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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: LC EFA on December 22, 2008, 05:27:16 PM

Title: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: LC EFA on December 22, 2008, 05:27:16 PM
note from franksolich: this is old, but it's been attracting "guests," so one might as well make it easier for them to find

Husb2Sparkly  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Sat Dec-20-08 07:23 PM
Original message
So .... we went to the liquor store and a political rally broke out.

We were doing some last minute Christmas shopping. On the way home we stopped by Ballbusters to return some videos. Next to them is the liquor store where we get most of our wine. They're doing a wine tasting. Actually, they're doing two of them. One for ordinary wines and one for some really high end stuff. We stop at the cheap shit first. We sample. This nice woman, about our age, comes in. She starts tasting, too. "I just came in for some beer" she says. Her husband joins her. We sip the various $10 wines and discuss the merits of Old Rasputin Imperial Stout, which, it turns out, is his favorite brew and mine.

[Picture of booze]

We finish with the cheap wines and follow the store owner to the second wine tasting, way in the back. This one has wines ranging up to $100 a bottle. We start with the (relative) low end of this stuff and work up.

One of the wines is a nice Veuve Cliquot.

[another picture of booze]

Which brought us to talking abut reasons to celebrate. I mention to Sparkly that it would be good for our planned day on January 20.

Which elicits a ":snap: We should do that too" from the lady who was now our wine drinking partner. Her husband, also our new wine drinking buddy, agrees.

The guy pouring the wine also agrees.

Pretty soon we learn he works for the DoD. He and all his coworkers are **thrilled** that a Democart won and most are quite happy with Obama.

She thinks Bush is a moron.

He thinks Bush screwed us up with his misdirection from Afghanistan t o Iraq.

The wine sales guy agrees.

Back to us, saying how much we think Bush is a national embarrassment.

More casual tasters sipped a glass or two and nodded approvingly or offered a comment.

This goes on for nearly an hour.

They bought the high end cabernet we had all tried and a very nice Zinfandel we suggested to them. We bought the bubbly and a really nice Claret we'd had at a party last week.

[yet another picture of booze]

We all shook hands and parted, happy, loopy, and feeling good about being Democrats.

It always amazes me how quickly people want to say they voted Democrat, yet, at the height of Moron's power after the coup, no one wanted to admit to being a Democart.

Well, many people didn't. I was never shy. But you know what I mean.

While missing some crucial structural elements, you gotta give him points for effort.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 22, 2008, 05:32:55 PM
He did something that Sparkly did not approve, and he's trying to get her to put a new serving of "Tidy Cats Small Spaces" into the litter box in the basment.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: Bondai on December 22, 2008, 05:33:35 PM
....and then ho got in his car and drove home drunk.....What a nice guy.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: franksolich on December 22, 2008, 06:22:44 PM
While missing some crucial structural elements, you gotta give him points for effort.

Maybe, but man, the sparkling husband primitive's really straining.

Probably just like his lower regions, right now.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: Zeus on December 22, 2008, 06:55:58 PM
cut it some slack it's the mad dog talking.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: mamacags on December 22, 2008, 06:57:44 PM
I will give him 3 bongs for the use of pictures.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: Carl on December 22, 2008, 07:51:12 PM
I guess since Husbs is a landlord and therefore the holder of wealth and can afford fine wine it is only fair that his taxes should be raised to at least the 75% level that they all seem to think is appropriate.

Maybe there should be a tax on his real estate holdings since this is where is personal wealth is located something on a 10% of assessed value so if it is at 250,000 then he should pay 25,000/year in a property tax.
Being the wealthy socialist that he is I would think this should make him very happy.

Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: whiteguyPI on December 23, 2008, 01:08:51 AM
TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sat Dec-20-08 07:28 PM
Response to Original message
1. Coppola makes a pretty decent Claret.
 I'm not even gonna tell you what we can buy that for, out here in Wine Country.

I'll tell you what I can buy it for in my old home (Dallas, TX) and my new home (Grand Junction, CO)...about $12 a bottle you retarded drunk :loser:
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: blitzkrieg_17 on December 23, 2008, 02:54:25 AM
One bong. I didn't read through all that crap, but hardly believable.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: Attero Dominatus on December 23, 2008, 03:02:12 AM
Two bongs for a slight resemblance of effort.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: franksolich on December 23, 2008, 03:36:22 AM
I guess since Husbs is a landlord and therefore the holder of wealth and can afford fine wine it is only fair that his taxes should be raised to at least the 75% level that they all seem to think is appropriate.

Maybe there should be a tax on his real estate holdings since this is where is personal wealth is located something on a 10% of assessed value so if it is at 250,000 then he should pay 25,000/year in a property tax.

Being the wealthy socialist that he is I would think this should make him very happy.

The problem with that, sir, is that the sparkling husband primitive, as with any other business or corporation, would simply pass on the higher taxes to his tenants, by increasing rents.

A concept the primitives never understand; that the ultimate, the final, consumer of a good or service, pays all the taxes imposed upon those who have made, or offered, a good or service.  It's built into the price of things.

Probably what would be more effective, more fair, more equitable, would be that the excess housage of the sparkling husband primitive simply be confiscated without compensation, and distributed to those who have less.

Stupid primitives.  They never think things through.

Stupid primitives.  Really stupid primitives.  Just really stupid primitives.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: JohnnyReb on December 23, 2008, 08:57:27 AM
Further proof that drinking kills brain cells..... :tongue:
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: ScubaGuy on December 23, 2008, 10:19:47 AM
I guess since Husbs is a landlord and therefore the holder of wealth and can afford fine wine it is only fair that his taxes should be raised to at least the 75% level that they all seem to think is appropriate.

Maybe there should be a tax on his real estate holdings since this is where is personal wealth is located something on a 10% of assessed value so if it is at 250,000 then he should pay 25,000/year in a property tax.
Being the wealthy socialist that he is I would think this should make him very happy.

If I remember the thread from yesterday his WEALTH should be taxed at 100%.  So had it over hubs, bobolink need a news home.

Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: claret1995 on December 23, 2008, 10:27:31 AM

 Things that make one go


A fake Russian beer

A French champaign

and a Claret by a
Socialist, Fake american, filmaker

Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: USA4ME on December 23, 2008, 10:47:55 AM
Some of the things they post about, bouncy or not, one can't help but think "Why did you even bother making a post about it?  Who cares?"

Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on December 23, 2008, 11:32:33 AM
I'll go with three bongs.  Ol' husby lives in spitting distance of the Beltway, and there is certainly no shortage of weasely Democrat pukes who work for DOD in that area, far as it is from both reality and deployable units.   
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: Chris_ on December 23, 2008, 11:34:58 AM
I'll go with three bongs.  Ol' husby lives in spitting distance of the Beltway, and there is certainly no shortage of weasely Democrat pukes who work for DOD in that area, far as it is from both reality and deployable units.   
So,  how come everyone isn't jumping on and yelling at him for being rich and not using that money for the poor and homeless instead of wasting it on selfish stuff like "expensive Cabernet?"

Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on December 23, 2008, 11:40:48 AM
So,  how come everyone isn't jumping on and yelling at him for being rich and not using that money for the poor and homeless instead of wasting it on selfish stuff like "expensive Cabernet?"

Pretension to sophistication (preferably expensive sophistication) appears to be a fundamental element of the DUmmie psyche, I don't recall them calling each other on that sort of thing very often. 
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: franksolich on March 08, 2012, 08:02:13 AM
"bump" for the ease of finding.

I must say the old dude's bouncy sounds better than other bouncies we've seen lately.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: JohnnyReb on March 08, 2012, 08:15:46 AM
Free for elections too.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: Karin on March 08, 2012, 08:44:49 AM
Filthy rich 1%-er, with his fine, $100 bottles of wine.  In the back room, where nobody else is allowed to go, such as the common man.  Hypocrites, all of them.  But that's nothing new. 

But, a bunch of liberal democrats getting together in deep-deep blue Maryland?  That's supposed to be a remarkable thing?  A jaw dropper?  No.  It was an opportunity for Stinky to brag about his sophisticated tastes in wines and the finer things in life.  And his ability to purchase them. 

Hey poseur!  That ashtray you keep in the living room belongs out in the garage.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on March 08, 2012, 08:56:38 AM
You should see the "political rallies" that break out when NCOs and officers discuss their current CinC.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: Doc Savage on March 08, 2012, 11:42:50 AM
Maryland you say?  He is a racist!!!!!  I know it.  I am accused of being one because I do not support Obama, he must be one because he did not vote for Michael Steele when he ran for Govenor.  He voted for the White Guy!  RACIST!
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: vesta111 on March 09, 2012, 08:56:34 AM
Maryland you say?  He is a racist!!!!!  I know it.  I am accused of being one because I do not support Obama, he must be one because he did not vote for Michael Steele when he ran for Govenor.  He voted for the White Guy!  RACIST!

For the love of Mike, whats with these people that meet strangers and in 5 minutes get to talking politics??? 

Never in my life have I ever given a damn about politics meeting someone new or even among my good friends.

Usually one meets a stranger and the talk is what their name is and where they come from, state or city.  Depending on the place one meets then conversation is about the place itself, grocery store prices or if in town the sights to see or perhaps find friends or family in common.

 The world is indeed a small place, why take the chance of arguing politics with a stranger for no darn reason when the next day you may find yourself facing that same stranger on a job interview, a new boss, or as a new family member at  family reunion. 

Civility must be maintained, unless you want to meet your sons betrothed and parents and find you had insulted them in the past., or they had jacked you up.

GET REAL, close friends and coworkers can SOMETIMES talk politics and religion, but there is the in your face strangers that are much like the street Evangelists that we tend to ignore, were they to get in our face we would have them arrested.

Worse scenario the person you jacked up is the head at the loan department at your local bank, your child's teacher, or someone in the medical office of your doctor, records do get lost you know.

Manners and deportment go a long way, running about starting arguments with strangers just comes back you in one way or the other.

Is it any wonder the LIBS if they do this cannot find a job, get welfare with out a long wait, or a doctors appointment easily ?    Say need work done on your car and you just insulted or demeaned the wife of the owner of the garage, expect a double bill for repairs.

Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: VivisMom on March 09, 2012, 09:41:12 AM
Maryland you say?  He is a racist!!!!!  I know it.  I am accused of being one because I do not support Obama, he must be one because he did not vote for Michael Steele when he ran for Govenor.  He voted for the White Guy!  RACIST!

Well duh he's a racist, he does live in Howard County. If he were truly egalitarian, he'd live in PG County.
Title: Re: Husb2Sparkly epic Liquor Store Bouncy
Post by: Doc Savage on March 09, 2012, 11:29:18 AM
I like St.Mary's CO my self.  Was stationed at NAS PAX River for 3 years.  Great place.