The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: dutch508 on October 12, 2019, 12:07:30 AM

Title: Yes! He's "One of you." He's truly deplorable.
Post by: dutch508 on October 12, 2019, 12:07:30 AM
Star Member MineralMan (124,171 posts)

"Trump Is One of Us!" I've heard that more than once from someone wearing a MAGA hat. The person saying that is right. Trump IS one of you. He's deliberately ignorant, and biased against anyone who disagrees with him or doesn't share his skin color and prejudices. He cares more about what happens five minutes from now than four years from now. He thinks with his gonads, instead of his brain. He believes anything someone who is following self-interest says, as long as it has to do with gaining more power.

Yes! He's "One of you." He's truly deplorable. Now, STFU! Thanks very much.

Oh, yeah... lets bring this one back as it worked so well for Hillary...

unblock (43,279 posts)

3. yeah, and shrub the teetotaler was "someone you'd want to have a beer with", wtf.

and reagan the actor was a saint and best president ever, but anyone else from hollywood is just an actor and a la-la land liberal who should be dismissed out of hand.

the media has long held a double-standard. many things are deemed "disqualifying" or "elitist" or "out-of-touch" or "idealistic" and so on when it comes to democrats, but republicans? what the hell do they have to do before the media will use the word "disqualifying"?

Star Member Baitball Blogger (32,438 posts)

6. I live near a Country Club.

I am sure there are some very nice people around here, but they are drowned out by a core group, a cabal who is EXACTLY like Trump. They form a society which creates ripples of bad behavior that affect everyone else.

The Genealogist (3,399 posts)

10. He ticks off the right boxes on the "who do you hate" form

He hates all the right people, and they think he is going to restore a 1950s America that only ever existed in the fevered dreams of people who find themselves part of demographics that are shrinking. He does an excellent job of being as angry and full of bile at the world as they are. Of course they love him.

Star Member MineralMan (124,171 posts)

12. Yes. Exactly.

Appealing to the half of the population that is below average in intelligence is always how people like Trump win.

A tyrant will never go wrong by underestimating the intelligence of the people.

Newest Reality (5,474 posts)

11. A con man born...

We have a career con man who was born with a silver spoon in his gob, (using Daddy's money all along and enjoying an inheritance, both of which always bailed him out) exploiting the gullibility of those who have a penchant for ignorance and would prefer to remain willfully so, even though that could be considered very unpatriotic when being well-informed AND vigilance are the duties of a citizen in a democracy.

Low-information voters make themselves extremely vulnerable to appeals to their emotions, biases and prejudices and they seem to have an appetite for an authoritarian Father figure that either represents a stand-in for their concept of a deity or their patriarchal parent as a proxy, though neither one is necessary for that to occur.

There are people who, due to deep fear and insecurity, project delusions of safety and security on a figurehead with the belief that everything has to be "under control" by someone powerful in order to survive, hence they respond with an insubstantial loyalty which can transcend or bypass reasoning and new information that contradicts the false assertions that underlie the misplaced devotion.

That provides the Dictator Chow(tm) that can keep a deceptive, narcissistic, authoritarian, control freak going. Thankfully, this personality type is not the most prevalent these days in this country.

keithbvadu2 (10,795 posts)

18. Then 'you' must have sexual fantasies about your daughter.

Then 'you' must have sexual fantasies about your daughter.

Leith (5,149 posts)

24. I learned that lesson in 1980

The so-called "moral majority" claimed to want a true Christian as president. Then why did they reject Carter and embrace a Hollywood insider & union head who was on his second marriage and hadn't been in a church for decades?

Naw, they have always wanted someone who "hurt the right people" and made them feel good about themselves. Nothing else would ever matter.

Moostache (6,400 posts)

29. Hear, hear!!! Well said, indeed!

Trump voters, or more to the point rally attendees, are in this not for any actual policy or position (aside from tacit approval to use the 'n-word' and other pejoratives in 'polite company' once more)...they support Trump BECAUSE of the hate, and the anger and the nonsensical sentence syntax and attempts to sound intelligent while actually coming across as a total buffoon.

I heard an interview this AM with a former Green Beret who was essentially exposing Trump down to the bone marrow and was seething with righteous anger over the betrayal of the Kurds. He was responding the the Demented Yam's rally claims of the situation in Syria being "a great American victory". The crowd in Minneapolis was cheering like the brainless seals that they are, yet, a man who has fought with and alongside the very people we betrayed and left to die was putting the truth down HARD on Trumpy Bear's head.

If someone is an open, overt Trump fanboy or fangirl at this point, they are irredeemable human waste. They WANT to see others suffer. They WANT to chant "lock her up" or "send her back". They WANT to laugh at innuendo and drawn inferences from applause lines and hateful attacks. They WANT to laugh at handicapped and 'others'.

Well...**** THEM. And Trumpy Bear, you demented yam, **** YOU TOO!

Star Member Ilsa (52,978 posts)

41. You forgot rapist. nt

Title: Re: Yes! He's "One of you." He's truly deplorable.
Post by: SVPete on October 12, 2019, 08:57:33 AM
I take it Trump knocked it so far out of the Minneapolis park (MM's home turf, IIRC) that it was found in Louisiana, :rotf: . The numbers I've heard were that there were ~20K inside the arena and ~25K outside, not counting a few thousand Trump-Haters.

I've heard that Trump unloaded on Ilhan Omar, did he also mock Doh!Mayor's :rotf: futile attempt :rotf: to prevent his rally?
Title: Re: Yes! He's "One of you." He's truly deplorable.
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on October 12, 2019, 10:55:15 AM
Lots of mental masturbation in that thread, describing their stereotypical fantasies they've concocted about conservatives and Trump supporters. :mental:
Title: Re: Yes! He's "One of you." He's truly deplorable.
Post by: USA4ME on October 12, 2019, 11:16:49 AM
 :rotf: :lmao: :rotf:

Rockhead is always good for a laugh. If he could think, he'd almost be dangerous.

Title: Re: Yes! He's "One of you." He's truly deplorable.
Post by: Aristotelian on October 15, 2019, 11:35:09 AM
Newest Reality (5,474 posts)

Low-information voters make themselves extremely vulnerable to appeals to their emotions, biases and prejudices and they seem to have an appetite for an authoritarian Father figure that either represents a stand-in for their concept of a deity or their patriarchal parent as a proxy, though neither one is necessary for that to occur.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day...this sounds pretty much like every DUmmy.
Title: Re: Yes! He's "One of you." He's truly deplorable.
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on October 15, 2019, 12:09:14 PM
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day...this sounds pretty much like every DUmmy.

Don't know a single conservative who wants their President to be a sort of deity or patriarchal figure.  Describes libs to a T.
Title: Re: Yes! He's "One of you." He's truly deplorable.
Post by: Happy Fun Ball on October 15, 2019, 12:20:46 PM
:rotf: :lmao: :rotf:

Rockhead is always good for a laugh. If he could think, he'd almost be dangerous.


If he could think, he wouldn't be a DUmmie.