The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: pjcomix on July 26, 2019, 11:07:54 AM

Title: VIDEO: Angry Donny Deutsch Goes Full Apocalyptic Over Mueller Fail
Post by: pjcomix on July 26, 2019, 11:07:54 AM
Donny Deutsch, seeing that the chances for Trump impeachment has gone down the tubes due to the testimony FAIL by Robert Mueller, who has gone from saint to schmo in liberal eyes, has gone full apocalyptic over the possibility of Trump's re-election. He suggested that the Democrats must fight DIRTY (as if they haven't done that before). As you will see, Donny is  every bit as angry as Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough over facing a future in which Trump has been re-elected. (
Title: Re: VIDEO: Angry Donny Deutsch Goes Full Apocalyptic Over Mueller Fail
Post by: Skul on July 26, 2019, 12:00:26 PM
Old Joey Scars pìtched a fit. :rant: :rant: :rant:
  It was glorious!! I'll see if can find it.
Thè short version of the above by PJ.

Short printed veŕsion below.

Morning Joe
"He is aiding & abetting Putin’s ongoing attempts to subvert U.S. democracy, according to the Republican FBI, CIA, DNI…All Republicans are saying Russia is trying to subvert U.S. democracy & Moscow Mitch won’t even let the Senate take a vote on it. That is un-American.--@JoeNBC
When the loons get this bad, ì have a glimmer of pity.
Thankfuĺĺy, it passes rather quickly after the loud  *☆BANG☆*