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Current Events => Archives => Politics => Election 2008 => Topic started by: asdf2231 on November 04, 2008, 02:07:04 PM

Title: Why Liberals F**king Suck.
Post by: asdf2231 on November 04, 2008, 02:07:04 PM
There were 2... TWO McCain/Palin signs on yards that I have seen here in our town. 

Most people like myself don't give a shit about yard signs but I guess these folks wanted to show all the Obama Yard Shrine Homeowners that they weren't running unopposed.

The day before Halloween somebody slapped Obama stickers over one of them.

Today between 11 and 1 someone totally trashed the other yard sign on our street.  My vote is for the seemingly unemployed old man with the BHO Yard Shrine across the street who stuck his flag up for the first time since 2004.

And then I'm listening to O'Reilly on the radio and some asshat moonbat gets on and says she's in Pennsylvania and urges all her fellow McCain supporters to bring their yard signs with them to the polls to "Show Their Support" because ALL she sees is OBAMA signs there.  :whatever:

Think about that last one.  Some asshole hung on for maybe two hours for the express pourpose of telling Republican voters to do something that would get them thrown out of the polls.

I usually do not hate the opposition.  I mean really hate them.  But the shit they are doing today to mess with Republican voters, trash other peoples 1st amendment rights and generally display their true colors is ****ing appalling.
Title: Re: Why Liberals F**king Suck.
Post by: jtyangel on November 04, 2008, 02:30:25 PM
Yeah, the childishness is on display here to a lessor extent. McCain signs thrown into the parking lot of businesses that have them in the grass while the Obama signs remain untouched. I don't care about their childishness since in a FAIR and ACCURATE race, conservatives win, but the intimidation shit...WHOEVER is in office even if it is benefitting them, need to put a slap down on this. The very ethics that we operate our country under are at stake. What I find chilling is that I find a very tiny tiny step for some of these 'children' from the games they know won't likely get them thrown in jail to actually taking th elife of someone they disagree with. All the most primitive of individuals need when they have no ethics is the right person to condone such crap to make it start to be a reality. Right now they are restrained by the consequences and we've seen what happens when consequences are disregarded how emboldened some people get with the illegal behavior.
Title: Re: Why Liberals F**king Suck.
Post by: Thor on November 04, 2008, 04:21:32 PM
We won't have to worry about any of this if the Obamassiah gets elected. There'll be no more Freedom of Speech, at least not as we know it today. Remember, he's an advocate of the Fairness Doctrine.........
Title: Re: Why Liberals F**king Suck.
Post by: Chris_ on November 04, 2008, 04:27:53 PM
We won't have to worry about any of this if the Obamassiah gets elected. There'll be no more Freedom of Speech, at least not as we know it today. Remember, he's an advocate of the Fairness Doctrine.........

That is the one thing that scares me more than anything, aside from what he might do to the 2nd amendment. 

1st/2nd amendments & the USSC are the defining issues of this election, and America will never be the same if the Messiah successfully cheats his way into winning.

I hate living in Savannah right now... considering how heavily Democratic it is, I'm getting more and more depressed, seeing all the signs and hearing all the horns honking in appreciation.  Time for the booze.  :(
Title: Re: Why Liberals F**king Suck.
Post by: PoliticalChick on November 04, 2008, 06:25:10 PM
The thing that gets me with liberals is that they are so uninformed.  All they watch and listen to is that left wing media.  They can't even give me a coherent argument why they think Sarah Palin is stupid.  When I give them evidence that refutes their point, they say either I got a lobotomy or I am evil.  It's the same thing over and over again.