The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: CC27 on March 11, 2024, 07:52:24 AM

Title: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: CC27 on March 11, 2024, 07:52:24 AM
Siwsan (26,106 posts)


Lovie777 (11,792 posts)
1. K & R.......................

my father-in-law is a Marine Vet who served in the Vietnam war and he feels the same way.

shithole saying that Russia's military is stronger and better than the USA was indeed a slap in the face to all the service women and men across the USA, past, present and future.

KS Toronado (16,573 posts)
2. "Russia's military is stronger and better than the USA "

WOW, when did he say that? Sounds like a good one for billboards.


Grasping at straws again DUmmie?
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Old n Grumpy on March 11, 2024, 08:36:04 AM
Since the progressives and liberals have turned the military into a social experiment with gays, Transvestites, transgendered and attitude of being kinder and gentler along with DEI does not for a good military make.
Plus, our leaders have forgotten how to win a war, the rules of engagement should be simple. Kill them all and come home.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: SVPete on March 11, 2024, 08:44:46 AM
When did Bill Clinton call veterans "suckers and losers", in public at least? :rimshot:

1. Trump was 4F for a reason that would have made him incapable of the long marches an army does. Deal with it.

2. The "suckers and losers" faux-quote is from the fauxny story that Trump didn't want to visit a WW1 cemetery near Paris supposedly because the rain would mess up his hair and he didn't care to honor the fallen US soldiers. Every person who was with Trump around the time the decision not to visit the cemetery was discussed and made denied Trump said anything disrespectful of the fallen soldiers. Further, the reason the cemetery visit was not made was because the rain had made Paris traffic a nightmare. Further from further, Trump and his entourage visited a different WW1 US cemetery a day or two later (when it was not raining) via helicopter. The Dems are recycling a totally debunked story from the 2020 campaign, knowing few voters will remember that multiple witnesses called out its falsehood.

3. I'll point out up front that I did not serve in the military and may be wrong, but the usage "4th Division" seems off to me. The 4th Infantry Division did serve in Vietnam, but in the Army usage of the time would a 4th ID soldier of that time say, "4th Division" or "4th Infantry Division"?

Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: USA4ME on March 11, 2024, 09:09:26 AM
I would never thank Dick Schultz for his service. He isn’t worthy.

Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: DefiantSix on March 11, 2024, 09:24:11 AM
I would never thank Dick Schultz for his service. He isn’t worthy.


I would probably thank Duck Dodgers or Dwight Shultz for their service first.

Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Airwolf on March 11, 2024, 10:24:20 PM
When did Bill Clinton call veterans "suckers and losers", in public at least? :rimshot:

1. Trump was 4F for a reason that would have made him incapable of the long marches an army does. Deal with it.

2. The "suckers and losers" faux-quote is from the fauxny story that Trump didn't want to visit a WW1 cemetery near Paris supposedly because the rain would mess up his hair and he didn't care to honor the fallen US soldiers. Every person who was with Trump around the time the decision not to visit the cemetery was discussed and made denied Trump said anything disrespectful of the fallen soldiers. Further, the reason the cemetery visit was not made was because the rain had made Paris traffic a nightmare. Further from further, Trump and his entourage visited a different WW1 US cemetery a day or two later (when it was not raining) via helicopter. The Dems are recycling a totally debunked story from the 2020 campaign, knowing few voters will remember that multiple witnesses called out its falsehood.

3. I'll point out up front that I did not serve in the military and may be wrong, but the usage "4th Division" seems off to me. The 4th Infantry Division did serve in Vietnam, but in the Army usage of the time would a 4th ID soldier of that time say, "4th Division" or "4th Infantry Division"?

Everyone I know that served in the Army would say "3rd Infantry Division or 3rd ID or the 101st Airborne Air Assault Division or the 101st Infantry Division for example. Also Biden has let our troops down while in office. He let 13 Marines die while he bungled the withdrawal from Afghanistan and how many of our service men died while he sat on his ass while the Houthi rebels attacked us? I don't rememebr Obama or Biden serving in the Military. Which branch did they serve in again? You Dumpmonkies can **** off and die by the truck load. Bitches.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: SVPete on March 12, 2024, 08:53:47 AM
Everyone I know that served in the Army would say "3rd Infantry Division or 3rd ID or the 101st Airborne Air Assault Division or the 101st Infantry Division for example. Also Biden has let our troops down while in office. He let 13 Marines die while he bungled the withdrawal from Afghanistan and how many of our service men died while he sat on his ass while the Houthi rebels attacked us? I don't rememebr Obama or Biden serving in the Military. Which branch did they serve in again? You Dumpmonkies can **** off and die by the truck load. Bitches.


WRT what I highlighted, from,_law_school,_and_early_career_(1966%E2%80%931973) :

Biden had not openly supported or opposed the Vietnam War until he ran for Senate and opposed Richard Nixon's conduct of the war.[45] While studying at the University of Delaware and Syracuse University, Biden obtained five student draft deferments at a time when most draftees were sent to the war. Based on a physical examination, he was given a conditional medical deferment in 1968; in 2008, a spokesperson for Biden said his having had "asthma as a teenager" was the reason for the deferment.[46]

Trump was 4F due to a heel bone spur that would have made long marches difficult or not possible. Biden had asthma, which would have made him non-functional at random times. My Dad was 4F during WW2 because of narcolepsy (and another, not visible, medical condition), which meant he fell asleep or became semi-conscious at random times, not good for staying alert whether in combat or back of the lines duties. They all looked healthy (my Dad had to be reconsidered by the local draft board a couple of times, because other locals complained that he looked healthy) but were 4F. My Dad aside, it's so Prog for DU-folk to question Trump's X-ray diagnosis while totally believing - if they are aware of it - Biden's asthma diagnosis.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Airwolf on March 12, 2024, 12:59:43 PM
I would never thank Dick Schultz for his service. He isn’t worthy.

He might have been in the war but he didn't mention what he did. Might as well have been a line cook in some rear echelon unit serving doughnuts to the officers.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Old n Grumpy on March 12, 2024, 01:10:44 PM
And Jimmy, peanut Farmer Carter, granted amnesty to all the draft Dodgers. He should be ashamed of himself for that. :???: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: DefiantSix on March 12, 2024, 01:19:45 PM
He might have been in the war but he didn't mention what he did. Might as well have been a line cook in some rear echelon unit serving doughnuts to the officers.

$5 says he was a clerk/typist with a secondary MOS as a movie projector operator in a motor pool company. Same as Ward Churchill.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Ptarmigan on March 12, 2024, 08:33:09 PM

WRT what I highlighted, from,_law_school,_and_early_career_(1966%E2%80%931973) :

Trump was 4F due to a heel bone spur that would have made long marches difficult or not possible. Biden had asthma, which would have made him non-functional at random times. My Dad was 4F during WW2 because of narcolepsy (and another, not visible, medical condition), which meant he fell asleep or became semi-conscious at random times, not good for staying alert whether in combat or back of the lines duties. They all looked healthy (my Dad had to be reconsidered by the local draft board a couple of times, because other locals complained that he looked healthy) but were 4F. My Dad aside, it's so Prog for DU-folk to question Trump's X-ray diagnosis while totally believing - if they are aware of it - Biden's asthma diagnosis.

Joe Biden is one of the big warmongers.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Rebel on March 12, 2024, 10:59:24 PM
Dear DUmbasses,

STOP TRYING TO ACT LIKE YOU'RE FRIENDS OF SERVICEMEMBERS. We KNOW what kind of damn disaster your pResident in chief has been. He made the Afghanistan withdrawal a ****ing disaster. Who in the absolute **** would think it would be a good idea to leave Bagram, a SERIOUSLY hardened AO, and move to DOWNTOWN KABUL? ALL generals involved should be busted down to private, chaptered, and receive no pension. Trump is the only one in decades to start no new wars. That's why they hate him because ALL of them in the establishment are made millionaires by what Eisenhower warned us about. In the past, you always bitched about the "MIC". You're right, it exists. .....and your party has become the benefactor.

You are NOT the friend of military personnel. Kindly go **** yourselves.

Signed, A US Army Veteran, 1992-2001
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Old n Grumpy on March 13, 2024, 09:20:55 AM
Joe Biden is one of the big warmongers.

And his son is a big whoremonger who got kicked out of the Navy for being a drug addict.

Politicians are wonderful for sending other peoples sons to fight and die in a war when they and none of their family have ever served!
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: SVPete on March 13, 2024, 09:48:55 AM
Politicians are wonderful for sending other peoples sons to fight and die in a war when they and none of their family have ever served!

The most recent Dem POTUS to have served in the military was Carter; Trump was the first R who had not served in the military (or National Guard) since Hoover (who was a Quaker that worked with aid agencies during and after WW1).
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Airwolf on March 13, 2024, 12:46:44 PM
Dear DUmbasses,

STOP TRYING TO ACT LIKE YOU'RE FRIENDS OF SERVICEMEMBERS. We KNOW what kind of damn disaster your pResident in chief has been. He made the Afghanistan withdrawal a ****ing disaster. Who in the absolute **** would think it would be a good idea to leave Bagram, a SERIOUSLY hardened AO, and move to DOWNTOWN KABUL? ALL generals involved should be busted down to private, chaptered, and receive no pension. Trump is the only one in decades to start no new wars. That's why they hate him because ALL of them in the establishment are made millionaires by what Eisenhower warned us about. In the past, you always bitched about the "MIC". You're right, it exists. .....and your party has become the benefactor.

You are NOT the friend of military personnel. Kindly go **** yourselves.

Signed, A US Army Veteran, 1992-2001

I was a kid who watched the mess that was the Vietnam war. It was the Left that protested the war and those who were in the services at the time. When the service members came home they protested them and spat at them and called them names. They refused to hire Vets after they came home. When one of the Left in  the name of Tom Harkin came back here to Iowa after serving as a pilot in the Navy the first thing he did when he ran for Congress was lie about his service record. He said he flew missions over Vietnam and he was nowhere near the place. In fact he left the Navy with barely one service ribbon from a picture I have seen of him after he left. He continued to go on to serve as a Congressman and later a Senator from Iowa and run for President. Not one was he interested in helping other Vets and in Fact he was responsible for almost getting my brother kicked out of the Naval Academy over a lie he told the Navy that my brother was in uniform supporting his rival for Congress back when he first ran for office.

Tom Harkin alsio went with John Kerry on overseas trips to visit Danial Ortega in Nicauaga to go behind the back of the Regan and enter into talks with him. And as this was going on The Left was gutting the Defense busgets all over the place.  They have continued to do that to this day. The left has never supported the Military and are not likely to do so in the future. Spongebrain  Shitmypants and those like him can roast in the deepest parts of Hell.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Airwolf on March 13, 2024, 12:49:19 PM
And his son is a big whoremonger who got kicked out of the Navy for being a drug addict.

Politicians are wonderful for sending other peoples sons to fight and die in a war when they and none of their family have ever served!

His son couldn't stay in the Navy for more then one month even after his old man talked the Navy into letting him in and he got a job as some kind of public affairs officer. He couldn't stay away from the drugs long enough to at least earn something.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: SVPete on March 13, 2024, 02:59:00 PM
 :Hi5: earned and issued!

There are Vietnam War era vets on DU. There probably are as many or more on DU whose successful anti-Vietnam-War protests made Vietnam a Hell-hole from which people fled in the late 70s and into the 80s. I wonder how many on DU went to airports and bus stations just to heckle and spit on US military Vietnam returnees (may those DU-members choke on their pho!).

I've worked with several who escaped from Vietnam, and one of the charity running/walking events I've done several times is organized by the San Jose Vietnam Running Club.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Airwolf on March 13, 2024, 04:00:39 PM
:Hi5: earned and issued!

There are Vietnam War era vets on DU. There probably are as many or more on DU whose successful anti-Vietnam-War protests made Vietnam a Hell-hole from which people fled in the late 70s and into the 80s. I wonder how many on DU went to airports and bus stations just to heckle and spit on US military Vietnam returnees (may those DU-members choke on their pho!).

I've worked with several who escaped from Vietnam, and one of the charity running/walking events I've done several times is organized by the San Jose Vietnam Running Club.
Besides how vets were treated during the Vietnam war, my family has/had a lot of us in the military until most recent times after Desert Storm when the retirements had started. I joined because of Jimmy the Potato Caters economy made it hard for a young kid out of school in a small town do much of anything but sack groceries or mow lawns. In fact if was Carter that stated this country on the path we are on now with having to deal with Iran and their proxies and most of the rest of the I hate America crowd. He showed the world weakness when we should have been bombing the Hell out of Tehran. When i was in Basic in the summer of 1980 that was a very real possiblity because Regan was the President and Iran was starting to use terror as a weapon on us and others.
Title: Re: A powerful message found on Face Book, this morning
Post by: Old n Grumpy on March 13, 2024, 05:25:24 PM
The most recent Dem POTUS to have served in the military was Carter;

Even though he was a fellow submariner, I still can’t forgive him for granting amnesty to the Vietnam era draft Dodgers.