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Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: dutch508 on July 24, 2021, 08:46:19 AM

Title: 2 questions that just kind of hit me as I was in the Blue Ridge/Shenandoah Valle
Post by: dutch508 on July 24, 2021, 08:46:19 AM
Star Member Botany (60,311 posts)

2 questions that just kind of hit me as I was in the Blue Ridge/Shenandoah Valley area of VA*

1) Am I wrong to think that one of America's biggest threats are right wing Evangelical Christians. yes

South of Winchester, VA off of I-81 there are three huge crosses that are just plain creepy and on the side
a barn in the country somebody has a painting of Trump and Jesus with their arms around each other
along with a bunch of American, confederate, and Trump flags. Another "Trump Country" place had all the
Christian shit, rebel flags, American flags, Trump and anti-Biden stuff but he also had something about the
problems in Cuba are Joe Biden's fault.

2) And this got me thinking is Trump still working for Putin?

Because by Trump's continuation of stirring up shit weakens America by dividing us and that is what Putin wanted. I wonder if Trump is still in contactwith Russia/Putin and is getting his marching orders from them. (Trump does owe them tons of money.)

[ :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: ]

Or did the heat just get to me?

* Mt. Jackson/Woodstock area


Star Member yardwork (52,722 posts)

1. Those crosses have been there for decades.

Apparently they were put up by an itinerant "Johnny Appleseed" of cross installers back in the 1960s. People repaint them. I've always thought they were kind of neat in a folk art sort of way.

The barns with Trump and Jesus are a whole different thing.

Star Member Botany (60,311 posts)

3. I had just driven 8 hours straight from Ohio and those 3 big crosses all lite up against the dark ..

... just hit me as creepy. Maybe it is just me.


Star Member Botany (60,311 posts)

7. My late uncle was an episcopalian rector .... as is his daughter ... and he and his wife started ...

... and left a food pantry to feed the needy in S.W. OH. OTOH these creeps seem to have
made the least Christian man I can think into some kind of God. I might be wrong but
even if they were shown 100% proof that Trump was an active Russian asset, Putin installed
him in order to weaken America from with in, and that Melania was his handler they would
still be good w/"the Donald."

BTW how many Bible Camps have had to be shut down this summer because of C-19?


Star Member GulfCoast66 (11,533 posts)

5. Those crosses are all around. But you are correct that evangelicals are the largest threat

At least to democracy.

They now realize they have lost the battle for hegemony. So they are fine with changing the playing field to insure only people who agree with them can vote.

They may value democracy, but they value religious supremacy more. And racial supremacy is often in the mix since they see Christianity as a white religion despite the fact the one they hold up as god was not really their idea of white.

Star Member barbtries (25,091 posts)

6. first question: you are not wrong

second question, I don't know but would not doubt it. though i think at this point putin may have cut him loose and trump is just kind of talking to the walls now.

I would also mention that I believe that rural VA is a hotbed of meth and painkiller abuse and addiction. but i actually don't know the geography there so no real clue about where you were.

Title: Re: 2 questions that just kind of hit me as I was in the Blue Ridge/Shenandoah Valle
Post by: SVPete on July 24, 2021, 09:28:44 AM
1. Evangelical Christians have been in America since at least 1620, and maybe 1607, though the term "Evangelical" may not have been applied to them. If we're "one of America's biggest threats", we're doing a pretty lousy job! :rotf:

2. Remind me, which President green-lighted the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is a huge boost to Russia's economy that will be used by Putin to arm-twist EuroLand into doing his bidding?
Title: Re: 2 questions that just kind of hit me as I was in the Blue Ridge/Shenandoah Valle
Post by: thundley4 on July 24, 2021, 10:44:34 AM
Because by Trump's   Democrat'scontinuation of stirring up shit weakens America by dividing us and that is what Putin wanted. I wonder if Trump is  Democrats are still in contact with Russia/Putin and is getting his marching orders from them.

You want proof that Democrats are continuing to do Putin's bidding? They continue their witch hunt to drum up something to pin on Trump, while Biden actively helped Russia/Putin by allowing their pipeline to continue.
Title: Re: 2 questions that just kind of hit me as I was in the Blue Ridge/Shenandoah Valle
Post by: ADsOutburst on July 24, 2021, 10:59:07 AM
I thought that some of the biggest threats to America were the surveillance state, bad economic policy, lax immigration enforcement, censorship, and fetishizers of state power. Shame on me for not realizing it's rural folk mostly minding their own business, and, oh horror of horrors, paintings.
Title: Re: 2 questions that just kind of hit me as I was in the Blue Ridge/Shenandoah Valle
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 25, 2021, 05:49:34 AM
These are the same people defending a mosque at Ground Zero.