  Now days you don't learn it until 10th or 11th grade.  So no...  it is not harder now. They have merely lowered the bar.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Hawkgirl on June 19, 2009, 07:58:48 PM
There is a difference between not wanting an interview with a place and wanting to ban them. Ann Coulter refuses to be interviewed by many people. Does that make her anti-freedom of the press? No. That's quite a leap there.
Ann Coulter wasn't elected...Ann Coulter isn't the President.  Quite a leap THERE.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Flame on June 19, 2009, 08:21:32 PM
Of course they did.  Back then it was considered basic math, not advanced math.

They merely didn't label it as algrebra.  They still had to solve problems with variables.

If X * Y = Z all you need is two known variables to determine the unknown one.

They call that algrebra these days.  I learned that crap in 6th grade.  Now days you don't learn it until 10th or 11th grade.  So no...  it is not harder now. They have merely lowered the bar.

actually, that's not true...they start teaching algebraic concepts in 1st and 2nd grade, although they don't call it algebra.   7+ _=15 or  72/ _=9 Are common types of problems all through grade school, as are "Order of operation" type thing in the upper elementary levels.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: AllosaursRus on June 19, 2009, 09:57:25 PM
Actually I was speaking of things like animal husbandry, surveying, knowing how to calculate crop yield, geography where you actually had to know where your state capital was, being able to calculate the square root of 23 without a calculator, those kinds of things. Nowadays we don;t even expect our college graduates to know where DC is, for cripes sake. Back then you had to be able to identify EVERY state capital and country in the whole frikkin' world. Our children aren't even taught who the current vice president is. (actually that may not be a bad thing).....
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 20, 2009, 12:33:48 AM
Ann Coulter wasn't elected...Ann Coulter isn't the President.  Quite a leap THERE.

The President is a busy man. He can't give everybody who asks an interview. He might as well be selective about it.

Put another way, would Bush have been criticized if he did not want to speak with somebody he considered to be leftist and having a clear bias?
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Chris_ on June 20, 2009, 03:09:23 AM
The President is a busy man. He can't give everybody who asks an interview. He might as well be selective about it.

Put another way, would Bush have been criticized if he did not want to speak with somebody he considered to be leftist and having a clear bias?

But he did speak with a leftist with a clear bias almost every time he spoke with the media.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Crazy Horse on June 20, 2009, 10:23:49 AM
I remember standards being lower when I was a kid.
Anyway, the Governor is a she and not a he. If you live in NC, then her name if Bev Perdue. They make a big deal out of her being the first female Governor and supposedly a real progressive (like hell she is). I can't stand her though because she's increasing taxes like crazy, attacking education, and not showing at all where the money is going. Ugh! Disgusting. Some of this was a problem before Perdue, but she's perfecting it. Rob us blind and won't tell us where the money is going. Ugh!

If standards were lowered when you're a kid the you are still a kid.

You say Bev isn't a progressive :lmao:

I've known Bev for more than 20 years and th only thing she isn't progressive about is the military.  I like Bev as a person, didn't vot for her though and she knows that, though it doesn't stop us from talking with each other.

Attacking mean the governor that is a former teacher and holds a PhD in education............that same Governor??

You got a problem how money is spent in NC talk with Lord Basnight
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: docstew on June 20, 2009, 10:31:22 AM
The President is a busy man. He can't give everybody who asks an interview. He might as well be selective about it.

Put another way, would Bush have been criticized if he did not want to speak with somebody he considered to be leftist and having a clear bias?

How many times has 0bama flown from one part of the country to another?  How many cumulative flight hours is that?  You do know that members of the press travel on AF1, right?  And that during that flight, he could grant interviews, to be conducted on the plane?  That's a BS argument, Bridget.  You know it is.  Quit defending his disregard for people who are percieved to disagree with him.  If he surrounds himself with nothing but sycophants, how is he supposed to get good information?
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 20, 2009, 10:54:02 AM
F-you.  I'm done with you and your silly little games.

And so help me GOD if you send me a 5 paragraph PM whining about how unfair and mean I'm being I will post it for everyone to see...I don't care about the repercussions.

You're not worth my time anyway.

As for the PM threat, and people wonder why I bitch about the moderators around here? My gosh. I don't know of any other board that would allow that, but whatever. It'll get blown off in modshop as Lanie pushing poor Tx to the limit (even though you approached me and knew about the ignore function). Therefore, it's all her fault and Tx isn't responsible for his own actions. I can almost guarantee that's how it will be seen. But I'm the one playing victim?
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 20, 2009, 11:06:40 AM
If standards were lowered when you're a kid the you are still a kid.

You say Bev isn't a progressive :lmao:

I've known Bev for more than 20 years and th only thing she isn't progressive about is the military.  I like Bev as a person, didn't vot for her though and she knows that, though it doesn't stop us from talking with each other.

Attacking mean the governor that is a former teacher and holds a PhD in education............that same Governor??

You got a problem how money is spent in NC talk with Lord Basnight

Yeah, she used that "I used to be a teacher" line to get teachers to vote for her. Now, she's having teachers shitcanned. One of the popular positions to go is Teacher Assistants. She knows that when a teacher has thirty kids needing to learn the basic skills, that you need a TA. Basic skills can be the hardest to learn, but they're the most important. It has to be done. Some of these kids need more immediate attention, but for some reason can't be put into special classes for it. I've known teachers who have spent their spare time (including lunch) doing lesson plans. Taking away the TA means they have to find even more time to copy the papers and put them together as assignments.

There are some teaching positions that should be done away with. For example, some kids have a one on one assistant in their Individualized Education Program who do not need one. They'll still get one though because their IEP says so.

Then, there's the issue of cutting pay. That might be fine if the state of NC would actually buy something for the classrooms. Teachers have to buy a lot of their own stuff. That stuff on the walls? That came out of their pocket. The stuff on the tables (crayons, scissors, etc)? A lot of that was bought with their own money. And from what I heard, NC already was one of the lowest paying states in regards to teachers. Like I said before, that would be fine if the teachers didn't constantly put their own money into the job.

I've spoken with a lot of parents who think what Perdue has done is crap.

As for speaking with Basnight, thanks for the idea.

Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: docstew on June 21, 2009, 09:30:52 AM
Yeah, she used that "I used to be a teacher" line to get teachers to vote for her. Now, she's having teachers shitcanned. One of the popular positions to go is Teacher Assistants. She knows that when a teacher has thirty kids needing to learn the basic skills, that you need a TA. Basic skills can be the hardest to learn, but they're the most important. It has to be done. Some of these kids need more immediate attention, but for some reason can't be put into special classes for it. I've known teachers who have spent their spare time (including lunch) doing lesson plans. Taking away the TA means they have to find even more time to copy the papers and put them together as assignments.

There are some teaching positions that should be done away with. For example, some kids have a one on one assistant in their Individualized Education Program who do not need one. They'll still get one though because their IEP says so.

Then, there's the issue of cutting pay. That might be fine if the state of NC would actually buy something for the classrooms. Teachers have to buy a lot of their own stuff. That stuff on the walls? That came out of their pocket. The stuff on the tables (crayons, scissors, etc)? A lot of that was bought with their own money. And from what I heard, NC already was one of the lowest paying states in regards to teachers. Like I said before, that would be fine if the teachers didn't constantly put their own money into the job.

I've spoken with a lot of parents who think what Perdue has done is crap.

As for speaking with Basnight, thanks for the idea.

Besides being able to listen to the sweet agony of your buyer's remorse for Perdue, how is a whine about teacher's pay relevant to 0bama denying interviews to Fox News because of percieved ideological differences?
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 21, 2009, 10:09:06 AM
But he did speak with a leftist with a clear bias almost every time he spoke with the media.

His "unscripted" Town Hall meetings are nothing more than pre planned propaganda.

The people asking the questions are picked beforehand with pre-approved questions that O already know are coming.

And I guess that Bridget would consider the ABC infomercial from the White House is balanced journalism. :whatever:
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: JohnnyReb on June 21, 2009, 10:18:23 AM
She knows that when a teacher has thirty kids needing to learn the basic skills, that you need a TA.  Basic skills can be the hardest to learn, but they're the most important.  It has to be done. Some of these kids need more immediate attention, but for some reason can't be put into special classes for it. I've known teachers who have spent their spare time (including lunch) doing lesson plans. Taking away the TA means they have to find even more time to copy the papers and put them together as assignments.  

That was the average size of the class when I went to school.....and no TA.

We were supposed to get those in grammar school and jr. high.

Huh? 20 students and a TA and it's still 2 weeks before son gets his corrected test papers back. Who needs them then.

.....and those "advanced classes he's taking were the norm when I went.......OK, so that was 50 years ago.......liberalism has done wonders with the school systems.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 21, 2009, 10:49:15 AM
That was the average size of the class when I went to school.....and no TA.

We were supposed to get those in grammar school and jr. high.

Huh? 20 students and a TA and it's still 2 weeks before son gets his corrected test papers back. Who needs them then.

.....and those "advanced classes he's taking were the norm when I went.......OK, so that was 50 years ago.......liberalism has done wonders with the school systems.

It was still the norm when I was in elementary school in the 70's.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Celtic Rose on June 21, 2009, 10:58:23 AM
That was the average size of the class when I went to school.....and no TA.

We were supposed to get those in grammar school and jr. high.

Huh? 20 students and a TA and it's still 2 weeks before son gets his corrected test papers back. Who needs them then.

.....and those "advanced classes he's taking were the norm when I went.......OK, so that was 50 years ago.......liberalism has done wonders with the school systems.

Here in California,Kindergarten was limited to 20 students in 1995, 1st grade in 1996, 2nd grade in 1997, and 3rd grade in 1998.  No other grades ever got any limits. Our TA's are generally either parent volunteers, or student teachers, except in special education classrooms. Now we have no money, and people are wailing about class sizes going up.  My not very PC answer is that if we stopped providing free education to the children of illegal immigrant, a lot of classes would shrink pretty quickly. 

In reality though, I would like to see evidence that our education improved with the reduction of classes, and if it didn't, then we need to figure out why and resolve it.  Class size is not a magic bullet. 
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: debk on June 21, 2009, 12:15:10 PM
It takes more than it takes now to pass. I don't think the class of 1990 had to pass an Algebra course.

The implementation of No Child Left Behind was supposed to hold students back who couldn't pass the test. Actually addressing the issues is another matter.

You can't become a teacher now unless you get the licensure. Your GPA needs to be so high in order to be allowed into a licensure program. You also need a four year degree. You can do lateral entry, but they have to be desperate.

I remember standards being lower when I was a kid.

Anyway, the Governor is a she and not a he. If you live in NC, then her name if Bev Perdue. They make a big deal out of her being the first female Governor and supposedly a real progressive (like hell she is). I can't stand her though because she's increasing taxes like crazy, attacking education, and not showing at all where the money is going. Ugh! Disgusting. Some of this was a problem before Perdue, but she's perfecting it. Rob us blind and won't tell us where the money is going. Ugh!

I GRADUATED high school in 1970 in Illinois.

To get into college, one year of algebra and one year of geometry was required. I took them in 9th and 10th grade.

I find it hard to believe that NC did not have similar requirements for entrance into college.

In Illinois, to graduate from HS and receive a diploma only required 1 year of basic math, but another course was required to supplement it.

A student was required to be in either College Prep, Business School, or Vocational. Each path had different requirements. "Business" kids had to take accounting for a second year towards a math requirement. I don't remember what the "Vocational" kids had to take, they were doing carpentry, mechanics, electrical, etc, and had  some type of course that provided a second year towards the math requirement also.

Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: TheSarge on June 21, 2009, 12:20:58 PM
Ann Coulter wasn't elected...Ann Coulter isn't the President.  Quite a leap THERE.


Yeah but she's GORGEOUS in person!!!
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 21, 2009, 12:34:24 PM
His "unscripted" Town Hall meetings are nothing more than pre planned propaganda.

The people asking the questions are picked beforehand with pre-approved questions that O already know are coming.

And I guess that Bridget would consider the ABC infomercial from the White House is balanced journalism. :whatever:

Uh no, I've already spoken out against that in another thread.

All this drama in another thread about how I don't show where my agreements are, won't take up for the righties on this or that. Here's proof it doesn't matter to some people. Asshole.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 21, 2009, 12:38:57 PM

I GRADUATED high school in 1970 in Illinois.

To get into college, one year of algebra and one year of geometry was required. I took them in 9th and 10th grade.

I find it hard to believe that NC did not have similar requirements for entrance into college.

In Illinois, to graduate from HS and receive a diploma only required 1 year of basic math, but another course was required to supplement it.

A student was required to be in either College Prep, Business School, or Vocational. Each path had different requirements. "Business" kids had to take accounting for a second year towards a math requirement. I don't remember what the "Vocational" kids had to take, they were doing carpentry, mechanics, electrical, etc, and had  some type of course that provided a second year towards the math requirement also.


I just remember how it was growing up. My sister, who graduated in 1990 had just barely graduated before the Algebra requirement. She had already taken it though. When I graduated, one needed particular courses to go into college (like Biology and foreign languages).

I think the big issue of concern though was that you really didn't have to do much to graduate from High School. Kids were sometimes promoted who shouldn't have been.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Crazy Horse on June 21, 2009, 02:19:49 PM
I just remember how it was growing up. My sister, who graduated in 1990 had just barely graduated before the Algebra requirement. She had already taken it though. When I graduated, one needed particular courses to go into college (like Biology and foreign languages).

I think the big issue of concern though was that you really didn't have to do much to graduate from High School. Kids were sometimes promoted who shouldn't have been.

Bullshit.............well atleast in NC.

I graduated before 1990 and colleges required foreign langauge and math. I took Algebra I&II, Geometry, Biology, Physical Science all prior to 1990 in NC.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Airwolf on June 21, 2009, 05:54:41 PM
Really?  Then you are better than the park service...police departments and others that actually count the people that attend these rallies.

I think your problem is that you prefer to believe the propaganda handed out by the leftist pro terrorist folks you are "rallying" with than the actual numbers.

I haven't been to a protest around D.C. yet that had MORE than 20K.

Because the media is too stupid/lazy to know that Libertarians are NOT part of the Conservative Republican movement.  They just assume it's another CONservative getting what he deserved.

Now has that been some dope smoking slacker punk war protestor getting the business end of the baton it would have garnered a weeks worth of coverage.

If it makes the left look bad or the right look'll never hear a peep.

What the **** are you talking about you twit?  The ONLY "side of things" that the MSM reports...propagandizes...lip synchs IS THE LEFTIST POINT OF VIEW!!!!!

Jesus H. Christ...that statement right there PROVES to me that you are soo far to the left you can't SEE the center much less understand where it is.

Take a look folks...right here is THE shining example of what 12 years of Liberal Indoctrination via public school and watching nothing but the MSM produces.

If what you're shoving passes for an "open mind" someone needs to break out the jaws of life.

I don't give a rats ass if you're some kind of "convert".  What I'm trying to tell that you've been completely the point you don't even realize it.


Tx how many times now have you had this type ofconversation with her? It's a lost cause trust me. Some fights just never go our way.It's better to just ignore the loons rants.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: debk on June 21, 2009, 06:03:02 PM
I just remember how it was growing up. My sister, who graduated in 1990 had just barely graduated before the Algebra requirement. She had already taken it though. When I graduated, one needed particular courses to go into college (like Biology and foreign languages).

I think the big issue of concern though was that you really didn't have to do much to graduate from High School. Kids were sometimes promoted who shouldn't have been.

Even back in the dark ages when I was in school, there were specific requirements to get into college. Did you think they just let anyone in who wanted to go? I went during the VietNam was very competitive to get into college.

I had 2 years of math, 4 of English including a semester of nothing but Shakespeare, and a semester of writing, 4 of science including a year of Anatomy and Physiology and a year of Chemistry, 3 years of French, 4 years of history. Granted I didn't do any more math than was required, but I didn't "skate" through high school. My junior and senior year, my first class was at 7am, and I was out by 12:30 my junior year, and 11:30 my senior year.

I did go to a state university (Northern Illinois Univ), but it was also one of the hardest to get into.

Kids weren't passed if they didn't earn it, and they didn't get into college if they didn't have the grades or the ACT scores.

I also didn't skate through college after my first semester of "playtime"...and I graduated in 4 years.

You are making statements, Lanie, that are either lacking in knowledge or very naive.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lanie on June 21, 2009, 07:21:23 PM
I also didn't skate through college after my first semester of "playtime"...and I graduated in 4 years.

You are making statements, Lanie, that are either lacking in knowledge or very naive.

I'm not going to say how I know what I know. I'll just be attacked again, and this is one area I don't want to deal with it.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Airwolf on June 21, 2009, 09:43:44 PM

Yeah but she's GORGEOUS in person!!!

What a lucky guy.
Title: Re: Obama v Fox News - Greta responds to his whining....
Post by: Lacarnut on June 22, 2009, 01:39:54 AM
...and the fact that you don't see the others leaning rabid-assed far left proves you're crazy as a fruitbat.

I guess she think that Oberdick and Chris creepy legs have conservatives on their programs on a regular basis.