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Current Events => Archives => Politics => Election 2008 => Topic started by: Wretched Excess on September 23, 2008, 09:31:28 AM

Title: Obama: Bailout likely to delay spending programs (not what he said two days ago)
Post by: Wretched Excess on September 23, 2008, 09:31:28 AM

first of all, his tax plan has never been able to pay for his domestic agenda.  second of all, his health care plan is NOT paid for.
but the dishonesty here is striking.  he's suddenly toning down all of the remedies for the country that he has been peddling
for two years as the only means available to us to save ourselves from economic ruin?

he's backing away from his budget busting domestic plans for strictly political reasons.  but it's a crock.  I have NEVER known
a liberal to truly give up on their utopian dreams. 

Obama: Bailout likely to delay spending programs

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says he probably would have to delay the spending programs he has called for during his campaign in light of the massive government bailout being proposed for the nation's financial industry.

The Bush administration and Congress on Tuesday were discussing the details of a $700 billion financial rescue plan. Obama said the problem should be dealt with as a short-term crisis with bipartisan action and then as a long-term structural issue.

"Although we are potentially providing $700 billion in available money to the Treasury, we don't anticipate that all that money gets spent right away and we don't anticipate that all that money is lost. How we're going to structure that in budget terms still has to be decided," Obama told NBC's "Today" show in an interview aired Tuesday.

"Does that mean I can do everything that I've called for in this campaign right away? Probably not," he said. "I think we're going to have to phase it in."

The Illinois senator has proposed ambitious and expensive initiatives aimed at health care, education, infrastructure, alternative energy and other concerns. He didn't say what proposals might be delayed first, adding that tax revenues would play a role in any budget decisions.

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 . . . meaning that he is admitting that his implausible promise of not raising taxes on anyone making more that $250K has been a lie
all along.  it is officially open season on the middle class.  remember when The MichelleStar! said that barack was going to "make us
work"?  well, here it comes.

But Sunday on CNBC, he said,

On Sunday, in an interview with CNBC’s John Harwood, Obama had suggested he would not have to make changes in his spending plans.

“My health care plan is paid for,” Obama said. “And I continue to believe that rolling back the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans makes sense. They are still going to be wealthy after those are rolled back. I still believe that it is important for us to make college more affordable. And I think it's important that all those things are paid for in light of this huge additional potential expense.”

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here is the wind up:  he realized since sunday that in light of the financial problems in the markets that he had better change his
story about nationalizing health care and higher education.  I have acquired the ability to spot it when The BarackStar! is "mutating"
his position on something, and he is doing it now.  this second excerpt is a midway point to someplace else, we just don't know where
that is yet.