The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: pjcomix on November 05, 2022, 01:08:07 PM

Title: VIDEO: Tokyo Rose Proves ABSURDITY of 2022 Censorship
Post by: pjcomix on November 05, 2022, 01:08:07 PM
American sailors, marines, and soldiers during WWII in the Pacific Theater listened to Tokyo Rose all they wanted WITHOUT interference from the government. In fact, Tokyo Rose broadcasts were frequently piped in over the shipboard radios. Meanwhile in the European theater American and allied military personnel were allowed to listen to both Axis Sally and Lord Haw-Haw WITHOUT interference from government censors.

Contrast that to the situation in 2022 when, despite not even being at war with Russia, Social Media (at the urging of the government) is actively censoring not only RT and Sputnik but a whole host of other sources that the government has labeled as "misinformation." Yes, the  American government had enough respect for the INTELLIGENCE of its own people to allow them to listen to Axis broadcasters during WWII yet ABSURDLY in 2022 the government thinks the public is too idiotic to be allowed to listen to or watch broadcasts of which the censors do not approve. (