The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: franksolich on July 01, 2019, 07:09:22 PM

Title: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: franksolich on July 01, 2019, 07:09:22 PM

Oh my.  There's such vile places on the internet?

tulipsandroses (606 posts)     Sun Jun 30, 2019, 11:54 PM

A reminder to be careful about what you post online

Re: any personal info- I know that goes without saying but just a reminder

I'm saying this because I came across a really chilling right wing nut/ gun humper website that apparently watches DU. I'm not sure if its within the TOS to link it, so I won't. If it is I will post it. Anyhoo, as some of these ( what seems to me- fishy threads) start popping up - I started googling the content to see what I would find - one topic lead me to this wing nut gun humper site where they had posted the topic on that site and stated that DU was going crazy over it - there were some pretty disparaging remarks in that thread about DU and Liberals. Apparently the poster thinks its fun to watch DU for laughs.

Anyhoo, I wanted to see what the site was about. So I started to look at the other threads. Hate filled about liberals, immigrants, minorities, stock piling ammunition, weapons. It was jarring to think these people had an eye on DU. We need stronger gun laws for sure. I already know that. But those people posting on that site are a sure reminder.

54 replies, 3410 views
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: 67 Rover on July 01, 2019, 07:24:20 PM

Oh my.  There's such vile places on the internet?

Did anyone find out the name to this site?  I'm interested in joining.  :-)
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: franksolich on July 01, 2019, 07:33:13 PM
Did anyone find out the name to this site?

There's many who think the primitive made it all up--they do do that, you know--as nothing so loathesome could possibly be allowed on the internet.
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: SVPete on July 01, 2019, 07:38:52 PM
A relatively low post count member, possibly new-ish (I didn't check the thread). So I'm guessing he's fishing for DU-Cred.
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: FlippyDoo on July 01, 2019, 08:04:48 PM
tulipsandroses (606 posts)     Sun Jun 30, 2019, 11:54 PM

A reminder to be careful about what you post online

Re: any personal info- I know that goes without saying but just a reminder

I'm saying this because I came across a really chilling right wing nut/ gun humper website that apparently watches DU. I'm not sure if its within the TOS to link it, so I won't. If it is I will post it. Anyhoo, as some of these ( what seems to me- fishy threads) start popping up - I started googling the content to see what I would find - one topic lead me to this wing nut gun humper site where they had posted the topic on that site and stated that DU was going crazy over it - there were some pretty disparaging remarks in that thread about DU and Liberals. Apparently the poster thinks its fun to watch DU for laughs.

Anyhoo, I wanted to see what the site was about. So I started to look at the other threads. Hate filled about liberals, immigrants, minorities, stock piling ammunition, weapons. It was jarring to think these people had an eye on DU. We need stronger gun laws for sure. I already know that. But those people posting on that site are a sure reminder.

Wait a minute! Sounds like this DUmmie is trying tell someone what the can or can not hump. I thought sexual preference was sacred among the lunatics. As long as the gun and the wing nut are both legal it shouldn't be anybodies business.
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: USA4ME on July 01, 2019, 08:41:55 PM
Sounds like CU. That SarasotaRepublican and SaintLouisWoman are a wild gang.

Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on July 01, 2019, 08:45:16 PM
Sounds like CU. That SarasotaRepublican and SaintLouisWoman are a wild gang.


Not to mention avid gun humpers and complete jerks on their site! :tongue:
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: fatboy on July 01, 2019, 10:30:43 PM
Response to tulipsandroses (Original post)
Mon Jul 1, 2019, 09:30 AM
 brooklynite (52,226 posts)
35. If someone wanted to get mad at me...

There’s a lot more in my social profile and public records to get mad at than what I post here.

In a world of totally insane peoples, the dazzling young brooklynite is only regular insane.
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: franksolich on July 01, 2019, 11:01:22 PM
In a world of totally insane peoples, the dazzling young brooklynite is only regular insane.

I wonder if the primitives notice that over the years, the brooklynite primitive is one of the few primitives who's escaped the scrutiny and scorn of the DUmpster.

It's because unlike most of the other primitives, he's never said anything stupid and never pretended to be what he isn't.

If the primitives don't want to be mocked and ridiculed, well, all they have to do is follow his example.
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 01, 2019, 11:18:58 PM
I imagine one DUer's stupid idea of a 'Gun humper site' is probably not what any normal human would regard as a real, honest-to-goodness gun site with a DU forum to laugh at the monkeys, so it could be CC or CU.  Of course it could also be, which is mainly a gun site but also loves to screw with the Progs.
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: FlaGator on July 02, 2019, 05:27:31 AM
Not to mention avid gun humpers and complete jerks on their site! :tongue:

Hey! I resemble that remark.
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: Skul on July 02, 2019, 11:42:49 AM
Hey! I resemble that remark.

Which one FG?
The gun-humper?.  :killemall:
Orrrr .....
The jerk?   :jerkit: 
Title: Re: anybody know what the primitives are referring to?
Post by: DUmpsterDiver on July 02, 2019, 11:14:48 PM
Two Lips on a Piano needs to move toward the Organ to make a splash and its point.  Until then, it's just hot air and tease.