The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: BannedFromDU on December 19, 2008, 10:47:29 PM

Title: Question for lurking DUmmies about today's auto bailout
Post by: BannedFromDU on December 19, 2008, 10:47:29 PM
Lurking DUmmies,

You guys must have had five thousand posts about the absolute necessity of saving the Big Three. You railed against Southern senators. You said they were trying to break the unions. You said there would be a second Great Depression.  The bailout was the most necessary piece of legislation in history.

But today, George W. Bush singlehandedly bailed out GM and Chrysler. He saved the unions. He saved jobs. He stood up to the Southern senators.

He should be your hero.


Title: Re: Question for lurking DUmmies about today's auto bailout
Post by: BlueStateSaint on December 20, 2008, 04:30:53 AM
Lurking DUmmies,

You guys must have had five thousand posts about the absolute necessity of saving the Big Three. You railed against Southern senators. You said they were trying to break the unions. You said there would be a second Great Depression.  The bailout was the most necessary piece of legislation in history.

But today, George W. Bush singlehandedly bailed out GM and Chrysler. He saved the unions. He saved jobs. He stood up to the Southern senators.

He should be your hero.


H5 for the question!  I'm awaiting, say, the shark-eaten primitive (after all, he is the second-most decorated SEAL in history), or one of the condemned prisoner-lover primitives, to come over here and enlighten us.

I figure that I'll be waiting a looooooooonnnnggg time.
Title: Re: Question for lurking DUmmies about today's auto bailout
Post by: Chris_ on December 20, 2008, 11:07:38 AM
I think that the DUmmies with half a brain figured out that the 12B GWB provided is only enough to "kick the can down the road" and place the issue firmly in the middle of the messiah's plate next year.


Title: Re: Question for lurking DUmmies about today's auto bailout
Post by: Zeus on December 20, 2008, 11:16:07 AM
I think that the DUmmies with half a brain figured out that the 12B GWB provided is only enough to "kick the can down the road" and place the issue firmly in the middle of the messiah's plate next year.



I think the amt was just an opening amount.  No sense in giving them the full amt until they show they will at least attempt to comply with the unenforceable conditions they agreed too.
Title: Re: Question for lurking DUmmies about today's auto bailout
Post by: BannedFromDU on December 20, 2008, 12:29:42 PM
I think the amt was just an opening amount.  No sense in giving them the full amt until they show they will at least attempt to comply with the unenforceable conditions they agreed too.

     To a DUmmy, American automakers exist for exactly one reason: to provide high-paying jobs to union members who would otherwise be flipping burgers. That's it. That's all there is to it. It doesn't matter if the cars are any good, or if anyone wants to buy them. The entire purpose of the Big Three automakers, as far as a liberal is concerned, is to write paychecks to hourly workers in perpetuity. The unions have proven that they would rather have 100% of nothing than 90% of what they have now, too.

     The only reason the Big Three are headed for extinction is the greedy ****heads in the union halls, not the greedy bastards in the boardroom. If I hear one more liberal squawk about a $500,000 salary when GM is losing $2B a quarter, I'm going to lose it.

Title: Re: Question for lurking DUmmies about today's auto bailout
Post by: Carl on December 20, 2008, 12:56:56 PM
They think that every job should be a union one but they still will want their foreign made computers that are only a few hundred dollars to buy.

Hypocrits and idiots.
Title: Re: Question for lurking DUmmies about today's auto bailout
Post by: Zeus on December 20, 2008, 03:14:40 PM

     To a DUmmy, American automakers exist for exactly one reason: to provide high-paying jobs to union members who would otherwise be flipping burgers. That's it. That's all there is to it. It doesn't matter if the cars are any good, or if anyone wants to buy them. The entire purpose of the Big Three automakers, as far as a liberal is concerned, is to write paychecks to hourly workers in perpetuity. The unions have proven that they would rather have 100% of nothing than 90% of what they have now, too.

     The only reason the Big Three are headed for extinction is the greedy ****heads in the union halls, not the greedy bastards in the boardroom. If I hear one more liberal squawk about a $500,000 salary when GM is losing $2B a quarter, I'm going to lose it.

When I had just gotten out of the service there was a refinery where I lived on strike for higher wages. They were hiring folks for about 2.5 times less then the strikers were paid but still pretty damn good money for the time. I asked the guy what percentage of the 350 people they were hiring stood a chance of getting to stay on the job once the strike was over. he replied zero. I didn't take the job. I got a job installing telephone systems instead. Didn't pay as much but 2 months later when the strike ended I still had a job.