The Conservative Cave

The Help Desk => Suggestions and Feedback => Topic started by: Mr Mannn on February 28, 2009, 05:33:51 AM

Title: Can I get a thread of mine removed?
Post by: Mr Mannn on February 28, 2009, 05:33:51 AM,23086.0.html
I was all aghast when i saw this and posted without thought in the Breaking News forum.
Now people tell me this is rumor, not news.  :thatsright:
Serves me right for not thinking before I post.

The worst thing is, this rumor is all over the Ron Paul forums! I am such a  :loser:

PLEASE! Can a mod put me outa my misery and delete the thread?  Thanks!
Title: Re: Can I get a thread of mine removed?
Post by: franksolich on February 28, 2009, 08:37:27 AM
I'm not sure, so don't take this as Gospel, but please check.

I believe an original poster of a comment can delete his own comment; a moderator doesn't have to do that (I'm a moderator, but as your comment was posted in a forum I'm restricted from moderating, I can't do it myself).

But I believe one can delete his own posts.

Open that thread and look at your comment, at the upper-right hand corner, and there might be a "delete" or "remove" button (but on your comments only; it won't appear on others' comments).

Don't take this as Gospel, but give it a look-see.
Title: Re: Can I get a thread of mine removed?
Post by: Mr Mannn on February 28, 2009, 09:14:50 AM
I up and did that, and this is what I got.
An Error Has Occurred!
You cannot delete your own topics in this board.

Wah.  :thatsright: I can't believe i fell for the same thing as a Paultard.
Please, oh great and powerful one...please remove my thread!!! I'll buy the  :cheersmate: at the next CC get togather!
Title: Re: Can I get a thread of mine removed?
Post by: Thor on February 28, 2009, 09:15:31 AM
Taken care of, as requested
Title: Re: Can I get a thread of mine removed?
Post by: Mr Mannn on February 28, 2009, 03:43:37 PM
Thanks! I'm rather embarrassed about that.
Note to self:  :banghead: Check sources before you post!
Title: Re: Can I get a thread of mine removed?
Post by: franksolich on February 28, 2009, 04:45:08 PM
I can't believe i fell for the same thing as a Paultard.

It happens; I break out into a cold sweat when I think of all the times the primitives on Skins's island fooled me.