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Current Events => Breaking News => Topic started by: Atomic Lib Smasher on January 09, 2009, 10:01:39 AM

Title: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: Atomic Lib Smasher on January 09, 2009, 10:01:39 AM

Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward


GateHouse News Service/Peoria Journal Star
Posted Jan 08, 2009 @ 09:16 AM
Last update Jan 09, 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Top House leaders are making it clear they have little sympathy for Gov. Rod Blagojevich as they move forward with impeaching him.

Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie, who led the committee that recommended impeaching Blagojevich last night, kicked off today's historic House impeachment vote by putting the blame squarely on the governor for the situation he faces today.

"We stand here today because of the perfidy of one man: Gov. Rod Blagojevich," Currie, D-Chicago, said.

Currie noted lawmakers gave Blagojevich a week after his arrest Dec. 9 on federal corruption allegations to resign but he refused, so the impeachment process - reserved for "serious betrayals" of public trust - was started.

Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: franksolich on January 09, 2009, 11:00:04 AM

This is going too fast.

I want this to drag out for as long as possible, into summer at least.
Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: djones520 on January 09, 2009, 11:14:48 AM
On the radio this morning, they where talking about how my area's 3 state representatives are planning on voting to impeach.
Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: Atomic Lib Smasher on January 10, 2009, 12:53:03 AM
On the radio this morning, they where talking about how my area's 3 state representatives are planning on voting to impeach.

They voted overwhelmingly to impeach today. I wonder what sort of details will come up that involve 0bama.
Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: asdf2231 on January 10, 2009, 12:41:49 PM

This is going too fast.

I want this to drag out for as long as possible, into summer at least.

This is just the overture.

They still have a big nasty trial in the state senate to come. :)
Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: Chris_ on January 10, 2009, 12:55:50 PM
This is just the overture.

They still have a big nasty trial in the state senate to come. :)

And if you think for so much as a moment that all of the state's dirty laundry won't be brought into the light of day there, I've got some Arizona beachfront property to sell ya.
Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: djones520 on January 10, 2009, 01:23:00 PM
And if you think for so much as a moment that all of the state's dirty laundry won't be brought into the light of day there, I've got some Arizona beachfront property to sell ya.

I don't know.  Blago's what, the fourth or fifth Illinois governer to run through this?  Those previous ones didn't air out a lot of the dirty laundry, I don't see why this one would.
Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: Zeus on January 10, 2009, 01:31:02 PM
I don't know.  Blago's what, the fourth or fifth Illinois governer to run through this?  Those previous ones didn't air out a lot of the dirty laundry, I don't see why this one would.

No other Illinois governor has ever been impeached, despite the state's storied history of graft. Blagojevich's immediate predecessor, George Ryan, is behind bars for corruption, and two earlier governors also went to prison.

The Senate trial is set to begin Jan. 26. While impeachment in the House required only a simple majority, or 60 votes, a two-thirds vote would be needed for conviction in the 59-member Senate.

Yahoo News (
Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: Chris_ on January 10, 2009, 05:40:23 PM
I don't know.  Blago's what, the fourth or fifth Illinois governer to run through this?  Those previous ones didn't air out a lot of the dirty laundry, I don't see why this one would.
Because Blago has made it clear he takes this personally and will take down as many others in the machine as he can with him.
Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: Tess Anderson on January 10, 2009, 06:27:48 PM
They want to get rid of Blago to save their Senate seat for the democrats there - they want the same machine crook Obama tells them he wants.

And if you think for so much as a moment that all of the state's dirty laundry won't be brought into the light of day there, I've got some Arizona beachfront property to sell ya.

That's going to be one heavy load.
Title: Re: Little sympathy for Blagojevich as impeachment moves forward
Post by: miskie on January 10, 2009, 09:58:40 PM
Will The Fonz ride in and save Potsie ? Or will he be told to Sit on it for one last time ? Stay tuned, Truebelievers.