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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: dutch508 on September 03, 2021, 09:00:25 AM

Title: Is the Supreme Court an arm of the Republican Party?
Post by: dutch508 on September 03, 2021, 09:00:25 AM
Star Member kentuck (102,927 posts)

Is the Supreme Court an arm of the Republican Party?

From yesterday's ruling, it is rather obvious that they did not examine the issue of "abortion" very closely. All they knew was that they were against abortion and for states rights, so if Texas passed a "medieval" anti-abortion law, then they saw no need to look more deeply.

They put partisan politics above common sense and the very Constitution that they are supposed to interpret. What kind of incompetent grade-school assholes are sitting on our Supreme Court?

It cannot be allowed to stand. But, how did such an unconstitutional issue get by the Supreme Court?

Maybe we do need to do something about a Court that has become so political?


sakabatou (38,168 posts)

1. Since there's a right-wing majority, yes, I believe so.

Star Member jimfields33 (6,849 posts)

10. We'd never have gay marriage without the Supreme Court

I appreciate the court for a number of rulings. Not all obviously.

Runningdawg (3,334 posts)

15. That will be overturned shortly also.


Chin music (11,434 posts)

3. There is absolutely no doubt about it.

The gop seal of approval Breyer needs to step down now. It's the judicious thing to do.


Star Member InAbLuEsTaTe (23,161 posts)

5. Without a doubt... Joe needs to push Congress to put more Justices on the Court, pronto!!

Star Member pwb (7,468 posts)

7. Next men will demand clitoris removal?

Just because they can.


Star Member Hekate (70,833 posts)

9. Well, yes. I think we need to realize the extent to which those who push the RWNJ Agenda...

… are, in fact, not morons. They strategize. They don’t give up.

Their base is stupid. They are not. They are evil.


Star Member Hortensis (47,311 posts)

19. Yes. The new hard right conservative majority are political agents

who've been placed by RW powers on the court. Even more dangerously, they share and work toward RW ideological and political goals with wealthy conservatives and both Republicans in congress and in red state governments.

It was NEVER meant to be this way. It's an attack on representative government, a major corruption of the judiciary, and destruction of the system of checks and balances created to protect us from takeovers by one faction.

Star Member Stinky The Clown (63,384 posts)

13. "What kind of are sitting on our Supreme Court?"

Answer: The incompetent grade-school assholes kind.

Star Member Kid Berwyn (6,705 posts)

17. Built that way by Mitch McConnell and the Bush Crime Family.

Property über Alles making less than a million per.

Title: Re: Is the Supreme Court an arm of the Republican Party?
Post by: SVPete on September 03, 2021, 09:21:43 AM
 :tongue: DUmmies sure are taking that possibly temporary defeat rather, ummmm, badly. :tongue:

LIEden has, predictably, promised to fight this decision and Texas with the full force of the Federal gooberment. How many states is he fighting so far and how many such "battles"?

Would that LIEden were that focused on fighting crime and defending the US from foreign enemies!
Title: Re: Is the Supreme Court an arm of the Republican Party?
Post by: enslaved1 on September 03, 2021, 12:14:49 PM
Feet firmly planted in the air as always.  The SCOTUS is the greatest thing in the world when it's legislating moonbat/proggie ideology from the bench, but the second they don't follow the bouncing ball, they are evil incarnate.  Same to the CNN attacking Biden thread Dutch brought over.  Truth and justice is whatever fits the moonbat narrative at any given moment.  Such cognitive dissonance, ignorance, and willful suspension of disbelief.  If there weren't so many of them willing to act on and vote for their stupidity, along with proggies willing to feed into the delusions for their own self interests, it would be entertaining. 
Title: Re: Is the Supreme Court an arm of the Republican Party?
Post by: freedumb2003b on September 03, 2021, 12:17:38 PM
Feet firmly planted in the air as always.  The SCOTUS is the greatest thing in the world when it's legislating moonbat/proggie ideology from the bench, but the second they don't follow the bouncing ball, they are evil incarnate.  Same to the CNN attacking Biden thread Dutch brought over.  Truth and justice is whatever fits the moonbat narrative at any given moment.  Such cognitive dissonance, ignorance, and willful suspension of disbelief.  If there weren't so many of them willing to act on and vote for their stupidity, along with proggies willing to feed into the delusions for their own self interests, it would be entertaining.

They blew it when they acknowledged rgb's actual death.