The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: dutch508 on October 15, 2018, 09:29:13 PM

Title: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: dutch508 on October 15, 2018, 09:29:13 PM
Star Member kentuck (88,858 posts)

Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?

I have to think that they do.

I think the Republicans are going to be in for a big surprise on Election day. That is my sincerest hope.

I believe the American people understand the disastrous road we have taken and will choose to go a different direction.

I have to believe...

GDP up
Unemployment down
Wages up
Foodstamps down

yeah- I hope the people see the road we are on...

Star Member bdamomma (48,730 posts)

2. hopefully yes

read this:

snip of article:

While psychologists have speculated from afar about President Donald Trump's mental instability, a psychologist said his manic episodes and the need for constant attention is making Americans anxiety-ridden and in need of mental health care.

According to a psychologist who spoke with Politico, Trump's distinctive brand of "provocation, brinkmanship, and self-drama," is leading to what she calls "Trump Anxiety Disorder" that is affecting even those who don't follow politics.


zipplewrath (13,215 posts)

5. We aren't ruled by the majority

This can't be said often enough. The majority isn't governing this country. Between quirks in the Constitution that were intended to protect, (not empower) the minority, gerrymandering, and a shifting population causing huge disparities in Congressional representation, the GOP has managed to build a ruling party without majority support. It is intentional on their part and they have no intention of trying to become a majority. Right now, depending upon how one wants to count, the Senate is controlled by GOP senators that represent roughly 20% of the population. The GOP has a majority of the seats in the House DESPITE not receiving anything close to the majority of votes nationally. The president won despite a large loss in the popular vote.

This is a dangerous trend. It rarely ever reverses itself. A ruling minority will tend towards preserving their control, not increasing participation. It also tends to discourage participation by the majority. We may win an election here and there, but fundamentally nothing will change until gerrymandering is truly ended and at least the EC is somehow "repaired" to balance out the representation to the population.


Mon Oct 15, 2018, 06:20 PM
Alwaysna (206 posts)

32. Eliminate fox news by reinstating the Fairness Doctrine.

This would also get rid of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity etc. But first the hard part is getting people to vote the right people in office.

Destroy Free Speech as it makes people not vote [D]

Cosmocat (11,483 posts)


Their 1/3 is insane, literally.
The "middle 1/3" hears them scream like lunatics, wants to believe "they are both the same" and thinks there must be something to what they are screaming about.
That is why we have what we have now - full republican rule and a psychopath in the white house.
1/3 of people were willing to accept him, and indulge republican **** wittery.

They have to be insanely bad for the country to punish them at the ballot box, like they did in 06 & 08, but all it took was them losing their GD minds over the democratic president penning THEIR FRIGGEN HEALTH CARE REFORM into law for the country to turn around and give them even more power in congress and the states than they had before in 2010.

The stupid is T H I C K in this country.

So, we are likely to make some big gains in November, but good bet the country goes back to indulging republican **** wittery past that ...


Star Member MrScorpio (70,429 posts)

10. Basically, we're hinging the future of America on a margin of white, registered likely swing voters

Not to mention whatever those who are successful against efforts to suppress the votes of people who will likely vote for Democrats.

We're already fighting our way uphill because the system is rigged in the favor or white rural voters, whose representation is multiplied exponentially compared to everyone else who are located in urban counties and cities.

If I said it once, I've said it a million times: We need to start spreading out to where the red areas of the country are and start turning them purple.

Unless we do that, we're always going to be ****ed.

if it wasn't for those pesky white voters in the fly-over states, clinging to their God, Guns, and Morality MrsCorpio and the left would be running shit by now.

Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: franksolich on October 15, 2018, 09:54:00 PM
if it wasn't for those pesky white voters in the fly-over states, clinging to their God, Guns, and Morality MrsCorpio and the left would be running shit by now.

Well, I see like a good Sambo or Quimbo--two of Simon Legree's sadistic black overseers in Uncle Tom's Cabin--Lamond's working hard to keep his people on the plantation.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on October 15, 2018, 10:06:31 PM
Well, they see the economy zooming like it was chugging Red Bull, and the Leftist scum Antifa acting like total a-holes where Democrats are in control, does that help, kentuck?
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: USA4ME on October 15, 2018, 10:09:56 PM
Quote from:
BoyPrimitive a/k/a Pineapple Head

If I said it once, I've said it a million times: We need to start spreading out to where the red areas of the country are and start turning them purple.

So is Lamond looking to move out of Detroit to somewhere like Hudson, KS?

Let's see how serious he is about his million time suggestion.

Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: Happy Fun Ball on October 15, 2018, 10:17:47 PM
Yes, the majority is seeing what road this country  is headed down, made all too clear last month. And now this majority is going to be voting in a few weeks, and it won't be for the democrats.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: SVPete on October 15, 2018, 11:17:12 PM
kt needs to stop drinking the :stoner: water after using it.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: franksolich on October 16, 2018, 01:08:41 AM
So is Lamond looking to move out of Detroit to somewhere like Hudson, KS?

And he's going to use his hate-whitey racism to convince people there?
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: FlaGator on October 16, 2018, 04:56:41 AM
The majority of the negative things happening in the Country are not caused by Trump. They are being caused by the left's violent response to Trump.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: 67 Rover on October 16, 2018, 07:09:57 AM
The majority of the negative things happening in the Country are not caused by Trump. They are being caused by the left's violent response to Trump.

This ^

The election of President Trump did not create the left's hate it revealed it.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: BadCat on October 16, 2018, 07:51:45 AM
We need to start spreading out to where the red areas of the country are and start turning them purple.

Well Lamond, come on down here and try.  You won't make it.  Not because you're black, but because you're an insufferable racist idiot.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: franksolich on October 16, 2018, 08:01:12 AM
Well Lamond, come on down here and try.  You won't make it.  Not because you're black, but because you're an insufferable racist idiot.

He's not going anywhere to turn any place purple; he's scared.

Remember, it's been almost two years that we've waited over on DU Jr. for him to show up to school us on the 2016 elections, which he promised to do, but mysteriously hasn't shown up yet.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: Wineslob on October 16, 2018, 01:27:22 PM

Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?

Next question.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: freedumb2003b on October 16, 2018, 01:56:15 PM
The LEGAL majority, yes.

We/they were the ones who voted President Trump in and are reveling in his nearly 300 accomplishments in his first 20 months in office.

As for the illegals and the gibmedats -- well, just be glad we don't require employment and proof you are not on the dole to vote.

Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: Patriot Guard Rider on October 16, 2018, 05:00:29 PM
GDP up
Unemployment down
Wages up
Foodstamps down

yeah- I hope the people see the road we are on...



Destroy Free Speech as it makes people not vote [D]


if it wasn't for those pesky white voters in the fly-over states, clinging to their God, Guns, and Morality MrsCorpio and the left would be running shit by now.

Yes, the majority of Americans see which is why there will be no blue wave. The liberal mindset exists only on the west   coast and the liberal northeast. They talk amongst themselves and convince themselves everyone shares their mindset, after all, they haven't met anyone who likes Republicans.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: jukin on October 16, 2018, 06:42:56 PM
I am storing my own blood at the bank because I am going to need it come November to keep from blacking out from schadenbonerness.

On edit. I guess Obama has taken over from Trump because the market went up 500 points.  Now last week Trump was fully in control of the economy.

BTW, where the hell is preezy Shit Midas?  Shouldn't his super popularity make him a go to guy for campaigning for the donks this midterm?
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: Karin on October 16, 2018, 07:51:19 PM
Even in northern New York, so mired from the Great Depression it never recovered from, there was a story on the local news.  It was the job fair held today at the Hilton.  Lots of happy people and activity, and very rare optimism.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on October 16, 2018, 11:01:10 PM
BoyPrimitive a/k/a Pineapple Head

If I said it once, I've said it a million times: We need to start spreading out to where the red areas of the country are and start turning them purple.

Sure, okay, we've got lots of unimproved land and a pretty fair number of backhoes, dozers, and excavators.

You may not like how public benefits are handled outside the blue urban centers, though.  Nowhere near as generous as you're probably accustomed to.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: SVPete on October 17, 2018, 08:18:29 AM
Star Member kentuck (88,858 posts)

Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?

I think they may, and that's your problem.
Title: Re: Does the huge majority of Americans see what is happening to their country?
Post by: Ralph Wiggum on October 17, 2018, 08:24:34 PM
It is always a great country.  Even when we go through periods of crappy Presidents, such as Clinton & Obama. 

There is no denying in what great economic shape our country now is enjoying.

Be miserable cranks all you want.  The resistance is futile.