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Current Events => Politics => Topic started by: Zeus on September 25, 2008, 11:50:15 AM

Title: Corrupted science revealed
Post by: Zeus on September 25, 2008, 11:50:15 AM
September 24, 2008
Corrupted science revealed
Jerome J. Schmitt (

Outsiders familiar with the proper workings of science have long known that modern Climate Science is dysfunctional. Now a prominent insider, MIT Meteorology Professor Richard S. Lindzen, confirms how Al Gore and his minions used Stalinist tactics to subvert, suborn and corrupt a whole branch of science, citing chapter and verse in his report entitled  "Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions?"  His answer:  A resounding "NO!"

Detailing the corruption, he names a series of names.  Until reading this I did not know that

"For example, the primary spokesman for the American Meteorological Society in Washington is Anthony Socci who is neither an elected official of the AMS nor a contributor to climate science. Rather, he is a former staffer for Al Gore." Page 5

Although a bit lengthy, this very important report is highly readable and revealing.  While some of the paragraphs are a bit technical, I encourage AT readers to wade through them because their purpose is to provide specific examples of how a radical cabal is forcing scientists to ignore or amend measurements that undermine the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming. Scientists are literally forced to include sentences in their papers that indicate their support of AGW, even if these sentences are non-sequiturs, or even if they conflict with the overall thrust of the paper. In this way, Al Gore's uneducated political commissars are able to deliver the "consensus" he so craves.

How is this possible you might ask?  Prof. Lindzen gives considerable background history.

However, having been an undergraduate and graduate student in the hard sciences, and later a research collaborator with dozens of industrial scientists and university professors, perhaps I can shed some further light. Today's scientists get to the top of their field by extreme dedication to their specialty involving inordinate focus and concentration that cannot tolerate distractions. The best scientists are constantly "at home" at their lab bench, with their instruments, analyzing data, teaching a few promising students and preparing publications.  Most scientists interact intensively only with other specialists in allied fields ("geeks"). 

Many scientists are naturalized citizens from Asia and Eastern Europe, unfamiliar and intimidated by American politics and government, to which they are dependent upon for visas and grant support.  Although all stereotypes are unfair to individuals, there is some truth to the one of the shy, retiring, absent-minded professor.  His or her absent-mindedness is most likely due to intense cogitation on a difficult scientific problem.  Their dealings with one another are only possible by maintaining extreme standards of honesty, integrity and open-mindedness to scholarly debate in search of the truth. The very qualities that make them good scientists and scholars thus leave them ill-equipped to deal with the raucous, underhanded, disrespectful, politically-motivated radicals unleashed upon them by Al Gore and his fifth column for a "hostile takeover" of their scientific institutions.

I naively thought that the National Academy of Sciences could impose some quality-control on an errant discipline.   Prof. Lindzen notes that event this august body has been penetrated by eco-activists by exploiting loopholes in its nominating procedures. 

Fortunately, in science "truth will out".  The long term faith of the American public in science, a trust built up since WWI is at stake. Next it will be important to see whether a prominent scientific journal publishes this revelation
Title: Re: Corrupted science revealed
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on September 25, 2008, 12:41:12 PM
Fortunately, in science "truth will out".

Unfortunately, on the other hand, this process occasionally takes up to 300 years.
Title: Re: Corrupted science revealed
Post by: franksolich on September 25, 2008, 12:49:03 PM
Much of the corruption in science comes from federal and state subsidizing of science.

There's a lot of money involved.

And everybody wants some, if not all, of it.

We need to get science out of government, and let it stand alone.

When I worked at the Nebraska Department of Health, one of my favorite coffee-break friends was a physician, originally a DFL from Minnesota, and ultra-liberal.

However, he disagreed with this notion of using taxpayer money for "research," pointing out that nothing new has ever come out of governmental grants for medical research.  Nothing new at all; all discoveries were by chance or accident, outside of the governmental arena.

On the other hand, this physician was very much in favor of using taxpayer money for "prevention" after something new has been discovered--such as the mass innoculations of people for polio during the 1950s.

He also said (this was during the late 1980s) that Dr. Robert Gallo, the head of some overlarge federal agency for medical research, was the primary cause no cure for AIDS had ever been found.  An ego thing; if one wasn't looking at the situation the same way he was, one was ostracized and excluded.

It's time to get government out of science.
Title: Re: Corrupted science revealed
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on September 25, 2008, 12:59:39 PM
A lot of truth to that Frank; best summed up by a not-for-attribution quote from a scientist that I recall reading somewhere:  "If the Government puts up $500 million to study global warming, you can be assured the science community will find plenty of global warming to study."