The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Splashdown on September 06, 2008, 08:36:33 PM

Title: Georgia "old woman" Bouncy
Post by: Splashdown on September 06, 2008, 08:36:33 PM
Mrs. McCain must've given them the idea...

Top Cat (570 posts)       Sat Sep-06-08 08:05 PM
Original message
I just spoke with a white female who is 78 years old in Atlanta
 Advertisements [?]She stated that she would not vote for McCain for an reason, and she feels that Gov. Palin being in office as Governor for a short time is scary if McCain was to win.

I did not realize until she told me that she was white and from the deep south that she felt Barack is our best chance at hope. The economy is what she is most interested in. She also said that they say Barack will help the blacks but you know he is also half white is what she said to me. I am totally amazed

Link (

Old white women.
Title: Re: Georgia "old woman" Bouncy
Post by: Chris_ on September 06, 2008, 09:16:51 PM
The bouncies just get lamer and lamer.
Title: Re: Georgia "old woman" Bouncy
Post by: franksolich on September 06, 2008, 09:36:17 PM
There's a lot of Sigmund Freud in this, and I'm talking about the cat-in-the-hat primitive, not the ostensible old lady down there in Georgia:

.....She also said that they say Barack will help the blacks but you know he is also half white is what she said to me.

Exactly how does the primitive mind-set work?

One is black = one favors blacks over whites
One is half and half = one has a middle-of-the-road attitude
One is white = one favors whites over blacks

I think I'm on the right track to understanding the primitive mind, but man, I've got a long ways to go yet.
Title: Re: Georgia "old woman" Bouncy
Post by: Crazy Horse on September 06, 2008, 09:42:51 PM
That sure doesn't sound like a typical white woman like his grandma
Title: Re: Georgia "old woman" Bouncy
Post by: Lord Undies on September 06, 2008, 09:47:19 PM
I took my chances and called information in Atlanta.  I asked for the number of Myrtle Smith.  There were two Myrtle Smiths in the Atlanta area.  I ask for the first number.  It turned out Myrtle is an 82-year-old retired History teacher.  She said she is voting for John McCain because she has despised democrats her whole life.  Also, she thinks that cute gal is sump'n else!