The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: Chris on August 23, 2008, 07:22:17 PM

Title: Pink DUmmy is constipated
Post by: Chris on August 23, 2008, 07:22:17 PM
El Pinko  (1000+ posts)      Sat Aug-23-08 08:59 AM
Original message
You know, I just don't give a shit.

I used to think I'd vote for a third party person because most of the democrats are such corporate-owned sleepers, and then later I thought that Naderites were scum because they were helping the BFEE win.

But I've been a voter for twenty years now. At this point, I really don't give a flying **** any more. This country (IE the idiot mainstream voter) is hell-bent on destroying itself and will not stop until it has done a thorough job.

By 2002 and 2003, I had become completely consumed with the way the right (IE the republican party and at least half of the democratic party) were destroying our country through privatization, the weakening of labor rights, brutal and illegal wars of aggression against disarmed nations, to the point that I found myself in a deep depression and 100 lbs overweight, spending hours here and on other political boards instead of with my precious kids, and then one day I woke up.

And now I focus on doing what I can to protect and provide for my own family and no longer wring my hands over this lost cause of a country.

I still go out and vote, and yeah, I'll even vote for Barry Sunshine and Hairplugs McCapitalOne, but I really DON'T GIVE A SHIT (about politics) ANYMORE.

Before you ask "then what the hell are you doing here?", I'll answer. I haven't the foggiest. Force of habit, I think.

I still come here and post a comment or two now and then, but I feel nothing about it anymore.

Good luck to Obama and Biden. I'm 100% confident that if they win, America will be somewhat less horrible in the coming four years than it would be under McCain.

But I'm also confident that NOT ONE of the meaningful changes I want to see will come to pass (protection of US industries and jobs, universal health care and K-Univ. education, return to pre-Reagan, or even pre-Kennedy income tax brackets, doubling of the estate tax, a law limiting state sales taxes to 5%, tax breaks for companies in which the highest-paid employees make no more than ten times more than the lowest-paid, huge tax increases on companies that pay their execs like sultans, etc. etc.) Mark my words - Obama wins, and America will continue to go down the path of becoming ever LESS progressive. It will just do it at a slightly slower pace (oh, and the deficit might be a bit smaller...)

For those who are excited about this ticket, by all means, enjoy the excitement - it's not the ticket per se that is rotten, it's the party and the whole system itself. In a better America, with a better democratic party, Obama could be a bit more strident, without being seen as "the scary black", and Biden wouldn't have had to sell his soul to the bankers and the war hawks. They are a product of the system, and certainly not the worst we could have had served up to us. So by all means, pump up the candidates and get enthused. This will be my last negative word before election day about either of them, so as far as anyone will know, I JUST LOVE THEM. YAY YAY. SIS-BOOM-BAH.

Look at that list of crazy shit.   ::)

lynnertic  (1000+ posts)       Sat Aug-23-08 10:27 AM
Response to Reply #8
25. that's just not american. 
that's Maoist.
Dutch (1000+ posts)      Sat Aug-23-08 11:10 AM
Response to Reply #25
46. LOL. How cute.
 I bet you wear a Joe McCarthy costume to hallowe'en parties, too!
El Pinko  (1000+ posts)      Sat Aug-23-08 11:32 AM
Response to Reply #25
54. And having unlimited income disparity is Bushist.
 So what's your point?

You don't equate Bushism with "American", do you?
El Pinko  (1000+ posts)      Sat Aug-23-08 10:03 AM
Response to Reply #7
19. Tax breaks...
 ...are a good way of encouraging good deeds on the part of business, which obviously has few other incentives to do so.

Besides, I did mention a return to pre-Reagan tax brackets. that would take care of a lot of the revenue shortfalls incurred by tax breaks.

and it goes on, and on, and on, and on....