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Current Events => Economics => Topic started by: Black Swan on March 20, 2009, 02:26:15 PM

Title: Is this the end of America?
Post by: Black Swan on March 20, 2009, 02:26:15 PM
Is this the end of America?
Terence Corcoran, Financial Post 
Published: Friday, March 20, 2009

 Helicopter Ben Bernanke's Federal Reserve is dropping trillions of fresh paper dollars on the world economy, the President of the United States is cracking jokes on late-night comedy shows, his energy minister is threatening a trade war over carbon emissions, his treasury secretary is dithering over a banking reform program amid rising concerns over his competence and a monumentally dysfunctional U. S. Congress is launching another public jihad against corporations and bankers.

As an aghast world -- from China to Chicago and Chihuahua -- watches, the circus-like U. S. political system seems to be declining into near chaos. Through it all, stock and financial markets are paralyzed. The more the policy regime does, the worse the outlook gets. The multi-ringed spectacle raises a disturbing question in many minds: Is this the end of America?


One test of whether we are witnessing the end of America is how many more times Americans put up with Congressional show trials of individual business people and their employees, slandering and vilifying them for their actions and motives. And for how long will they tolerate a President who berates business and corporations as dens of crime and malfeasance? If the majority Americans come to accept the caricatures of business as true, then America is closer to the end of its life as a global leader, as a champion of markets and individualism.


Reform of health care, environmental policy, education, energy, banking, regulation -- every nook and cranny of the U. S. economy has been put on alert for major change. Expansion of government spending, plunging the U. S. into unprecedented deficits, is without parallel. In economic policy, through regulation and control of energy output, financial services and monetary expansion, the U. S. government has embarked on a fundamental reshaping of America. It is designed, in short, to bring on the end of America.

How can we continue these assaults on our country for even 2 more years? 
Title: Re: Is this the end of America?
Post by: Hawkgirl on March 20, 2009, 04:12:24 PM
Remember, Carter gave us Reagan.  I know a top-notch Conservative will be running against the schmuck in 012 and WIN.
Title: Re: Is this the end of America?
Post by: Ree on March 21, 2009, 08:23:48 PM
How can we continue these assaults on our country for even 2 more years? 
Coz alot of us remember Carter...we(the USA) survived that...we'll survive Obama...hell he prolly only has till 2010 to try to get anythin done.
Title: Re: Is this the end of America?
Post by: rich_t on March 22, 2009, 09:07:39 PM
At the rate that Obama and the Dem congress keep stepping on their collective dicks, 2010 should see the Reps take back at least one house of congress.
Title: Re: Is this the end of America?
Post by: Chris_ on March 22, 2009, 11:31:58 PM
Remember, Carter gave us Reagan.  I know a top-notch Conservative will be running against the schmuck in 012 and WIN.

Carter wasn't actively trying to bring down the American economy, so that he could re-build it in his warped socialist image.

There are many who say that The Rookie isn't either, but nobody with the intelligence to make it all the way to center seat is this blind to the whole cause/effect relationship thingy.

The Rookie's just elevating Alinsky's Rules For Radicals to a new playing field.