The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: CC27 on February 11, 2009, 04:33:55 PM

Title: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: CC27 on February 11, 2009, 04:33:55 PM
redirish28 (1000+ posts)        Wed Feb-11-09 03:37 PM
Original message

My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
My wife cannot believe TLC is having another Duggar season again. She has been so disappointed with TLC for a good 15 years but it is to the point where she is just about to give up on the channel all together.

She remembers when the channel "actual" educational stuff. Like Documentaries about how the bible was developed through out the centuries. She said it actually talked about how things where taken out or interpret a certain way.

She remembers when they has a series on the rise and falls of the Celts and wish it would go that way just a little. One or 2 nights out of 7 isn't that bad but to put the Duggars on is just fluff.

And as she went on with her rant she said something that really threw me. WTF is it with Fundie's and clothing girls and women in dresses no matter what is happening. Taking the kids on a nature walk Boys have heavy shoes and pants on. Girls are in dresses.
modified by franksolich to include name of primitive posting this
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: franksolich on February 11, 2009, 04:41:43 PM
Well now, I don't understand this.

Maybe I'm dense.

Where's the much-heralded primitive respect for diversity?
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: jukin on February 11, 2009, 04:42:49 PM
Sure they would be happy with the muslims, their dress, and their oppresion of women and fags.  Where extreme christian groups merely ostracize the muzzies stone you, hang you, or behead you.

More proof that liberals are more than the average full of hate. Now they can't hate the truly loathsome parts of civilization because of PC so it all comes out on Christians.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: CC27 on February 11, 2009, 04:46:41 PM
Sorry about forgetting the name Frank.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: franksolich on February 11, 2009, 04:51:03 PM
Sorry about forgetting the name Frank.

It's no biggie, everybody does it at one time or another.

The reason the screen-name of the primitive should be included--at least, minimally, the name of the originally-posting primitive--is that the primitives are such narcissists they don't pay any attention to anybody but themselves, and so when they lurk over here, they "search" for their own names, instead of looking at the broad array of illumination and enlightenment offered here.

If I had my druthers, which I can't, the "search" function here would be available only to registered members--after all, my fellow alum Skins actually charges for it, on Skins's island--so that lurking primitives would have to look at everything while trying to track down themselves.

And by chance or accident they might randomly find something that changes their lives.

But that's just me.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Ree on February 11, 2009, 04:57:56 PM
Another DUmmie who doesn't know how work the remote?
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: diesel driver on February 11, 2009, 07:23:26 PM
I guess tuning in the Military Channel is out of the question....

I LOVE the shows they do on WWII aircraft....
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Duke Nukum on February 11, 2009, 07:39:09 PM
I haven't watched TLC in a long time because it became all that reality stuff.  I think they used to have Connections 2 which was a great show and one time they had this great show on famous books and their authors.

Ice Road Fishing and those kinds of shows just don't appeal to me that much, the only intervention show I like is Dog Whisperer and I don't even watch that.  So what are they doing on TLC these days that has the DUmmies so upset and why not just watch History or Science or some other channels that still has some good stuff from time to time?
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: jukin on February 11, 2009, 07:45:12 PM
The history channel is nothing but leftist propaganda.  It is the NYT/History channel and is full of aliens amongs us and if only stalin had beat the allies crap.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: PoliCon on February 11, 2009, 08:48:05 PM
Well now, I don't understand this.

Maybe I'm dense.

Where's the much-heralded primitive respect for diversity?
They only respect diversity that is in line with their narrow world view. 
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Duke Nukum on February 11, 2009, 09:00:00 PM
The history channel is nothing but leftist propaganda.  It is the NYT/History channel and is full of aliens amongs us and if only stalin had beat the allies crap.
Somehow I missed that one on Stalin though I did see one on how he bankrupted Russia with his building projects and how he had these apartments built for party members and would send his goons in and kidnap them at random to keep them full of fear.

There is too much UFO stuff and Monster stuff and Nostradamus stuff but Engineering an Empire is pretty good and they had this great series on Rome and they had a great thing on the 300, granted it was a movie tie-in but it was much better than the movie, not that the movie was bad but it was basically based on a comic book.  I like The Naked Archeologist too.

If UFO's and Nostradamus pay the bills who am I to complain?  That's more than liberals do.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: The Village Idiot on February 11, 2009, 11:16:32 PM
Well now, I don't understand this.

Maybe I'm dense.

Where's the much-heralded primitive respect for diversity?

thats probably what they chose to wear. do you believe in choice dummie?
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on February 12, 2009, 05:53:03 AM
modified by franksolich to include name of primitive posting this
It's always been interesting to me when people continue to watch  or listen to something that infuriates them so! Almost like they get off on being constantly pissed off!
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Chris_ on February 12, 2009, 07:37:09 AM
It's always been interesting to me when people continue to watch  or listen to something that infuriates them so! Almost like they get off on being constantly pissed off!
Would that be why they're always complaining about Rush?   ::)
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on February 12, 2009, 08:12:32 AM
The history channel is nothing but leftist propaganda.  It is the NYT/History channel and is full of aliens amongs us and if only stalin had beat the allies crap.
Anti-semitic as well I would argue.

Nevermind the fact that they play every documentary with some half-assed theory about why the Bible can't possibly be what conventional wisdom says it is even if those theories contradict each other but you never see is the same treatment given to the texts of the the other religions of the world. I dare their brave, bold producers to try that crap with the Koran.

The breaking point to me was when I was watching a show on the conquest of Canaan. The narrator points out how brutal ancient warfare was because it required hacking each other to bloody bits at close quarters and because of the psychological stresses the entirety of the Hebrew male nation must have been psychotic basketcases; at which point the image on the screen is of filthy, bedraggled wild-eyed men whose features are deepened by the orange glow of a raoring fire.

Has any other ancient society ever been so painted? The Romans? The Macedonians? Anyone? Even the Moloch worshippers of Carthage are treated with admiration.

I guess only jews are the psychopathic killers with their bogus religious texts.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: crockspot on February 12, 2009, 08:44:20 AM
Judging by the OP's literacy in writing, I can see TLC has been a great help.  :whatever:
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on February 12, 2009, 09:07:38 AM
I do have to agree with the moonbat woman that TLC is pretty much all fluff (pseudo-dramatic reality sub-type, mostly) and rarely if ever has anything worth watching anymore, fortunately my remote still works.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Karin on February 12, 2009, 09:31:51 AM
Well the complainer's head would explode around where I live.  We have a large contingent of Amish and Mennonites.  All dresses all the time.  Who cares?  It's their CHOICE. 
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: jinxmchue on February 12, 2009, 11:32:33 AM
Well the complainer's head would explode around where I live.  We have a large contingent of Amish and Mennonites.  All dresses all the time.  Who cares?  It's their CHOICE. 

But they're "fundies," so obviously it's a wrong choice and must be taunted and ridiculed often.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Chris_ on February 12, 2009, 11:34:47 AM
I guess the DUmmies would be a lot happier of the girls dressed like sluts and the boys like ghetto thugs.   :whatever:
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: delilahmused on February 12, 2009, 01:11:10 PM
I wonder if his wife would consider it interesting if the Duggar parents were two lesbians or a transgendered couple who birthed their own children before the big gender change...of course then we'd probably have to change their name to Digger.

Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Miss Mia on February 12, 2009, 01:20:02 PM
Another DUmmie who doesn't know how work the remote?

That's what I was thinking.  I couldn't care less about the Duggars or that Jon & Kate + 8 or whatever.  I just don't watch them.  Not that hard.  Obviously, enough people are watching that it's profitable for TLC and whomever else to keep showing them. 
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on February 12, 2009, 01:34:38 PM

That's what I was thinking.  I couldn't care less about the Duggars or that Jon & Kate + 8 or whatever.  I just don't watch them.  Not that hard.  Obviously, enough people are watching that it's profitable for TLC and whomever else to keep showing them. 

Well, ya got the Duggars themselves, that's a bigger audience than MSNBC has right there...

Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on February 12, 2009, 01:43:41 PM

That's what I was thinking.  I couldn't care less about the Duggars or that Jon & Kate + 8 or whatever.  I just don't watch them.  Not that hard.  Obviously, enough people are watching that it's profitable for TLC and whomever else to keep showing them. 

My wife watches Jon & Kate + 8 with zeal that borders on the religious.  She's got their book, too. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: TheSarge on February 12, 2009, 01:45:30 PM
She has been so disappointed with TLC for a good 15 years

Yet she continues to watch to see if she can be even more outraged tomorrow than she was today.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Sweet Dee on February 12, 2009, 01:48:22 PM
My wife watches Jon & Kate + 8 with zeal that borders on the religious.  She's got their book, too. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I watch that occasionally, it's so entertaining mostly because that Kate is a hardcore ball busting nag!!  lol  Sheesh :)  If they weren't on tv that guy wouldn't put up with her crap that's for sure!  ;) 
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Miss Mia on February 12, 2009, 02:06:01 PM
I watch that occasionally, it's so entertaining mostly because that Kate is a hardcore ball busting nag!!  lol  Sheesh :)  If they weren't on tv that guy wouldn't put up with her crap that's for sure!  ;) 

I may have to check it out now.  :wink:
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Sweet Dee on February 12, 2009, 02:06:58 PM

I may have to check it out now.  :wink:

She makes frequent appearances on The Soup, to say the least.  That's how I found out about that show. lol   :-)
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Miss Mia on February 12, 2009, 02:24:31 PM
She makes frequent appearances on The Soup, to say the least.  That's how I found out about that show. lol   :-)

I missed The Soup last week! 
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Servonaut on February 12, 2009, 02:25:58 PM
Given the choice of living next door to the Dugger Family


and a Hippie Family


I don't know guys, It's a tough call.

Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Thor on February 12, 2009, 02:42:06 PM
I must admit, I'm pretty disappointed with cable TV nowadays. The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Sci-fi channel and ALL the stupid wrestling that's on several channels just makes me want to drop cable TV completely. TLC went overboard long ago, having shows on retarded people, genetically defective people and other freaks of nature. Discovery is barely appealing to me any more. Sci-Fi, which has the most appeal to me is starting lose me as a viewer. They keep putting on shows/ movies that are more fiction that science fiction, not to mention ECW wrestling. (WTF does THAT have to do with Sci-Fi?????) Don't even get me started on the music video channels!!! MTV, VH1 & CMT.

I can't afford the extended package, so I don't get some of the better channels.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: BlueStateSaint on February 12, 2009, 04:21:15 PM
I stay with FNC, ESPN, ESPN2, MLB Network, SNY, YES, MSG, and sometimes the Food Channel. 
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: USA4ME on February 12, 2009, 05:44:31 PM
I haven't watched TLC in a long time because it became all that reality stuff.  I think they used to have Connections 2 which was a great show and one time they had this great show on famous books and their authors.

Ice Road Fishing and those kinds of shows just don't appeal to me that much, the only intervention show I like is Dog Whisperer and I don't even watch that.  So what are they doing on TLC these days that has the DUmmies so upset and why not just watch History or Science or some other channels that still has some good stuff from time to time?

Occasionally I'll watch American Chopper if they have an expecially nice bike they're fixing up.

Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: The Village Idiot on February 12, 2009, 05:53:10 PM
I must admit, I'm pretty disappointed with cable TV nowadays. The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Sci-fi channel and ALL the stupid wrestling that's on several channels just makes me want to drop cable TV completely. TLC went overboard long ago, having shows on retarded people, genetically defective people and other freaks of nature. Discovery is barely appealing to me any more. Sci-Fi, which has the most appeal to me is starting lose me as a viewer. They keep putting on shows/ movies that are more fiction that science fiction, not to mention ECW wrestling. (WTF does THAT have to do with Sci-Fi?????) Don't even get me started on the music video channels!!! MTV, VH1 & CMT.

I can't afford the extended package, so I don't get some of the better channels.

someday we will subscribe to the channels we want online. MSNBC will simply die.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: PoliCon on February 12, 2009, 06:49:22 PM
I guess the DUmmies would be a lot happier of the girls dressed like sluts and the boys like ghetto thugs.   :whatever:
Dude - that's called being AUTHENTIC. lol 
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: PoliCon on February 12, 2009, 06:51:34 PM
Given the choice of living next door to the Dugger Family


and a Hippie Family


I don't know guys, It's a tough call.

good point.  I mean the Duggers would be helpful polite and friendly - but hippy chicks put out . . . so . . . .  tough decision . . . .
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: PoliCon on February 12, 2009, 07:30:45 PM
I'll choose NOT GETTING THE CRABS for 1000, Alex.
true - the family pictured does look uber dirty . . . .
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: AllosaursRus on February 12, 2009, 08:03:57 PM
The history channel is nothing but leftist propaganda.  It is the NYT/History channel and is full of aliens amongs us and if only stalin had beat the allies crap.

You are SO right! Today they had a show where they were speculating whether or not Lincoln had a homo relationship with a soldier because he stayed at his house often when the pressure got to much for him. Give me a frikkin break!!!!

I have a best friend, my BIL, that is my outlet when shit gets to the point I'm ready to beat the hell out of somebody. Without his friendship, I'd probly have spent more time in the county lock-up than I already have.

Because a man has a close friend, he must be suckin somethin' besides doorknobs, right?

What a bunch of stinkin' perverts! They always think men cannot be close unless it is a sexual nature. Nothing quite like taking one of the greatest men who ever shaped this country and making him GAY!

Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Duke Nukum on February 12, 2009, 09:10:35 PM
Anti-semitic as well I would argue.

Nevermind the fact that they play every documentary with some half-assed theory about why the Bible can't possibly be what conventional wisdom says it is even if those theories contradict each other but you never see is the same treatment given to the texts of the the other religions of the world. I dare their brave, bold producers to try that crap with the Koran.

The breaking point to me was when I was watching a show on the conquest of Canaan. The narrator points out how brutal ancient warfare was because it required hacking each other to bloody bits at close quarters and because of the psychological stresses the entirety of the Hebrew male nation must have been psychotic basketcases; at which point the image on the screen is of filthy, bedraggled wild-eyed men whose features are deepened by the orange glow of a raoring fire.

Has any other ancient society ever been so painted? The Romans? The Macedonians? Anyone? Even the Moloch worshippers of Carthage are treated with admiration.

I guess only jews are the psychopathic killers with their bogus religious texts.
You know, I am remembering that and I thought that was one of the stupidest comment I had heard yet.  Was that the one with the Naked Archeologist about what natural disaster may have corresponded with the exodus out of Egypt?  The really stupid thing about that, other than it was directed at the Hebrews while such things are never said of any other group, not even the Spartans in that 300 thing I liked, but it is projecting modern values onto an ancient civilization.

We are so self-absorbed these days, I think most of our psychological diseases come from that whereas I don't think think the ancients had the leisure time to sit around feeling sorry for themselves all day.  They also had different ideas about death, we are so deathophobic as a culture we think nobody should ever die even though everybody does.  There was a much greater acceptance of death as just a natural part of the whole cycle of life.  In fact, the whole concept of time was seen more as a ring instead of the linear, non-repeating progression we have been conditioned to see it as today.

But I still think they have a lot of good shows.  I liked that one about locating the Garden of Eden by satellite imagry and I even like watching the Nostradamus shows because they are so  funny in their inaccuracies.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Rebel on February 12, 2009, 09:56:07 PM
There isn't a DAMN thing wrong with the Duggar Family. They provide for their kids WITHOUT the government's help, ...and that's all that's necessary. I do wonder, if it were some crack whore, would they be saying the same thing? Something tells me no. Hell, something tells me those moonbats would be saying it's America's fault that the woman HAD 10+ kids. Isn't that what they tell us now when it's 6? Yes, I know the Duggars have about 18, but they provide for them all. I'm all for having as many kids as you can afford. It's TIME to start sustaining the population with AMERICANS.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Chris_ on February 12, 2009, 09:57:56 PM
I must admit, I'm pretty disappointed with cable TV nowadays. The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Sci-fi channel and ALL the stupid wrestling that's on several channels just makes me want to drop cable TV completely. TLC went overboard long ago, having shows on retarded people, genetically defective people and other freaks of nature. Discovery is barely appealing to me any more. Sci-Fi, which has the most appeal to me is starting lose me as a viewer. They keep putting on shows/ movies that are more fiction that science fiction, not to mention ECW wrestling. (WTF does THAT have to do with Sci-Fi?????) Don't even get me started on the music video channels!!! MTV, VH1 & CMT.

I can't afford the extended package, so I don't get some of the better channels.
Hey, you gotta watch "Dirty Jobs"....but not while eating supper.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Thor on February 12, 2009, 10:26:11 PM
American Chopper drove me away from whatever channel it was on.

Dirty Jobs is ok, but........ they do get a little disgusting. 

The bigger problem is that there is no longer anything to "Discover" or "learn" from those channels. It's all about ratings any more. A LOT of these cable channels have forgotten their roots. I used to LOVE TLC, Discovery, & the History Channel (The Drug Channel). There are few shows on them any more that are worth watching.

Ohh, and Kevin?? I agree whole-heartedly. Have as many children as you can afford. The Duggers appear to be a  model, albeit large, family.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: blitzkrieg_17 on February 12, 2009, 10:57:19 PM
I'll choose NOT GETTING THE CRABS for 1000, Alex.

your 200th H5
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: delilahmused on February 13, 2009, 12:16:44 AM
I must admit, I'm pretty disappointed with cable TV nowadays. The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Sci-fi channel and ALL the stupid wrestling that's on several channels just makes me want to drop cable TV completely. TLC went overboard long ago, having shows on retarded people, genetically defective people and other freaks of nature. Discovery is barely appealing to me any more. Sci-Fi, which has the most appeal to me is starting lose me as a viewer. They keep putting on shows/ movies that are more fiction that science fiction, not to mention ECW wrestling. (WTF does THAT have to do with Sci-Fi?????) Don't even get me started on the music video channels!!! MTV, VH1 & CMT.

I can't afford the extended package, so I don't get some of the better channels.

Oh, Discovery Health had a documentary on tonight about the top transgender physician in the country. I can't imagine that show would even have viewers. It takes all kinds to make a world but I guess if God gets it wrong there's a doctor who can cut off your tits and make them into a dick. Sheesh!

Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Chris_ on February 13, 2009, 06:01:26 AM
American Chopper drove me away from whatever channel it was on.

Dirty Jobs is ok, but........ they do get a little disgusting. 

The bigger problem is that there is no longer anything to "Discover" or "learn" from those channels. It's all about ratings any more. A LOT of these cable channels have forgotten their roots. I used to LOVE TLC, Discovery, & the History Channel (The Drug Channel). There are few shows on them any more that are worth watching.

Ohh, and Kevin?? I agree whole-heartedly. Have as many children as you can afford. The Duggers appear to be a  model, albeit large, family.
Look for a new program..."Treasure Quest".   :cheersmate:
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on February 13, 2009, 08:35:37 AM
Oh, Discovery Health had a documentary on tonight about the top transgender physician in the country. I can't imagine that show would even have viewers. It takes all kinds to make a world but I guess if God gets it wrong there's a doctor who can cut off your tits and make them into a dick. Sheesh!


That encapsulates two "Must-miss" topics in one show for me.  Medical crap just doesn't interest me at all and doubly so for people with gender identity issues. 
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: MarshallLaw on February 13, 2009, 08:57:49 AM
It takes all kinds to make a world but I guess if God gets it wrong there's a doctor who can cut off your tits and make them into a dick. Sheesh!


What do they do with the other one?
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: delilahmused on February 13, 2009, 11:52:12 AM

What do they do with the other one?

Donate it to Acorn to so we can all be screwed?

Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: AllosaursRus on March 10, 2009, 04:58:06 PM
Donate it to Acorn to so we can all be screwed?


H5! Cutie! That's funny, I don't care who ya are!!!!!!!
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Wineslob on March 11, 2009, 10:17:44 AM
Well now, I don't understand this.

Maybe I'm dense.

Where's the much-heralded primitive respect for diversity?

It's "good" or "decent". They have to hate it.
It dosen't make much sense to me, either. It's not like these "fundies" are gonna go out and parade in assless chaps anytime soon.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: AprilRazz on March 11, 2009, 02:51:40 PM
I would rather live next door to the Duggars than that moron in California with the 14 brats.
But she is a whole different conversation all together.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Hawkgirl on March 11, 2009, 04:23:09 PM
Primitives hate anything involving familes.  They can't fathom why people choose large families, when abortion is so easily available.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Wineslob on March 11, 2009, 04:37:28 PM
Primitives hate anything involving familes.  They can't fathom why people choose large families, when abortion is so easily available.

They can't fathom the idea of actually wanting childeren when most see them as an impediment to their lives.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: MrsSmith on March 11, 2009, 05:05:41 PM

They can't fathom the idea of actually wanting childeren when most see them as an impediment to their lives.
If a person's intellect never matures beyond 14 years of age due to drugs/drinking/teh DUmp, it's impossible for that person to recognise the value of children, or to make the sacrifices necessary to support and raise them.
Title: Re: My wife's words: "WTF IS IT WITH THIS FUNDIE FAMILY!?!?" also why dresses?
Post by: Hawkgirl on March 11, 2009, 10:55:32 PM
If a person's intellect never matures beyond 14 years of age due to drugs/drinking/teh DUmp, it's impossible for that person to recognise the value of children, or to make the sacrifices necessary to support and raise them.

You hit that nail right on the head.