The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Breaking News => Topic started by: SilverOrchid on January 24, 2008, 09:03:30 AM

Title: Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prophet
Post by: SilverOrchid on January 24, 2008, 09:03:30 AM
Christian warriors to eat 'Muhammad'

Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prophet

Posted: January 24, 2008
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Joe Kovacs
© 2008

This cookie with a depiction of the Muslim prophet Muhammad will be eaten on 'Flamethrower,' a new political program on Faith TV

A new, cutting-edge, political TV show will challenge Islam with biting humor tomorrow night, placing the face of the prophet Muhammad onto a cookie and then having it eaten on camera.

"We're going to take a stand and say Muhammad's face is delicious," said Molotov Mitchell, the 28-year-old incendiary creator and host of "Flamethrower," a program described as a low-budget, gritty cross between the "The Daily Show," "The Colbert Report," and "The View" if Ann Coulter were the producer. "This is religious and culinary history in the making."

The theme of this week's episode is "All Things Islam," as panelists take on the faith of Muslims in a no-holds-barred fashion.

"Islam is not even a religion," Mitchell told WND from a location somewhere in Eastern North Carolina. "It's an ideology of 'might makes right' disguised as a religion. We're going to show that Allah was with us when we baked this cookie and ate it. Deal with it!"

Mitchell and his fellow panelists – all of whom are Christians in their 20s and whom he calls the next generation of conservatism – are trying to make the point that America is still a free country, and there's no need to cower in fear from Islamo-fascism. He laments the frequency of Islamic suicide bombings, giving a new twist to a famous line from "It's a Wonderful Life," by stating, "Every time a bell rings, a Muhammad gets his wives."

In recent years, European cartoons featuring Muhammad have caused a tidal wave of violent protests and death threats, as Islamic tradition bans depictions of the prophet.

Picture of the prophet cookie and video goodness at link.

Stupid or funny as hell. You decide.

Title: Re: Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prophet
Post by: Lord Undies on January 24, 2008, 09:41:13 AM
A few things have become taboo over the years -

-Using the democr*t party's slang for 'negro'

-Praising Christianity

-Telling the truth about radical homosexuals

-Slamming the cult of islam

I understand and agree with one of these taboos.  I will fight to my death trying to popularize the other three.
Title: Re: Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prophet
Post by: The Night Owl on January 24, 2008, 11:06:17 AM
Picture of the prophet cookie and video goodness at link.

Stupid or funny as hell. You decide.

Can I pick stupid and funny?

Seriously, though... Whoever is responsible for that Muhammad cookie is asking for trouble from Islamic hotheads.

I am reminded of Swedish artist Lars Vilks who is known for works such as his depiction of Muhammad as a dog and Jesus Christ as a child molester. Vilks was forced into hiding for fear of death threats he has been receiving in response to his work. And guess what... He isn't hiding from Christians, that is for damn sure.
Title: Re: Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prop
Post by: RedTail on January 24, 2008, 03:46:24 PM
Christianity - -the Fat kid on the edge of the playground no one is afraid to push. He'll tell the teacher, cry, pout, and that's about it.

Islam-- that scary kid who smells like pee. He bites other kids and eats paste.

Title: Re: Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prop
Post by: Uhhuh35 on January 24, 2008, 06:25:11 PM
I think a better likeness of the Prophet Mohamed would be made a few days after the cookie is eaten no?

Just askin'.  ::)
Title: Re: Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prophet
Post by: VelvetElvis on January 24, 2008, 07:29:20 PM
I think that instead of a cookie, a urinal cake might be a more appropriate medium.
Title: Re: Political TV hosts fed up with PC Islam will devour cookie with face of prop
Post by: Rebel on January 25, 2008, 09:10:30 AM