The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: Wretched Excess on October 20, 2008, 08:35:07 AM

Title: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 20, 2008, 08:35:07 AM

it's easy to forget that if obama is elected, the unholy triumvirate of The BarackStar!, pelosi, and reid will be calling the shots.
they will probably only get around to stripping our first amendment rights from us after they have nationalized our healthcare,
disbanded the armed forces, confiscated my income, and corked my SUV.


SHOULD Barack Obama win the presidency and Democrats take full control of Congress, next year will see a real legislative attempt to bring back the Fairness Doctrine - and to diminish conservatives' influence on broadcast radio, the one medium they dominate.

Yes, the Obama campaign said some months back that the candidate doesn't seek to re-impose this regulation, which, until Ronald Reagan's FCC phased it out in the 1980s, required TV and radio broadcasters to give balanced airtime to opposing viewpoints or face steep fines or even loss of license. But most Democrats - including party elders Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and Al Gore - strongly support the idea of mandating "fairness."

Would a President Obama veto a new Fairness Doctrine if Congress enacted one? It's doubtful.

The Fairness Doctrine was an astonishingly bad idea. It's a too-tempting power for government to abuse. When the doctrine was in effect, both Democratic and Republican administrations regularly used it to harass critics on radio and TV.

Second, a new Fairness Doctrine would drive political talk radio off the dial. If a station ran a big-audience conservative program like, say, Laura Ingraham's, it would also have to run a left-leaning alternative. But liberals don't do well on talk radio, as the failure of Air America and indeed all other liberal efforts in the medium to date show. Stations would likely trim back conservative shows so as to avoid airing unsuccessful liberal ones.

Then there's all the lawyers you'd have to hire to respond to the regulators measuring how much time you devoted to this topic or that. Too much risk and hassle, many radio executives would conclude. Why not switch formats to something less charged - like entertainment or sports coverage?

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Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Splashdown on October 20, 2008, 08:45:01 AM
I predict an explosion of satellite radio customers.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 20, 2008, 08:47:51 AM
I predict an explosion of satellite radio customers.
1. That doesn't do much for the non-hardcore station surfers

or even me for that matter b/c I don't have the extra money to throw

2. The best defense is a good offense and we should sue the living shit out of every liberal program.

Imagine shutting down Mr Maddow and Ms Olbermann and Matthews. I bet the libs would reconsider it then.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 20, 2008, 08:53:15 AM

in fact, for a right-of-center country, we appear to be poised to elect the most fringe liberal government since . . . I dunno.  ever, perhaps.

it's a perfect storm;  an unbelievably appealing candidate, a bunch of local and state elections lost by very narrow margins in the past midterm elections, but enough to flip both houses of congress.  and something that looks like the great depression to people that have never read anything about the great depression.

I honestly don't think that the electorate is really wants what it is about to get, but it is on it's way.

Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 20, 2008, 09:08:21 AM
I honestly don't think that the electorate is really wants what it is about to get, but it is on it's way.
That's because we didn't fight hard enough. soon enough for the education system and now John Dewey got his wish.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on October 20, 2008, 09:10:19 AM
I'm not so sure they will still be so keen on the Fairness Doctrine after Obama uses a couple hundred million dollars to essentially jam the public airways over the next two weeks.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 20, 2008, 09:18:32 AM
I'm not so sure they will still be so keen on the Fairness Doctrine after Obama uses a couple hundred million dollars to essentially jam the public airways over the next two weeks.

ah, but that was a grass-roots movement!  that was the little guy paying for those monopolized airwaves in 2 and 3 dollar donations!  school children sent in their milk money!  single moms sent in their EITC!  widows saved up from their social security checks! 

you can't stop THAT!  THAT is different! 
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on October 20, 2008, 09:24:59 AM
ah, but that was a grass-roots movement!  that was the little guy paying for those monopolized airwaves in 2 and 3 dollar donations!  school children sent in their milk money!  single moms sent in their EITC!  widows saved up from their social security checks! 

you can't stop THAT!  THAT is different! 

Not to mention the many repetitive sub-disclosure contributions from the Gaza Strip, Tehran, Damascus, Nigeria, and China...
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 20, 2008, 09:33:18 AM
Not to mention the many repetitive sub-disclosure contributions from the Gaza Strip, Tehran, Damascus, Nigeria, and China...

not to mention such alien lands as StL county*, detroit, and cuyahoga county. :-)

*except for SLW's part :-)
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on October 20, 2008, 09:35:38 AM
Not to mention the many repetitive sub-disclosure contributions from the Gaza Strip, Tehran, Damascus, Nigeria, and China...
Well, they aren't American so naturally they're exempt from American law.

Obama: Bringing jobs home; outsourcing American political opinion.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: TheSarge on October 20, 2008, 10:09:46 AM
I predict an explosion of satellite radio customers.

It will end up affecting Satellite as well in the talk radio area.  Many folks like Hannity, Levin and a few others also broadcast over normal radio waves as well.

Remember at one point Sirius and XM were carrying Err Amerika.

They won't leave Satellite Radio out of the new Fairness Doctorine.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Chris_ on October 20, 2008, 10:15:42 AM
If BarackFather! wins, I'm already working on the programming necessary to apply PGP to my VOIP and Skype video conferencing applications. 

I'm forseeing a great disturbance in the force, and it looks like a room in Fort Huachuca packed beyond it's rated capacity with Echelon operators, most of whom are long haired, smelly FoBs (Friends of BarackFather!), rather than military types.

Should that be that case, I already know I say things electronically that would perhaps be "not in the best interests" of the BarackFather!'s administration, and need to take some measures to protect my family from da BarackFather!'s wrath.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: TheSarge on October 20, 2008, 10:24:40 AM
If BarackFather! wins, I'm already working on the programming necessary to apply PGP to my VOIP and Skype video conferencing applications. 

I'm forseeing a great disturbance in the force, and it looks like a room in Fort Huachuca packed beyond it's rated capacity with Echelon operators, most of whom are long haired, smelly FoBs (Friends of BarackFather!), rather than military types.

Should that be that case, I already know I say things electronically that would perhaps be "not in the best interests" of the BarackFather!'s administration, and need to take some measures to protect my family from da BarackFather!'s wrath.

Hey when you do that programming make sure you make a version for us mac users please.  :-)

Oh and I know someone at Huachuca in the PAO office if you want a job that puts you on the "inside"
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Chris_ on October 20, 2008, 10:32:33 AM
If/when I do, you can bet that  I'll pass out the code changes as liberally as I possibly can.  I'll leave to each of you to buy your own copies of PGP. 

I'll just about guarantee though, that if Da BarackFather! wins in November, I will have encryption keys distributed to everyone I communicate with by January, so that I can do so without da BarackFather!'s jackbooted minions (I didn't even know that Burkenstock made  jackboots) looking over my shoulder.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: thundley4 on October 20, 2008, 10:35:24 AM
This coming election is the reason I was against some things in the Patriot Act and associated rules about wire-tapping.  What happens when the Socialists take over?
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 20, 2008, 10:48:44 AM
This coming election is the reason I was against some things in the Patriot Act and associated rules about wire-tapping.  What happens when the Socialists take over?

um, it's all okay then, of course.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Chris_ on October 20, 2008, 11:03:59 AM
We'll all be happy to live in the Worker's paradise People's Republic of Amerika, doing our morning calesthenics in front of an all seeing image of Big Brotha on that 52" gubmint provided 2-way HDTV, drinking gubmint distilled Victory Gin every with our rations of gubmint provided boiled cabbage and potatoes for lunch and dinner every day, while we look forward with growing anticipation to the telecast confessions, show trials and celebratory public executions in the lead up to Hate Week, and then go back to our jobs of re-writing the English language to eliminate the divisive words, and re-writing the news stories to eradicate the subversive lies about Big Brotha within them.

What a glorious future to look forward, Comrades!  Oh, that I were 20 years younger, that I might live that much longer under the utopian, visionary leadership of Big Brotha.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Thor on October 20, 2008, 11:04:42 AM
I'm not so sure they will still be so keen on the Fairness Doctrine after Obama uses a couple hundred million dollars to essentially jam the public airways over the next two weeks.

North Texas is already being inundated by Obama ads on the majority of the cable channels here. Saturday, it was every other set of commercials that contained an Obama ad. Yesterday was almost as bad.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 20, 2008, 11:07:29 AM
North Texas is already being inundated by Obama ads on the majority of the cable channels here. Saturday, it was every other set of commercials that contained an Obama ad. Yesterday was almost as bad.

obama thinks he is going to take TX or OK? :???:
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Chris_ on October 20, 2008, 11:11:56 AM
I'm about ready to set off an EMP just to get the damned Obama ads here in Colorado to shut the **** UP!  :hammer: :hammer:  About the only guy I feel for more than myself in this predicament is my neighbor, the Conservative talk show host/ program director for the local talk radio station.  He can't turn the damned things off, and has to accept the ads, no matter how bullshit they are.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on October 20, 2008, 11:22:01 AM
I'm about ready to set off an EMP just to get the damned Obama ads here in Colorado to shut the **** UP!  :hammer: :hammer: 

Same here in MO.  It has gone past saturation advertising into the advertising equivalent of a Denial of Service attack.  I really have to wonder how much more effect it can possibly have at this point, but if it is as much of a waste of Obama's warchest as it seems like to my ears, I guess that's all to the good.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 20, 2008, 11:47:24 AM
I'm about ready to set off an EMP just to get the damned Obama ads here in Colorado to shut the **** UP!  :hammer: :hammer:  About the only guy I feel for more than myself in this predicament is my neighbor, the Conservative talk show host/ program director for the local talk radio station.  He can't turn the damned things off, and has to accept the ads, no matter how bullshit they are.

I know exactly how you feel.  during the run up to the SC primary, BHO was in my TV so much I thought he was living in my den.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: Wretched Excess on October 20, 2008, 11:49:34 AM
Same here in MO.  It has gone past saturation advertising into the advertising equivalent of a Denial of Service attack.  I really have to wonder how much more effect it can possibly have at this point, but if it is as much of a waste of Obama's warchest as it seems like to my ears, I guess that's all to the good.

you know, there was a point during the primaries when people theorized that he couldn't close the deal because of "obama fatigue";  he was literally all over the place, all of the time.  I wonder if he is hitting the precipitation point again.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Chris_ on October 20, 2008, 12:01:31 PM
At our house, we get our TV through the Dish Network.  Them ****ers have an entire channel set up (Channel 73 here in the Denver area) for a 24/7 propaganda 'cast of Barack's "Plan for America".  I haven't been masochistic enough to turn to it yet - I get enough "all 'Bama, all the damned time" with the saturation ads he's running.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: md11hydmec on October 20, 2008, 04:13:28 PM
This coming election is the reason I was against some things in the Patriot Act and associated rules about wire-tapping.  What happens when the Socialists take over?
Dear leader will make sure we're "persuaded" to fall in line.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: Crazy Horse on October 20, 2008, 04:16:42 PM
This coming election is the reason I was against some things in the Patriot Act and associated rules about wire-tapping.  What happens when the Socialists take over?

The same thing they've always's just gonna be legal now
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on October 20, 2008, 04:29:27 PM
We'll all be happy to live in the Worker's paradise People's Republic of Amerika, doing our morning calesthenics in front of an all seeing image of Big Brotha on that 52" gubmint provided 2-way HDTV, drinking gubmint distilled Victory Gin every with our rations of gubmint provided boiled cabbage and potatoes for lunch and dinner every day, while we look forward with growing anticipation to the telecast confessions, show trials and celebratory public executions in the lead up to Hate Week, and then go back to our jobs of re-writing the English language to eliminate the divisive words, and re-writing the news stories to eradicate the subversive lies about Big Brotha within them.

What a glorious future to look forward, Comrades!  Oh, that I were 20 years younger, that I might live that much longer under the utopian, visionary leadership of Big Brotha.

Comrade DefiantSix, let me join you in this salute and welcome to our wonderful new Socialist overlords, whom I for one find entirely altruistic and admirable!


Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Airwolf on October 20, 2008, 07:20:44 PM
Same here in MO.  It has gone past saturation advertising into the advertising equivalent of a Denial of Service attack.  I really have to wonder how much more effect it can possibly have at this point, but if it is as much of a waste of Obama's warchest as it seems like to my ears, I guess that's all to the good.

You also have to wonder that wit hso many ads is Barry really that appealing to the American voter after all that we know about him that he has to do this?
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Hawkgirl on October 20, 2008, 09:32:17 PM
It will start with conservative talk radio...then
conservative websites (like this one) initiate internet patrol...then
FOX news will get sued and Murdoch will be in jail for tax evasion...then...

well you get the gist...WE'RE SCREWED IF NoBAMA is elected. :censored:

Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: TheSarge on October 20, 2008, 10:19:34 PM
It will start with conservative talk radio...then
conservative websites (like this one) initiate internet patrol...then
FOX news will get sued and Murdoch will be in jail for tax evasion...then...

well you get the gist...WE'RE SCREWED IF NoBAMA is elected. :censored:

All we have to do is look to Canada and see what was done to Mark Steyn and Hollinger Black to know what's in store for us if Obama gets elected.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Airwolf on October 20, 2008, 11:09:01 PM
This Country needs an enema!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(With thanks to Jack Nicholson).
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Atomic Lib Smasher on October 21, 2008, 08:06:28 AM
North Texas is already being inundated by Obama ads on the majority of the cable channels here. Saturday, it was every other set of commercials that contained an Obama ad. Yesterday was almost as bad.

It's that same way here in friggin' Illinois too!!! But that makes me think, if Obama has to run commercials every few minutes on network TV here, then the Land of Lincoln isn't really such a shoe-in, is it? Could be.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: TheSarge on October 21, 2008, 10:22:55 AM
It's that same way here in friggin' Illinois too!!! But that makes me think, if Obama has to run commercials every few minutes on network TV here, then the Land of Lincoln isn't really such a shoe-in, is it? Could be.

He was running ads on every commercial break during the football games this weekend on Fox AND on CBS.

Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Hawkgirl on October 21, 2008, 10:51:34 AM
Doesn't he know there is a danger in over-exposure?  Americans get sick of people fast when they're being thrust down our throats... :evillaugh:

 Fox had Rasmussen do a poll on who americans think is ready to lead from the start...all 5 major swing states had McCain winning by a lot of points, not even close.   In the end, I believe americans will vote for that such person.  If one can't guard our safety, everything else doesn't even matter.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrin
Post by: thundley4 on October 21, 2008, 11:02:16 AM
Doesn't he know there is a danger in over-exposure?  Americans get sick of people fast when they're being thrust down our throats... :evillaugh:

 Fox had Rasmussen do a poll on who americans think is ready to lead from the start...all 5 major swing states had McCain winning by a lot of points, not even close.   In the end, I believe americans will vote for that such person.  If one can't guard our safety, everything else doesn't even matter.

I think that is why I have been conservative for so long.  The left wants to cut the military every chance they get.  :banghead:
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: TheSarge on October 21, 2008, 11:07:53 AM
Doesn't he know there is a danger in over-exposure?  Americans get sick of people fast when they're being thrust down our throats... :evillaugh:

 Fox had Rasmussen do a poll on who americans think is ready to lead from the start...all 5 major swing states had McCain winning by a lot of points, not even close.   In the end, I believe americans will vote for that such person.  If one can't guard our safety, everything else doesn't even matter.

I think he's buying up all this ad time to try and prevent McCain from running any ads of his own.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: docstew on October 21, 2008, 03:33:17 PM
I think he's buying up all this ad time to try and prevent McCain from running any ads of his own.

i know there is a percentage who won't realize it, but doesn't he know that some will realize that he is CENSORING POLITICAL SPEECH through his actions?
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: TheSarge on October 21, 2008, 03:35:07 PM
i know there is a percentage who won't realize it, but doesn't he know that some will realize that he is CENSORING POLITICAL SPEECH through his actions?

He knows it...but IMHO he doesn't care.
Title: Re: Dem Get Set to Muzzle the Right (obama win = passage of the fairness doctrine)
Post by: Chris_ on October 21, 2008, 04:39:07 PM
He knows it...but IMHO he doesn't care.

Oh no.  He CARES.  It's just his intended effect, not an unintended consequence.

"Ideas are much more dangerous than guns.  We don't allow the people to have guns; why would we allow them to have ideas?"
--Josef V. Stalin