The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: fatboy on March 24, 2019, 04:28:28 PM

Title: So far no bump for Trump at predictit or predictwise (2 hrs post Meller)
Post by: fatboy on March 24, 2019, 04:28:28 PM
Trump wins in a major beatdown of the democrats and after just 2 hours DemocratSinceBirth see no positive movement in the polls for Trump.

Sun Mar 24, 2019, 05:09 PM
 DemocratSinceBirth (91,930 posts)

So far no bump for Trump at predictit or predictwise

Those gaming markets give him a one in three to two in five chances of re-election. OTOH, a lot of loose talk about it doesn't matter who we nominate because a spinach omelette can beat him. That talk was always foolish and more importantly dangerous

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Are these people not insane?
Title: Re: So far no bump for Trump at predictit or predictwise (2 hrs post Meller)
Post by: Mr Mannn on March 24, 2019, 04:30:33 PM
NPCs are unable to process defeat. They will double down and claim victory.
Title: Re: So far no bump for Trump at predictit or predictwise (2 hrs post Meller)
Post by: FlaGator on March 24, 2019, 05:10:26 PM
NPCs are unable to process defeat. They will double down and claim victory.

It's not in their programming. They have no try {} catch {} wrapping code execution.
Title: Re: So far no bump for Trump at predictit or predictwise (2 hrs post Meller)
Post by: BadCat on March 25, 2019, 10:45:04 AM
It's not in their programming. They have no try {} catch {} wrapping code execution.

I wish they'd get a finally {} block.
Title: Re: So far no bump for Trump at predictit or predictwise (2 hrs post Meller)
Post by: SVPete on March 25, 2019, 11:45:04 AM
So DU-folk have moved from media polls to betting odds websites? :rotf: I guess DU-folk realize that there are things jiggering the sample model just cannot cover up. :rotf:
Title: Re: So far no bump for Trump at predictit or predictwise (2 hrs post Meller)
Post by: miskie on March 25, 2019, 05:23:57 PM
So, they are putting their faith in a predictions market about two years out, one of which has Trump easily winning, whereas the other has 'Unnamed Democrat' winning... Yes, of course.. what am I thinking ? I forgot the 'wish factor' - If one wishes hard enough, the FSM will reach out with a noodly appendage and grant said wish.

-- Frankly, the only markets I'd put stock in right now are those that make ropes and razor blades. Those are looking to be recommended as 'strong buys' very soon..