The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: thundley4 on February 09, 2009, 12:36:24 PM

Title: Doug Giles’ Cure for The Obama Hangover
Post by: thundley4 on February 09, 2009, 12:36:24 PM
The Obama Hangover is the pain a moderate Obama backer is now feeling after having been promised the moon and realizing they have instead . . . been mooned. It’s got to be humiliating watching your Mr. Hope & Change fumble these first few weeks like a leprous teen would his girlfriend’s bra.
You must be feelin’ like my buddy who recently got married to his eHarmony “soul mate” who turned out to have no soul nor the desire to mate.

It’s a similar vibe this dude we call “Awood” felt who was sold the bill of goods that LSD would cleanse his doors of perception, lead him to strawberry fields and unleash his creativity. The only thing Awood’s acid trip got him was shaved eyebrows, Bruce tattooed on his left shoulder and a twelve-hour conversation with a giant Raggedy Ann doll.

The Obama Hangover is kinda like . . . okay . . . I’ll stop.

I know it hurts. You feel screwed, glued and tattooed.

All of us demonic conservatives hate to say we told you so, but . . . we told you so. Obama’s no savior. He’s a socialist, a Jimmy Carter with a tan, tighter abs and minus the southern drawl.
Doug Giles (’_cure_for_the_obama_hangover) via TownHall