The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Archives => Politics => Election 2008 => Topic started by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:15:02 AM

Title: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:15:02 AM
Tuesday, August 26 2008: Renewing America's Promise

Hour #1 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (LOCAL)
Call to Order
The Honorable Shirley Franklin
Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia

Reverend Cynthia Hale
Disciples of Christ - Decatur, Georgia

Presentation of Colors
The American GI Forum
Mile High Chapter, Colorado
Congressionally chartered Mexican-American veterans & civil rights organization

Pledge of Allegiance
Koby Langley
From Fort Mead, Maryland, he received the Bronze Star for leadership in the US Army
Credited with design & implementation of 1st Foreign Torts Claims Policy Act - Iraq

National Anthem
Rocky Mountain Children's Choir
A multicultural, multiracial choir committed to forming community around music

The Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton
Non-voting Member of the US House of Representatives, District of Columbia

Ted Sorenson
Special Counsel, advisor and speechwriter to President John F. Kennedy
Researched and drafted Kennedy's "Profiles in Courage"

The Honorable Mike Honda
Member of the US House of Representatives, California

Dr. David Gipp
Member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
President - United Tribes Technical College

The Honorable Linda Sanchez
Member of the US House of Representatives, California

The Honorable Chet Culver
Governor of Iowa

The Honorable David Patterson
Governor of New York

The Honorable Patrick Leahy
US Senator, Vermont

Hour # 2 4:08 PM – 5:00 PM (LOCAL)
The Honorable Chris Van Hollen
Member of the US House of Representatives, Maryland

Cecile Richards
President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Daughter of the former Governor of Texas, The Honorable Ann Richards

Congressional Black Caucus
The Honorable Carolyn Kilpatrick
Member of the US House of Representatives, Michigan
The Honorable Charles Rangel
Member of the US House of Representatives, New York
The Honorable John Conyers
Member of the US House of Representatives, Michigan
The Honorable Bennie Thompson
Member of the US House of Representatives, Mississippi

Moment of Silence

Video – “In Memoriam”

The Honorable Dennis Kucinich
Member of the US House of Representatives, Ohio

The Honorable John Chiang
State Comptroller, California

The Honorable Jim Doyle
Governor of Wisconsin

The Honorable Ted Strickland
Governor of Ohio

DGA - Remarks
The Honorable Joe Manchin
Governor of West Virginia

Hour # 3 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (LOCAL)
US Senate Women
The Honorable Barbara Mikulski
US Senator, Maryland
The Honorable Barbara Boxer
US Senator, California
The Honorable Mary Landrieu
US Senator, Louisiana
The Honorable Blanche Lambert Lincoln
US Senator, Arizona
The Honorable Debbie Stabenow
US Senator, Michigan
The Honorable Maria Cantwell
US Senator, Washington State
The Honorable Claire McCaskill
US Senator, Missouri
The Honorable Amy Klobuchar
US Senator, Minnesota

The Honorable Ed Rendell
Governor of Pennsylvania

The Honorable Tammy Baldwin
Member of the US House of Representatives, Wisconsin

The Honorable Xavier Becerra
Member of the US House of Representatives, California

John Sweeney
President of the AFL-CIO

Robin Golden
Autoworker from Michigan scheduled to lose his job

Video - First Time Delegates: Renewing America's Promise

The Honorable Rahm Emanuel
Member of the US House of Representatives, Illinois

Live Performance
Alejandro Escovedo
Vocals & guitar

Hour # 4 6:01 PM – 7:00 PM (LOCAL)
The Honorable Steny Hoyer
Member of the US House of Representatives, Maryland
Democratic Majority Leader

Katherine Marcano
Cedar Rapids, Iowa flood victim

Anna Berger
Officer with SEIU & 1st Chair of America's newest labor federation, "Change to Win"

Pauline Beck
Homecare worker & member of SEIU from Oakland, California

The Honorable Janet Napolitano
Governor of Arizona

America’s Town Hall - Economy
Moderator: The Honorable Jennifer Granholm – Governor of Michigan
Panelists: Aimee Christensen, Jim Rogers, Jim Bauer, Jerome Ringo

Jim Whitaker
Republican Mayor of Fairbanks, Alaska

Pamela Cash-Roper
Unemployed nurse and lifelong Republican from North Carolina

The Honorable Nydia Velazquez
Member of the US House of Representatives, New York

Hour # 5 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (LOCAL)
The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius
Governor of Kansas

The Honorable Frederico Peña
Former Secretary of Energy and former Mayor of Denver, Colorado

Nancy Floyd
Founder of Nth Power – an energy technology investment firm in Portland, Oregon

The Honorable Robert Casey, Jr.
US Senator, Pennsylvania

Lily Ledbetter
Her actions against Goodyear Tire led to the passage of the Fair Pay Restoration Act

Keynote Speech
The Honorable Mark Warner
Governor of Virginia

Ret. Rear Admiral John Hutson
President, Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord, New Hampshire
Lifelong Republican

The Honorable Deval Patrick
Governor of Massachusetts

Hour # 6 8:02 PM – 9:04 PM (LOCAL)
Gloria Craven
Laid-off North Carolina textile worker with huge medical bills

The Honorable Brian Schweitzer
Governor of Montana

Hillary Clinton Segment - Video/Remarks
The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton
US Senator, New York

Revs. Jin Ho Kang, Yoougsook Kang
Methodists - Aurora, Colorado

The Honorable Shirley Franklin
Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: bijou on August 26, 2008, 09:50:47 AM
Pamela Cash-Roper
Unemployed nurse and lifelong Republican from North Carolina

Yay a real life bouncy tale, live at the convention.  :lmao:
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:53:20 AM
Pamela Cash-Roper
Unemployed nurse and lifelong Republican from North Carolina

Yay a real life bouncy tale, live at the convention.  :lmao:

nurses are in extreme demand all over the country.  if you have a nursing degree, and can't find a job, I suspect there are other issues at work.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: bijou on August 26, 2008, 09:56:38 AM
What did I say?

Yet Another "Lifelong Republican" Obama Supporter Outed As A Phony

Here I posted about a Democrat Barack Obama supporter in Pennsylvania trying to pass herself off as a "lifelong republican".

Well, here is yet another one, this time in North Carolina.

First, an excerpt from the Charlotte Observer, titled "Obama Sends A Message":

    Obama seemed to be reaching out to many of the working class voters who voted for Clinton in the Democratic primary. He shared a stage with Pamella Cash-Roper, a 54-year old licensed nurse from Pittsboro, who along with her husband is unemployed after both had heart surgery.

    Cash-Roper said she was forced to cash out her 401(k) plan, forgo some medicines and be careful about the automobile trips she has to make.

    A lifelong Republican, Cash-Roper said she was supporting Obama.

...  Yet, according to a poster on the News & Observer blog:

    Submitted by paboat on June 9, 2008 - 7:54pm.
    According to the NC GOP, there is no Pamela Cash Roper who is a "lifelong Republican."

    "From a search of voter registration information at the State Board of Elections website, there is no Pamela Cash Roper who is a registered Republican in North Carolina. There are 5 people named Pamela Roper. Three of them are Democrats and two are unaffiliated. Therefore one of these things must be true: Pamela Cash Roper is not a Republican, she is not from North Carolina, or she is not a registered voter."

That is answered:

    Submitted by ryanteaguebeckwith on June 9, 2008 - 8:31pm.
    That's because her name is spelled Pamella Cash-Roper. She is a registered Republican in Chatham County. I misspelled the name in the post earlier. My apologies for any confusion.

    â€” RTB

Which in turn is answered:

    Submitted by piperscot on June 10, 2008 - 1:19pm.
    You have some more digging to do. If Pamella Cash-Roper has lived in Chatham County for at least 4 years, she voted in the Democrat 2nd primary since the SBOE shows that she did vote and there were no Republican contests in Chatham County for the 2nd Primary. The only contest was the runoff for the Democratic primary in the Superintendent of Public Instruction. She is only a lifelong Republican if she is less than 4 years old and then she could register to vote. If you are going to let the Democrats trot this woman out to tell a lie without question, why do I suspect that the Democrat candidates will have it easy with you? This story has gone worldwide because it "fits the template".
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:57:11 AM
I noticed that MSNBC did a better job of covering the action at the podium and on the convention floor than fox did.  fox stuck with it's normal weekday lineup, albeit a "modified for the convention" format, until the key speech of the night.

of course, bill o'reilly spent most of the time I was watching fox during his time slot ranting about some story (that was all about him, naturally) in newsday. :whatever:

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on August 26, 2008, 10:00:39 AM
Pamela Cash-Roper
Unemployed nurse and lifelong Republican from North Carolina

Yay a real life bouncy tale, live at the convention.  :lmao:

nurses are in extreme demand all over the country.  if you have a nursing degree, and can't find a job, I suspect there are other issues at work.

Get out of my brain, that is exactly what I was going to type.  :-)

It would be hilarious to hear an actual live bouncy tale at the convention.  I may have to watch.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: USA4ME on August 26, 2008, 11:17:21 AM
Kudos to those of you who are watching that crap.  I can't stomach listening to all their hate-America lies.

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Hawkgirl on August 26, 2008, 11:20:13 AM
Many of the hospitals I know of not only have nursing shortages, but they are offering $5,000 sign on bonus on anyone that promises to stay 12 months.
She either failed her boards or refuses to get off her depression medication and get a job.

Jeez, I hope people don't fall for this.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 11:23:47 AM
Kudos to those of you who are watching that crap.  I can't stomach listening to all their hate-America lies.


last night was relatively tame.  the "hate america' and "the republicans have destroyed civilization" themes don't begin until tonight.

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Miss Mia on August 26, 2008, 02:06:13 PM
Kudos to those of you who are watching that crap.  I can't stomach listening to all their hate-America lies.


last night was relatively tame.  the "hate america' and "the republicans have destroyed civilization" themes don't begin until tonight.

You are such a dork.  Even I didn't watch the whole thing yesterday.  Listened to a live stream at work for a bit.  I missed Michelle's speech last night because I had to run to the grocery store for an important errand.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 02:25:26 PM
Kudos to those of you who are watching that crap.  I can't stomach listening to all their hate-America lies.


last night was relatively tame.  the "hate america' and "the republicans have destroyed civilization" themes don't begin until tonight.

You are such a dork.  Even I didn't watch the whole thing yesterday.  Listened to a live stream at work for a bit.  I missed Michelle's speech last night because I had to run to the grocery store for an important errand.

I even spun off the cable news channels and watched C-SPAN, because they were covering 100% of everything that happened at the podium.  but that turned out to be too much even for me. :-)

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Miss Mia on August 26, 2008, 02:27:45 PM
Kudos to those of you who are watching that crap.  I can't stomach listening to all their hate-America lies.


last night was relatively tame.  the "hate america' and "the republicans have destroyed civilization" themes don't begin until tonight.

You are such a dork.  Even I didn't watch the whole thing yesterday.  Listened to a live stream at work for a bit.  I missed Michelle's speech last night because I had to run to the grocery store for an important errand.

I even spun off the cable news channels and watched C-SPAN, because they were covering 100% of everything that happened at the podium.  but that turned out to be too much even for me. :-)

Seriously, top quality dork.   :-)

Tonight I'll be baking cupcakes, and tomorrow night I'll be drinking.  The convention is the last thing on my mind right now.   :-)
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 02:48:35 PM
Kudos to those of you who are watching that crap.  I can't stomach listening to all their hate-America lies.


last night was relatively tame.  the "hate america' and "the republicans have destroyed civilization" themes don't begin until tonight.

You are such a dork.  Even I didn't watch the whole thing yesterday.  Listened to a live stream at work for a bit.  I missed Michelle's speech last night because I had to run to the grocery store for an important errand.

I even spun off the cable news channels and watched C-SPAN, because they were covering 100% of everything that happened at the podium.  but that turned out to be too much even for me. :-)

Seriously, top quality dork.   :-)

Tonight I'll be baking cupcakes, and tomorrow night I'll be drinking.  The convention is the last thing on my mind right now.   :-)

kill two birds with one stone, and just drink your cupcakes. :uhsure: :-)
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Miss Mia on August 26, 2008, 03:03:33 PM
Kudos to those of you who are watching that crap.  I can't stomach listening to all their hate-America lies.


last night was relatively tame.  the "hate america' and "the republicans have destroyed civilization" themes don't begin until tonight.

You are such a dork.  Even I didn't watch the whole thing yesterday.  Listened to a live stream at work for a bit.  I missed Michelle's speech last night because I had to run to the grocery store for an important errand.

I even spun off the cable news channels and watched C-SPAN, because they were covering 100% of everything that happened at the podium.  but that turned out to be too much even for me. :-)

Seriously, top quality dork.   :-)

Tonight I'll be baking cupcakes, and tomorrow night I'll be drinking.  The convention is the last thing on my mind right now.   :-)

kill two birds with one stone, and just drink your cupcakes. :uhsure: :-)

The cupcakes are for a party tomorrow silly.   :-)
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 03:13:41 PM
Kudos to those of you who are watching that crap.  I can't stomach listening to all their hate-America lies.


last night was relatively tame.  the "hate america' and "the republicans have destroyed civilization" themes don't begin until tonight.

You are such a dork.  Even I didn't watch the whole thing yesterday.  Listened to a live stream at work for a bit.  I missed Michelle's speech last night because I had to run to the grocery store for an important errand.

I even spun off the cable news channels and watched C-SPAN, because they were covering 100% of everything that happened at the podium.  but that turned out to be too much even for me. :-)

Seriously, top quality dork.   :-)

Tonight I'll be baking cupcakes, and tomorrow night I'll be drinking.  The convention is the last thing on my mind right now.   :-)

kill two birds with one stone, and just drink your cupcakes. :uhsure: :-)

The cupcakes are for a party tomorrow silly.   :-)

you are missing an opportunity here is all I'm sayin' :uhsure:    :tongue:

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Hawkgirl on August 26, 2008, 04:25:35 PM
I pay attention to these things because not only does it give me good ammunition, but you know what they say about keeping your friends close, but your enemies...closer... :-)
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: franksolich on August 26, 2008, 06:25:03 PM
Hey, what is this excresence?

Members of the Texas delegation who are committed to voting for the worthier Democrat candidate were told today to not wear anything indicating their support of her, lest it incite the Obamaites.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:15:45 PM
Hey, what is this excresence?

Members of the Texas delegation who are committed to voting for the worthier Democrat candidate were told today to not wear anything indicating their support of her, lest it incite the Obamaites.

um, how can they enforce a dress code?  I doubt that they can, but this is just more disrespect for the hillaryites.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Duke Nukum on August 26, 2008, 09:27:30 PM
It's a travesty that this crap is pre-empting Red Eye.  I'm like jonesing out here, whatever that means.  Anyone got a Gregalogue?  I'll even take a Bill-a-Buster at this stage.  Heck, I'll even take a Joshua McCarroll Today in McConaughey segment.  Anything!
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:36:39 PM

did mark warner's speech get bumped?  is that what I just heard?

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Miss Mia on August 26, 2008, 09:41:15 PM
Well, everyone knows I don't care for Hillary much, but I have to admit, I like this Hillary tribute they're showing.  Maybe it's just my dem side slipping through.  :)
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Duke Nukum on August 26, 2008, 09:42:33 PM
Well, everyone knows I don't care for Hillary much, but I have to admit, I like this Hillary tribute they're showing.  Maybe it's just my dem side slipping through.  :)
I like your stripper dem side, jus' sayin'
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:43:06 PM
Well, everyone knows I don't care for Hillary much, but I have to admit, I like this Hillary tribute they're showing.  Maybe it's just my dem side slipping through.  :)

I don't have a dem side, and even I have to admit that the video was well done.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:44:45 PM

bill isn't used to clapping for a woman without a $5 bill clenched in his teeth.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Miss Mia on August 26, 2008, 09:45:05 PM
Well, everyone knows I don't care for Hillary much, but I have to admit, I like this Hillary tribute they're showing.  Maybe it's just my dem side slipping through.  :)

I don't have a dem side, and even I have to admit that the video was well done.

Bill's gonna cry!

Yes, it was really nicely done.

BTW, this is taking away from my cupcake making.  I don't have a tv in the kitchen and I can't see the one in the living room from where I stand to cook. 
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:46:20 PM
Well, everyone knows I don't care for Hillary much, but I have to admit, I like this Hillary tribute they're showing.  Maybe it's just my dem side slipping through.  :)

I don't have a dem side, and even I have to admit that the video was well done.

Bill's gonna cry!

Yes, it was really nicely done.

only because he realizes that he is at least another 4 years removed from a seemingly endless supply of impressionable white house interns.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Miss Mia on August 26, 2008, 09:46:52 PM
Well, she got that out of the way quickly.  Straight to the unity theme.  Surprising. 
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:51:47 PM
Well, she got that out of the way quickly.  Straight to the unity theme.  Surprising. 

unity lasted 10 seconds. :whatever:  now it's health care . . . although that seems to be a segue to thanking her supporters. 
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:53:39 PM

LOL! CNN and the washington posts have emailed news alerts about hillary saying the obama is her candidate, and he must be our president.  like she was going to recommend, what?   a revolt?
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Miss Mia on August 26, 2008, 09:55:03 PM

LOL! CNN and the washington posts have emailed news alerts about hillary saying the obama is her candidate, and he must be our president.  like she was going to recommend, what?   a revolt?

LOL!  Or that she was going to announce that she's going to run as an Independent.  LOL! 
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:56:39 PM

I have never understood this about the universal health care advocates.   universal access can be, I suppose, enforced, at least in theory, but how can you guarantee quality?  you can't.  so, are they admitting that they are guaranteeing access to crappy health care?
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 09:59:47 PM

awwww.  someone finally gave president bildo some props.  it was his wife that did it . . .  :whatever:
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Duke Nukum on August 26, 2008, 10:00:52 PM

I have never understood this about the universal health care advocates.   universal access can be, I suppose, enforced, at least in theory, but how can you guarantee quality?  you can't.  so, are they admitting that they are guaranteeing access to crappy health care?
HMO's are sort of like little Stalinist socialist health care camps already.  I really think MSA's are the way to go, or at least a part of the broader solution instead of making something the government already made bad, worse.

Problems cannot be solved with the same level of consciousness that created them, to paraphrase Einstein.

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:00:52 PM

"end the war responsibly"?  is there a more responsible way of ending a war than by winning it?
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: jendf on August 26, 2008, 10:01:09 PM
I don't know why I'm watching her. I seriously want to vomit as I listen to her tripe.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:02:18 PM

I love the way they precede every attack on john mccain by professing respect for him and his service. :whatever:

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:03:15 PM
I don't know why I'm watching her. I seriously want to vomit as I listen to her tripe.

just keep thinking about how agonizing this is for her, and how the only person that may want to throw up more than us right now is her.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: jendf on August 26, 2008, 10:03:39 PM

I love the way they precede every attack on john mccain by professing respect for him and his service. :whatever:

Are you suggesting they are full of shit? WE, say it ain't so.  :-)
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Rebel on August 26, 2008, 10:04:03 PM
Create millions of jobs?

Can someone please explain to this dumb bitch that employees don't CREATE jobs, employers DO? ...and when you tax the ever-living-SHIT out of the employers they tend to create less jobs?

****! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. JFK even knew this shit.  ::)
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: jendf on August 26, 2008, 10:04:26 PM
I don't know why I'm watching her. I seriously want to vomit as I listen to her tripe.

just keep thinking about how agonizing this is for her, and how the only person that may want to throw up more than us right now is her.

That's true. You are right on. This must be KILLING her.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:07:19 PM

I love the way they precede every attack on john mccain by professing respect for him and his service. :whatever:

Are you suggesting they are full of shit? WE, say it ain't so.  :-)

no, I just think their rhetorical device is cowardly.  and it's dishonest.  how can you either respect or admire someone that you genuinely believe is evil, and will intentionally crush the middle class beneath their jack boots, plunder the national treasury for their own benefit, and start neeless wars just to see brave young men and women die?

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: jendf on August 26, 2008, 10:08:16 PM
"God bless you and God Speed."

Um, what, no God bless America?

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:08:43 PM
I don't know why I'm watching her. I seriously want to vomit as I listen to her tripe.

just keep thinking about how agonizing this is for her, and how the only person that may want to throw up more than us right now is her.

That's true. You are right on. This must be KILLING her.

she got it over awfully quickly, and hauled ass offstage.  I am sure she has buckets backstage ready for her to puke into.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Lacarnut on August 26, 2008, 10:10:23 PM
I have not watched one second of the convention; probably will not watch that much of the Repubs either. Even if McCain picked Jack the Ripper as VP, he would still be better than Obama and Old Joe.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:10:43 PM
"God bless you and God Speed."

Um, what, no God bless America?


that was odd.  "god speed" is a phrase used to wish one good fortune on a journey . . . 
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:11:45 PM

that was a rather unenthusiastic speech for The BarackStar!
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:13:38 PM

chelsea is still hot.  I meant to mention that before the Pink Pantsuit of Purgatory rumbled on stage.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: jendf on August 26, 2008, 10:14:25 PM

chelsea is still hot.  I meant to mention that before the Pink Pantsuit of Purgatory rumbled on stage.

 :lmao: :rotf: :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Lacarnut on August 26, 2008, 10:16:18 PM
"God bless you and God Speed."

Um, what, no God bless America?


that was odd.  "god speed" is a phrase used to wish one good fortune on a journey . . . 

Could be a synonymous with her other slip or not so slip of the tongue in mentioning the word assassination
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:16:26 PM

this convention just isn't inflicting much damage on john mccain thus far.  they're beating up on george bush a bit, but he isn't on the ballot.

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: jendf on August 26, 2008, 10:17:06 PM
"God bless you and God Speed."

Um, what, no God bless America?


that was odd.  "god speed" is a phrase used to wish one good fortune on a journey . . . 

Could be a synonymous with her other slip or not so slip of the tongue in mentioning the word assassination

I missed that. What was the story behind that?
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:18:42 PM

over on PMSNBC, andrea mitchell is on the floor of the convention peddling the story that hillary just magically created unity.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:19:46 PM
"God bless you and God Speed."

Um, what, no God bless America?


that was odd.  "god speed" is a phrase used to wish one good fortune on a journey . . . 

Could be a synonymous with her other slip or not so slip of the tongue in mentioning the word assassination

I missed that. What was the story behind that?

she said at least once that she was justified in staying in the race even though the outcome was inevitable because RFK was assassinated in july, and it wasn't july yet.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Willow on August 26, 2008, 10:20:07 PM
Well judging from the look on Michelle's face I'd guess she hates Hillary with a purple passion! Damn,, Hillary should be stone cold dead.  :lmao:
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 26, 2008, 10:36:03 PM

MSNBC is swooning.  Fox is calling her out for doing the bare minimum, and getting the hell off the stage.  it's amazing that they were watching the same speech.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Miss Mia on August 26, 2008, 10:38:48 PM

MSNBC is swooning.  Fox is calling her out for doing the bare minimum, and getting the hell off the stage.  it's amazing that they were watching the same speech.

I think she did well.

And on the cupcake front, they're in the oven and cream cheese frosting is done.  :)
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Chris_ on August 26, 2008, 10:41:59 PM
I just read the transcript:

She freaking played the race card!!!!!!!!

On that path to freedom, Harriet Tubman had one piece of advice.
If you hear the dogs, keep going.
If you see the torches in the woods, keep going.
If they're shouting after you, keep going.
Don't ever stop. Keep going.
If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.

OTOH she said uh-bam-uh's name a whole 8 times.  And threw a girlie underhand toss at McCain, saying "But we don't need four more years of the last eight years."

Pretty tepid.  And forgettable.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Rebel on August 26, 2008, 10:44:04 PM
He doesn't please Fuzzy.

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: GOBUCKS on August 26, 2008, 10:44:43 PM

chelsea is still hot.  I meant to mention that before the Pink Pantsuit of Purgatory rumbled on stage.
Chelsea is a dead ringer for her father, Web Hubbell, from The Beast's days at the Rose Law Firm. If you don't remember him, look up a photo and set it beside Chelsea. So obvious it is comical.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Rebel on August 26, 2008, 10:46:59 PM
Chelsea is a dog. Give me Barbara Bush (GW's daughter, you morons).  :naughty:
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Tess Anderson on August 26, 2008, 10:53:03 PM
I have heard that before, that she's really Hubbel's daughter, but she looks so much like Hillary to me, I can't tell.

Michelle Kept babbling about a "journey" last night. "Godspeed" annoyed me as well - a phoney and pretentious sign-off.

I thought Hillary was flat and it was a policy endorsement only - she said Michelle would make a great First Lady, but she never corrected the McCain ad where she had said MCCain was qualified, but BHO wasn't. She could have undone that statement easily, but she didn't. She made the speech about her and the feminist movement and made the arguement that her supporters should vote for Obama because the country needed a Democrat president. It was all about Hillary, and tomorrow it will all be about Bill, and he's liable to say anything the way he is now.

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: GOBUCKS on August 26, 2008, 10:58:12 PM
I have heard that before, that she's really Hubbel's daughter, but she looks so much like Hillary to me, I can't tell.
Michelle Kept babbling about a "journey" last night. "Godspeed" annoyed me as well - a phoney and pretentious sign-off.

I thought Hillary was flat and it was a policy endorsement only - she said Michelle would make a great First Lady, but she never corrected the McCain ad where she had said MCCain was qualified, but BHO wasn't. She could have undone that statement easily, but she didn't. She made the speech about her and the feminist movement and made the arguement that her supporters should vote for Obama because the country needed a Democrat president. It was all about Hillary, and tomorrow it will all be about Bill, and he's liable to say anything the way he is now.
She and Hubbell both have that strange pelican-like mouth and chin. Really distinctive.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Lacarnut on August 26, 2008, 11:00:26 PM
I have heard that before, that she's really Hubbel's daughter, but she looks so much like Hillary to me, I can't tell.

Michelle Kept babbling about a "journey" last night. "Godspeed" annoyed me as well - a phoney and pretentious sign-off.

I thought Hillary was flat and it was a policy endorsement only - she said Michelle would make a great First Lady, but she never corrected the McCain ad where she had said MCCain was qualified, but BHO wasn't. She could have undone that statement easily, but she didn't. She made the speech about her and the feminist movement and made the arguement that her supporters should vote for Obama because the country needed a Democrat president. It was all about Hillary, and tomorrow it will all be about Bill, and he's liable to say anything the way he is now.

I might listen to Bill; I think he is more pissed about Hillary not getting the nomination than she is. So he might blow his top which would be fun to watch; what would be better is if he endorsed McCain.  :tongue: :rotf: :fuelfire:
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Zeus on August 26, 2008, 11:12:37 PM
Well judging from the look on Michelle's face I'd guess she hates Hillary with a purple passion! Damn,, Hillary should be stone cold dead.  :lmao:

I noticed that also. Mo seemed pissed off except whenever Hillery gave the Oman his props.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Hawkgirl on August 27, 2008, 12:57:35 AM
"Godspeed" was a weird thing to's

Is it just me, or was that speech a "This is what I"m running on in 2012"  While she had to say she supports Obama, she was endorsing herself more than anything.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Miss Mia on August 27, 2008, 12:58:09 AM
"Godspeed" was a weird thing to's

Is it just me, or was that speech a "This is what I"m running on in 2012"  While she had to say she supports Obama, she was endorsing herself more than anything.

I agree, the "Godspeed" was strange. 
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 27, 2008, 07:43:39 AM
"Godspeed" was a weird thing to's

Is it just me, or was that speech a "This is what I"m running on in 2012"  While she had to say she supports Obama, she was endorsing herself more than anything.

I think it was an attempt to split the difference between supporting him enough so that she isn't accused of torpedoing him, and creating sufficient distance between herself and his campaign should he lose on his own in november.

it was all about maintaining her political viability after november, regardless of what should happen.

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Jim on August 27, 2008, 07:48:19 AM
"Godspeed" was a weird thing to's

Is it just me, or was that speech a "This is what I"m running on in 2012"  While she had to say she supports Obama, she was endorsing herself more than anything.

I agree, the "Godspeed" was strange. 

wanted to sound religious
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Willow on August 27, 2008, 08:03:30 AM
"Godspeed" was a weird thing to's

Is it just me, or was that speech a "This is what I"m running on in 2012"  While she had to say she supports Obama, she was endorsing herself more than anything.

I think it was an attempt to split the difference between supporting him enough so that she isn't accused of torpedoing him, and creating sufficient distance between herself and his campaign should he lose on his own in november.

it was all about maintaining her political viability after november, regardless of what should happen.


I think that is where she suffers dellusions. After the way the democrats treated her and Bill this year it's crazy to think they would embrace them in 2012. Assuming Brock wins you know he is going to want a second terms. She should have gone independent and found someone to remove that very large knife sticking out of her back!
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: USA4ME on August 27, 2008, 08:04:48 AM
Nope, still didn't watch it.  Watched a few minutes of the post shows and the "MSNBC is swooning.  Fox is calling her out for doing the bare minimum, and getting the hell off the stage" is correct.

After The Impeached One speaks tonight, I predict the Clintonistas are adios.  There'll be calls for her to hit the campaign trail and drum up her supporters to switch to the Obamassiah, but my guess is she's moving on.  If anything, they'll do a few little things to make life harder on B. Hussein.

Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 27, 2008, 09:58:06 AM
"Godspeed" was a weird thing to's

Is it just me, or was that speech a "This is what I"m running on in 2012"  While she had to say she supports Obama, she was endorsing herself more than anything.

I agree, the "Godspeed" was strange. 

wanted to sound religious

she could have done that with "God bless America".  maybe she just wanted to be different, but she's a clinton, and when a clinton is involved, maximum cynicism is in order.
Title: Re: Democrat National Convention - Day 2 Live Thread.
Post by: Wretched Excess on August 27, 2008, 10:13:40 AM
"Godspeed" was a weird thing to's

Is it just me, or was that speech a "This is what I"m running on in 2012"  While she had to say she supports Obama, she was endorsing herself more than anything.

I think it was an attempt to split the difference between supporting him enough so that she isn't accused of torpedoing him, and creating sufficient distance between herself and his campaign should he lose on his own in november.

it was all about maintaining her political viability after november, regardless of what should happen.

I think that is where she suffers dellusions. After the way the democrats treated her and Bill this year it's crazy to think they would embrace them in 2012. Assuming Brock wins you know he is going to want a second terms. She should have gone independent and found someone to remove that very large knife sticking out of her back!

the party may have treated the clintons badly, and if they did, it was probably payback for the fact that during the clinton administration, the clintons themselves did very, very well, but the party suffered disaster after disaster at the polls, almost all of which was attributable to  misguided and unpopular clinton policies.  during clinton's 8 years in office, the dems lost the house, the senate, governer's mansions, and state houses all over the country.  and the rumor that the clintons sent wesley clark in to the primaries in 2004 just so there would be another anti-war candidate, and thus blow up howard dean's presidential candidacy, couldn't have helped his personal feelings about bill and hill . . .